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Tho he hadde at churche ido al that was to "Daithat," he seide, "that astonde so folliche done, at zoure rede, With his men myldeliche to his in he wende Forto don ous in his grace that evere was oure fo. Nadde Seint Thomas not ibeo at his paleys He hath ido ous meni schame, and thanne he 1920 wel longe, wole do ous mo. 1900 That this kniztes eft ne come here answere to The he habbe of you poer, he nath non of afonge.

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am, ze wite, as well as he.

Ich wot ich have a lute cofre, that stent hol and sound,

Ther beoth ut inne

3are ich am to spene

Forto awreke ous

Wende we to the

atte leste eizte hondred pound.

that, zut me thencheth 1925 to lute,

wel of him, and alegge his prute:

Kinge anon, and telle we of this dede,

And that him ne tideth nevereft pees, bote he p. 99. him therof rede."

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This threo Bischops hasteliche over see thane wei nome;

1910 The knites tho hi hurde this, faste hi chidde A lute bifore Cristes masse to the King hi 1930 echon;


And, tho hi nadde non other word, for wrath- Hi fonden him in Normandie. Hi fulle adoun the forth hem wende,


And tolde the Bischops here answere, that Hi beden him holden up his onur, and here hem thider sende.

The Bischops hem makede wroth ynouz, and thretnede faste, And natheles the tueye of hem withdrowe hem atte laste: 1915 The Bischop of Salesbury, and of Londone also, To holi churche wolde stonde, and to hire loking also. Ac tharchebischop of Everwyk anon him withsede:

help to beo.
Hi tolden him hou this gode man, tho he to
londe com,
Desturbede al holi churche and the kynedom;
And hou he hadde with grete prute in sen- 1835
tence ido

Alle that makede his sone Kyng, and assentede
And hou he, in despit of him, dude suche lither

rizt BEKET 1080. Cf. 2140. He ful adoun before the weved 1083. At seint Peteres weued ST. KENELM 252. Enclynede hire to pe heze weved 11000 VIRGINS 159. To po heze weued him bere ST. EDM, THE CONF. 452. He was ybured in pe munstre ywys, Ryzt byuore pe heye weued R. oF GL. p. 419, cf. 433; ags. reofud, veofod, veofed (vihbedd), ara, altare. 1898. in, inn, dwelling, lodging. Cf. 2004. 1902. assoilli, absolve. Cf. 1907, 2037. 1903. Beau frere. Die Anreden mit beau, bel sind dieser Zeit nach afr. Weise geläufig: po pe lettres were irad * Beau freres", he saide, "Ich wole loke what mie felawes of pis ping wollep rede ST. EDM. The Conf. 431. "Beau sire", quath the King tho, "thu saist wel ynouz." BEKET 425, cf. 435, 475, 2027, 2039. "Beaus seignurs!" 399. "Belami! thu hast", quath the King, "istole me moche god" 810. O, belami, þis pu dudest per, & pis per ANCR. RIWLE p. 306. Cf. 338. 1908. surance, assurance. 1911. word, answer. 1916. to hire loking, s. R. OF GL. II, v. 141. 1918. Daithat.. that astonde etc. Die Konstruktion von daithat mit dem Relativsatze, in welchem ein Konjunktiv eintritt, wird durch andere Beispiele gestützt: Dathet who the bimene! Amis a. AMIL 1569, wonach Daithat pat hire bymene! ST. KENELM 357., statt dai pat hire bymene bei FURNIV. Early E. P. p. 57. zu schreiben ist; hier fiel wohl wegen des unmittelbar folgenden pat die Sylbe that aus. Vgl. auch BEKET 2070. Das partikelartig als Interjektion erscheinende Substantiv tritt als solches noch öfter mit dem Zeitwort habbe, haue in ähnlicher Verwünschung auf. Dahet habbe that ilke best, That fuleth his owne nest O. a. N. 99. Datheit haue [wo der Text hane bietet] thou! SEVYN SAGES 2395. Die englischen Formen daithat, datheit, dahet entsprechen den afr. dehait, deheit, dehe, deshait, deshet, woneben selbst dahait angetroffen wird. Der Satz dehait ait, auch mal dehait ait enthält die ursprüngliche Verwünschungsformel, die sich zu dem elliptischen dehait verkürzte: Dehet ait ki s'en fait CHANS. DE ROL. p. 41. Delait qui chaut mes que soies garie AUBRI 180 in BEKKER Fierabr. p. LXVIII. Dehait qui plus le soufferra. CORTOIS D'ARRAS 39. in BARB. Fabl. et C. I. p. 357. Dehait = déplaisir, chagrin. 1923. stent = stant, stont, stands. In R. or GL. Chron, treffen wir in der vorhandenen Ausgabe stont: He stont as an yle p. 1. 1925. to spene, to spend, s. Sarmun 62. 1926. alegge his prute, depress, check his pride. Cf. Aleggen ich wulle his muchele mod Laz. III. 258. Thy pride we wolle alaye ARTH. 219. 1928. tideth, 8. ST. CRISTOPH. 219. bote he him therof rede. Das reflexiv gebrauchte him..rede, geht auf das Fassen eines Entschlusses, welcher hier nach dem Zusammenhange als ein strenger, entschiedener Beschluss zu nehmen ist. Cf. Nuste he.. what him was to rede BEKET 50.

