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Educational Intelligence.


Ilems. The schools in the city of Toronto have been declared free schools by the Board of School Trustees from the 1st instant. The estimated expenses of elementary education in the city for 1851, is set down at £2,200-£293 of which is to be set apart as the nucleus of a building fund. The plan is an excellent one.--In relation to the proposed new central school in the city of Hamilton, the Spectator remarks, that, at a recent meeling of the "Board of school trustees, plans were submitted by Messrs. Cumberland and Ridout for a central school-a majority of the board having some time since decided upon adopting that system. The plan is chaste, and the building will have a fine appearance, although the strictest economy has been observed. The cost of the building, to accommodate 1,000 pupils, is estimated at £2,650. The board, by a vote of 6 to 2, decided upon the adoption of the plans; and the intention is to have the work under contract immediately. A site in St. George's Ward has been chosent as the cheapest and best adapted for the purpose; and it is hoped that some difficulties in the way of procuring that property will be overcome."--The school trustees of Belleville have applied for a tax of £1,600 to be levied for the purpose of building two common school houses. The town council of Brockville has appropriated £92) for the purchase of a site and the erection of a superior common school house. -Geo. Alexander, Esq., President


of the Teachers' Institute, Woodstock, has issued a circular to the teachers of common schools and others in the County of Oxford, urging upon them the importance of teachers' institutes. He announces that two or three days of the latter part of this month will be devoted to lectures on different subjects, before the institute.. -A school "convention" was recently held at Port Rowan, of which a correspondent of the L. P Advocate observes: "The object appears to have been to ascertain, by a brief examination, the present state of schools in the township of Walsingham, and to promote a general interest for education in that township. The scholars, composing no less than eight different schools, with their respective teachers and trustees, were present on the occasion. The house was crowded with spectators. The scholars were arranged in two divisions, which recited alternately. The questions were answered promptly by the scholars. Some of the classes distinguished themselves in the branches generally taught in the common schools, particularly arithmetic and algebra, Es far as simple equations. After the conclusion of the examination, several appropriate addresses were delivered.The Middlesex teachers' association held its annual meeting at Lonion, on the 5th instant. Officers were appointed, and an address ordered to be prepared on the subject of the regulations authorized for the granting of certificates to teachers; and the appointment of incompetent persons" as township superintendents. Examples of the best modes of teaching are to be given at the next meeting, on the 5th of July. Ia urging a full attendance of teachers, one of their number very properly remarks: Our legislators have done almost everything in their power for us. Money is most liberally granted. A Chief Superintendent, active, efficient, and friendly to teachers, is continued in his station. A Normal School, a provincial and a county board of public instruction, do all in their power for us, and for the good of the rising generation. Our school Act as a whole is not surpassed by any yet in operation in any county. What more can be done for us? If our collective wisdom can suggest any real improvements to forward education, we may obtain a hearing, and doubtless our petitions due consideration. Is it possible that we thus privileg d can let any opportunity of advancing in learning, pass unimproved? Let us unite in county and township associations, for mutual improvement. Let us devote our whole idle time to self education, and put forth all our energies to teach those entrusted to our care. Let us read and digest the most approved works on theoretical and practical teaching; and at all times be open to receive instruction and acknowledge it, from whomsoever we can get it. It is high time to awaken out of lethargy. Let us march onward, or step aside and give place to more competent teachers. The country is being aroused to the importance of sound, liberal, and useful education, and if we cannot keep in the van, let us fall into the rear."--Miss Haigh, formerly head female teacher at the U. C. London Union School, having been obliged to desist from teaching, owing to ill health, has been presented by her ex-pupils with a beautiful present of books, accompanied with an highly complimentary note.--At the quarterly meeting of the Teachers' Association, Oshawa, a correspondent of the Reformer states: "The attendance of teachers was greater than on any other occasion since the Institution was organized, and I may also say that we have never before succeeded in spending the time in exercises so profitable, so interesting, and so thoroughly practical. Mr. Johnston delivered an able address on the duties of the Teachers, and the best way of performing them," &e.In regard to the recent examination of the county grammar school at Beileville, a correspondent of the Intelligencer

