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16. The propriety of laying periodical statement of the University accounts before convocation.

Her Majesty's Commissioners also request to be furnished with statements under the subjoined heads, and with any further information, or any suggestion, which may occur to the parties addressed:

1. The nature of endowment, and its present annual value, and whether any other sources of income are attached to it.

2. Whether any special qualifications are required by statute in the persons apointed.

3. Whether any residence, lecture-room, library, apparatus, collections, &c., are provided for you; if so, if there are any funds for keeping them up. 4. Whether there are any statutes requiring the performance of specific duties; and whether those duties are such as could not profitably be now enforced.

5. The mode of appointment to your office, whether it is held for life or for a term of years, and whether the person holding it is removable.

6. The nature and number of lectures usually delivered in each year, the average number of pupils attending, and the fees paid by each pupil.

7. The general condition in the University of the branch of study to which your professorship relates, and the means of promoting its advance


[In our next No. we hope to give a synopsis of a plan of collegiate reform which has originated in the University of Oxford-stimulated, probably, by the issue of the Royal Commission of Inquiry.-Ed. J. of Ed.\

Westminster Abbey, or Collegiate Church of St. Peter.-A brief account of this ancient building may not prove uninteresting at this momentThis interesting edifice derives its name from its situation in the western part of the city, and its original destination as the church of a monastery. It was founded by Sibert, King of the East Saxons, but being afterwards destroyed by the Danes, it was rebuilt by King Edgar in 958. Edward the Confessor again rebuilt the church in 1065; and Pope Nicholas II. constituted it a place of inauguration of the kings of England. The monastery was surrendered by the abbots and monks to Henry VIII., who at first converted the establishment into a college of secular canons under the government of a dean, and afterwards into a cathedral, of which the county of Middlesex (with the exception of the parish of Fulham, belonging to the Bishop of London) was the diocese. Edward VI. dissolved the see, and restored the college, which was converted by Mary into its original estab. lishment of an abbey. Elizabeth dissolved that institution in 1560, and founded the present establishment, which is a college, consisting of a dean, twelve secular canons, and thirty petty canons, to which is attached a school of forty boys, denominated the queen's or king's scholars, with a master, usher, and also twelve almsmen, and an organist and choristers. The present church was built by Henry III. and his successor, with the exception of the two towers at the western entrance, which are the work of Sir Christopher Wren. The length of the church is 360 feet, the breadth of the nave 72, and the length of the cross aisle 195 feet.

Primary Instruction in France is in the hands of Government. It was organized by a law, which M. Guizot presented to the Chambers in 1833, and which contained, amongst others, the following articles:

"Primary instruction is of two kinds, elementary or superior. Primary elementary instruction comprehends religious and moral instruction, reading, writing, the elements of grammar and arithmetic, with the legal system of weights and measures. Primary superior instruction comprehends besides, the elements of geometry and land surveying, notions of natural philosophy and history, singing, and the elements of history and geography especially of France. As to religious instruction, the desire of the parents is to be attended to. Any individual, aged 18, possessing a certificate of capacity conferred, after examination, by the University, and a certificate of morals delivered by the municipal authorities of his place of residence for the last three years, may become a schoolmaster. Every commune is required to have a superior primary school, if its population exceed 6,000 souls; if not, an elementary one at least. The salary of teachers is to be raised by legacies, private donations, taxes, or a grant of the Council of Public Instruction, and cannot be less than 200 francs (or £8) a year, be. sides the children's pence, and a house. Children whose parents are too poor to pay, are to receive instruction gratuiously. Besides these public schools, free schools may be opened by regular schoolmasters."

Such has been the impulse given by this law, that nearly 13,000 boys' schools have been opened during the last twenty years, and 4,000 girls' schools during the last ten years, besides 3,000 evening schools for adults. The number of scholars has increased by one million, being now above 3,750,000. The influence of these schools on the masses is shown by the following fact-that in 1827, out of 1000 conscrits, or recruits for the military service, only 421 could read, while in 1844, there were 610.