And the lawes of the lond al out rizt withsede. And, forto paye the Kinges wille, Seint ThoThe King the he hurde this, for wraththe he

was nez wod;
1940 He zeode up and doun as witles, and ofte in
thozte stod.

"If alle that makede mi sone King he man-
seth," he sede,
"Mid the furste he manseth me, for hit was
mi dede.

Ho mişte in suche sorinesse such lyf longe lede?
The traitour aspilleth al that lond, and bringth
ous in wrecchede."
1945 Ofte he cursede alle that he hadde forth ibrozt,
That hi of the false preost, his fo, ne wreke
him not,
That desturbed al that lond and brozte in

As he geode up and doun, and this wordes sede,

His kniztes, tho hi hurde this, hi stode sone


1950 Hi bithozte stilleliche to paye the Kinges wille.
p.100. Foure that the meste schrewen were, bithozten
of a gyle,
And Sire Williem the Traci, and Sire Richard
the Brut;
Here names, for here schrewede, ne beoth not
forzute zut.
1955 Hi nome hem to rede stilleliche, to passi the

Sire Renald le Fizours, and Sire Hughe de


mas to sle.
Stilleliche hi wende forth, that no man hit

Hi were neźwhat atte see, er the King hit wiste.
Tho the King hit underzet, after hem he sende,
That hi levede here folie, and azen to him 1960

Ac this messager ne mite not atake hem mid
no ginne,

For er he com to the see, hi were fur withinne.

Tho makede the King deol ynouz, that hi were
forth iwend,

And that the messager hem ne oftok, that he
after hem isend.
Seint Thomas at Canterbure, a midewynteres 1965

Stod and prechede that folc, as meni man isay.
In his predicatioun he gan to sike sore,
And deol and sorwe makede ynouz, ne mişte