remarks:-The manner in which the pupils acquitted themselves was exceedingly creditable to themselves, and to their excellent and indefatigable teacher, Mr. Alexander Burdon. There was present a goodly number of visitors who expressed their high satisfaction with the manner in which the school appeared to have been conducted. Several prizes were awarded. It is gratifying to find that our Grammar School still sustains its high character. We are glad also to learn, that the new edifice lately erected for its accommodation will soon be completed, and that then an assistant teacher will be employed for the English department.--The quarterly examinations of schools in various places are highly spoken of by the local papers. We subjoin one or two: Woodstock. The local superintendent says: "It may be satisfactory to know that the last quarterly examinations of our common schools in this place showed the most satisfactory results. It was most gratifying to witness the proficiency and progress of the children. I consider our schools, models in everything, but in the important matter of school accommodation, which is certainly miserable in all the houses, except in the one occupied by Mr. Izard. The examinations were continued through three half days. The teachers were present at and assisted in the examination of each others' schools; several also of the more advanced pupils went from school to school to witness the examinations; and at the close, on Tuesday, the teachers and several of the scholars, fron all schools, met and sang several pieces of music together. It was most pleasing to witness this harmon, among the youthful members of the community, and the example of the teachers will no doubt tend power ully to foster and increase it."---Paisley Block. The Guelph Advertiser states that, "On Friday Jast, a public examination of the school conducted by Mr. W. Cowan, Paisley Block, took place, and, we are glad to say, was attended by a considerable number of the most respectable inhabitants of the neighbourhood. The Revs. J. G. McGregor and R. Torrance, assisted by the local superintendent, and other parties, conducted the examination; which was very satisfactory in every department. After the examination, a handsome present, consisting of 18 volumes of books, the gift of the school trustees, and neighbouring inhabitants, was presented to Mr. Cowan by Mr. Kirkland, as a testimonial of the high esteem in which they hold Mr. Cowan's educational labours, in the Sabbath, as well as the week day school. The whole of the proceedings were of a very interesting character. The usual quarterly examination held in Oshawa, Niagara, Galt, West Dumfries, &c., &c., which are reported, seem to have been highly interesting and productive of much good. -The Norfolk Messenger speaks in the highest terms of the recent county examination of Teachers. It remarks, "The more we see of the working of the system, the better satisfied do we become of its utility and adaptation to the purposes of its organization. From its operation we look for the most beneficial ultimate results. Defects it donbiless has, but defects which experience and reflection will speedily remove."-- At an open convocation of the Toronto University, Larratt W. Smith, B.C.L., was re-elected Pro-Vice-Chancellor-and George Crookshank, M.A., was re-elected member of the Caput.


A Bill for the establishment of a Normal School was passed in committee of the house, on the 22nd alt., by a large majority; but it was thrown out on the 24th, on the plea that the expense would be too great! A motion to rescind the last vote was before the house. A bill repealing the grant (£400 aterling per annum) to King's College, passed the House by 27 to 13, and was sent up to the Legislative Council.-Pik t. The Rev. Dr. Cramp, of Montreal, has accepted office of President of Acadia College; and the charter of the college has been made perpetual. The annual grants for colleges and academies have been voted by the Assembly in committee of supply. The amounts are the same as last year, except to King's college, whose permanent grant of £400 sterling has been withdrawn, and £250 currency voted, as for other institutions in the province.


Ilems. The subscriptions in support of the Manchester and Salford new Educational scheine exceed £7,000.Of the very poorest classes in Liverpool, it is estimated there are under instruction in the charity schools of the town about 20,0.0.-The barristers, Messrs. Turner, Bethell, Keating, and Kenyon, have given an opinion, on request from certain parties in the University of Oxford, that the commission of inquiry is neither constitutional nor legal: that the members need not obey it; and that it cannot be supported by any authority of the Crown, either as visitor or under any prerogative, or other right.- -The Dublin papers announce the constitution of the commission of inquiry into the University of Dublin : Archbishop Whately, Bishop Wilson, the Earl of Rosse, Chief Justice Blackburne, Commissioner Longfield, of the Encumbered Estates Commission, and Mr. Cooper, of Mackree Castle. It is gratifying to notice

the interest taken in the subject of education by Her Majesty the Queen and his Royal Highness Prince Albert. Not only do they visit the schools in the Great Park at Windsor themselves, but they have the royal children taken there also.- -The Ragged Schools erected in Lambeth at the cost of Mr. Beaufoy, as a monument to the memory of his wife, who lived a life of active good deeds among the poor, were opened on Wednesday, in the presence of a large assembly over which Lord Ashley presided, and at which many clergymen were present. The schools have cost £10,000, and a sum of £1,000 has been invested by Mr. Beaufoy in perpetual trust to maintain them in good repair. The building is of mode. n architecture, of two stories, with extensive wings, and so arranged that the boys and girls occupy opposite sides of the range: there is room for one thousand children.


-A valuable appointment is now vacant by the marriage of the late warden of Dulwich College, and must be filled upon the 31st. By the curi ous statutes of this ancient foundation, no gentleman can hold the office unless he bear the name of Alleyn, Alleyne, or Allen. -John Disney, Esq., to whose munificence the university is indebted for the collection of ancient marbles lately deposited in the Fitzwilliam Museum, and known by the naine of The Museum Disneiaum," offers to tranfer to the chancellor, masters, and scholars of the University of Cambridge. £1,000, three per centum per annum Consolidated Bank Annuities, for the purpose of founding and endowing a professorship of classical antiquities, to be called "The Disney Professorship of Archæology."-Henry Miller, Esq., a native of Scotland, and a retired London merchant, has presented £4.000 to the New College of the Free Church of Scotland, as a fund for the erection of four scholarships.. -Sheriff Alison, the Historian, has been inaugurated Lord Rector of the Glasgow University; and the Earl of Eglintoun has been elected Lord Rector of Marischal College, Aberdeen.The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland at present support 119 schools in the Highlands and islands; afford aid to the teachers of 56 schools in various parts of the Lowlands; and maintain, with the assistance of Government, two Normal Schools in Edinburgh and Glasgow, by which upwards of 100 qualified teachers, male and female, are yearly sent forth. The number of children now under instruction in schools thus maintained or aided is 15,000. The whole ordinary annual revenue has not exceeded £5,200, leaving a deficiency of about £1,200. In the Highlands and islands it is believed there are still 150 stations at which schools are required. -Dr. Jacobi, the celebrated professor of mathematics at the Berlin University, terminated his long and distinguished career a few days ago.-M. Michelet, the historian, professor at the College of France, has been forbidden by the government to continue his course of lectures on the philosophy of history or his tory and morality.