Items. At two recent festivals in the State of New York: following toasts were given :-The Common School-The tree of knowledge originally plant-d in New England-its seeds are wafted over the continent.--Education-The soul of the press, by whose benign influence it shall govern the world.- -The Senior Class of Dartmouth College have lately presented to Prof. Charles B. Haddock a premium silver pitcher, as a testimony of their high regard and great esteem. The literary societies of the University of New York have elected Rev. Dr. Bethune orator, and John G. Saxe Esq., poet, for the next anniversary. --Chief Justice Taney of the U. S. Supreme Court has been elected Chancellor of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, vice Mr. Fillmore recently called to the Presidency.--The body of Stephen Girard has been removed from the grave-yard attached to the Church of the Holy Trinity to the grounds of the Girard College for Orphans, Philadelphia. A monument wilk be erected over the remains.--The Superintendent of Public Schools in the first Municipality of New Orleans has absconded with $20,000 of the city School Funds.--The students of Harvard University have objected to the presence of two coloured youths who are studying medicine there prior to their departure to Liberia.--The Massachusetts Legislature has chartered a Board of Trustees for establishing a college in Liberia, and the effort meets with much favour. The Alexandria High School at Monrovia, Liberia, has gone into full operation.--At the annual reorganization of the City Government of Boston last week, Mayor Bigelow, after taking the oath of office, read an address to the two branches of the city government. Among other things he speaks of the Public Schools, which are at once the ornament and glory of the City. He remarked that the whole number of schools of all grades is two hundred, having an aggregate attendance of 1,000. Expenditures for instruction during the past year, $182,000; for repairs, fuel, &c., $56,500; for new school buildings, $56,000; making the handsome sum of $294,500. The schools maintain the high character they have acquired, and the best teachers are employed. -The Board of National Popular Education Ohio, held its annual meeting at Cleveland recently, when Governor Slade reported the receipts for the past year to be $5,020 50, disbursements $4,859 45. There was a balance on hand of $1,119 58, the whole of which is to be consumed in sending seven teachers to Oregon in March next. The society, since it was organized, has sent out 199 teachers.-The New Jersey School fund amounts to $397,314 14, and its income will justify an appropriation of $40,000 toward the support of common schools, without disturbing the capital. The passage of a law is recommended to submit to the people the question of the establishment of Free Schools.--The Methodist Episcopal Church in the U. S. has forty-six universities, colleges, and seminaries, under her control in the different States, as follows; Ohio eight; Pennsylvania five; New York six; Vermont four; Massachusetts one; Long Island two; Rhode Island one; New Jersey three; Maine one; Delaware one; Virginia two; New Hampshire one; Indiana two; Illinois four; Michigan one: lowa one; Wisconsin one; Connecticut two.-The Methodists in Illinois are about to establish a University at Chicago, to be called the North Western University. It is designed for Wisconsin and Iowa, as well as Illinois.The Rev. Benjamin Wofford, of Spartansbug, South Carolina, has left $100,000 to build and support a Methodist College at that place.

Literary and Scientific Entelligence.

Items. At an interesting Lecture recently delivered by Professor Croft at the Mechanics' Institute, Toronto, on Entomology, the lecturer stated that the number of insects known to the entomologist exceeds 150,000; but as in tropical regions, only the large kinds have been enumerated, it may safely be asserted that the number of varieties actually in existence in the world does not fall far short of 400,000. In temperate climates, however, the number is considerable: in England alone it is not less than 12,000.-Harper's Magazine for this month contains a very admirable statistical paper, entitled, a "General View of the States of Europe." From the preliminary paragraph we select the following items: Europe contains an area of 3,816,936 square miles; population. 262,000,000. i. c. 133,000,000 Catholics; 58,000,000 Protestants; 59,000,000 Greek Church 7,500,00) Mohammedans; and 2,500,000 Jews. There are 55 independent states: 33 German; 7 Italian, &c. Of these states, 47 have an essentially Monarchical form of government, and 8 are Republics. Of the Monarchical governments, 3 are technically called Empires, 15 Kingdoms, 7 Grand-Duchies, 9 Duchies, 10 Principalities, 1 Electorate, 1 Landgraviate, and 1 Ecclesiastical State. Mr Powell, an American, has recently painted "The Burial of Fernando de Soto in the Mississippi." The committing of the body of the grand old enthusiast to the turbid current of the Father of Waters, of which he was the discoverer, is a splendid


