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Editorial and Official Notices, &c.

THE OFFICIAL CIRCULARS TO CLERKS of Counties, Cities, Towns, and incorporated villages, accompanying the certified apportionment of the Legislative School Grant for 1851 will be found on pages 75-77.

FRENCH AND GERMAN TEACHERS.-The following section has been added by the Council of Public Instruction to the "Programme of the Examination and classification of Teachers of Common Schools in Upper Canada," numbered I, and published in the Journal of Education for October, 1850, page 150 :

8. In regard to the teachers of French or German, a knowledge of French or German grammar be substituted for a knowledge of English grammar; and that the certificates to the teacher be expressly limited accordingly.

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The foregoing is designed to apply to teachers of Common Schools in the French or German languages in the parts of the Province only where those languages prevail.'

THE RECENT NORMAL SCHOOL EXAMINATION.-From the British Colonist of the 30th instant.-The sixth session of this admirable institution closed yesterday, after a long and thorough examination of the students, in the various branches of education which have occupied their attention during the last nine months. The examination extended over five days, four of which were devoted to the preparation of written answers to printed questions, which, we learn, will be deposited in the Education Office, for future reference, if necessary. The fifth day, Thursday, comprehended a public examination of the whole class in the principles of Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, &c., together with Grammar and organization of Schools, in the forenoon. In the afternoon, the class was examined before a highly respectable audience, in Natural Philosophy, Agricultural Chemistry, History and Geography. The answers of the students were given in far better style than at any former occasion, and exhibited, in an admirable manner, the attention and care of their instructors, Messrs. Robertson and Hind. In consequence of the unavoidable absence of His Excellency the Governor General, the prizes awarded by His Excellency for the greatest proficiency

lowing additional municipalities have ordered copies of the Journal for its offices, or for each school within its boundaries, viz. County of Norfolk and County of Middlesex; Townships of Waterloo, Puslinch, Loughborough, Amherst Island, Wolfe Island, Lanark Intimation and Darling; City of Hamilton and Town of Perth. has been received that other Municipal Councils are about proceeding in the same liberal and enlightened spirit of coöperation. The plan of ordering a copy for each municipal officer in the various townships has been adopted by some of the county councils. The plan is an excellent one, It furnishes official and other information periodically in a convenient form, and without incurring heavy postage and other expenses. It is satisfactory to know, that the number of subscribers obtained thus far for the IVth Volume of the Journal of Education, for 1851, more than doubles the entire number obtained during the whole of 1850.

The Clerk of one of the Municipalities in transmitting the order of the Council, remarks:

"Having at the last meeting of the Municipal Council been authorized to perform the pleasing task of ordering, and remitting the price for several additional copies of the Journal of Education, and of the School Register, enclosed you will find the amount for them in full.

"Our Council is desirous to encourage the Journal of Education; the members, however, think it prudent to begin by subscribing for a copy for each school located in the Township,-thus you may be certain of the same number being annually subscribed for; and so soon as the people will know of its utility, a steady and regularly increasing support may be relied on.

"You'will be glad to learn that our schools are rapidly improving under our excellent school law. Considerably more than one-half of the youth under tuition in this Township are receiving a free education. I am confident that by prudent management, the other schools of the township will be free in a year or two; so that our justly esteemed Superintendent of Education will (much sooner than he anticipated) have his wishes gratified."

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in Agricultural Science, were distributed by the Rev. J. Jennings, OBJECT AND TABLET LESSONS can now be obtained at

who addressed the audience at some length on the present condition and future prospects of the Normal School, as well as on the changes about to be introduced by the Council of Public Instruction, in relation to the length of the session and the attendance of students. After a few obversations from Mr. Robertson, the students sang God Save the Queen. The exercises of the day closing with a benediction from the Rev. J. Jennings. The names of the successful competitors for His Excellency the Governor General's prizes are,First Prize, Royal W. Hermon. Second Prize William Crewson.

THE NEXT SESSION OF THE NORMAL SCHOOL, will commence on Tuesday the 19th of August next, and continue for a period of from four to five months. The revised terms upon which candidates will be admitted to the Institution, will be published in this Journal as soon as they shall have been decided upon by the Council of Public Instruction for Upper Canada. The present session of nine months closed upon the 31st instant.