Opening of the Owens College, Manchester.-The new collegiate institution, founded in Manchester on the principle of the national universities, out of funds provided by a munificent bequest made several years ago by the late Mr. John Owens, to the amount of nearly £100,000 was opened on Thursday. The building selected (the will of Mr. Owens giving no power to erect a building) was the spacious house in which Mr. Cobden, M.P., formerly resided, in Quay street. The principal of the college is Professor A. J. Scott, late of the London University, who was prevented from delivering his inaugural address by sudden illness, and the session was opened yesterday morning by the delivery of a lecture introductory of a course of instruction in the languages and literature of ancient Greece and Roine, by Professor J. G. Greenwood, B. A., followed by one on mathematics and physics, by Professor Archibald Sandeman, M. A. The other resident professors-Mr. Edward Frankland, Ph. D., who presides over the classes studying chemistry, and Mr. W.C. Williamson, M.R.C.S., who takes the department of natural history, anatomy, and physiologywere also present. The teacher of French is M. Podevin, and of German, M. Theodores. The principal of the college (who is also professor of logic and moral philosophy) it is expected, will now postpone his inaugural address for some weeks, if not till the opening of the next session. The public were admitted, on giving their names, to the introductory lectures on Thursday morning, and a great number of ladies and gentlemen presented themselves. Among the gentlemen were Mr. J. Potter, (Mayor of Manchester,) the Very Rev. Dr. Bowers (Dean of Manchester), Alderman Watkins, Alderman Shuttleworth, Mr. S. Fletcher, Dr. Hodgson, (Principal of the Chorlton High School,) Rev. G. Osborn, (Wesleyan Minister), and Mr. Alexander Kay. There were about 18 or 29 youths present who had already been admitted students.


Maynooth College. The fifth report of the visitors of Maynooth College, presented to Parliament, has just been published. The visitation was made on the 12th of December last, when 500 students were in attendance, and 11 absent from sickness. The oath of allegiance had been taken by the students. The new buildings of the college comprise 215 rooms for students, together with a library, seven lecture-halls, a kitchen, refectory, and other accommodation, but these remain unprovided with the most indispensable fixtures and furniture..


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Items.--Philadelphia educates in her public schools 45,000 children at six dollars and forty-six cents each, yearly. The expense of the system in Massachusetts is about eight dollars per scholar. In Cincinnati, the expense is about fifteen dollars. In Baltimore, fourteen dollars. -The late constitutional convention of Indiana has provided for the organization of tree schools throughout the State,-thus recognizing and endorsing the great principle of the age in regard to education. The board of national popular education is extending the sphere of its operations throughout the whole of the vast West. The society has now been in operation four years, and during that period has sent 204 teachers into the Western States and territories. Five female teachers have recently been sent out to Oregon under the charge of Mr. Thurston, delegate in Congress from that territory.- -The number of colleges in the United States is 121; and the number of students is about 11,000. In our 43 theological seminaries, 22 law schools, and 45 medical schools, we have about 6,000 more young men. In Great Britain there are 60 colleges and 384 profesOxford and Cambridge have 41 colleges and nearly 13,000 students, and in the other colleges, one-third inore-in all, making 17,000 training in these schools. In the universities of Germany are 18,000 students; in France, 12,000 students, 7,000 in Paris alone; 10,000 in the Spanish univer-ities, and in the European universities, are not far from 80,000.--The number of theological schools in the United States is forty-two, viz.:Baptist, 10; Congregational, 5; Dutch Reformed, 2; Lutheran, 3; Methodist, 1; Episcopalian, 8; Presbyterian, 11; Unitarian, 2. Total, 42. Of the 120 colleges, there were in 1849 under the influence of the Episcopalians, 10; of the Baptists, 12; of the Methodists, 12; and of the Roman Catholics, 13. The remainder were divided between the Congregationalists and the Presbyterians.--Rev. J. Blanchard, president of Knox college, recently delivered a lecture in the house of representatives, at Springfield, Illinois, in which he remarked that, notwithstanding all that has been done in the States for popular education, the proportion of adults who could not read or write was greater now than it was ten years ago, owing to the vast influx of emigration. The last Thursday in February has long been observed in the United States by many churches, as a day of fasting and prayer for the colleges and literary institutions of the country. So important is this season of special remembrance of our colleges regarded, that a cir cular has beee issued this year, signed by the officers of thirty-three American colleges, in every part of our country, and of various religious denominations, calling the special attention of the churches to the subject.

Education in Michigan, 1850.-The expenditures for school purposes during the year were $43,921,47. The number of children in the State, between four and eighteen years old, is 132,324, of whom 110,478 have attended school during the year. The amount paid to the University from the interest fund was $7,644.70. The students in the department of arts and sciences were 64, and in the medical departments were more than 80. The Board of Education have contracted for the erection of a suitable edifice for the state normal school, for $15,000, of which $12,000 have been paid. The building will be completed and ready for the reception of pupils by the 1st March, 1852.-[N. Y. Com. Advertiser.

The Poor Boy's College."-At the recent meeting of Vermonters in Boston, the Hon. Myron Lawrence stated some interesting facts about Middlebury College. He said the little town of Cornwall, containing only about 700 inhabitants, had educated some 70 young men. Among them he mentioned Governor Slade, Senator Foote, President Lindsley, Prof. Post, two Professors Bingham, Professor Thompson, Judge Sampson, Drs. Post and Matthews. He stated also that the father of Silas Wright paid for the tuition of his son at this college by drawing wood into Middlebury, driving the oxen himself, and that Silas used to walk two or three miles every day to his father's house, in order that he might thus be enabled to obtain a liberal education.—[Ibid.