subject and is treated by the artist with deep poetic feeling.—Mr. Paine's
water gas" discovery, has, after much ridicule, been proved to be a bona
fide contribution to scientific knowledge. He can produce hydrogen from
water with great facility, and in any quantity. The hydrogen acquires a
high illuminating power by passing through spirits of turpentine.—A
copying telegraph has been invented by Mr. Bakewell. The message is
written with varnish on tin foil, which is rolled round a cylinder. A point
of steel presses upon this cylinder. The electrical current is interrupted
when the point comes in contact with the varnish. At the other end of the
line another point presses upon paper saturated with muriatic acid and
prussiate of potash, and traces the message verbatim as received. The
cylinder at both ends of the line revolve at the same rate, and go by clock-
work. There are in London 491 charitable institutions exclusive of local
and parochial trusts. Of these 97 are medical and surgical; 103 for the
aged: 31 for orphans, &c.: 40 school, book, and visitation societies: 35
Bible and Missionary societies. These associations disburse about £1,765,-
000, of which £1,000,000, are raised by voluntary effort.-The French
revolution of February, 1848, stimulated the sale of newspapers in Paris to
an extraordinary extent. M. Boule sold for months together 200,000 and
300,000 copies daily of the different journals of which he was printer. He
had 11 presses at work night and day. The 3rd volume of Humboldt's
Cosmos is announced for publication.—A tunnel under the Neva, similar
to that under the Thames has been projected by the Emperor Nicholas.-
The Russian government has prohibited the translation of French novels;
the English, however, are permitted.-The Neapolitan government has
prohibited the circulation of Humboldt's Cosmos, Shakspeare, Goldsmith,
Ovid, Sophocles, Victor Hugo, Lamartine, Goethe, Schiller, Thiers, all
the German Philosophers, &c., &c.-Oersted, the celebrated chemist,
discoverer of electro-magnetism, on the completion of the 50th year of his
professorship in the University of Copenhagen, was presented by the King
with the Grand Cross of the Order of Dannebrog, and by the University with
a new insignia of his doctorate, including a gold ring, bearing the head of
Minerva in cameo. The citizens have also presented him with a beautiful
villa—the late residence of the lamented Ochlenschlager. Oersted is 80
years of age. A statue in honour of the celebrated astronomer, Dr.
Olbers, has just been erected at Bremen. He discovered some asteroids,
and a method of calculating the orbits of comets, &c. He was greatly
honoured by his countrymen.Dr. Tappan, of New York, has just pub-
lished a very valuable work upon "University Education." He regards
the present American collegiate system as a failure, and points out a
remedy. In connexion with Dr. Wayland's work on the same subject, the
publication is significant of the present state of American Universities.-
The Earl of Carlisle (Lord Morpeth) has lately been delivering lectures
before the Mechanics' Institute of Leeds, on his recent tour in the United
States, and on literary subjects.The fleur de lis was made the ornament
of the northern radius of the mariners' compass, in compliment to Charles
of Anjou (whose device it was), the reigning King of Sicily, at the time
when Flavio Gioja, the Neapolitan, first employed that instrument in navi-
gation.—The following are the officers of the Royal Society for 1850–) :
President, Lord Rosse; Treasurer, Col. Sabine: Secretaries, Messrs.
Hunter, Bell, and Smith.--St. Paul's Cathedral is 404 feet from the pave.
ment to the top of the cross: Salisbury Cathedral spire is 404. The Ox-
ford "Tom" bell weighs 17,000 lbs; Lincoln 12,096.-M. Guizot has been
elected President of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres, and
M. de Wailly, Vice-President.It is stated that an archaeologist has lately
discovered among the archives at Chartres ninety-two original letters of
the Kings of France, from Francis the First to Louis Eighteenth.---In a
recent letter to the Rev. Dr. Tefft, of Cincinnati, Martin F. Tupper. Esq.,
the celebrated English poet, announces his intention of visiting the United
States within the next six months. One of the most rare and beautiful
vases in the Vatican was destroyed by a fall on a very windy night. It
stood near a window which was blown open. The vase contained the
ashes of Germanicus, or of Augustus himself. The king of Bavaria has
formed the gigantic design of causing to be executed a series of pictures
on subjects derived from the annals of all times and of all nations, the whole
being destined to form a sort of pictorial universal chronology. Mr. Jo-
siah P. Cooke has been appointed to the Professorship lately held by the
unfortunate Dr. Webster.A person in New York has invented a ma-
chine for stopping railway carriages by electricity. The plan contemplates
the arrangement of a galvanic battery on the locomotive, under the eye of
the engineer, with a rod running to each wheel in the train, connected with
the different clogs or breaks, and to be connected with the battery by a
touch, so as to apply simultaneously and instantly any desirable amount of
pressure to any clog.-Mr. Andrew Smith, C. E., the inventor of the
wire rope manufacture, has discovered the affinity between aerial electri-
city and terrestrial magnetism.--A gentleman of Cork, who has laboured
for years in devising a plan to obviate the effects of backwater on paddle-
wheels, has proceeded to London, to lay the invention before Messrs.
Maudsley, the eminent engineers.It is said that the Book of Common