THE CHIEF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, having accomplished the objects of his mission to Europe, expected to leave England by the Cunard steamer Asia, on the 24th instant: 'or, at the latest, by the Collins steamer, Pacific, on the 28th. The Corner Stone of the new Normal and Model Schools and Education Offices will be laid with appropriate ceremonies, as soon after his return as possible.

MUNICIPAL ORDERS FOR THE JOURNAL OF EDUCATION.—In addition to the cordial coöperation in the publication of the Journal of Education which we have already received, and referred to in our February number, we are happy to be enabled to state that the fol

the Education Office. Coloured Object Lessons, 3s. 9d. dozen per Plain, 40 for a dollar; Reading Tablet Lessons, 1s. 4d.; Arithmetic ditto, 2s. 4d. The maps, &c., are expected shortly.

REQUEST-At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Householders

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of School Section, No. 10, it was moved by James Findlay, seconded by Thomas Brown, and passed unanimously, that it is the earnest wish of this Meeting that all clergymen of the Protestant faith residing, or officiating as such, in the township of Scarboro, would give atleast one Lecture upon Education in this School House during the year 1851. Also, that they would notify at the School, or to the Trustees of the Section, the day and hour of Lecture. GEORGE AUBURN, Chairman.

Scarboro, May, 1851.

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WANTED a School by a Teacher who has been trained in

the Normal School. Satisfactory references can be given.' Salary, about £60. Address (post paid) to W. M, No. 105, King Street West, Toronto. May 12, 1851.

WANTED, a Teacher for the Common School in Section No.

1, Township of Waterloo, County of Waterloo. One who has a Certificate from Normal School would be preferred. Apply to S. B. Bowman, Amos M. Cleming, Robert Ferrie, Trustees.

WANTED, a Teacher for Section No. 2, Seymour East.

Salary £50 per annum, without Board. Apply, post paid, to Wm. Leak, Trustee.

TORONTO: Printed and Published by THOMAS HUGH BENTLEY, TERMS: For a single copy, 5s. per annum; not less than 8 copies, 4s. 41d. each, or $7 for the 8; not less than 12 copies, 4s. 2d. each, or $10 for the 12; 20 copies and upwards, 3s, 9d. each. Back Vols. neatly stitched supplied on the same terms. AR subscriptions to commence with the January number, and payment in advance must in all cases accompany the order. Single numbers, 74d. each.

All comniunications to be addressed to Mr. J. GEORGE HODGINS,
Education Office, Toronto.

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1. Modern Systems of Education and their Founders-No. 3. Dinter, II. A Visit to Girard College, Philadelphia,-Communicated by T. H., III. The Ancient Roman System of Education, IV. SCHOOL ARCHITECTURE-Three illustrations, V. MISCELLANEOUS. 1. The Beauty of Life. 2. Tellurian (illustrated.) 3. The Voyage of the Dead. 4. Education of Mechanics. 5. Colonial Empire of Great Britain. 6. Curiosities of Art. 7. Empire of China, 7. Impressions in Youth. 8 Philosophical Sentiment. 9. Derivation of Yankee. 10. Frugality. 11. Haroun al Raschid. 12. Moral from Longfellow. 13. Taxes like Vapours. 14. The Heart's Arguments. 15. Study of the Classics, and three other short articles,

VI. EDITORIAL. 1. Official Circular to Local Superintendents on the Distribution of the School Fund for 1851. 2. Text Books-Municipal Councils. 3. Governor General's Prizes in the Normal School. 4. Hints to Teachers, .. VII. EDUCATIONAL INTELLIGENCE: 1. Canada. 2. Prince Edward's Island. 3. Jamaica. 4. British and Foreign. 5. Sweden. 6. India. 7. United States. VIII. LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. IX. Editorial and Official Notices-Advertisements.











"Ich versprach Gott: Ich will jedes preussische Bauerkind für ein Wesen ansehen, das mich bei Gott verklagen kann, wenn ich ihm nicht die beste Menschen-und Christen-Bildung schaffe, die ich ihm zu schaffen vermag."