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1938. al out, quite, entirely. Cf. He forsok is wyf al out R. OF GL. p. 26. Kyng Edwine adde ywonne er al out the Brutons lond p. 244. 1939. The King. The King BLACK. Ein dem Artikel angefügtes 3 ist der Weise des Verfassers so fremd, dass wir es hier getilgt haben. the he hurde this statt tho he hurde this ist auffallend, doch finden wir z. B. the gut, s. 1842, wo ursprüngliches ags. pâ zu Grunde liegt, und lassen die abweichende Form stehen. 1941. makede. makedi BLACK. mansethamanseth, s. 1866. Cf. 1942. Daher: po mansed men MORRIS Allit. P. B. 774. Mansed fendes 18. C. 82, wo mansed wie cursed steht. In der entsprechenden Stelle von R. OF GL.'s Chron, steht: juf that he Amanseth alle thulke men, thanne amanseth he me p. 474, wo HEARNE zweimal fälschlich amauseth bietet. 1944. aspilleth, spills, destroys, ruins. Cf. That lond.. aspille BEKET 1350. The pays of londe aspille 388. Thi pays for to aspille 410. Bote ich mi soule aspille 356. Mi soule to aspille 1024. pat child forto aspille ST. KENELM 111. Ein ags. aspillan neben spillan, gespillan, forspillan, consumere, corrumpere, perdere, scheint nicht vorzukommen. 1945. that he hadde forth ibrost, whom I had forwarded, promoted, exalted. Cf. Allas", he seide, "thulke traitoure that ich habbe forth ibrozt BEKET 1487. Bei R. or GL. Chron. heisst es an der Parallelstelle: He acorsede alle thulke men, that he hadde worth ibroust, That of an false preste ne abbe eke him noust p. 474, worin die letzten Worte nach unserem Texte leicht zu verbessern sind. Inertes ac miseros homines enutrivi et erexi in regno meo etc. sind des Königs Worte nach d. Vita S. Thom. auct. EDW. GRIM in GILES Vit. S. Thom. I. p. 68. 1950. to paye the Kinges wille etc. Sire Reinaud Le

fizours, sire Roger Brut also, Sir Hue de Mornile, Sir Willam Traci therto, Hii nome hom to rede, & uor to paye is wille, Wende forth to Engelond R. oF GL. p. 475. Erant autem inter astantes quatuor milites quorum hæc sant nomina Raynaldus filius Ursionis (Réinalz li fiz Urs VIE DE S. THOM. LE MARTYR p. 136. in den Abhandlungen der K. Akad. der Wiss. zu Berlin 1838.), Willelmus de Traci, Hugo de Maurevilla, et Richardus Brito, qui cognoscentes...credentesque quod quicquid de archiepiscopo fieret gratum ei foret, jam de animadversione in virum Dei cogitare cœperunt Vita S. Th. a. Rogerio de Pont. in GILES V. S. Th. I. p. 160. to paye, to please, hat gewöhnlich ein persönliches Objekt bei sich; doch vgl. 1956, und To fonde to paye this Kinges wille BEKET 853. R. OF GL. 1. c. 1954. schrewede schrewhede. 3ut. ut BLACK, was uns keine angemessene Deutung zuzulassen scheint. 1961. atake = oftake 1964, overtake. Cf. Fast have I priked.. for your sake, Bycause that I wolde you atake Cn. C. T. 12512. Unser Verfasser hat auch sonst oftake: Whan hi ne mite nozt hem oftake, azen hi turnde tho BEKET 53, wie in gleicher Bedeutung ofgo: Me ne mit hem not ofgo 52. Oftake ist auch R. OF GL.'s Chron. wie schon LAJAMON etc. geläufig. 1969. He wep and lokede therto hou the teres urne adoun. Auffällig sind die Worte and lokede therto etc. Häufig ist die Wendung: He wep that the teres urne adoun BEKET 1424. Hudde here eje & wepe pat pe teres vrne adoun ST. EDM. THE CONF. 250. Soll etwa ein ähnlicher Gedanke hier ausgedrückt sein, wie in: The teres urne out of his ezen, he ne mizte hem werne nost BEKET 1274.?, Er sah dazu wie die Thränen rannen." 1973. Y ne worthe nost her longe. Das Präs. y worthe steht hier im

Sinne von I shall be.

Ich schal for holi churche riąt quik thane deth Ther was gret wreche of God, as al that folc

1975 Biddeth for me, for Godes love, and for holi

That is almest ibrozt

afonge. churche also, to grounde, bote God nyme zeme therto. Ac thane deth ich wole fawe afonge, whan hit is Godes wille, For the rit of holi churche rather than heo aspille."