Prayer is about to undergo revision by non-ecclesiastical hands. Besides
the Premier, another name is mentioned in connexion with the project.
-A striking panorama of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress is now being ex-
hibited in New York.--A model of the celebrated Remington bridge has
been exhibiting in Toronto, Its construction is simple and elegant, and
combines lightness and strength in a remarkable degree. A Remington
bridge has lately been destroyed on an American line of railway. The
pressure to which it was subjected being too heavy for the fragile structure.
--A despatch has been received from Earl Grey, authorizing the admis-
sion of American re-prints of English copy-right works on payment, in
terms of the recent Provincial statute, of 20 per cent. duty.——The Quebec
Chronicle gives a very interesting description of the appearance of the
Aurora on the evening of the 16th ult. It was first of a pea-green colour,
and of a zig-zag shape; then a snake form, and next-hanging over Beauport
as it were-it assumed prismatic colours, viz.:-purple, yellow, and pea-
green-the little upright streaks bundling up afterwards, into one another,
and two of the colours, the red and the yellow disappearing and re-appear-
ing every now and then, until in about a quarter of an hour the colour was
of the same light green hue, as when the aurora was first observed, when
assuming various linear and serpentine forms, it receded northward, and
by eight o'clock was lost to view.--The Hamilton Mercantile Library
and Mechanics' Institute contains 1,000 vols. of books, and is in a flourish-
ing condition.--The Toronto Public Reading Rooms and Libraries ap-
appear, also, from recent reports, to be highly prosperous.--The
Halifax (Nova Scotia,) Library contains 5,347 volumes.--Upwards of
£6,000 have been subscribed in Manchester for the establishment of
a free library and museum. The Mayor, J. Potter, Esquire, has ob-
tained by his own personal and unaided efforts about £4,000.--Sir
Roderick Murchison and M. Liebig have been elected members of the
Royal Danish Academy of Science.It is stated in the French journals
that in consequence of the confusion existing between the maritime calcula-
tions of different powers, and the unfortunate occurrences to which it some-
times leads, the naval powers of the north-Russia, Sweden, Denmark,
and Holland-have entered into an agreement to open conferences on the
old question of a common meridian for all nations. France, Spain, and
Portugal, it is said, have given in their adhesion to the scheme; and a
hope is held out that England will come into the arrangement. The
most advanced opinion on the Continent seems to be in favour of the
selection of an entirely neutral point of intersection,-say Cape Horn,-
which would have the advantage of being agreeable to the Americans.--
Lord Brougham, who has been suffering from partial loss of sight, is con-
sidered to be out of danger. He lately real an original paper before the
French Academy of Sciences on the diffraction of light.-Pensions on the
Civil List, of £100 a year each, have been granted to George Petrie, Esq.,
LL.D., and to J. Kitto, Esq., M.D. Mr. Petrie is a member of the Royal
Hibernian Academy of Arts, and Vice-President of the Royal Irish Aca-
demy of Sciences, and author of the treatise on the "Round Towers of
Ireland," and of many other antiquarian works. Dr. Kitto has been partially
deaf and dumb from an accident when a boy, in spite of which difficulties
he travelled through many lands. With his physical failings he has done
much for the cause of biblical literature, and is the author of many works,
such as the "Pictorial Bible," "History of Palestine," "Cyclopædia of
Biblical Literature," &c.-Pensions of £100 a year have also been
granted to Mrs. Belzoni, the aged widow cf the celebrated traveller, and
to Mr. Poole the author of "Paul Pry," and of several contributions to
perodical literature. The latter is a great sufferer from bodily infirmities.

-The number of books, pamphlets, and printed works of every kind, which have been issued from the press in France, during the year 1850, has been 7208. Among these must be reckoned 281 newspapers; 2697 engravings and lithographs are stated to have appeared during the year. just expired; 122 maps and plans, 579 pieces of vocal music, and 625. pieces of instrumental music.-The English papers are earnestly advocating the repeal of the paper tax. A public meeting to further this object was to be held in London on the evening of the 2d inst. The London Times says that the paper duty in the case of such publications as Household Words, or Chambers' Journal is more than 20 per cent.