"I promised God, that I would look upon every Prussian peasant child as a being who could complain of me before God, if I did not provide for him the best education as a man and a Christian, which it was possible for me to provide."

Dinter's Letter to Baron Von Altenstein.

Such was the celebrated pledge of this memorable man; and nobly did he, by his untiring energy and industry, redeem his solemn vow to promote popular education among his fellow countrymen.


Gustavus Fredrick Dinter, or, as he was at a later date more generally styled, School-Councillor Dinter, was born in Borna, near Leipsic, in Saxony, in 1760. A cotemporary memoir states, that he first distinguished himself as principal of a Teacher's seminary in Saxony, whence he was invited by the Prussian government to the station of School-Counsellor for Eastern-Prussia. "He resides at Koenigsberg, and spend about ninety days in the year in visiting the schools of his province, and is incessantly employed nearly thirteen hours a day for the rest of his time, in the active duties of his office and that he may devote himself the more exclusively to his work, he lives unmarried. He complains that his laborious occupation prevents his writing as much as he wishes for the public, yet, in addition to his official duties, he lectures several times a week, during term-time in the University at Konigsberg, and always has in his house a number of indigent boys, whose education he superintends, and, though poor himself, gives them board and clothing. He has made it a rule to spend every Wednesday afternoon, and, if possible, one whole day in the week besides, in writing for the press; and thus, by making the best use of every moment of time, though he was nearly forty years old before his career as an author commenced, he has contrived to publish more than sixty original works, some of them extending to several yolumes, and all of them popular. Of one book, a school catechism, fifty thousand copies, were sold previous to 1830; and of his large work, the School-Teacher's Bible, in 9 volumes 8vo., thirty thousand copies were sold in less than ten years.

"He is often interrupted by persons who are attracted by his fame, or desire his advice; and while conversing with his visitors, that no time may be lost, he employs himself in knitting; and thus not only supplies himself with stockings and mittens, suited to that cold

climate, but always has some to give away to indigent students and other poor people. His disinterestedness is quite equal to his activity, and of the income of his publications he devotes annually nearly five hundred dollars to benevolent purposes. Unweariedly industrious, and rigidly economical as he is, he lays up nothing for himself. He says, "I am one of those happy ones, who, when the question is put to them, "Lack ye any thing? (Luke xxii. 35,) can answer with joy, 'Lord, nothing.' To have more than one can use is superfluity, and I do not see how this can make any one happy. People often laugh at me, because I will not incur the expense of drinking wine, and because I do not wear richer clothing, and live in a more costly style. Laugh away, good people; the poor boys also, whose education I pay for, and for whom, besides, I can spare a few dollars for Christmas gifts and New-year's presents, they have their laugh too."

Dinter, in his autobiography, gives some surprising specimens of gross incapacity in teachers, even subsequent to 1819. The following anecdotes are from that interesting work, Dinter's Leben von ihm selbst beschrieben

In the examination of a school in East Prussia, which was taught by a subaltern officer dismissed from the army, the teacher gave Dinter a specimen of his skill in the illustration of scripture narrative. The passage was Luke vii., the miracle of raising the widow's son at Nain. "See, children, (says the teacher,) Nain was a great city, a beautiful city; but even in such a great, beautiful city, there lived people who must die. They brought the dead youth out. See, children, it was the same then as it is now-dead people couldn't go alone-they had to be carried. He that was dead began to speak. This was a sure sign that he was alive again, for if he had continued dead he couldn't have spoken a word.

In a letter to the King, a dismissed school-master complained that the district was indebted to him 200705 dollars. Dinter supposed the man must be insane, and wrote to the physician of the place to enquire. The physician replied that the poor man was not insane, but only ignorant of the numeration-table, writing 200705 instead of 275. Dinter subjoins, "By the help of God, the King and good men, very much has now been done to make things better."

In examining candidates for the school-teacher's office, Dinter asked one where the Kingdom of Prussia was situated. He replied that he believed that it was in the southern part of India. He asked another the cause of the ignis fatuus commonly called Jack-with-the-lantern. He said they were spectres made by the devil. Another being asked why he wished to become a school-teacher, replied, that he must get a living somehow-a very common reply, even in Canada.