Boc and candle he nom anon, and amansede

1980 Alle that werrede holi

Whan hi that bred forsoke, that tofore him

isay, lay:

Bi a Fridai, thulke zer, was Cristes masse day. 2000
As this four lithere kniztes of wham we gonne


To Engelonde were icome, Seint Thomas forto quelle,

To the castel of Saltwode a Seint Thomas day
hi come,

Six mile fram Canterbury, and ther here in
And Sire Randolf de Brok to hem com wel 2005


rizt there churche, and azen hire riztes were; And nameliche Sire Randolf de Broke, and Sire Robert de Brok also, Thulke nişt hi nome here red the lithere dede That the bischopriche of Canterbury mid unto done. rizt hadde misdo. Amorwe, a Childerne masse dai, as God the For the while Seint Thomas was out of londe, grace sende, the King Henri bitoc Sire Randolf de Brok to Canterbure wende, The bischopriche al to loke to Sire Randolf de Forto enquere of Seint Thomas, whar hi him Brok; mişte fynde, 1985 And he makede Robert de Brok, his clerk that That he ne drowe him not awei, ne hudde 2010 was tho, him bihynde. Wardeyn therof under him, that dude the lond wel wo.

He destruyde al the bischopriche, and to him nom and drou},

And let him gret bold arere. of that he nom with wouz.

Therinne a Cristes masse dai, tho this mansing was ido, 1990 He sat and et nobliche, and meni with him also.

He caste houndes of his bred that bifore him

lay, p. 102. And everech hound hit forsoc, as al that folc isay.

Tho handlede he other bred, and let menge hit atte laste With other bred ther biside, and amonge the houndes hit caste. 1995 Al that he ihandled hadde, the houndes hit


And chose out thother ther among, and clanliche hit ete.

The mansing was on him isene anon thulke


This kniztes thane Tuesdai nolde no leng bileve,

Ac wende forth to Canterbure wel er hit were

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1978. rather than heo aspille. Das Verb aspille, welches wir gewöhnlich transitiv gebraucht finden, wie in den 1944, angeführten Beispielen, steht hier intransitiv. Cf. Hold up the rit of holi churche, that heo fulliche ne spille! BEKET 1560. 1980. werrede, warred, made war upon. Cf. Have reuthe..of holi churche, and ne werre hire no more BEKET 1596. þurf holi churche he gan to fiste, & amansede alle peo pat werrede pe churche of Canterbure ST. EDM. THE CONF. 512, cf. 18. 500. 1981. Robert de Brok. Cf. Quidam Robertus de Broc,

qui quondam clericus fuerat, et postea monachus in vestibus albis, sed post apostata et ad seculum transfuga. Vita S. Thom. auct. WILLELMO FIL. STEPH. in GILES Vita S. Thom. I. p. 288, cf. p. 292. Von ihm wird ebendaselbst erwähnt, dass er zum Hohn ein Pferd des Erzbischofs am Schweife verstümmelt hatte, was auch in Vie S. Thom. le martir ed. BEKKER p. 131 als Grund der Exkommunikation erwähnt wird. 1984. to loke s. 1815. 1988. bold, mansion. Cf. Hæh bold him makede LA. I. 302. pat folk he hett of pe town so noble bold per rere, þat in al Engelond so noble a cite nere R. OF GL. p. 44, ags. bold, domus, atrium. 1993. menge, mingle. 1995. forlete, left alone. 2003. To the castel of Saltwode. Cf. Illi quatuor barones.. circa eandem horam diei unius in Angliam apud castrum de Saltwode, ad familiam de Broch congregantur Vita S. Thom. auct. WILLELMO FIL STEPH. in GILES V. S. Th. I. p. 291. A Saltewode sunt venu e asemblé. E dan Randulf del Broc fu encontre els alez; Al chastel les aueit conduiz e ostelez. VIE DE ST. TH. LE MART. p. 137. 2010. hudde, hid. 2016. With his privei clerkes etc. Cf. En la chambre seeit od sun privé clergié Vie de S. Th. le Mart. p. 138. 2023. of the baronye also That thu holdest.. in chief. Baronien wurden die grösseren Güter (majora dominia), welche


ne schal not go so; That thu holdest of him in chief, do that thu And bynyme his croune, if thu mit, ac hit auztest to do. ne worst nevermo." woldest beo in his stede, thu

2025 The clerkes that thu bringest with the, if hi And king thu

wolleth her astonde,

Swerie the King true to beo, other hi schulle
out of londe."
"Beau sire," quath this gode man, y nele the
nozt lie:
Ich wole do the King that ich auzte for the
Ac nolde God that holi churche under fote
were so,

2030 That ich, other mi clerkes eni of hem do.
Thu wost wel that alle the lewede men that
beoth in his londe,

p.104. Ne swerieth not thulke oth, as ich under-
Nou wolde ze holi churche in gret servage do,
In more than a lewed man; nai, ne worth hit
nozt so."