The Dead of 1850.-Sir Robert Peel, Louis Philippe, President Taylor; the Duke of Cambridge, the Emperor of China, the American statesman, Calhoun; the Prussian Minister, Count Brandenburg; the Queen of the Belgians; the Duke of Palmella; the Vice Chancellor of England; the Recorder of London; the Chief Justice Doherty of Dublin. Wordsworth, Jeffrey, and Bowles: Miss Jane Porter; Wyatt, the sculptor: Sir Martin A. Shee; Patrick Fraser Tytler, the historian; the elder, Brunel James Smith, the agriculturist; Neander, the German theologian; poor Waghorn, of the overland route: Schumacker, the celebrated astrono mer, at Altona; Christian Lauritz Sverdrup, who died in his seventyninth year. M. Sverdrup has occupied the chair of philology at the Univer sity of Christiana since the foundation of that establishment by Frederick,

VI, King of Denmark, in 1808; Mr. Robert Gilfillan, known to the public as the author of several beautiful songs in the Scottish dialect, and some pieces of poetry of considerable merit; and Mr. J J. Audubon, the eminent naturalist, who died at his residence, on the banks of the Hudson last month. He was 76 years old. No man has contributed more to oraothological science than Mr. Audubon; Rev. Dr. Judson, the venerable American Missionary in Burman; Margaret A Fuller, the American Essayist; M. Link, a Professor at Berlin and a celebrated Botanist; Vicount Alford, M. P.; Sir W. Gordon; Dr. Haviland, Regius, Professor of Medicine at Cambridge, England, the Duke of Newcastle, and the Earl of Northamton.

Editorial and Official Notices, &c.

NOTICE TO TRUSTEES AND TEACHERS.-We deem it important at this early period of the year, when engagements with Teachers are usually made, to direct the attention of Trustees and Teachers to the 15th Section of the School Act, which enacts, "That no Teacher shall be deemed a qualified Teacher within the meaning of this Act, who shall not, at the time of his engagement with the Trustees, and applying for payment from the school fund, hold a certificate of qualification as hereinafter provided."

Ample opportunity has been afforded to Teachers in every county to obtain certificates from the County Boards of Public Instruction. The first meeting of these Boards took place on the 14th of November, 1850-several months after the law authorizing the granting of legal certificates was passed, thus giving those who considered their qualifications for the office of Teacher to be somewhat doubtful, time and opportunity to prepare themselves fully for examination by the County Boards. The "Programme for the Examination and Classification of Common School Teachers" was also published in this Journal in October last-nearly a month before the day of the first meeting of the Board, and, in most cases, two and three months before the examination of candidates actually took place. No excuse, therefore, can reasonably be urged against compliance with the provision of the section of the Act above quoted, if local Superintendents refuse to honour the order of Trustees in favour of persons not holding certificates of qualification. These officers, as the Local Superintendent of Guelph remarks in a letter on the subject, "cannot reasonably be expected to assume responsibilities in direct violation of the Law, in the distribution of the school fund in favour of parties who have by their own neglect created the difficulty, and who have far more interest than the Superintendent can have in the consequences resulting from their compliance or noncompliance with its unquestionable requirements. Trustees should also be careful how they involve themselves by assuming responsibilities to parties on whose behalf, without a certificate, they cannot claim a penny of the school fund." See the appeal to second and third class teachers on the 21st page.

TO LOCAL Superintendents.--We would respectfully suggest to local Superintendents the propriety of folding their Annual Reports to the Chief Superintendent of Schools in the form of a letter, and transmitting them without a cover. Several Reports have been received at the Education Office enclosed in heavy or coorse brown paper--the postage on which, has unnecessarily amounted to several shillings, We hope local Superintendents will add up each column in their Reports, as intimated last month. They might also, in a separate column, insert the number of free schools in operation in their township during 1850, with such remarks upon the operation of that system as may occur to them. In the next number of the Journal, we hope to be able to give such extracts from local Superintendent's reports, referring to the subject, as may appear appropriate. Superintendents will please report the smaller towns and Incorporated Villages which may be within their jurisdiction separately, in order that the apportionment of the Legislative school grant to those towns and villages can be made without unnecessary trouble or delay.

SCHOOL REGISTERS.--The School Registers authorized and required by law to be used in each Common School of Upper Canada, are now ready for delivery at the Education Office, Toronto, price, 1s. 3d, each, or 12s. 6d. per dozen. These Registers are designed to last for two years in a School with less than 50 pupils, and for one year in a school of less than 100 pupils. As the Act

contemplates the division of the school fund among the different school sections, according to the average attendance of pupils at each school, it is important that trustees should procure a copy of the Register without delay.