Regents of the University, N. Y. Additional Ordinance respecting the Incorporation of Colleges.--On the 9th of January 1851, the following ordinance was adopted :--The Regents of the University of the State of New York do hereby declare and ordain, that the first section of the ordinance respecting the incorporation of Colleges, passed May 20, 1836, with the additions thereto adopted January 10, 1350, is hereby amended so as to read as follows:--When any application is or shall be made to the Regents for the incorporation of a college under the 6th section of the act of the Legislature, passed the 5th day of April, 1813 entitled "An act relative to the university," the applicants will be required to satisfy the Regents that suitable buildings for the use of the college will be provided, and that funds to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, with which it is intended to found and provide for such college, have been paid or secured to be paid by valid subscriptions of responsible parties or otherwise. And in case the Regents shall approve said application, and the amount afores, id

shall not be invested for the use of such college, either in bonds and mortgages on unincumbered lands within this state, worth at least double the amount so secured thereon; or in stocks of this state or the United States, at their market value at the time of investment, or in the bonds or certificates of stocks legally issued by some incorporated city in this state, at the par value, or in any one or more of the securities above enumerated, a charter shall be grated for the incorporation of such college, for a term of five years, with a condition or proviso there, that if within the said term of five years, the trustees of such college shall furnish to the Regents satisfactory evidence that they have invested for the use of said college funds amounting to not less than one hundred thousand dollars, in the manner hereinbefore mentioned, the charter so issued shall become permament.

Academies and Colleges of New York.-At a meeting of the Regents of the University, held at Albany, on Friday last, an annual report was made. Reports were received from eleven colleges, (two of them including the medical branches of the institutions.) The students in these are as follows:

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The total number reported in The total number reported in 1850, was,. 948 1850, was, 848 The whole number of academies at the date of the reports, subject to the visitation of the Regents, was 204. Of these, 7 had been incorporated since March 1. 1850, by the Regents, and 2 by the Legislature; of these 196 had reported. The number of students for the term ending nearest to January 1, 1851, was 15,447, while at the same in 1850, it was 15,000. The whole number attending during the year had been 31,850, while that of 1850 was 28,941. The number claimed as classical students, or students in the higher branches of English education, or both, was 17,993. The total amount of fixed capital, in lots, buildings, libraries, philosophical apparatus, and in other property set apart for the support of the academies was $1,694,660; while that reported for 1250 was $1,606,064. The debts had, however, increased from $104,740, in 1850, to $169,718 in 1851.-IN. Y. Commercial Advertiser.

New York State Expenditure for Education in 1850.-
Common schools,

Amount to be added to the capital of the school fund,..

Normal school,

Academies for instruction of common school teachers,






Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education, 1850.-The fourteenth annual report of the Massachusetts Board of Education has been published. The school fund, on the first of December last, amounted to $958,921, 19, having been increased during the year by the sum of $74,580 45. Of this fund, the sum of $218,559 73 consists of land notes not productive, leaving the sum of $740,361 46 producti.e, and so invested as to yield $40,000 for distribution among the towns, for the support of the schools. In order to entitle towns to the benefits of this fund, it is necessary for them to raise a specified relative sum additional, and it appears that every town in the state, with the exception of five, has raised more than the required sum. The highest sum per scholar, raised by any town the last year was $10 52, and this was raised by Brookline. Boston stands second, having appropriated $9 81 for each child. The lowest on the list is Palmer, which raised only $1 43 for each child. The average sum actually raised for the education of each child in the commonwealth is $4 42. The aggregate amount raised in the state for the support of schools is $364,667 85, which added to the income of the surplus revenue, appropriated to schools ($8,714 67) makes the gross sum of $873,202 59. The number of children between 5 and 15 years, who attend school, is 193,232; under 5 years, 17,782; over fifteen years, 18,208. The number of public schools in the state is 3,878; male teachers 2,442; females, 5,925: scholars in summer, 176,344; in winter, 194,403. Average attendance in summer, 128,815; in winter, 149,609. Average length of schools, 7 months and 12 days. Average wages of male teachers, per month, $34 89; female do., $14 42. The number of incorporated academies in the state is 67, with an average of 3717 scholars. The number of incorporated academies, private schools, and schools kept to prolong public schools, is 845, with an average of 19,534 scholars. The aggregate paid for tuition in these schools is $271,241 92. The Secretary of the Board speaks in terms of warm encou ragement and commendation of the Normal Schools and Teachers' Institutes, as also do the Board, in their report. The state has expended during the year $11,078 in distribuing 2,718 copies of Webster's large Dictionary, and 103 copies of Worcester's.