A military man of great influence once urged Dinter to recommend a disabled soldier, in whom he was interested, as a schoolteacher. "I will do so," says Dinter, "if he sustains the requisite examination." "O," says the Colonel, "he doesn't know much about school teaching, but he is a good moral steady man, and I hope you will recommend him to oblige me." D.—O yes, Colonel, to oblige you, if you in your turn will do me a favour. Col.-What is that? D.-Get me appointed drum-major in your regiment. True, I can neither beat a drum nor play a fife; but I am a good, moral, steady man as ever lived. Of course neither appointments were made.

A rich landholder once said to him, "Why do you wish the peasant children to be educated? it will only make them unruly and disobedient." Dinter replied, "If the masters are wise, and the Jaws good, the more intelligent the people the better they will obey."

Dinter complained that the military system of Prussia was a great hinderance to the schools. A nobleman replied that the young men enjoyed the protection of the government, and were thereby bound to defend it by arms. Dinter asked if every stick of timber in a house ought first to be used in a fire-engine, because the house was protected by the engine? or whether it would be good policy to cut down all the trees of an orchard to build a fence with to keep the hogs from eating the fruit?

Towards the close of his autobiography, he says respecting the King of Prussia, "I live happily under Frederick William; he has just given me one hundred and thirty thousand dollars to build churches with in destitute places; he has established a new teacher's seminary for my poor Polanders, and he has so fulfilled my every wish for the good of posterity, that I can myself hope to live to see the time when there shall be no schoolmaster in Prussia more poorly paid than a common labourer. He has never hesitated, dur

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ing the whole term of my office to grant me any reasonable request for the helping forward of the school-system. God bless him. I am with all my heart a Prussian. And now, my friends, when ye hear that old Dinter is dead, say, May he rest in peace; he was a labourious, good hearted, religious man; he was a christian."" Dinter's personal history may be thus summed up: He was first a pastor at Kitzscher, near Borna; afterwards, in 1797, director of the Normal Seminary of Fredrichstadt, near Dresden. In 1807 he exercised the functions of Minister at Goritz; and in 1816 was named doctor in theology, member of the Council of Public Instruction at Koenigsberg and School-Councillor. He wrote extensively upon the subject of primary instruction. These writings are very popular in Germany. He died in 1831, highly respected and lamented by the Prussian nation.

A VISIT TO GIRARD COLLEGE, PHILADELPHIA. To the Editor of the Journal of Education for Upper Canada.

SIR,-Among the many objects of interest presented to a stranger visiting the city of Philadelphia, none has so much attraction for the educationist as that noble monument of philanthropy-the Girard College for Orphans-an Institution erected and endowed through the munificence of a private citizen of that city, for the maintenance and education of "poor male white orphans." Availing myself of the opportunity which a short stay in Philadelphia afforded, I visited the Institution for the purpose of obtaining such information, in regard to its management, &c., as would be interesting and useful; and, having obtained the usual order for admission, I waited upon the President, Mr. ALLEN, who, after a few remarks in reference to our system of education in Upper Canada, very kindly offered to conduct myself and friends through the College, and afford us whatever information we desired. With much pleasure we accepted his kind offer, and accompanied him through the several buildings which are set apart for the lecturerooms of the College.

There are five separate buildings connected with the Institution, all built of marble, and situated upon a nice plat of ground, about half-anhour's walk from the centre of the city. The main building, which is built in imitation of a Grecian temple, is surrounded by thirtyfour marble columns, each surmounted with exquisitely sculptured Corinthian capitals, and resting upon a platform sixteen feet high, which makes a fine promenade of about 15 feet wide, and is accessible by steps on all sides of the building. The other buildings are without ornament, and are used as residences for the President, Professors, and matrons, and also contain the dormitories for the pupils, and dining-rooms, lavatory, wardrobe, &c. Upon entering the spacious hall of the college, the first object which meets the eye is a marble statue of its founder, STEPHEN GIRARD, representing a low-sized, benevolent, yet eccentric-looking old gentleman, in plain citizen's dress, with his hands crossed before him. A smile plays upon his countenance, as if he were pleased at the wonder and admiration which the product of his wealth creates in the mind of the visitor; or as if he were in the act of welcoming the poor destitute orphan to a noble home where, (to use the words of his will,) "the purest principles of morality are instilled into the youthful minds of its inmates, so that upon their entrance into active life, they may, from inclination and habit, evince benevolence towards their fellowcreatures, and a love of truth, sobriety, and industry."