Of the heste that we

"Certes, sire,"

Ac ich him wole

[ocr errors]

p. 105.

thenche not therto;
quath Seint Thomas, "y ne 2050

as ich may,
rathere therto helpe so moche

And for him and his honur ich bidde nit and

For ther nis non an urthe that ich lovie more

Than ich do him, sauf his fader, that mi lo-
uerd is.
Magdalene, to sothe ich 2055
sigge the,
bituene mi louerd and

A Seinte Marie dai
Thacord was ymaked

And he seide me that

2035 "Me thin3th wel," quath Sire Renald,
nelt do nothing
bringeth the fram oure "Avoy! sire preost!"
louerd the King.
his half, that thu assoili

We hoteth the ek, in


habbeth misdo
ich lete amansi alle that


"thu Mi churche, that is his owe moder, and that
ich habbe ido."
moche thu spext neż,
quath this other,
owe louerd, thou nert 2060
nothing slez.

The Bischops that thu hast in sentence ido."
" hit nis
"Beau sire," quath Seint Thomas,
mi dede nozt,
owe mouth hi beoth in
sentence ibrozt;

2040 Ac thurf the Popes

And, thu wost wel,
"Thurf the Pope,"

y ne mai not the Popes
dede undo."
quath Sir Renald, "ido?
thurf the hit is so."
"If the Pope," quath Seint Thomas, “hath in
sentence ibrozt
That habbeth mi churche misdo, hit ne mis-
paeth me not."

2045 "In eche manere thu schewest wel," Sire Re-
nald seide tho,
"Forto anuye oure louerd the King, and thu
ert his fo.
Wharthurf we wel iseoth, thu wilnest him do


Thu desclandrest thin

let do
Saistou that mi louerd the King in mansing

Alle that makede his

Nas hit al bi his owe

sone King, ne consen-
tede he therto?
dede, and bi non other
manes lore?

Avoi! sire preost!" he seide, "bithench the bet,
ne sai thu so nomore."
"Sire," quath Seint Thomas, "thu wost wel 2065
hit was so;
For thu were ther tho the silf, and meni other
Archebischops and Bischops, and other grete
and heze,

3e, vyf hondred men and mo, as the silf iseze." p. 106
"Beo stille!" quath this lithere knit, "hold
thi mouth, ich rede.
that hit so sede.
Thu missaist foule thin owe louerd, daithat 2070

