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Queen's College Cork.-Opening of the Session of 1851–52.— Progress of the mixed Collegiate system in Ireland.-Notwithstanding we have so frequently of late, noticed, in a spirit of natural exultation, the progress of education in this country, we feel that no apology is necessary for recurring to the subject in connexion with the proceedings which took place in the Queen's College, on the 3rd of November. In the Examination Hall of that College, we saw on that day the middle and upper classes of this city, congregated for the purpose of manifesting their approbation of the system of education pursued within its walls since its formation. The importance and significance of the attendance we are disposed to estimate more highly than we would on any previous occasion. To all intents and purposes we construe the entrance of Catholic pupils by their parents, and the attendance of the Catholic chief magistrate of this Catholic community, and so many of our leading Catholics at the proceedings yesterday, as tantamount to a formal declaration on the part of the laity that they will manfully maintain their temporal rights against any interference whatsoever. When it is considered that a deputation from the Transatlantic Packet Station Committee visited this city yesterday, for the purpose of examining our harbour, the presence at the College of so many of our fellow-citizens of high standing is the more remarkable. The event proved that the Cork people, while they are fully alive to the importance of securing direct communication between this country and America, they are not insensible to the high er claims which the educational movement has on their support, at this particular crisis; and that the feeling in favour of that movement is steadily progressing. Indeed, in the list of those present yesterday, we observe the names of some whom, up to the present, we had understood to be opposed to the Queen's Colleges. There is one part of the President's address to which we direct the attention of those who oc. cupy the important position of teachers. It is evident, as the President observes, that, on the secondary education given in the classical schools throughout the country, it will depend whether any advance shall be made in the standard of entrance qualification. It is very true, indeed, that private schoolmasters will find it difficult to introduce the necessary reforms, but if a few succeed in carrying them out, in each of the provinces, the general body will make stronger efforts to imitate their example. As to the Royal Schools of Ireland, the abuses of which have become almost as notorious as the Cathedral trusts in England, we are glad to see that something is likely to be done shortly to reform them, and make them what they were originally intended to be. Colonel Rawdon, M. P, has been for some time collecting all the necessary information respecting the present mismanagement of these establishments, and, no doubt, in the next Seg. sion of Parliament steps will be taken for rendering them more useful. In the eloquent remarks with which the address of the President concludes, we cordially concur. After two years' existence, during which the College has had to undergo the most jealous, captious scrutiny, it has continued to attract still closer the sympathy and approval of the more intelligent of the community of all creeds, and to disarm not a few opponents of their hostility. "Thrown," says the address, "into the hottest furnace, the Colleges have increased in fullness and efficiency, unscathed, gaining, amongst the fires expected to consume them, the strength which now enables them to offer to Ireland the realization of that plan of University edu cation of which, two years ago, but an imperfect sketch could be presented." Of the result of the conflict we have no fear. In this, as in every other struggle, the fury of barbarism and ignorance will waste itself before the cool discipline of civilization.-[Cork paper.

The Queen's College, Galway.-The following very gratifying statement with respect to the Queen's College, Galway, appears in the Vindicator:-" We believe that all attempts to arrest the progress of sound mixed education will prove utterly abortive in this country. The experience of each succeeding day strengthens us in this opinion. In Galway, where the whole strength of the opponents of mixed education was put forth, the new college is completely triumphant. At the matriculations, to-day and yesterday, the number of fresh students entering the college amounted to twenty-eight. From the sound system of education adopted in the Galway College, and the acknowledged ability of the several professors, it was reasonably supposed that there would at least be no falling off under any circumstances; but we were not prepared to expect so large an increase to the number of the students who have already matriculated. The fact of such an addition to the ranks of mixed education in Galway is in itself a sufficient protest against any interference with that freedom of opinion which an enlightened laity will be ever found ready to appreciate and sustain. At the October examinations last year there were only thirteen martriculated students, which fact renders the present increase the more significant, and gives a strong guarantee of the future success of the institution."

General remarks on the foregoing:-The system of mixed education in the Queen's Colleges, Ireland, as well as under the National Board, is daily taking firmer hold, and more strongly uniting the various

Teligious denominations in its support, notwithstanding all the efforts made by its opponents to excite hostility against it. In the Queen's Colleges at Cork and Galway, pupils, including a full proportion of Roman Catholics, are steadily augmenting; the ordinary National Schools are still extend ing, whilst the National Model Schools (against which peculiar grounds of opposition have been recently started) are represented by the local clergy of the different religious denominations as admirably calculated to promote sound secular education, with ample opportunities for religious instruction, without the slightest interference with the religion professed by any of the children.-[English paper.


Items.-Monthly Summary.—The Corporation of Trinity Church in the City of New York have bestowed a perpetual annuity of $3,000 on Geneva College, an Episcopalian Institution, to make tuition free..... Seventy-five thousand dollars are said to have been subscribed toward the endowment of the Madison University, and it is desired to increase the amount to one hundred thousand..... We learn that the Rev. Dr. M'Clintock declines the acceptance of the presidency of the Wesleyan University, in consequence of the state of his health.

Princeton College. -The triennial catalogue of Princeton College, just published, gives the following summary of all the officers and graduates of that institution, from its foundation in 1748 to the last com

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New England Female Medical College.-Arrangements having been made for a complete course of medical instruction, with six Professors in the different departments, the Boston Female Medical School is hereafter to be known by the name of New England Female Medical College; and a firm under this arrangement is to commence in February.

Schools in New Mexico.—The St. Louis Republican, of November 2, has the following interesting paragraph :-" We had the pleasure of greeting the Rev. Mr. Reed of the American Baptist mission, formerly chaplain in the U. S. army, direct from Santa Fe. Mr. R. has been engaged in the worthy effort to establish English schools in the territory, such as the Mexicans and Pueblo Indians would be willing to support. His labors thus far have been eminently successful, and he now visits the United States to procure means and teachers, and extend his schools into various parts of the territory. We trust his efforts will be seconded throughout the States, for there is no portion of the territory of the United States that more eminently needs the schoolmaster than New Mexico. Mr. B. returns in the Spring to Santa Fe."

Literary and Scientific Intelligence.