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS, PAMPHLEts and PeriodicALS RECEIVED. We have to acknowledge the receipt of the following Official Docu ments, Pamphlets and Periodicals, kindly sent to the Head of the Educational Department of Upper Canada, and to the Journal of Education:

1. DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. With Maps, Engravings, &c. Vol. I. 4to., pp. 523.

2. TRANSACTIONS OF THE NEW YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, 1849. With Maps and Engravings. 8vo. pp. 944.


4. THIRD ANNUAL Report on THE NEW YORK STATE CABINET OF NATURAL HISTORY, AND THE HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN COllection annexED THERETO, 1849. With beautifully coloured plates. 8vo., pp. 183.


(The foregoing were received from the Regents of the University of the State of New York.)

6. RESEARCHES relative to THE PLANET NEPTUNE, by S. C. WALKER, Esq., 1849. 410., pp. 60. Smithsonian Institution, Washington.

7. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND SESSION OF THE NATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE FRIENDS OF EDUCATION. With Appendices. Philadelphia, 1850. 8vo., pp 175. American Association for Advancement of Education.

8. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF COMMON SCHOOLS, State of New YORK, 1830. 8vo., pp. 128. Hon. Christopher Morgan.

9. PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE COUNTIES OF FRONTENAC, LesNOX AND ADDINGTON, 1850. 4to., pp. 17.-COUNTY OF WATERLOO, 1850. 8vo., pp. 22. Two copies each. The County Clerks.

10. PERIODICALS 'RECEIVED:-English Journal of Education; Massachusetts Teacher; The Student; Eclectic Journal of Education; Common School Journal; N. Y. Journal of Education; Cock's Musical Miscellany; Musical Review, &c.

[blocks in formation]

An admirable re-print of one of the national series of text books, authorized by the Council of Public Instruction, for use in the schools of Upper Canada. The Sequel is illustrated with very neat wood cus; and will prove a very useful intermediate class book, in connexion with the other reading books of the same series. our next number, we hope to be able to give the entire list of national books, (with their prices,) authorized and recommended to be used in our common schools.





THE BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION for this County has appointed the following named places for the Examination of Common School Teachers :

1. THE CITY OF TORONTO-in the Court House, at 9 A.M., on Tuesday, the 19th March next. Examining Committee-The Chairman, the Rev. Messrs. Grasett and Roaf, and G. A. Barber, Esq., City Superintendent.

2. BRAMPTON-At 9 A.M., on Tuesday, the 11th March. Examining Committee-The Superintendents, Rev. Mr. McGeorge, A. Simpson, and Dr. Crumbie.

3. DUFFIN'S CREEK-Tuesday, March 18th, at 9 a. M. Examining Committee-The Superintendent, Dr. Foote, Messrs. Annis, and W. B. Warren.

4. NEWMARKET-Tuesday, the 18th March, at 9 A.M. Examining Committee-The Superintendent of the first Circuit, Messrs. Smith and Hartman. J. JENNINGS,

Office of Board of Public Instruction,

18th February, 1851.


WANTED, a situation as a Common School Teacher, in any

part of Canada West. Has been trained in the Normal and Model Schools, Dublin; also, in the Toronto Normal School; and can produce a First Class Certificate from the Board of Examiners for the County of York, -having had six years experience as a Teacher, under the Board of National Education in Ireland, and two years and a half subsequently in this city. Communications to be addressed to JOHN TAFFE, Common School, No. 8, Toronto.

[blocks in formation]

TORONTO: Printed and Published by THOMAS HUGH BENTLEY. TERMS For a single copy, 5s. per annum; not less than 8 copies, 4s. 4 d. each, or $7 for the 8; not less than 12 copies, 4s. 2d. each, or $10 for the 12; 20 copies and upwards, 3s, 9d. each. Back Vols. neatly stitched supplied on the same terms. All subscriptions to commence with the January number, and payment in advance must in all cases accompany the order. Single numbers, 74d. each.

All communications to be addressed to Mr. J. GEORGE HODGINS,
Education Office, Toronto.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic]

Designed for Forty Pupils, and under the management of Mr. JoHN KINGSBURY.