On either side of the statue, doors lead to the chapel on the left, and the directors' room on the right;-two spacious apartments. The chapel is plainly furnished. Across one end is a raised platform, set apart for the directors and officers of the institution, in the centre of which stands the President's reading desk. Bibles and hymn-books are placed on the boys' seats throughout the chape for their use while attending prayers every morning and evening. The directors' room is much about the same size as the chapel, and contains, besides the furniture usually required for a board-room, portions of the household furniture of Mr. Girard. In this room is preserved a valuable and interesting document, -a copy of a vote of thanks passed at a public meeting of the citizens of Philadelphia, expressive of their appreciation of Mr. GIRARD'S services during a plague which visited that city about 30 years since. The President, in alluding to it, informed us that while almost every one else was appalled and terrified at the visitation, Mr. GIRARD exerted himself both in person and by his wealth, to re

lieve the distresses of the unfortunate; and, on one occasion, was seen carrying on his back to the burying-ground, the corpse of one of the victims of the plague-there being few or none to undertake the office. Beyond the chapel and board-room are lecture-rooms, having galleries capable of accommodating about five hundred persons in each.

The President next conducted us to the lecture-rooms on the second floor, which are about the same size as the rooms underneath. In each of them we found the pupils under the charge, either of a professor, or a female teacher, and all intent upon their exercises. The scene in one of these rooms reminded me very much of the exhibitions I have witnessed at the Model School in Toronto. A class of boys were engaged at a sum in arithmetic, at the blackboard, under the tuition of one of the female teachers, and, at every question, hands were raised in token of their anxiety to be permitted to answer it; but only one being allowed to speak at a time, some had to be disappointed, while the one selected, proud of exhibiting his knowledge, shouted it in a manner that showed his appreciation of the selection. The stairs leading to the upper lecture-rooms, as well as the lobbies,—which are supported from the hall by beautiful marble columns-are also of marble. The reverberations in the hall and lobbies are like the echoes in a large cave; and, when after speaking or calling in a loud tone, can be heard for several seconds echoing on from one part of the building to another. It was found, shortly after the college commenced, that the reverberation of sound, produced by the vaulted ceilings of the lecture-rooms, rendered it impossible for the teachers to proceed in the discharge of their duties. This had to be remedied by introducing artificial ceilings of canvass, by which means the reverberation is destroyed, and the arches left undisturbed. The vaulting of these rooms was rendered imperative by the will of Mr. GIRARD, in order-as I suppose-as well to dispense with the use of wood in the building as to have a sufficient support for the marble floors of the rooms above.

On the third floor, are the library, and museum, &c., which are lighted from the roof; but not being able to procure the key, we could not obtain admittance. We then ascended a narrow stairs, and passing through passages between the arches which support the roof, emerged into the open air and stood for the first time upon the most remarkable roof I had ever seen, which is, I think, one of the greatest curiosities connected with the building--a roof of of marble! Six thousand tons of marble are here spread out upon the roof of a building 218 feet long, and 160 feet wide, at a cost of some thousands of dollars, and is supported by arches springing from the columns which surround the building on the outside. On a clear day, a fine view of the city and surrounding country can be obtained from the roof of the college; but as the rain poured down in torrents, accompanied with violent gusts of wind, shrouding everything in mist, we were unable to obtain a glimpse of any object save part of the college grounds and the cloudy vapour which enveloped the city, so that we were glad to rush from the scene and take shelter under the marble, since we could not endure the peltings of the storm on it.