Massachusetts Common Schools, extract from the Governor's Annual Address to the Legislature.-The wisdom of our ancestors is no where more apparent than in the early and permanent provision they made for public instruction; and we may indulge the gratifying reflection, that their example has always been imitated, though not in a manner corresponding to the increased wealth of later times. We have no rank among the large States of the Union, derived either from population or extent of territory; but the time can never come, when a million of well-educated people shall fail to exert influence in every part of this ocean-bound republic. You cannot expect to secure this desirable result by any other agency than the common school. Such appears to be the opinion of the people. In 1850, the several towns and cities raised, by taxation, $864,000 for the support of schools, being an increase of $34,000 over the appropriations of the preceding year. The total expenditures for educational purposes during the year 1850, were not less than $1,250,000. The school fund amounts to $986,000, and is limited by law to $1,000,000. When this fund shall have reached its maximum, its income, distributed among two hundred thousand children, will furnish only the inconsiderable sum of thirty cents towards the education of each. If it were possible, I would not advise such an addition as should relieve the towns from taxation, but it could not be dangerous to allow the fund to increase to one and-a-half or two millions of dollars. It should also be borne in mind, that the increase of population diminishes annually the capacity of the fund to furnish education to each child. I do, therefore, most respectfully recommend to your consideration an additional appropriation of the proceeds of the public lands to this object.

Deaf and Dumb.-The subject of providing and institution in Canada, for the education of the deaf and dumb, is agitated in some of the Canadian papers. The number of deaf mutes in that province is estimated at seven hundred and fifty.— [N. Y. Spectator.

Literary and Scientific Entelligence.

Items. We understand that a new periodical is about to appear in Montreal, entitled the Provincial Journal of Literature, Science and Art-Reviews, Criticisms, and Belles Lettres.--We see by the Quebec papers, that the Societe Philharmonique Canadienne of that city lately held a grand concert, vocal and instrumental, at the residence of Mr. Trudelle, president of the society, where, among other songs, was sung the national anthem, the English words being very happily paraphrased as follows:Terre, asile des preux,

O Dieu de nos aieux,

Et Comble de bonheur,
D'equite, de grandeur,
De gloire et de splendeur,

-One paper only, is published in Egypt-at Cairo, in Arabic,-which appears in a small sheet, monthly, at four dollars a year.There are upwards of 200 manufactories of paper in France, employing 4,900 persons, and making 2,900,000 reams per year.The American Associa tion for the Advancement of Science will hold their next annual meeting at Cincinnati, in May next. -The meeting of the British Association at Ipswich, is to commence on Wednesday, July 2nd, and extend over seven er eight days. President, Professor Airy, Astronomer Royal. There is no doubt, from the presence of all the most distinguished scientific men throughout the world in England, during the ensuing summer, in consequence of the Great Exhibition, that this will be the most brilliant meeting the association ever had.. A committee of English gentlemen has just been formed at Calcutta, under the title of the "Vernacular Translation Committee," whose object will be to promote the translation of standard works in general, literature by English writers into the vernacular language of India.In the foreign obituaries is chronicled the death of the venerable Ludwig Tieck, the associate of Schlegel in his translation of Shakespeare. This accomplished man died at Berlin, on the 13th March. He has done more to raise the character of English literature by making Shakespeare familiar to his German countrymen, than almost any man in our times.The celebrated Danish Naturalist, Oersted, died at Copenhagen, on the 9th ult. —- The daughter of Godwin and Mary Worstoncraft, wife of Shelley, and authoress of Frankenstein, one of our last links with the literature of the first quarter of the century, died during last month. Mrs. Joanna Baillie, authoress of "Plays on the Passions," and other works, died at Hampstead, in her 89th year.John Wesley Monetta, the historian of the valley of the Mississippi, died at his residence in Louisiana, on the 1st of March.. George Thomson, the Correspondent

of Burns, expired recently, at his residence in Leith Links, at the advanced age of ninety-two.The National Institute of France has recently (Feb. 8th) filled two vacancies, caused by death, in the division of Moral Sciences. The honors were conferred on Archbishop Whately, of Dublin, and Francis Lieber, LL. D., a distinguished Professor in South Carolina