Items.-Monthly Summary.-The venerable and everywhere esteemed poet, James Montgomery, is dead. He had completed his eightieth year. On his eightieth birth day he planted an oak tree in the lawn in front of the Sheffield Infirmary. He resided at The Mount, Sheffield. ....Mr. William Wyon, R A., the chief engraver at the Royal Mint, died at Brighton, on the 29th October, after a long illness. Mr. Wyon's eminence in his department was acknowledged on the Continent; the leading European monarchs have on many occasions availed themselves of his abilities..... Mr. Gutzlaff, the famous Chinese missionary and scholar, died at Canton on the 9th August last, in the 48th year of his age. He was by birth a Pomeranian, and was sent to the East by the Netherlands Missionary Society in 1827; and after spending four years in Batavia, Singapore, and Siam, he went to China in 1831. Being of an erratic disposition, within the next two years he made three voyages along the coast of China, then comparatively unknown. On the death of the elder Morrison, in 1834, Mr. Gutzlaff was employed by the British Superintendency as an interpreter, and was employed in that capacity during the war. He afterwards received the appointment of Chinese Secretary to the British Plenipotentiary and Superintendent of Trade, in which he died..... The prize of 200 guineas offered by Mr. J. Cassell, for the best essay on the moral, social, and political condition of Ireland, has been awarded to Mr. Frederick Hearn, LL.B.,

Professor of Greek in Queen's College, Galway.....The Belgian Government has offered a prize for the best work on the effects of sulphate of iron in the treatment of cases of inflammatory diseases of the lungs in cattle.... The Belfast Newsletter mentions a very important discovery in the manu facture of linen, by which the time required to bleach and finish for sale the woven fabric will be reduced from three months to ten days or a fortnight, and the quality of the article will be improved..... Prof. Faraday has lately discovered that zinc, by being melted and poured into water, assumes new properties; it becomes soft and malleable, losing none of its tenacity, but is capable of being spun into the finest wire, pressed into any required form, or rolled into any required thinness. The discovery wil prove of importance to the arts..... It isstated that the electric light has already been brought to a sufficient degree of practicability to be used for the permanent purposes of illumination, and that it is henceforth to be employed in the tunnels of the Manchester and Yorkshire railway..... The severity of the recent proceedings of the Government of Saxony against the press, and the numerous confiscation of books in Leipzic, have caused a plan to be revived which was formerly entertained by many of the Leipzic booksellers, of transferring the seat of trade to another city. Berlin and Brunswick have been mentioned as places likely to be chosen..... A banking institute, for encouraging the mutual instruction of its members in literary and professional studies, was originated at the London Tavern last month, by a meeting over which Mr. W. G. Prescott presided..... A literary monthly has made its appearance at Tiflis, in the Georgian language. It will discuss Georgian literature, furnish translations from foreign tongues, and treat of the arts and agriculture. What oriental students will find most interesting in this magazine, will be its specimens of the popular litera


A new Armenian periodical has been also commenced in the TransCaucasian country..... Charles Dickens (Boz) is at present keeping his terms at the Middle Temple, for the purpose of becoming a barrister..... Mr. Douglas Jerrold has made a proposal that a copy of Shakspeare shall be presented to Kossuth, by penny subscriptions throughout England, in admiration of his marvellous mastery of "the tongue that Shakspeare spoke." The idea seems to meet with almost universal favour. In a note to the editors of the Daily News, Mr. Jerrold says:-"The shower of pennies subscribed by Englishmen, will not be without its significance; such copper will have its effects even against the iron of iron Russia and lead of leaden Austria."....The suggestion of his Royal Highness Prince Albert, for the delivery, in connexion with the Society of Arts, of a series of lectures on the probable bearing of the Exhibition on science and the arts, has been most warmly taken up by the Council, and arrangements have already been made with Dr. Playfair, Dr. Royle, Dr. Linuley, Professor Solly, Professor Ansted, Mr. D. Wyatt, Mr. O. Jones, and Mr. H. Cole, to take part in the anticipated series of lectures. It is expected that the session, which will commence about the middle of next month, will open with the first of the proposed series..... A large number of the articles exhibited continue to be purchased The executive committee of the great exhibition have announced that they are forming a collection to consist of samples of all articles of trade, British and foreign. At present, the privilege of contributing is confined to the late exhibitors. Curiosities and articles of pure science are inadmissable, commercial value being the test which will be adopted. Depositors may in each case affix to their goods the selling price and any other information..... Mr. Tucker, an Engineer attached to the arsenal at Malta, has arrived at Alexandria on a mission from the Government to survey the prostrate obelisk (Cleopatra's Needle) and report as to the practicability and cost of carrying it to England. He has had it entirely uncovered, and finds it to be in about the same defaced condition throughou Mr. Serrel the Engineer who planned the celebrated suspension bridge over the Niagara, has made a survey, for the city Council, with a view of ascertaining a proper site for the proposed suspension bridge in front of Quebec..... There are 6,461 miles of English railways constructed, at the cost of £205,160,000: the number of engines working on them is 2,436; the average distance run per day being 110,333 miles; the profits on the traffic paying from £11,000,000 to £11,500,000 into shareholders.... The privilege of selling newspapers and books at the railway stations belonging to the South Western railway company has, it is stated, been leased to Messrs. Smith & Son, the news agent of the Strand, for £1,000 a year.....The telegraphic cable between England and Calais cost £15,000..... Telegraph Wires have been introduced into the Observatory at the Dock Yard Bostou. It is understood that it is the intention to connect with the Observatory at the Cambridge University, near Boston, by means of the Telegraph between flalifax and Boston; to be used in this instance for Astronomical purposes and the advancement of science. The following has just been published :-"Notes on the Mineralogy, Government and Condition of the British West India Islands, etc. etc. etc., by Admiral the Earl of Dundonald, G.C.B," late Naval Commander-in-Chief on the above station. British North America is treated upon at some length in the pages of this work.....The aggregate population, according to the general census of 1844, of Turkey in Europe, Asia, and Africa, is stated at upwards of thirty-five millions, of which

