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Absence of teachers, 256
"Academies," 33

Academy inspectors, France, 34
Adelaide University, 46, 335
Advertising educational facilities, 5
Agassiz Association, The, 307
Age of scholars, 11, 287
Alaska, 9

Alumni, American, 296
America: National motto, I; citizens
made from the scourings of Europe,
70; the Kindergarten, 79; Kinder-
garten rooms, 83; teachers and
the blackboard, 92; citizens, con-
versational powers, 104; manual
training in, 117; sewing in, 130;
science teaching in, 142; domestic
economy, teaching in, 154; interest
taken in education, 176; excellence
in teaching, 182; normal schools,
184; proportion of normal gradu
ates, 197; conduct of public busi-
ness in, 210; general interest in
education, 211; good behaviour of
scholars, 242; schoolhouses, 244;
playgrounds, 248; adaptability of
buildings for work, 256; fondness
for comfort in, 268; elaborate
ventilating machinery in schools,
267; universities, 295; school
libraries, 319; liberality, 327
Arbor Day, 314

Architecture in America, 335
Arkansas, Proportion of male and
female teachers in, 234
Assembly, Fatiguing nature of, 256
Association of school superintendents,

Athenian's idea of education, 60
Attendance agent, 293
Attendance and compulsion, 290
Attention" in examinations, 53
Australia: Educational system in, 36;
sewing in, 130; teachers' associa-
tions in, 215; playgrounds, 248;
school-houses, 259; the ballot in,
292; authority in schools, 275;
authors popular in reading circles,


Baden, Compulsion in, 287
Baltimore, Manual training in, 118,


Ballard, Mr. H. H., 308
Bavaria, Compulsion in, 287
Beautiful, The, 131

Berlin, Class-room accommodation
in, 281

Birds, Killing of, 311

Birmingham, Plan of science teach-
ing in, 151

Blackboard work in America, 107, 269
Blair Bill, The, 8, 9, 234
Blow, Miss, and Kindergartens, 80
Board schools: Eng., 27; versus
private schools, 177

Boards, Educational, 11; functions
of, 12, 14

Boone on Education, 4
Boston, Mass., 50; Kindergartens
in, 80, 89; specimen of a science
lesson in, 166; proportion of male
and female teachers in, 234; num-
ber of pupils to a teacher in, 278
Boys, Playing propensities of, 250;
number of compared to girls, 282;
causes of their leaving school early,

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Card catalogues in libraries, 226
Cassell's illustrated works in South
Australia, 95; manual training dia-
Hand and Eye

grams, 113
training. 114
Centralisation, 17; in Australian colo-
nies, 37

Century Magazine on age of boys
leaving school, 285

Certificates to teachers, 18, 179; in
the States, 204
Challis, J. H., 42

Chapman, E, O., on reading circles,


Chautauqua University, 220
Cheerful appearance of American and
Australian school-houses, 259
Chicago, 49; manual training in,
118; proportion of male and fe-
male teachers in, 234; number of
pupils to a teacher in, 280; boy
and girl scholars in, 284; compul-
sion in, 292; school libraries, 319
Child-education, Fröbel on, 66
Children, poor Parisian, looked after,
Cincinnati, 51

City and Guilds of London Institute,
113, 122

City normal schools, United States,

City superintendents, 12, 13
Clark University, 334

Classes, Number of children in, 256,
273, 276

Cleveland, Manual training in, 118
Cogswell Polytechnical College, 330
Colour, Teaching children, 72
Coloured population, The, 9, 21, 279
Coloured pupils, Number to a teacher,
279; in general, 286
Colorado and libraries, 321
Columbia, District of, number
pupils to a teacher in, 278
Compulsion, 286

New York City and Washington,
133; in Philadelphia normal school,
186; cost of, 137

Cooper, Mrs. S. B., and Kinder-
garten, 82
Copying, 271

Corporal punishment, Extent of, in
America, 258

County normal schools, U.S., 184
County superintendents, 12, 13, 19
Course in Philadelphia normal school,
185, 188

Courses of reading circles, 217
Cramming, 30

Criticisms on the South Australian
code, 57

Dairy-work, Lessons in, 117
Dakota, Teachers' institutes in, 200;
number of pupils to a teacher in,
278; libraries in, 320
Decorum of American scholars, 251
Definition maps, 95

Degrees, Australian University, 40;
American, 297

Delsark system of calisthenics, 240
Denver High School, 335
"Departmental Council," 33
Depressing air of Paris schools, 262
Desks, 271; in infant schools, 74
Dickenson, Mr. J. W., 14

Dinners for Parisian school children,

Discipline of American teachers, 183;
mistaken, 257; secret of American,

District system, The, 15

District schools in Michigan, 19; in
America, 229

Districts, Educational, 2, 11
Domestic economy, 154
Double-banking," 256


of Draper, Hon. A. S., and drawing
syllabus, 99

Compulsory education, 17, 21, 22;
in France, 34; Germany, 36;
Australia, 38; New South Wales,
41; Victoria, 42; South Australia,
43; in general, 286
Congress, 3

Constitution of the States, 2
Continuation schools, 287

Cork County normal school, 155, 189
Cookery, Lessons in, 117; in Eng-

land, 130; in America, 131; in

Draper, Superintendent, 199
Drawing, 31

Drawing and form study, 96; sylla-
bus in New York, 99; in England,
96; in United States, 97; an in-
adequate term, 99; Colonel Par
ker's mode of teaching, 191; les-
sons on blackboards, 270