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College.- -The Giarnole di Roma of the 15th, continues to give accounts
of new discoveries made in the excavations now going on in the ancient
Via Appia. 'The works have now progressed as far as the fifth mile outside
the town. Beautiful fragments of Roman Architecture have been again
brought to light. Crowds of connoisseurs are constantly on the spot to
examine the relics daily brought to view. It is stated that some valuable
manuscripts relating to the early history of this continent, have been dis-
covered lately in the library of the Dominican friars. Mr. Cassis endeavour.
ing to have them obtained for his government. Those discovered, thus far,
comprise 25 packages or volumes.A pot of gold has been found, under-
neath the surface of the ground, in Leicester, by some workmen. The
pot contained gold coins of the reign of George III, consisting of 78
pieces, half-guineas, amounting in value to £28.-A late traveller among
the Ionian Isles says, the first thing he met at Athens was a Greek girl
selling Morrison's Pills." -The excavators at Fountain's Abbey have
found 354 pieces of silver coins of the reigns of Philip and Mary, Queen
Elizabeth, James I, and Charles I. They were concealed in one of the
arches. A subscription has been set on foot to raise a "Nineveh Fund,"
to enable Mr. Layard to prosecute his researches, the funds provided by the
British Government being exhausted. Prince Albert, the Earl of Elles-
mere, and Sir J. Guest, have each subscribed £100. At the meeting of
the Royal Geographical Society last week, information was communicated
that the Rev. D. Livingstone, Missionary in South Africa, had found
another large lake, about 200 miles north of Lake Ngami, for the discovery
of which he received last year the second prize of the society. The new
lake contains several large islands, and is connected by a rapid stream
called the Teoga, with Lake Ggami. At the date of the last advices, Mr.
Livingstone was still proceeding northward.-Patents for Great Britain
and Ireland have been taken out by Mr. Paine, of Worcester, United States,
for his invention of water gas.--The building of the British Museum is
now rapidly approaching towards completion, and the workmen are at
present employed in putting up the railing in front of the court yard, and in
preparing the pediment for the reception of the figures destined to adorn it.
The subject of the group for the pediment is, "The Progress of Civiliza-
tion." It has been executed In high relief by Sir R. Westmacott.-
During the past year 163 gold, 1295 silver, and 2067 copper coins, making
a total of 3525, were added to the collection in the British Museum, partly
by gift and partly by purchase.--The prizes awarded at the Great Exhi-
bition will be distributed, it is understood, by the highest personage in the
realm. Among the curiosities of industry which will be displayed at
the Great Exhibition will be a silver tea-kettle, manufactured out of a four-
penny piece.The following inscription is displayed in the Crystal
Palace :-"Das rauchen wird nicht erlaabt." "Il n'est pas permis de
fumer." "Non e permesso di fumare." "No es permittido fumer."
"Nao he permittido fumer." "No smoking allowed."-Some idea of
the extent of the Chrystal Palace may be formed from this one fact, that to
walk round the tables on which the articles are to be exhibited, is equal,
at least, to making a journey of twenty miles.-The Emperor of Russia
has commissioned his agents to purchase every model at the Great Exhibi-
tion, which may be useful to Russian manufactures. The Emperor intends
to spend 10,000,000 silver roubles in such purchases.-The Russian Go-
vernment has decided that the thousandth anniversary of the foundation of
the Russian Empire, which, according to the historians of that country,
dates from the year 852, shall be celebrated next year with the greatest
pomp in all the cities and large towns of the European and Asiatic province
of Russia,-1 he system of franking letters by means of stamps is being
introduced into the post office of Poland and Russia. A remarkable in-
stance of the divisibility of matter is seen in the dyeing of silk with cochi-
neal; a drachm of which gives an intense color to a pound of silk, con-
taining eight score threads to the ounce, each thread seventy yards long,
and the whole reaching about one hundred and four miles.

Astronomical Discoveries.-Professor Bond, of Harvard University, has discovered what is supposed to be a third ring to the planet Saturn. It is interior to the two other, and therefore its distance from the body of Saturn must be small. The eighth satallite to this planet was also discovered by the Board two years ago. The Academy of Sciences of Paris has awarded the Lalande Medal to M. de Gasparis, for the discovery of a planet yet unnamed, and has divided the astronomical prize for the present year between that gentleman and Mr. Hind, of London, for the discovery of the planets Parthenope and Victoria. Since the above was written, the "planet yet unnamed" has received from M. Leverrier, at the request of Prof. Gasparis, the appellation of Egeria. It is the thirteenth planet or asteroid now known to exist between Mars and Jupiter, nine of which were discovered in the course of the last five years, and three in six months of 1850. The first of the thirteen was discovered on the first day of the last half century, and the thirteenth within a few weeks of its close. As a correct list of the names of all these planets cannot yet be found in any work on Astronomy, or even in that recently published volume entitled "The Discoveries of the Last Half Century," we subjoin the follow

ing:-Four of the thirteen were discovered in Great Britain, four in Italy,
and five in Germany, by seven observers only-Mr. Hind and Prof. Gaspa-
ris having discovered three each, Dr. Olbers and Hencke two each, and
Piazzi. Harding and Graham, one each. Metis, which was first seen by
Mr. Graham at Mr. Cooper's Observatory, Markree Castle, Ireland, is
believed to be the smallest of the thirteen, as when nearest it does not
appear brighter than a star of the eleventh magnitude, whilst Vesta appears
to the sixth.

Discovered by

Name. 1. Ceres.

2. Pallas.

3 Juno.
4. Vesta.


1801, Jan. 1.
1802, March 28.



[blocks in formation]

1804, Sept. 1.

[blocks in formation]

1807, March 29.

5. Astraca.
6. Hebe.

1845, Dec. 8.




1847, July 1. 1847, Aug. 13. 1847, Oct. 18. 1848, April 25. 1849, April 12. 1850, May 13. 1850, Sept. 13. 1850, Nov. 2.

[merged small][ocr errors]

7. Iris.
8. Flora.
9. Metis.
10. Hygeia.
11. Parthenope.
12. Victoria.
13. Egeria.

The Statistics of the Press in

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

following statistical account is given of the periodical press in Prussia :Up to June of last year there existed within the Prussian monarchy 809 periodical publications. Of newspapers there were 159 conservative and ministerial; 201 belonging to the opposition; and 167 neutral or undecided. Since the new law on the press, promulgated in June, 137 journals have ceased to exist, of which 15 were conservative, 98 opposition, and 24 neutral; 9 conservative papers, 70 opposition, and 18 neutral, could not give the pecuniary securities required by the new law; 12 opposition journals perished by the withdrawal of the right to be sent through the post, and 28 were extinguished by want of subscribers. Of seientific, technical, and literary periodicals, there were 282 in all. On an average there is in Prussia one periodical to every 20,186 inhabitants: but in some districts the proportion is one to 90,935, and in one to 102,341. In Bavaria, there are 53 political and 120 other periodicals, of which 17 are religious and 2 devoted to education.