After visiting the dormitories and lavatory,--which strongly reminded me of my school-boy days, and with them the reminiscences which early rising and cold water on frosty mornings always excite in my mind we were informed by the President, that as the dinner hour had arrived, we would have an opportunity of witnessing how the pupils are taught the lesson of patience-a piece of instruction they receive every day. Entering the dining-room with the boys, we could observe the regularity and order with which each proceeded to the seat allotted to him at the table,--at each of which one of the matrons presided to serve the dinner. The countenances of the boys showed, that although they were to submit to the inculcation of that virtue which so few possess, and which is so difficult to acquire, they knew that the exercise which followed was associated with the most agreeable sensations. When all were seated, one of the boys at each table, whose duty it was to act as waiter, rose up and carried the plates of his fellows to the head of the table to be supplied; after which he attended to himself, and took his seat. During the time he was thus occupied (about four or five minutes) the boys who had been supplied first, waited patiently with their dinner before them and their napkins arranged, ready for the attack, but not daring to commence. The tinkle of the President's bell told them that all were supplied, and that grace was about to be said. In a moment they were as still as possible, and remained so while

the President asked the Divine blessing upon the food provided : but as soon as he had concluded, a second scarcely elapsed before the work of demolition commenced, and proceeded with the vigour usually evinced by school-boys on such occasions.

From a remark of the President, while the boys were at dinner, I was induced to observe their countenances, and although not a professed physiognomist, was much surprised to find that, of about three-fifths of them, I could distinguish characteristics of the nation to which their parents or forefathers had belonged. The soft, quiet expression of countenance and the light hair of the Saxon, were easily distinguished, from the lively, animated, and humorous countenance of the Celt, although all in the Institution are native Americans. Some of the pupils are descended from the early settlers; but the majority are the children of English, Irish, and Scotch parents. The number at present in the college is 304.

The Institution is managed somewhat like our Normal School. The chief controlling power is a Board of Directors, who appoint the officers and admit the pupils. This Board is subdivided into committees: thus there is a Committee for the several departments of "Household", "Accounts," "Admission and Discharge," and "Library." For any article of books, stationery, &c., required in the several schools, the President sends a requisition to the Commitee on Instruction which decides whether so much of the article is required, or not. After it has been approved by them, the list is sent to the store from which such articles are obtained, and a bill and the articles sent to the college. At the end of each quarter, when the accounts are sent in, the Committee by which the order was approved, is the first to audit them; then the Committee on accounts, and lastly the Board of Directors; after which, the Board sends a requisition to the Commissioners of the Girard Estate for the amount -which is payable at the Treasurer's office by warrant from the Mayor of the city.

There is one extraordinary restriction connected with this bequest to which I would merely refer before closing my remarks: namely, the exclusion of clergymen of all religious denominations from visiting or holding any office in the college. On every order for admission to visit the institution, the extract from Mr. Girard's will, excluding them from all connection and intercourse with the College, is printed, so that no clergyman, knowing the restriction, can conscientiously enter an institution from which all his order are expressly excluded by the will of its founder. The reasons assigned for this extraordinary provision in Mr. Girard's will are, that the discussion of questions involved in a difference of religious creeds narrows the mind and has the effect of making the disputants denominational bigots; and that the proper time for persons to join themselves to a religious denomination is when they have arrived at maturity and are capable of judging between right and wrong. At the same time he has not attempted to interfere with the religious faith the pupils may have adopted before their entrance into the college, nor with the religious instruction afforded them by their mothers or friends during their stay in it; but has expressly desired that upon each pupil's entering life, he should attach himself to some body of Christians. That the late Mr. Girard was right in excluding ministers of religion from his college in the manner he has, is an opinion in which few in this country I think will be found to coincide, much less to advocate and defend either the necessity or justness of such policy in reference to any educational institution. T. H. Toronto, May, 1851.