I. What is a German University?
II. Causes of Individual and National Enlightenment (continued)

2. Poetry of Pope. 3. Extract from Poem by N. P. Willis, Esq. 4. Absence of Courage in promotiug Education. 5. Hints to Teachers-Reading. 6. How to Teach Children. 7. Dignity of a Teacher's Employment. 8. Derivation of the name Canada. 9. Dynasties which have ruled Britain. 10. Historical Antitheses. 11. Industrial Arts in 1851-Extract from Lord Elgin's Speech. 12. The Poet's Pen. 13. Humble Merit successful. 14. Goldsmith's Poetry. 15. Happiness,


IV. EDITORIAL: 1. Progress of the arrangement for procuring Library Books. 2 Educational movements-State of New York. 3. Misapplication of the School Fund by Trustees. 4. Highly favoured position of the British Soldier as regards Education. 5. Extracts from Local Superintendents' Reports, 1850,

PAGE. 33 34



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What is the rank of a German University? It is higher than that of our colleges; it is really a cluster of professional schools. Does it admit all students that choose to come? And does it receive students not versed in Latin and Greek? No, no, to both inquiries. Every student must have passed the severest examination before admission, and have attained a proficiency in Latin and Greek far beyond that of college graduates in the United States. The regular place of preparation is the Gymnasium, where all students go through a thorough course of classical study. "They are not only taught to read Greek and Latin with fluency, but to write them. They are moreover accustomed to speak the latter language with ease, in the latter part of their course to hold all their exercises in it." [Dr. Robinson, in Bib. Repos. Vol. 1.] They undergo semi-annual examinations in the Gymnasium; the last of which, designed to show whether they are fitted for the University, is very severe; for three days they have to write exercises on questions proposed to them in history, the Greek and Latin languages, mathematics, besides themes in German, and in at least one foreign modern language-while locked up alone and without books. Oral questions are added.

A certificate of having creditably passed this examination is necessary to admit them to the University. Those who do not come from the Gymnasium are subjected to a similar examination before a commission appointed by Government. As the whole system is under the control of Government, the process is in all cases equally thorough. Foreign students, unless intending to hold employment in the state to which the University belongs, are indeed admitted to the lectures, but not to a membership of the University,

wihout this certificate; but such practical and powerful checks are intentionally thrown around it by Government, that the attempt thus to evade a regular course, says Dr. Robinson, never occurs among German students, and "any erratic course of education is impossible,” with those who aspire to any station of influence or emolument.

If then the studies of the German University and their order were wholly optional, this, in the case of young men who have had the training of the Gymnasia, (superior in some respects to that of our colleges,) and are now entering on their professional studies, would be a very different affair from what it is to turn a band of untaught boys into a college course, to cull out studies to their liking, or according to their incompetent judgments.

But are the studies of the University optional with the student? An affirmative reply gives a very erroneous impression to the American student. Practically, to the great mass of students, they are not. We have seen that it is not optional whether the student have a thorough knowledge of the Latin and Greek languages in order to enjoy the benefits of the University. When in the University, the student may take his own time, and, with some exceptions, his own order of studies; he may, at his choice, extend his pursuit collaterally. But a certain prescribed course for each profession he must attend, in order to be admitted to examination. That examination, too, is of the most rigid searching character; and on his passing it, his hopes for life depend. These courses, in the several professions, are called Brod Collegia, because "a man's future bread depends on having attended them."

In practice there is therefore a necessity, and that of the sternest kind, imposed upon the great mass of students to pursue most thoroughly a certain established routine according to its nature. As the University belongs to the Government, this necessity is imposed, not through the laws of the University, but by its own direct requisitions in its various posts of honour and profit. It is done thus:

All stations of honour or emolument, all public employments in church and state, from that of statesman down to that of village teacher, are the gift of the Government. It thus holds almost every avenue to distinction and success.

For these posts it rigidly prescribes its course of preparatory study. A man cannot be an officer of state, a teacher in a higher institute, a physician, a lawyer, or a preacher, unless he has been at a University." This is a question which, if answered in the negative, precludes all other questions. The only exceptions are in the case of village schoolmasters, and the department of the mines; for both of which there are special seminaries, which take the place of the University course." [Robinson.]-For each of these employments the student must study the prescribed course and sustain a severe examination; if he fails in examination, one more opportunity is allowed him, when, if he fails again, his hopes are at an end. As comparatively few of the students can subsist on their own resources for life, but more than nine-tenths of them are looking to some situation in the gift of the state, the extent of their option is this— study this course or starve. The stimulus has no parallel in this country. The Government prescribes even the time of study at the University, four years for the profession of medicine, three years for the others.