there are fifteen and a half millions in Europe, sixteen millions in Asia and nearly four millions in Africa.....In Constantinople there are forty-one public libraries, chiefly attached to mosques and religious institutions..... 'I here is a church actually existing near Bergen, which can contain nearly 1,000 persons. It is circular within, octagonal without. The relievos outside, and the statues within, the roof, the ceiling, the Corinthian capitals, are all of papier mache, rendered waterproof by saturation in vitriol, lime, water, whey, and the white of egg.....The Governors of thirty-one States fixed upon November 27th, for the uniform observance of the annual Thanksgiving, being the result of a correspondence with the Governor of Ohio.....There are sixty-five cities and towns in the United States, the population of which, by the census of 1850, is 10,000 or upwards..... There are at least fifty clipper-ships now employed in the Californian and East Indian trade, some of them of the large size of 1600 and 1800 tous ..A new and bright comet was discovered on the 22d of last month at the observatory of Baron Senftenburg. in Bavaria. by Mr. Brorsen. It may be seen in the northern part of the constellation Bootes.....A letter from Berlin of the 28th ult. states that Dr. Brown has just discovered, at the Observatory of Berlin, a new comet, in the constellation Cauis Venatorius. This comet is very luminous, and has two tails: As it will soon be in conjunction with the sun, it may be seen in the evening in the northwest, and in the morning in the north-east, at a distance of from seven to eight degrees from the last star of the tail of Ursa Major.... Mr. W. Lassell of Starfield, Liverpool, has discovered two new satellites of the planet Uranus. They are interior to the innermost of the two bright satellites first discovered by Sir William Herschell, and generally known as the second and fourth. It would appear they are also interior to Sir William's first satellite, to which he assigned a period of revolution of about 5 days and 21 hours. He first saw these on the 24th of last month.

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Lectures at the Toronto Mechanics' Institute.-Two Lectures, of which the following is an abstract, have been delivered in the Institute this season thus far. Others of equal interest and importance are announced* The first Lecture of the season was on Terrestrial Magnetism." It was delivered by the director of Her Majesty's Magnetical Observatory in this city, Capt. LEFROY, R.A., F.R.S. Very little, the Lecturer remarked, appears to have been known of the earth's magnetism, even in its effects upon the Mariner's Compass, before the time of William Norman, a clockmaker of Loudon, who, in the 16th century, discovered "the dip," or that force which causes a magnetic bar of iron, when freely and equally suspended, to assume an inclined position to the earth's surface, north or south of the magnetic equator. It has been found that the dip is subject to continual variations. In London, in 1773, the dip was 72° 19' and 1830, only 69° 38'. At Toronto the dip is now about 75o, and is slowly suffering a small variation. The phenomenon of the dip was strikingly shown by causing a dipping needle to move along a inagnetic bar of iron. At the centre of the bar it assumed a horizontal position, corresponding to the real position of the needle at the magnetic equator of the earth. As it was moved towards the northern or southern end of the bar, it dipped towards them, in proportion to its proximity with them. When over the poles, it stood vertically. Capt. Lefroy exhibited, by means of diagrams, the situations of those parts of the earth, where there is no dip, which correspond nearly with the equator. Lines of equal variation, and of no variation, were also exhibited, traced over a map of the earth's surface. The mode of measuring the variation of magnetic force was illustrated by causing a dipping needle to vibrate, and then counting the number of vibrations that occurred before it assumed a position of rest. The number of these vibrations varies at different parts of the earth's surface, and thus indicates the variations of magnetic force. This mode of measuring the variations in magnetic force, on different parts of the earth's surface, was undertaken by Humboldt, in his first expedition to South America. Humboldt's name was alluded to by Capt. Lefroy, in language expressive of deep admiration and feeling. If, said the eloquent lecturer, we seek for an example of that ardour with which some men investigate the mysterious and wonderful works of nature, we may contem late a young man, more than half a century ago, laying the shadowy foundation of a science, which he has since pursued with such astonishing zeal, acuteness and success, as to have infused his own warm and investigating spirit of observation into the seientific bodies of every civilized country; and not being contented with exciting a spirit of enquiry, he has succeeded in inducing the Governments of England, Russia, and the States of Germany, to join in one harmonious scheine for advancing our knowledge of the phenomena and cause of Terrestrial Magnestism. Thirty different stations have been established over the surface of the earth, to watch the changes and measure the inten sity of this force-a force existing in the earth to such an extent, that if it were concentrated on one point, it would exercise an influence equal to that of eight thousand four hundred and sixty-four trillions of magnets, similar to the one he held in his hand. This vast force appears to be concentrated, as it were, in four different poles, two of whieh are situated in the northern hemisphere, two in the southern. These poles do not coincide with the

northern and southern poles of the earth, but appear to revolve about them, in very unequal periods of time. The magnetic equator of these poles crosses the earth at four points. Its form and position are also undergoing continual changes. The intensity with which the magnetic needle is at racted towards these poles varies at different hours of the day. So also does the direction of the needle, usually called the variation of the compass; this amounted at Toronto to a little more than one degree and a half west in the year 1848. The variation of direction is also subject to a daily hange. It is least at about seven o'clock, a. m. and greatest about 2, p. m. It is also greater in summer than in the winter. Captain Lefroy made a very touching allusion to the Franklin expedition one of whose chief objects was to make observations on Terrestrial Magnetism. Many men of exalted reputation, as Sabine, Hausteen, Humboldt, and Gauss, had devoted their lives to the study of this branch of knowledge, others had perilled and even lost their lives, in laborious and difficult observation of its changes and effects. Governments had expended vast sums of money in assisting their researches; and one vast expedition has now been lost to the civilized world, for many years, in a region of ice. It would be asked, what has been done by all this xpenditure of time, labour, and treasure in the cause of science? But little apparently as yet. The collected observations now amount to more than twenty-seven quarto volumes of figures. These have yet to be compared with one another, and deductions drawn from the results; but as for any confirmed theory of Terrestrial Magnetism nothing seemed to be absolutely certain. Captain Lefroy then alluded to the discovery of the magnetic power of oxygen when heated by Faraday; who considered that terrestrial inagnetism was mainly induced by the warmth imparted to the oxygen of air, by the sun's heating rays. It was, however, thought by those who knew most about the phenomena of terrestrial magnetism, that Faraday's theory did not completely set the question at rest. He (Capt. Lefroy) felt sure, however, that the labour of the observer and the liberality of Government, would not be in vain. Whatever had been called into existence by the Creator, was well worthy of being examined and investigated by all His intelligent worshippers, and he was satisfied with the conviction, that time would bring due reward to those who in faith quietly pursued their work, that as in days of old heathen men deified the inventors of the sickle and the plough, so in times to come Christian men would signify their approbation in a better and more enduring form, of the labours of those who are now confidently seeking a hidden treasure, fraught with benefit to all mankind in time to come.