die Prälaten vom Könige zu Lehen trugen, in Frankreich und England genannt. Die Worte in chief entsprechen
der mlat. Bezeichnung in capite: Archiepiscopi, Episcopi, et universæ personæ regni, qui de Rege tenent in capite,
sicut Baroniam CONC. CLARENDON 164, bei DU CANGE, s. baronia. Tenere in capite dicitur, qui nullo medio ratione
feudi domino subjectus est: apud Anglos specialiter, qui a Rege seu Corona feudum suum tenet 1B. v. tenere.
2030. That sc. swerie the King
2025. astonde, abide, remain, steht schon bei La. neben atstonde.
2037. in his half, mlat. ex parte ejus. Cf. Ex parte regis vobis edicimus etc.
true to beo, of. 2023, 2026.
Vita S. Thom. auct. Ed. Grim in GILES V. S. Th. I. p. 73. Ex parte regis te diffiducio V. S. Thom. auct. Roger.
2044. mispaeth, displeases s. 1950. Neben
de Pont. IB. I. p. 168, wofür auch ex nomine regis steht Iв. p. 164.
paye trifft man öfter pae: For he ne mişte not pae the Kyng, and oure Louerd also BEKET 318, afr. paier, paer.
2059. Avoy! Diese
2046. anuye, annoy. Cf. Tho was the erl of Gloucetre anuid uor mani dede R. OF GL. p. 550. So ist auch wohl
zu schreiben: King Philip was anuyd (statt annyd) p. 487, afr. anuier, fâcher, fatiguer.
Interjektion, meist Ausdruck des Erstaunens und Unwillens, ist aus dem Afr. in das Alte. wie in das Mhd. eingedrun-
gen: Avoi! 2064. Atoy! hit is your vylaynye, je vylen your seluen MORRIS Allit. P. B. 863, mhd. Avoy! wie stolz-
lichen si relt! WIGAL. 9275, afr. Avoi! funt il, franc duc corteis, Qu'est ce dunt tu nos aparoles? Tot apertement
nos afoles BENOIT Chron. ed. Fr. Michel 23528. Die Erklärung englischer Lexikographen durch away! und avoid
hat wenigstens keine etymologische Bedeutung, da das Wort auf ah voi (v. voir) beruht. thu spext ne3. Das
Adverb nej, nigh, gehört zu to moche, too much. Die Verbalform spext, speakest, ist dem Dialekte des Verfassers
2060. desclandrest, slanderest. Das entsprechende
geläufig, cf. BEKET 768, ST. DUNSTAN 125, ST. KATHER. 214.
Hauptwort desclandre steht 2071. nothing sles, nought sly. Das g hat BLACK in nothing hinzugefügt. 2070. daithat
that etc. Wir haben that hinzugefügt, weil wir sonst die Stelle für unerklärbar halten s. 1918.

Ho mişte suffri such desclandre bote he nome The monekes songe compli, for hit was nez eve. p. 107. wrecche? Summe for this grete noyse fulle adoun for

Bi the fei that ich owe to God! me schal the another teche."

His felawes also everechone here armes abrod
And furde as men that wode were, and thret-
nede faste.
2075 To the monkes hi wende anon: "Cometh forth,"
hi sede,
Je holdeth her the Kinges fo, witeth him wel,
ich rede;

And her to the Kinges wille his bodi habbe
Other he schal zoure londes aboute and zoure
maners make bare."

"Sire Renald," quath Seint Thomas, "wenestou
ich wole fleo?


Summe bigonne to fleo aboute, as hi witles 2090


Seint Thomas nom a croice an honde, and other
armes non,

And therwith wel baldeliche zeode azen his fon.
The monekes urne to him sone: "Sire, merci!"
hi sede,
"For Godes love abyd zut, oure Louerd the
mai wel rede.
Suffre that we helpe the, other that we with 2095
the deye."
Some wolde maki the dores faste", tho hi
this iseye.
"Bileveth," quath this holi man, “ze ne doth
not as the wise:

2080 Nai, parde, not o fot, for the King ne for Singeth forth our evesong and oure Louerdes


"Bi Gode, sire preost," quath Renaud, "bi than thu wost than ende, Thi fleoinge worth swithe schort, thu ne schal not fur wende."

This kniztes in grete wraththe ynouz wende forth anon, And lete hem armi swithe wel, and come aze echon, 2085 With swerdes and with axes, and mid other armes mo;

Robert de Brok, the lithere clerk, was with

hem tho.

[ocr errors]


Me ne schal of holi churche castel make non.
Leteth foles a stounde awede and in here folies 2100
This knites come reken in here folies forto do:
"Whar is," hi seide, the traitour and fals
Bischop also?"
Seint Thomas nom the croiz an honde, and
andswerede his fon:
"Her ich am, Godes preost, ac traitour nam
ich non.

Secheth him that wole zu fleo, other threde 2105
zoure thretinge.