Dresden, Class-room accommodation
in, 281

Dublin Schools, Manual training in,

Dumb-bells, 252

"Écoles maternelles," 266
Economy as affecting the proportion
of the sexes among teachers, 235,
Education Department in England,
26; difficulties of, 28; its false
principle, 90


Education," Meanings of, 60
Education as a science, 202
Education Gazette, The, 139
Educational papers in England, 174
England, Education in, 24; sewing
in, 130; science teaching in, 142;
compulsory education in, 287;
school museums in, 311
English schoolroom pictures, 93;
Education Department's functions,
198; prejudices against Board
schools, 246, 254; school build-
ings, 247; playgrounds, 248;
school buildings, 252; estimate of
American education, 295
Enterprise, Business and educational
progress, 102
Examinations of teachers, 18; in
Australia, 40, 51; in New South
Wales, 52; in Victoria, 53; in
South Australia, 53; dominating
effect of, 75

Examples of examination questions,
'Exercises," 176

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Free education in England, 26;
France, 34; Australia, 39; Vic-
toria, 42]

Free meals in France, 264, 266
French system of public education,
33; infant schools, 265
Fröbel's ménage and system, 65;
his "Mother-Play and Nursery
Songs," 67

Furniture in St. Louis Kindergartens,
85; in schools, 268

Games in infant schools, 74
German Showy military order, 3;
educational system, 35; universi-
ties, 36; examinations, 48; techni-
cal education, 109; lithographic
pictures, 113; method of training
teachers, 178; care of ventilation,
267; compulsory education, 287
Girls, Secondary education of, in
South Australia, 44; number of
compared with boys, 282; longer
at schools than boys, 284
Gove, Mr. Aaron, 51
Governments of Canada and the
States, 2

Graduating in America, 295
Grammar school, II

'Grant payments," 26, 30
Graphic, The, in South Australia, 95
Grasnevin model farms, 116
Grove Hill board school, Hudders-
field, 301

Guilds, Teachers', in England, 174

[blocks in formation]

Foreigners, Effect of, in education in High schools, II; number of pupils

United States, 69

Form, Teaching children, 72

Form-study, 99, 103

Forster's, Mr., Education Act, 4, 25

Farming, Lessons in, 116

to a teacher in, 279; in Michigan,


Higher instruction, France, 35

Honesdale summer normal school,


France, Compulsory education in, 287 | Huddersfield School Board and

number of pupils to a teacher, 277;
natural history society, 299
Huxley, Professor, on science teach-
ing, 147

Idaho, compulsion in, 288
Illinois teachers' reading circle, 217,
218; boy and girl scholars in, 285;
compulsion in, 291, 292; school
libraries in, 319; pupils' reading
circle, 323
Illiteracy, 9

Illiterate, The, in society, 4
Illustrated London News in South
Australia, 95

Illustrated papers in schools, 91
Indiana reading circle, 218
Indianapolis, 49

Industrial education, 62; drawing in
Massachusetts, 98; school in
America, 117; training in Paris,
127; educational association of
New York, 213; education de-
partment of the Musée Péda-
gogique, 224

Infant schools, English, 74; pictures
in, 76; the French, 265
Infant School Act needed, 76
Influence of good teachers, 276
Inspector-General in France, 34;
South Australia, 43

Inspectors in England, 27, 28; in
New South Wales, 42; in South
Australia, 53

Institutes in South Australia, 321
Iowa reading circle, 218

Jefferson, 4

Jermyn Street Museum, 32

Kansas course of reading circle, 217
Kent, Chancellor, 4

Kindergartens, 7, 63; gifts and occu-
pations, 67; instruction, 72; mis-
named in England, 78; tables, 74 ;
private, in England, 79; hours of
attendance in, 84; for negro child-
ren, 86; cost of tuition in, 87;
opposition to, 89; teachers, 82, 85,
87; work, 112; relation to manual
training, 124; in Philadelphia, 185,
187; their defect in St. Louis, 187;
in Cork County normal school, 189;
tables, 268; number of pupils to a
teacher in St. Louis, 279, 332
Kitchens in Paris schools, 264

| Ladies' schools, Germany, 36
Lady teachers, why encouraged, 235
Land devoted to education,
Lane, Dr., on manual instruction,

Language lessons in United States,
69; and form study, 104

Leeds, Plan of science teaching in,
151; Higher Grade School, 247,
252; fees of, 254

Leland Stanford University, 333
Lethbridge, Mr. E. B., 304
Libraries, Teachers', in England,
174; normal school, 187; of Cork
County normal school, 193; school,
316; society for providing, 322
Library, Educational, at Washing-
ton, 226

Lighting schools, 266

Liverpool and technical instruction,
112; cookery schools in, 131;
plan of science teaching in, 151,
154; teachers' guild of, 175;
teachers' guild, 213; school build-
ings, 247, 252

Location, Teaching children, 72
London School Board and technical
instruction, 113, 117; report on
science teaching, 149; school
buildings, 247, 252; number of
pupils to a teacher, 277; libraries,

Long Island City, Proportion of male
and female teachers in, 234; visitors
to schools, 240

MacAlister, Superintendent, 132; on
women as teachers, 237
McGreen, Professor C. H., on
teachers' institutes, 199

Manual training, 62, 110; in Dub-
lin, 116; in America, 117, 118;
teachers' opinions of, 119; in
New York, 121; in Washing-
ton, 122; in Springfield, Mass.,


Manual training school, The, 124
Maps in America, 93; in South
Australia, 94; modelling in sand,

Marenholtz, Baroness, 67
Marks, Allotment of, in South Aus-
tralia, 54, 56
Massachusetts, 14; institute of tech-
nology, 117; summer school, 221;
proportion of male and female

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