THE ANCIENT ROMAN SYSTEM OF EDUCATION. A virtuous but rigid severity of manners was the characteristic of the Romans under their kings, and in the first ages of the, republic. The private life of the citizens, frugal, temperate, and laborious, had its influence on their public character. The (patria potestas) paternal authority gave to every head of a family a sovereign authority over all the members that composed it; and this power, felt as a right of nature, was never resisted, Plutarch has remarked, as a defect in the Roman laws, that they did not prescribe, as those of Lacedæmon, a system and rules for the education of youth. But the truth is, the manners of the people supplied this want. The utmost attention was bestowed in the early formation of the mind and character. The excellent author of the dialogue De Oratoribus (concerning orators) presents a valuable picture of the Roman education in the early ages of the commonwealth, contrasted with the less virtuus practice of the more

refined ages. The Roman matrons did not abandon their infants to mercenary nurses. They regarded the careful nurture of their offspring, the rudiments of their education, and the necessary occupations of their household, as the highest points of female merit. Next to the care bestowed in the instilment of virtuous morals, a remarkable degree of attention seems to have been given to the language of children, and to the attainment of a correctness and purity of expression. Cicero informs us that the Gracchi, the sons of Cornelia, were educated. non tam in græmio quam in sermone matris: in the speech more than in the bosom of their mother. That urbanity which characterized the Roman citizens showed itself particularly in their speech and gesture.

The attention to the language of the youth had another source. It was by eloquence, more than by any other talent, that the young Roman could rise to the highest offices and dignities of the state. The studia forensia (forensic studies) were, therefore, a principal object of the Roman education. Plutarch informs us, that among the sports of the children at Rome, one was pleading causes before a mock tribunal, and accusing and defending a criminal in the usual forms of judicial procedure.

The exercises of the body were likewise particularly attended to; whatever might harden the temperament, and confer strength and agility. These exercises were daily practised by the youth, under the eye of their elders, in the Campus Martius.

At seventeen the youth assumed the manly robe. He was consigned to the care of a master of rhetoric, whom he attended constantly to the forum, or to the courts of justice; for, to be an accomplished gentlemen, it was necessary for a Roman to be an accomplished orator. The pains bestowed on the attainment of this character, and the best instructions for its acquisition, we learn from the writings of Cicero, Quintilian, and the younger Pliny.

School Architecture.

The engraving on page 81 presents a view of the village schoolhouse erected by Z. Allen, Esq., at Allendale, North Providence, after designs by T. A. Teft, of Providence. It is situated in a beautiful grove, on a little knoll which admits of a basement room in the rear, originally designed for a library and reading-room for the village, but now occupied by a primary school. It is built of stone in a style very common in structures of this kind in England. The main room, which is intended for a school-room, although for the present used for lectures, and religious exercises, is very appropriately finished-the walls being made to represent stone work of a very subdued neutral tint, and the ceiling, supported by wooden tracery, is finished partially in the roof, leaving the necessary open space above to protect the room from the effects of excessive heat and cold. The ceiling, wainscoting, seats, desks, and doors, are grained in imitation of oak. It is thoroughly ventilated, and warmed by air heated in a chamber below.

In this very pleasing specimen of the Elizabethan style, and other varieties not commonly introduced into structures of this kind, Mr. Teft has broken, in Rhode Island at least, the dull monotony of the wretched perversions of architecture which characterize the village and country school-houses of New England. We have already in the second Volume of this Journal presented a few specimens of the Elizabethan style, in front and side elevations, for large and small schools, which can be easily modified to suit the wants of particular localities,

In many neighbourhoods it is a matter of economy to build of stone, and where this is the case, the style of architecture should be adapted to the material.

The style and arrangement of the seats and desks is indicated in figures 2 and 3. The end pieces are of cast iron, and so shaped, as to facilitate the sweeping of the room, and the pupils getting in and out of their seats, and at the same time are firmly attached to the floor by screws. This building is 30 feet by 20 feet.

The room is heated by a ventilating school stove, designated both for wood and hard coal. Fresh air is introduced from outside of the building by a flue beneath the floor, and is warmed by passing along the heated surfaces of the stove as indicated in the following section,

The smoke-pipe is carried in the usual way, high enough to prevent any injurious radiation of heat upon the heads of the pupils

below, to the centre of the opposite end of the room, where, afte passing through the ceiling, it enters the ventilating flue, which, commencing at the floor, is carried up through the attic and out. above the roof, as shown in figures 2 and 3. The heat of the smokepipe produces a lively upward current of the air in the upper portion of the ventilating flue, sufficient to draw off the lower stratum of air near the floor, and at the same time draw down, and diffuse equally through the room, the fresh air which is introduced and warmed by the stove at the opposite end.

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