The French Library in 1850.-According to the Journal de Libraire, the number of books, pamphlets, &c., of all kinds printed in France during the year 1850 was 7,208 In Paris, 4,711 works were published; in the departments 2,460, and in Algiers 37. Of the whole, 1,360 works and pamphlets were reprints or new editions; 5,848 were new works, 6,611 were in French. 68 in provincial dialects, 53 in German, 61 in English, 2 in Arabic, 61 in Spanish, 83 in Greek, 9 in Hebrew, 16 in Italian, 165 in Latin, 14 in Polish, 16 in Portuguese, 4 in Roman, 1 in Russian, 2 in Turkish, 2 polyglott books. They comprised also 281 journals, partly new and published during the year of 1850, of which 79 have been printed and have appeared in the departments, and 73 were lithographed pamphlets. 2,697 engravings and lithographs were published during the year; also, 122 geographical charts, 579 pieces of vocal music, and 625 works of instrumental music in copper-plate and lithographed.

Unique Collection.-Among the recent advertisement in The Times is one of an entire column announcing for sale a very extensive and matchless Collection, containing 31,000 Historical Manuscripts and Autograph Letters, dated from 1473 to 1848, Henry VII. to Queen Victoria, Louis XI. to Prince Louis Napoleon, President Washington, U. S. to President Polk; also the Kings, Queens, Princes, Rulers, and eminent persons of twenty other nations, arranged alphabetically and illustrated with their portraits, in more than 100 folio volumes and sections many of the Commonwealth of England, the Revolution of 1668, the Republic, the Consulate, and the Empire of France, the French and other Revolutions of 1848. There are papers, &c., of all the Presidents of the United States from George Washington-the MSS. being narratives of events, and the work of art remembrances of them; and his 30 years research has forced the advertiser, being anxious to select two great men, of different nations, as his particular heroes, of pronounce for the immortal William Shakspeare, and the great unique Emperor Napoleon. There are 31,000 autograph letters, notes, papers, or signatures of eminent persons of nearly all nations; dated from the year 1473 to 1848. They are fixed by the edge opposite about ten thousand portraits and crests of the writers in more than one hundred folio volumes and sections, averaging nearly 300 autograps and 100 portraits. Of the papers written or signed by the Emperor Napoleon, his father, mother, his Empresses, his son, and the Kings, Queens, Princes, and Princesses, belonging to his family, there is an unheard of collection. These alone far exceed 1,000 of consecutive dates, from 1793 to 1819, and as the collector would like the collection to be kept entire, he consents to accept £15,000 for it, (one half the cost.) Two-thirds, or more, of the amount may not, if so desired, be paid in cash; an approved estate would be taken.

Editorial and Official Notices, &c.

THE LEGISLATIVE APPORTIONMENT OF THE SCHOOL FUND FOR 1851. -We had hoped to have been enabled, in this number, to announce the apportionment of the legislative school grant for 1851, to each county, township, city, town, and incorporated village in Upper Canada; but for the reasons stated in the departmental circular, published in the March number of this Journal, page 43, we have not been able to dò so. The apportionment will, if possible, be notified in the number for next month, when the necessary instruction relative to the basis of distribution to be adopted by local superintendents the current year, will be announced. Answers to numerous inquiries of correspondents on this and kindred subjects will, therefore, be included in those instructions.

AGENTS FOR THIS JOURNAL IN THE EASTERN PROVINCES.-The Rev. ROBERT A. TEMPLE. of Richibucto, New Brunswick, and JOHN W. SMITH, Esq., P. M., Amherst, Nova Scotia, have kindly consented to act as agents for the Journal of Education for their respective provinces.


And Municipal Officers' Assistant. By THOMAS S. Shenston, Esq., J. P., Woodstock. 1851. 8vo., pp. 111. This publication present one of the mosts complete and admirably arranged synopsis of municipal acts and municipal duties ever published in Canada. The parliamentary "rules," on pages 97-99. together with the "forms" on pages 101-105, are invaluable to the members of the county and township municipalities: while the "tables." and "ready reckoner," on pages 106-111, will save an immense deal of very tedious labour on the part of county and township clerks. This portion of the work would also be of great service to common school trustees, in enabling them to make out their rate bills easily and expeditiously. We cordially recommend it.

[blocks in formation]

Authorised by the Council of Public Instruction for Upper Canada, and published by BREWER, MCPHAIL & Co.

The character of these publications is already firmly established: The only objections we have heard urged against them is the frail nature of the binding. This complaint having been formally laid before the Council of Public Instruction, a letter was addressed to the publishers on the subject. The reply cannot but be satisfactory. It is as follows:

"We received your communication of the 9th instant, containing a copy of a letter from a gentleman, asking to be furnished with explanations concerning certain com plaints made in said letter, in order to lay them before the Council. We have now the honour of complying with the reques.

"The first complaint made, is, that the binding of the National Books is so frail that they literally drop to pieces with a few months use."

There are five or six houses in Canada publishing the National Series, and we believe, or rather have heard, that some editions are exported from the United States. Our editions being in general circulation, to supersede them the prices were lowered by other publishers; in order therefore to keep our works in circulation, we were compelled to sell them at the reduced rates, consequently the books could not be as well bound as if a better remuneration could be obtained. This is the first complaint of that nature we have had. We hind cur school books as firin and as strong as the competing price will adunit of. If persons will have cheap books, they must not expect the same quality as those for which a fair price is paid. We do not know, however, nor does the complainant state, that the hundreds of books were of our publication; they might have been of any of the five other publishers. We sell large quantities of our publications in sheets to various persons in Canada, who bind thein themselves; thus, you will perceive, whilst there are so many publishing and binding, we cannot be held generally responsible. "We regret that it should be necessary to complain of our works, if they are at fault in this respect; and we do not know how otherwise to meet the wishes of your correspondent, than to have a quantity of each of the National Books bound in a superior manner for the use of the schools. We will do so. The price of course will be more than the present rates, and yet they will be within the limits fixed by the Council. Should therefore your correspondent or others desire strongly bound books, we will supply them.