Into the cloistre of Canterbure with grete noyse No prestere ne beoth oure swerdes me to hi gonne weve:

dethe bringe,

He ne

2074. furde as men etc., behaved as men etc. Cf. pus furde pe lipere quene ST. KENELM 211. furde not as pis arcedeknes ST. EDM. THE CONF. 328. He zal & furde pitousliche ST. EDM. THE KING 86. Die Verbalform furde kommt auch in anderen Beziehungen im Dialekte des Verfassers vor: Hi furde the bet for him BEKET 20. Also furde thacord 1755. As hit bi oure Louerd furde BEKET 2141. Sie steht neben færde, ferde und gehört zum ags. fêran, fêrde, fêred, ire, nicht unmittelbar zu faran, för, faren, womit sie von Lexikographen zusammen geworfen wird. Vgl. gefêran, se habere aliquo modo: Frêcne gefêrdon BEOV. 1691 Gr. 2076. witeth, guard, keep. Cf. Ex parte regis vobis edicimus tam clerici quam monachi, ut hominem istum comprehendatis et teneatis, ne fuga lapsus evadat, donec rex de corpore ejus plenam justitiam fuerit consequutus Vita S. Thom. auct. Edw. Grim in GILES V. S. Thom. I. p. 73. 2077. habbe zare. Hier ist entweder habbeth zu

lesen oder habbe he, obwohl dies wegen des folgenden auf den König bezogenen he 2078, weniger angemessen scheint. 2078. maners, manors. Cf. The king sone wende To a maner ther beside R. OF GL. p. 497. 2080. nost o fot. Cf. He naros ane fot fram his boc ST. EDM. THE CONF. 427. Me clepep him godes wip wrong, pat ane fot ne mowe go ST. KATHER. 49. Der Fuss wird als Längenmaass betrachtet, ags. Ic pät gehâte, pät ic heonon nelle fleón fôtes trym BYRHTNOTH 246 Gr. 2081. bi than, then. Bi danne quanne he wenten agen GEN. a. Exod. 3704. Cf. 1023. 2082. thu.. schal thu schalt, s. MÄTZNER Gr. 1, 322. 2087. weve, go, move. Cf. Smot of Mordred his hefd, þat hit wefde (wond ä. T.) a.. felde LA3. III. 120 j. T. pou wylne ouer pys water to weue MORRIS Allit. P. A. 318. Eftsone he gan with ys ost into pis lond weue R. OF GL. p. 64. Das Zeitwort ist auch transitiv gebraucht. pa cnihtes.. weften up pa castles æte Laz. II. 373. His cheisible he gan of were BEKET 953; ags. vefjan, ire, vacillare. 2088. compli, compline, completory, cumpelie ANCR. RIWLE p. 22, 24, afr. complie, lat. completorium, completa, complenda. Mit diesem Abendgottesdienst schloss der Tag in den Klöstern, nach Benedikts Regel war dann jeder fernere Verkehr der Klosterinsassen untersagt. 2096. maki the dores faste. Wir setzen faste hinzu, ohne welches wir die Stelle für unvollständig halten; wenn wir in some und wolde daş e als stumm betrachten, so hat der Halbvers nicht mehr als vier Hebungen. Cf. Make faste pe dore after pe, & ne let no man in gon ST. EDM. THE CONF. 416. He bad his knave the dore to steke faste BEKET 683. 2100. awede, go mad. Cf. He ferde on his stede sule he walde awede LA3. I. 276. Wunder hit is that heo nawedeth 0.▲. N. 1382. He was so sori and so wrop pat he ney awedde R. OF GL. p. 162. Heo nez awedde ST. EDM. THE CONF. 109.; ags. ávédan, insanire. 2101. reken in, rush in. Der Infinitiv hängt von dem Verb der Bewegung come ab. COLERIDGE Gloss. Ind. v. irrt, wenn er reken als Adverb ansieht und durch quickly wiedergiebt. S. BODY A. S. 132. 2104. nam ich. nan ich BLACK. Ecce adsum non regis proditor sed sacerdos Vita S. Thom. a. E. Grim in GILES V. S. Thom. I. p. 75. 2105. threde steht offenbar für drede, dread. Vertauschungen der Lautzeichen

für d and th sind zwar nicht selten; hier mochte aber den Schreiber das bald folgende thretinge irre führen.

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