The second Lecture on "The Dawn of English Literature" was delivered by the Rev. Dr. BURNS. This interesting subject was treated in a masterly manner, and must have been instructive and entertaining to a large and numerous audience, entirely filing the hall. The Lecturer commenced with a brief account of the state of learning in theearliest period of British history, anterior to the time of the venerable Bede, known as the father of English literature, respecting whose character and acquirements the Reverend lecturer spoke at some length. After alluding to several illustrious names that shone in the general darkness immediately preceding the reign of Alfred the Great, he passed on to mention the great exertions made by that monarch for the encouragement of learning, not only by the example of industry set by himself, but by founding schools for all classes of his subjects, and inviting to his court illustrious men of al nations, famed for their wisdom and learning. The lecturer also pointed out how the gradual formation of the present English language, was continually going on by the constant infusion of new elements till after the time of the Norman invasion, when a new impulse was given to the spread of learning by the Norman scholars, who took great pride in academical honors, and by the eximple of many of their monarchs. The crusades also in their turn, by the introduction of new sciences and the acquirements of new languages, added greatly to the stock of learning. In the time of Edward the First, the lecturer went on to say, the study of law in particular was carried to a great extent, being attended with a beneficial result to the people in general, by improving the laws themselves, and giving stability to the national character. The lecturer then passed on to speak of Chaucer, the father of English literature, and Wyckliffe, the father of the English reformation; and to show the state of the English language at that period, he read an extract from Wyckliffe's translation of the Bible, pointing out the great similarity between his version and the one in present use. tie also read extracts from the travels of Sir John Mandeville, written by himself, showing how much beauty and eloquence were combined with the quaintness and oddity of his style: He also read the Lord's prayer in the Anglo-Saxon language, comparing it sentence by sentence with the English translation of the 8th century, to show the state of the language of that period. The lecturer then alluded to a remark in the Eat nburgh Review, stating if all the literature of the United States of America were swept away from the republic of letters, the loss would not be felt. This statement he strongly condemned, and concluded by reading an extract from a poem written by a professor of an American College to disprove the remark. [Abridged from the British Colonist and Patriot

Alleged Discovery of Perpetual Motion.-The Courier de la Gironde states that a civil engineer of Bordeaux, named De Vignernon, has discovered the perpetual motion. His theory is said to be to find in a mass of water, at rest, and contained within a certain space, a continual force, able to replace all other moving powers. The above journal declares that this has been effected, and that the machine invented by M. de Viguernon works admirably. A model of the machine was to be exposed at Bordeaux for three days, previous to the inventor's departure with it for London.

Editorial and Official Notices, &c.

SUBSCRIBERS TO THE JOURNAL FOR 1852.-In accordance with an invariable annual practice, we beg to apprize the subscribers to the Journal of Education for 1851, that with the January number of 1852, a new set of mail books for that year will be opened. All parties, therefore, who wish to have the Journal sent to their address next year will please transmit their subscription as usual. This notice will prevent the recurrence of many disappointments which were experienced by former subscribers in the early part of this year. A great many illustrations will be given and some new features added to the Journal next year.

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TORONTO: Printed and Published by THOMAS HUGH BENTLEY. TERMS: For a single copy, 5s. per annum; not less than 8 copies, 4s. 44d. each, or $7 for the 8; not less than 12 copies, 4s. 2d. each, or $10 for the 12; 20 copies and upwards, 3s, 9d. each. Back Vols. neatly stitched supplied on the same terms. All subscriptions to commence with the January number, and payment in advance must in all cases accompany the order. Single numbers, 74d. each.

All communications to be addressed to Mr. J. GEORGE HODGINS,
Education Office, Toronto.



Abbey, Westminster, Brief History of, 30;
regulation regarding 94.

Aberdeen University 61.
Academy of Sciences, Royal Danish 31;

French 31, 109; of Arts, Irish, 31, 94;
Swedish 79; American 159.
Academies, and Colleges in the State of
N. Y. 62 in Nova Scotia 74.
Acadia College, Nova Scotia 60, 123.
Acids, their nature and powers, 142.
Act to establish Free Schools in the State
of New York 59.

Acts of the Apostles, Original MS. of 143.
Accident in 9th Ward School, N. Y. 180.
Addison, The Right Hon. Joseph 5, 54, 151.
Address, Third Annual, to the People of

U. C., by the Chief Superintendent, on
the permanency and prospects of the
system of Schools in operation-1.
Reference to 8.

Admission to the Normal School, Toronto,
Terms of 112.

Admonish, How to 103.

Advantages, Collateral, of a well organized
system of Public Schools 42, 129, 147.
Advertisements 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112,
128, 144, 160.

Africa, Discovery in 15,

African Traveller, Death of Richardson,

the 159.

Affection, Hold fast to 108.
Agricultural. Chemistry in the Toronto
Normal School, Lord Elgin's Prizes in
80, 89; People, education for 115.
Alabaina, beautiful signification of, 119.
Albany, N. Y., New University in 45, 94,

Album, A Magnificent 79.

Alexander the Great 30.

Alfred, the Great, 109.

Algebra, Historical Sketch of 22.

Algiers, Works published in 63.

Ambitious Men 87.

America, Septenary Institutions in 17.
American and English Pronunciation 167.
Amherstburgh, Free Schools in 48.
Anchorite, A Scientific 107.
Angel Wing, Child of the 106.
Anglo-Saxons, their history and language,
3, 39.

Animalcules on the human Teeth 55.
Anthein, National, in French 62.
Antigua, Population of 109.
Antitheses, Historical 39.
Antiquarian Exploring Missions 176.
Antiquities, Canadian, at Quebec 15.
Apparatus for Schools 48, 83, 112, 120, 128;
its influence 56; in Nova Scotia 73, 129.
Appeal to second and third Class Teachers
Apportionment of the Legislative School

Grant in U.C. for 1851, 75, 77, 88, 112.
Arabia, Septenary Institutions in 17; per-
fection of language in 55.
Architecture, School, in Nova Scotia, 16,

74; in Canada 9, 10, 17, 20, 33, 49,
52, 60, 65, 69, 77, 81, 81, 97, 100, 120,

Arran, Origin of the name of the Island of


Art, Curiosities of 86; of printing from stone

Art Journal, London, Prize Essay on the
Great Exhibition 15.