"Complaint second is directed particularly to our publication, and it is in regard to ⚫errors and misprints' in the small Arithmetic. This appears to he the case, yet our copy is an exact transcript of the Dublin edition, word for word, figure for figure. We have before us the Irish edition; we find the questions the same as in ours-the answers also. We turn to the Irish Key, and we find the answers given in it to correspond with those produced from the questions, as in the Arithmetic. We find the answers given by your correspondent to be correct, yet differing from those given in the Key. The crrors and misprints' have crept into the Dublin edition; ours, being an exact copy, has the the same. A gentleman who has worked through the whole book intends handing us, this morning, a corrected copy. We will have all the errors brought before our notice removed; and we trust that future editions will be satisfactory in this and in every other respect."


OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS RECEIVED. We have to acknowledge the receipt of the following Official Reports and Documents at the Education Office :

1. REPORT ON THE SCHOOLS OF NOVA SCOTIA, 1850. Evo., pp. 123. By the Superintendent of Education, James William Dawson, Esq. 2. FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MASSACHUSETTS' BOARD OF EDUCATION, WITH REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. Evo., pp. 116 and Ixiv, Rev. Dr. B. Scars.


John W. Wright, Esq.


Hazard. 8vo., pp. 119.
Hon. G. R. Potter.


8. CIRCULAR TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENTS OF VERMONT. By the State Superintendent, April, 1850. 8vo., pp. 8.



12. REPORT OF THE STATE SUP'T OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS, NEW JERSEY, 1850. Evo.. pp. 113. Hon. Theodore F. King.







DITTO, 1819. Evo., pp. 54. FITTO, 1830. Evo., pp. 48. Hon. William H. Allen.

[blocks in formation]

19. MESSAGE OF THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1851. 8vo., pp. 23. P. H. Gegan, Esq.

20. MINUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF YORK, January, 1851, 4to. pp. 48. The County Clerk. 21. A PRIMARY ASTRONOMY. By Rev. Hiram Mattison, 1851, 12mo., pp. 168. The Author.


JOURNAL d'EDUCATION.-Cette feuille, publiee dans le HautCanada, remplit toujours habilement sa mission Toujours elle renferme quantité de matières très instructives et très intéressantes Ceux qui sont familliers avec la langue anglaise devraient se la procurer-Le Moniteur Canadien.

Le Journal d'Education du Haut-Canada nous parait bien remplir sa mission et nous pouvons le recommander vivement à ceux qui lisent 1 anglais et s'intéressent aux matières dont il traite. Le prix de l'abonnement n'est que 5 chelins par année. Le Semeur Canadien

Special Acknowledgments on behalf of the Journal of Education. From the Clerk of the County of Peterboro', £21 12s. Ed.; Clerk, County of Carleton, £21 11s. d.; Clerk, County of Norfolk, £3 15s. Od.; County Clerk, Sandwich, £1 5s. Od.; T. W. Nash. Esq., £1 15s. Od.; Clerk, Township of Water100, £210s Od; J. W. Smith, Esq.. Amherst, Nova Scotia, £1 Os. ed.; Rev. R. A. Temple, Richibucto. N. B., £2 10s. 01.; Clerk, Township of Osnabruck, £3 15s. d.; Clerk, Township of Woolwich, £I 10s. Cd.; Board of Trustees, Hamilton, £3: Board of Trustees, Prescott, £1; A. Macdonnell, Esq., £1; Rev. T. J. Hodskin, £1 15s. Od.; Rev. J. Porteous. £1; Mrs. J. L. Biggar, £1 5s. Cd.; D. P. Macdonald, Esq., £1 13s.; Rev. J. Baird, £1 15s.; Benj. Hayter, Esq., R. N., £1 13s.


CHOOL WANTED, by a Teacher who has attended the Normal School. Salary, about £75. Respectable references can be given. Address, (post paid,) to L. W., Box 9, Post Office, Toronto. N. B. A school in the County of York would be preferred.

WANTED a qualified TEACHER for School Section No. 3,

McGillivray. Apply to JAMES BARBER, Secretary Trustee. 21st April.



A Treatise on Arithmetic in Theory and Practice. Price, per doz., 22 6 Sequel to 2nd Book of Lessons, per doz., 60

THE THE Subscribers keep constantly on band a large supply of the authorised editions of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Book of Lessons; 1st Arithmetic, Lennie's, Kirkham's, and National Grammars; Morse's Geography, &c.

April 24, 1851.


46, King Street, East, Toronto.

TORONTO: Printed and Published by THOMAS HUGH BENTLEY. TERMS: For a single copy, 5s. per annum; not less than 8 copies, 4s. 4'd. each, or $7 for the 8: not less than 12 copies, 4s. 2d. each, or $10 for the 12; 20 copies and upwards, 3s, 9d. each. Back Vols. neatly stitched supplied on the same terms. All subscriptions to commence with the January number, and payment in advance must in all cases accompany the order. Single numbers, 7 d. each.

All communications to be addressed to Mr. J. George Horgins,
Education Ofce, Toronto.

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