Is the German University a cheap, self-supporting Institution? No; it is endowed with royal, and, in that country, almost incredible munificence. The University of Berlin occupies an immense building, formerly the palace of King Henry has a large botanical garden, vast and expensive collections in the various departments of Natural History, Anatomy, &c. ; has the use of the Royal Library of 400,000 volumes, and besides ample supplies for occasional wants, receives an annual appropriation of $60,000 from the Government. Every thing is on a scale proportional. The University of Bonn and Halle each receive $56,000 annually from the state. Bonn also occupies a palace, has its botanical garden, its Cabinets. Not to go further into detail, some idea of a German University and the scale on which it is conducted may be had from the single item of their Libraries. That of Gottingen contains 360,000 volumes; that of Reslau, 250,000; that of Heidelberg, 200,000; Tubingen 200,000; Munich 200,000; Leipsic 112,000; Erlangen 100,000.

The above facts being drawn from the statements of Dr. Robinson in the Biblical Repository, from the Bibliotheca Sacra, the Encyclopedia Americana, and other authentic documents, may be relied upon.



(Continued from Vol. III., Page 172.)

While the external circumstances of life among which every one necessarily exists, produce an increasing and unavoidable effect in moulding individual and national character; it is also obvious, that the general tendencies of various nations are productive of marked results in the formation of character, aided by numerous physical causes, whose action may be traced through the history of races. The maritime pursuits and commercial character of a people are usually the result of the physical features that mark the country they occupy; the simple quietness of agricultural pursuits usually stamps the popular character with corresponding features, and the harsh and stern, though often sublime scenery of a land of mountain and of flood imparts to its possessors the bold and daring habits of the huntsman and the warrior. Various races also often retain, apparently by hereditary descent, peculiar traits and tendencies under great variations of external circumstances. A restless energy of purpose, and anxious desire for improvement, will urge to perpetual change one body of colonists in a strange territory, while another similarly situated will plod through centuries of smiling contentment without a thought of alteration.

The question is not now, which will be the most happy or virtuous; but which will have the better chance of obtaining the larger share of the general enlightenment making its unavoidable progress through the world.

In ancient times when the "people" did not exist, save as a mass of human animals, to be driven to the farm, the forest, or the field of blood, at the pleasure of their owners, the idea of a direct means of instruction, with a view to their elevation, intellectual or political, could never have been thought of. Even the Spartans who certainly framed a system of popular education, had evidently in view the elevation of the state only, as a military or political power; the training afforded to the people was exclusively with a view to the performance of certain duties wisely deemed effective in supporting the then existing state of things; the moral man was utterly neglected and even degraded, while the citizen was carefully formed; personal character was altogether sacrificed to the upholding of a governmental machinery.

Through the long gloom of the dark ages, the masses of the nations of the earth, reared and matured under an atmosphere of discord, ignorance, and blood, could scarcely hope for aid in the path of intelligence, even if they knew its value; but what will be said to certain "wealthy philosophers" of the nineteenth century, who would still close up that path, as leading to mischief, when pressed by the foot of the artisan or the labourer? That the ignorant or depraved should neglect the offered advantage from its presumed expense in time or money, from a sluggish indifference to all improvement, or from that unhappy "let-well-enough-alone" principle, that has chained so many of the sons of labour to the rock of their fathers' ignorance, is not to be wondered at. But that the educated man, the man of estate and standing, the patron of refinement and elegance, whose whole enjoyment and happiness are necessarily, more than those of others, bound up with, and dependent on, the firmness and strength of the bands of social polity, that such a one should cry down the truest and soundest means of upholding the fabric, might well be esteemed a prodigy past belief, were we not well aware of the existence of such an anomaly. The opinions of such persons are utterly undeserving of refutation. Though many, however, do not go to such extreme lengths, they are yet perfectly apathetic on the subject. It is difficult to get the unenlightened mass to weigh prospective benefits. They can see an immediate result, but they cannot look forward. Laws must be made to restrain the vicious, punishments inflicted to deter them, and life and property must be protected. These are direct necessities, and they can acknowledge the expediency of contributing to the support of an expensive machinery to ensure the results on which social peace and comfort directly depend. Such are the means of cure and they must be applied. But is the same care evinced as regards the means of prevention ? Certainly not. It is only within the last half century that even the most enlightened statesmen appear to have thought the prevention of crime a principle de

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