Art, of Teaching 51; of life 133.
Art Union, American, 15.

Art, School of, in New York 46.
Arctic, Discovery, History of, 71; seas, an
incident in, 85.

Arts, Industrial, of 1851, 39.
Association, Teachers, in U. C. 29, 44, 60,
108; in Nova Scotia 73; in the U. S.
116, 117, 141.

[blocks in formation]

Atlasses in the Educational Depository,
U. C. 127.

Attendance at School in Nova Scotia 73.
Attila, The Terrible 37,

Asia, Septenary Institutions in 18.
Assyria, Septenary Institutions in 18.
Athenæum, London 15, 94.
Audubon, the eminent Ornothologist 32.
Aurora at Quebec 31.

Australia, Septenary Institutions in 19;
census of, 94.

Austria, School Regulations in 51.
Autographs, Curious collection of 63.
Axis, Rotation of the Earth in its 130.


Babylonians, Septenary Institutions among

the 18.

Bacon, Lord 7.

Bamboo, Description of the 175.
Baptist, Colleges 12, 61, 124.
Barrow, Dr. Isaac 149.
Barry Cornwall-Poem, by 5.
Bavaria, Statistics of the Press in 63.
Beautiful Thought, A 69; signification 119;
the good and the 148.
Beauty of the Sky, The 165.
Beauty of Life, The 85.
Becs, A swarm of 38, 85.
Beckwith, Schools in 91.
Be kind to your Mother 164.

Belgium, Statistics of the Press in 63, 143.
Berlin Museum, The 110.
Bell, Rev'd Dr., Sketch of 161.
Better Land, The 21.

Bible, Statistics of 95, 110, 111.
Birds, New Wingless 101; of passage 117.
Blanc, Mont, Ascent of 142, 150.
Boards of School Trustees in Cities, Towns

and Villages in U. C., and the Muni-
cipal Corporations 57, 114.

Boerhaave, Dr. 7.

Bombay Board of Education 157.
Bonfire, The Rum 164.

Book of Life, The 7.

Books for Schools, U.C. 40, 89, 120, 126;
Nova Scotia 73.

Books, Expenditure for, 100 years ago, 111.
Borneo, Geography of 125.
Boston, Practical Lessons on Education,

from 153; state of education in 154.
Boutwell, Speech of Governor, 117, 124.
Boy, Energy in a-its results 165.
Brantford, Central School of 9, 122.
Brewster, Sir David 47.
Bridge, Queenston and Lewiston Suspen-
sion 54.

Briggs, Speech of Governor
British, Constitution, Elements of 7; sol-

diers, education of 41; educational
census 92; and foreign school society
92, 95; population of 94; correspon-
dence in 94; Association 125; and fo-
reign educational intelligence 15, 29,
45, 60, 78, 92, 169, 122, 140, 157.
Britain, Dynasties which have ruled 39;

Colleges in 61, 92; Colonial empire of
86; Expense of education in 124.
Brock's Monument, Indian name of 96.
Brockville Schools 15.
Brougham, Lord 23, 31, 49.
Brown University, Rhode Island, 79, 124.
Burke, Right Hon. Edmund 23.
Burlington Bay, Indian name of 96.
Bute, Origin of the name of the Isle of 19.


Caffraria, Education in 45.
Calcutta, Education in 29.
Calendar, Julian, Origin of 17; Chaldean


Cambridge, Origin of the name of 19.
Canada, Chief Superintendent's Third Ad-

dress to the People of Upper 1; Educa-
tion in 8. 11, 14, 16, 24, 26, 28, 44, 50,
57, 98, 104, 140, 156, 172; Derivation
of the name of 38; Normal school in
Lower 108.

Canadian Antiquitles in Quebec 15.
Carlisle, The Earl of 31, 36.
Carolina, North, Normal School in 121.
Carthagenian Antiquities, 158.
Cartier, Jacques, 135
Cartoons, Raffaell's 121.
Carving, Ivory 79.

Catalogue of the Great Exhibition 175.
Cathedral, Lincoln 39; St. Paul's 31; Sals-
bury 31.

Catholic, R., Colleges 15, 45, 61, 109, 174.
Cave, Beautiful, in Indiana 79; in Ver-

mont 111.

Cavendish, the Philosopher 107.
Caxton, the first English Printer 4.
Celtic Literature 94; Race 167.
Cemetry, The Sea the largest 139.
Census, British Educational, of 1851, 92; of
Australia 94: of Canada 94.
Century, First half of the Nineteenth 22.
Chambers' Maps 127.
Channing, Rev. Dr. 55.
Character, National, 23: The German 23;

of Hamlet 23; Purpose, the edge of 167.
Charitable Institutions in London 31.
Chatham, U. C., Public School in 144.
Chemistry, Prizes in Agricultural, in the

Normal Schoci 80, 80; Wonders of
111, 141.

Chicago Schools 141.

Childhood, Memories of 135.

Children, How to Teach 38, 116: Small, at

school 118; are a prophecy 131.
Child's Laugh, A 21; dreamn 164; joys and
sorrows 165.

Child of the Angel Wing 106; To a 148.
China, The Empire of 87.
Chinese, Septenary Institutions among the

Chippewa, Indian name of 96.
Christianity, Education follows 23.
Christian Knowledge Society's Maps 126.
Christian Philosophy, Elements of 108.
Crystal Palace, 15, 47, 63, 70, 95, 109, 110,
139, 142, 143, 158.
Cid, Tomb of the 15.
Circular, Notice to Superintendents 16, 32,

48, 122, 168; to Teachers, 32; to Clerks
of Councils 43. 75, 77, 80, 88, 112, 122.
Cities, Cost of small Schoois in 25, 28, 120;
of London and Paris compared 119.
Classics, Study of the 87.
Clerks of Counties in U. C., Circular to 43,
75, 77, 80, 169.

Cleopatra's Needle, 113, 159.
Clive, Lord 7.

Close of the Great Exhibition 166.
Congregational Colleges 29, 61, 173.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 69.
Colonial Empire of Creat Britain 86.
Colleges and Universities-Toronto Uni-

versity 15, 29, 44, 60, 77, 91, 172; Magill
11, 29; Victoria 11, 157; Knox 11, 77,
157; Regiopolis 11, 12; Trinity (U.C.)
28, 44, 77, 108, 173; Trinity (Dublin)
29, 45, 60, 78, 123, 124; Trinity (Cam-
bridge) 29, 61, 124, 140, 157; Queen's
(U. C.) 11, 12, 77; Queen's (Ire-
land) 15, 29, 45, 109, 157, 173;
Queen's (Birmingham) 45; Upper
Canada 12; Bytown 11, 123; Oxford
7, 12, 29, 45, 60, 61, 92, 109, 123, 124;
Harvard 30, 45, 63, 78, 124, 159; Yale
37, 47, 124, 150, 158, 174; Wesleyan
(Middleton Conn.) 125, 158; Dart-
mouth 30; Emory 124; Brown (R.I.)
124; Poor Boy's 61, Girard 30, 82; Vir-
ginia 94; Henry Female (Ky.) 94;
Minnesota 94, 124; Middlebury (Vt.)
94; Indiara 124; Columbia (N.Y.) 109,
142; Union (N.Y.) 109, 124; Albany
(N. Y.) 45, 94, 158; Genesee (N. Y.)
109, 124; Rochester (N. Y.) 109, 158';
Agricultural (N.Y.) 46; United States
61, 62, 79, 109; London University
61, 92, 125; New (London) 29, 92;
Owen's 61, 125, 173; College of Arts,
England 174; Durham 157; for Young
men, 157; Dulwich 61, 78; Manwell
109; Maynooth 61; Magee 45; Thurles
15; Ushaw 143; Catholic 43, 174;

Marichal 61; Scotch 121; Acadia 60,
123; Baptist 124; Van Dieman's Land
141: King's (Nova Scotia) 60, 157;
King's (New Brunswick) 78; Berlin
University 60, 7, 125; of France 61.
Combination Maps, Varty's 126.
Comfort, Progress of 142.
Compositions, Original 7.

Cominission of Inquiry into the State of
of the British Universities 29, 60; To-
ronto University 44, 77.

Confucius Tomb of 6.

Connecticut, State Normal School 121; A,
parish, 150.

Constitution, British, Elements of 7.
Contents of the Annual School Report,
U. C., for, 1850, 122, 128.
Cooper, J. Fenimore 144.
Cork, Lessons on 139.

Cork, Queen's College 15, 173, 185.
Corner Stone of New Normal School, U.C.
Ceremony of laying the 97.
Corporations, Municipal, and School Trus-

[blocks in formation]

Daguerre, Death of M. 125.

Daily Exercises of a School, Hints on the

Day, President, of Connecticut 150.
Days of the Week, Names of, in various
Languages 18.

Dead, Statistics of the 7; Image of the 21;
The, of 1850, 31; Voyage of the 85; The

Deaf and Dumb in U. C. 62.
Death, The Genius of 7.
Death of Schwab, the German Poet, 45:
several celebrities in 1850, 31; W.
Maxwell, Spontini, R. Liston, 47;
Oersted, Mrs. Shelley's Daughter, J.
Baillie, J. W. Monette, G. Thomp
son, 62; Shiel, Park, 94; Tieck, 62,
109; Daguerre, Rev. Dr. Olin, Dr.
Moir, (Delta) 125; Mrs. Lec 143;
J. F. Cooper, Rev. Dr. Gallaudet 144;
G. Inghirami, 158; Richardson 159.
Dedication of New School Houses 55.
De Fellenberg, Count, Sketch of 145.
De Tocqueville on National Greatness, 181.
Delhi, Seal Cutters of 47.
Delta of Blackwood, Death of 125.
Democracy, Unique definition of 23.
Demosthenes, The Indian 134.
Depository of Maps, Books, &c. U. C. 126,

Derivation of the name Canada 38.
Dickens' Household Words 6, 3., 51.
Diffusion of General Knowledge 44.
Dignity of the Teacher's Employinent 39.
Diligence, Reward of 179.
Dinter, Gustavus Frederick, Sketch of St.
Discoveries of Starry Firmaments, by Lord
Rosse 163.

Discovery, Arctic 71, 79, 85; of a Cave in
Indiana 79, of ditto in Vermont 111:
Scientific 94. 110; Geological 111; in
Egypt 125: in Assyria 176.
Dispersion of the Bible 111.
Divisibility of Matter, Instance of 63.
Documents, Official, received 34, 64, 96.
Drops Gold 135.

Druidical Monument, Discovery of a 174.

Dublin, Royal, Society 45, 47; University
Inquiry Commission CO.

Dulwich College, England 61.

Dumfries, U. C., Teachers' Association 44.
Dynasties which have ruled Britain 39.


Early Rising 119, 167; Influences of 119.
Earth, Wyld's Model of the 110; Rotation.

of the 130.

Eastern Method of Measuring Time 159.
Echo 23.

Eclipse of the of Sun, July 1851, 95, 142.
Eden, Garden of 150.

Edinburgh Review 3, 55.

Encouraging Symptoms for the Future 8.
Education in the City of Hamilton 9.
Progress of Education in Canada 11.
Progress of Free Schools in Upper Ca-
nada 24.

Free Schools in England, 1851, 25.
Legal opinions of the Judges on separate
Schools 25.

Education in New York and Upper Ca-
nada 26.

Education in New South Wales 27.
Municipal Orders for the Journal of
Education 27.

Progress of the arrangement for procur-
ing Library Books 40.

Educational Movements in New York
State 40.

Misapplication of the School Fund by
Trustees 40.

British Soldiers and Education 41.
Extracts from the Reports of Local Su-
perintendents 41.

Spirit of the present Educational Move-
ment, in Upper Canada 56.

Boards of Trustees and Municipal Coun-
cils 57.

Educational Progress in Canada 57.
Objections to Free Schools in England


Progress of Education in Nova Scotia

Governor General's Prizes in Agricultu-
ral Chemistry 89.

Sketch of System of Education in Upper
Canada 104.

Powers and Responsibilitics of School
Trustees 113.

School Maps and Apparatus 120.
Erection of School Houses 120.
New York an Example for Upper Cana-
da 120.

Education of Female Teachers in France

Testimony in favour of Free Schools 121.
Provision for Normal Schools in the
United States 121.

New Educational Laws in Massachu-
setts 121.

A People will be Industrious in propor-
tion to their Intelligence 136.
The Climate of Canada 137.
Rights, Powers, and Duties of Trustees
and Township Councils 152.
Practical Lessons on Education from
Boston 153.

Education among the Ancient Hebrews


Personal Reminiscences of the progress
of Education in New England 170.
Statistics of Education, &c., in England
Education in Canada 11, 14, 28, 41, 44, 56,
57, 60, 74, 77, 91, 104, 108, 122, 140, 156,
157, 172, 184; in Brockville 15; in Ha-
milton, U. C. 9, 14, 28, 60; in Co. Mid-
dlesex 60, 77, 91, 108, 123, 140; in Co.
Norfolk, U.C. 44, 60; in Co. Halton
44; in Co. Oxford 60; in New Bruns-
wick 20, 78; in Nova Scotia 29, 61, 73,
157; in P. E. Island 91; in England
15, 29, 45, 60, 78, 92, 109, 123, 140,
157, 172; in Ireland 15, 45, 60, 78, 92,
109, 123, 140, 157, 172; in Scotland
29, 78, 92, 124, 173; in Jamaica 92;
in Van Dieman's Land 141; in New
South Wales 27; in Sweden, 93, 140;
in India 62, 93; in France 30, 121;
In the Sandwich Islands 44, 174; in the
United States 15, 30, 45, 61, 78, 94, 109,
124, 141, 158, 174; in the State of New
York 26. 40, 46, 53, 59, 62, 121, 124,
158; in Massachusetts 62, 121; in Mi-
chigan 61, 121; among the Sikhs 134;
among the Ancient Romans 83; among
the Hebrews 155; and Christianity 23;
free by the State 12; Absence of cour-
age in promoting 37; British Soldiers
and 41; Horrors of a Free 45; Modern
Systems of, and their Founders 49, 65,
81, 145, 161, 177; its power 53; of Me-
chanics 86; Love, Hope, and Patience
in 69; for an Agricultural People 115;
Universal 118; Partial Systems of 118;
Essentials of Self 119; vs. Ignorance
132; Religious 147; Practical Lessons
on, from Boston 153.
Education, Journal of, U. C., Municipal
orders for 27, 80; in Nova Scotia 128.
Educated vs. Uneducated Criminals 78,

Educational, Movement in U. C., Spiritjof

the present, 56; features of the Boston
Rail-road Celebration 154; New, fran-
chise, in England 157; Intelligence 14,

2, 44, 60, 77, 91, 108, 122, 140, 157;
Lectures 9; Statistics in England 171;
incidents of the Queen's visit to Man-
chester 173.

Egypt, Newspaper in 62; Antiquities in
125; Discoveries in 125, 158.
Eirene, The new Planet 109.
Electro-biology 47.

Elgin, The Earl of 39, 89, 98.
Elgin, Mount, Industrial School 100.
Eloquence, True source of 103.
Emerald Mine in Egypt 158.
Eminence, How to attain 132.
Empire, of Great Britain, Colonial 86; of
China $7.

Encouraging symptoms for the future 8.
Energy in a Boy, its results 165.
Engine, Poetry of the Steam 23.
England, Free Schools in 25, 72.
England, New, Free Schools in 6, 15, 78;

Extension of University Education in

[blocks in formation]

Fellenberg, Count De, Sketch of 145.
Female College in Kentucky 94.
Fernando de Soto, Burial of 30.
Final Scene of the Great Exhibition 166.
Firmaments, Starry, Discoveries of 163.
Fisk, Rev. Dr. 117.

Flax, Clussen's invention regarding 79;
in Ireland, 125.
Fleur de Lis, Origin of 31.

Florida Reefs, Origin and Formation of 47.
Flowers, Sleeping 135.
Flower, The Dove 79.
Foreign Quarterly Review 23.

Foreign, British and, School Society 92;
Bible 95.

Foresta, Charta de 7.
Forgiveness, Beautiful signification. of 7.
Formation of an Infant, Wonderful 165.
Foundations, Laying 102.

Founders, Systems of Education and their
1. John Frederick Oberlin 49.
11. Henry Pestalozzi 65.

III. Gustavus Frederick Dinter 81.
IV. Emanuel, Count, de Fellenberg 145.
V. Rev. Andrew Bell, D.D. 161.
VI. Joseph Lancaster 177.
France, Books, &c., from the press of, in
1850, 31, 63; National Institute of 62;
Female Teachers in 121; Map of 175;
Primary Instruction in 30; Original
letters of the Kings of 31.
Franchise, Literary 109; Educational 157.
Franklin, Sir John 71, 85, 143; B. 179.
Free, Education by the State, 12; Horrors

of a, Education 45; Library in Man-
chester 31, 79, 109.

Free Schools, Historical facts connected
with 6.

Free Schools in U. C., 8, 14, 16, 24, 26,
41, 45, 48, 56, 57, 74, 157.; New
Hampshire 14; Eugland 25, 48, 72,
92, 156; Ireland 157; New York 26,
40, 46, 59, 120, 121, 158; New Bruns-
wick 29; New Jersey 30, 45; Toronto
45, 60, Indiana 45, 61; Minnesota 94;
Massachusetts 121; South Carolina
121; Sardinian Italy, 179.
French Revolution 1848, and newspaper
31; Teachers in U. C., 80; Acadeiny
109; Embossed Maps 127; Jurors and
the Exhibition 139; Frenchman and
English Studies 151.
Friendship characterised 23.
"From my Mother, Sir" 148.
Frugality, Early 87.

Fund, Literature, in N. Y. State 46.
Fund School, Apportionment of the, for
1851, 75. 77, 88, 112; Misapplication
of the 40; A permanent 44.

Future, Encouraging symptoms for the &;
The $7.

Futurity, The Veil of 23.


Gallaudet, Rev. Dr., Death of 114.
Gallery of Portraits, Society a, When 7.
Galway College, 29, 169, 173, 185.
Garden of Eden, The 150.

Gas, Dr. Gesner's Kerosene 47; Paine's
illuminating 31, 47, 63.
Gasparis, the Astronomer 143.
Genesee College, N. Y., 109, 124.
Genius defined 23; Insanity and 55; Re-
ward of 160.

Genius of Death, The 7.

Gentleman of the olden time, A 23.
Geography, of Borneo 125; Atlasses of 127.
Geological Discovery 111.

Geology, New Museum of practical, Lon-

[blocks in formation]

Globe, Mr. Wyld's Monster 47, 1:0.

God, The Existence of a 7.

Goethe, The, Inheritance 15, 31, 133.
Gold Drops 135.

Goldsmith's Poetry 31, 39.

Good and the Beautiful, The 149.
Good-Nature 151.

Government, True Principles of in Fami-

lies and Schools 117.

Governor General, Speech by the 39, 99;

Prizes in the Nor'nal School, U.C. 80,

Graduates of the N. Y. Normal School,
Meeting of 141.

Grammar Schools, &c., in Nova Scotia,

74; in Upper Canada, 60, 77, 140.
Grand River, Indian name of 96.
Grant, Legislative, School, U.C., 1851, 75-
77, 88, 112; Great Britain 124.
Gratitude, Beautiful signification of 7.
Grattan's Oratory, Characteristics of 23.
Great Men 36, 135.
Greatness, True 48, 135.
Greece, Language in 55.
Greek Church, Statistics of 30.
Guizot, M. 31, 78.


Habits of Artificial Life 55.

Hamilton, U. C., Schools 9, 44, 60, Indian

name of 96.

Hamlet, Character of 23.
Happiness 39.

Haroun al Raschid 87.

Harper's Book Concern, N. Y. 160.
Harvard University 30, 45, 63, 78, 79, 124.
Hebrews, Popular Education among 155.
Heart's Arguments, The 87.
Heat, Latent (illustrated) 12.
Hemans, Mrs. 21, 117.

Highlands of Scotland, Schools in 61.
High Schools in Lower Canada 11.
Hindoo Schools at Calcutta 29.
Hindostan Newspapers 94.

Hints, on Recitations 28, 116; to Teachers
90, 116, 118.
Historical Antitheses 39.
Historical, sketch of Algebra 22; of Nor-
mal Schools 53; of Steam 141; of Free
Schools 6.

Historical Society of Quebec 11.
History defined 55.

History of the English Language 3.
Ho-de-no-sau-nee, League of the 96.
Holland, Free Schools in 6.
Homes, The Three 53.

Hope, among the Ancients, 67; in Educa-

tion 69.

Horrors of a Free Education 44.

Hours, of a Wise Man, 54; Life's last 134.
Houses, Dedication of School 55.
Humboldt's Cosmos 31.


Iceberg, Passing through an 166.
Ignorance, Education vs. 132.
Ignorance of Physical Truths 103.
Illuminating and Motive Power, Discovery

in 110.

Impressions in Youth 87.
Incident, An interesting 144; in Milton's
Life 149; of the Queen's Visit to Man-
chester 173.

Incorporation of Colleges, N. Y. State 61.
Independent College, Homerton 29.
India, Septenary Institutions in 19; Ver-

nacular Translation Committee in 62;
Education in 29, 93.

Indiana Schools in 45, 61, 124; Colleges in
Industrial Arts in 1851, 39; Exhibition
Opening of 60; School Mount Elgin.
Industrious, A People will be, in propor-
tion to their Intelligence, 136.

Infant, Wonderful formation of an 165.
Influences, Power of Early 119.
Inquiry, Toronto University, Commission
of 44; British Universities 29, 60.
Insanity, and Genius 55; in the Pentonville
Prison 157.

Inscription on a Tombsone 67.
Institutes, Teachers, U. C., 28, 44, 60;
Nova Scotia 29, 73.

Institute, of Instruction, American 124;
National, of France 62.
Institutions, English, Tendency of 7.
Inspection of Schools, Nova Scotia 73; in
U. C. 116.

Instruction, Council of Public. U. C. 101,
105; Boards of Public 14, 105
Instruction, Primary, in France, 30.
Intellect, Mountains and Valleys of 55.
Ireland, Education in 15, 45, 60, 78, 92,
109, 123, 140, 137.

Irish, Royal, Academy, 94; National Maps

"Is it well with thy Child?" 69.
Islands, Sandwich, School Statistics 144.
Items, Educational, 14, 15, 28, 29, 30, 44,

45, 60, 61, 77, 78, 92, 94, 108, 109,
122, 124, 157. 158, 172, 173; Literary
and Scientific 15, 29, 30, 47, 62, 78,
94, 109, 125, 143, 158, 174; Statistical

Ivory Carving by Women 79.

Jacques Cartier 135.


Jamaica, Education in 92.

Jenny Lind 15.

Jersey, New, Schools in 30, 45.

Johnston's Maps 126.

Journal, Chambers' 131.

Journal of Education, U. C. 27, 61, 80,

160; Nova Scotia 128.

Joys and Sorrows, Children's 165.
Judges, Opinion of the, on separate
Schools, U. C. 25.

Jujubhoy, Sir Jamset-jee 47.
Jupiter, Planets between Mars and 63.
Jurors, French, on the Great Exhibition

Jury, Institution of Trial by 7.

[blocks in formation]

Lamartine's opinion of M. de Stael 151.
Lancaster, the Educationist, Sketch of 177.
Land, The better 21.

Language, English, History of the 3; in
Arabia and Greece 55.
Latent Heat 12.

Lapis Lazuli, Artificial 160.
Laugh, A Child's 21.

Laws, New School, Massachusetts 121.
Laying the Corner Stone of the Normal
School U. C. 97, of a School in Chat-
ham 144.

Laying Foundations 102.

Leaf, The Fall of the 172.

League of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee 96.
Legal University, Proposed New 174.
Lectures, Educational, by Superintendents,

[blocks in formation]

Libraries, in U. C. 11, 31, 91; Nova Scotia
31; England 11, 109; in the U. S. 46,
79: Russia 79; in France 143, 175.
Life, The Book of 7; The Beauty of 85; A
Psalm of 133 The Art of 133; The
True 134; Last Hours of 134.
Lincoln and Welland, Counties of, Educa-
tion in 29.

Lincoln, Cathedral 31, 39.
Lingard, Rev. Dr., Death of 125; Bequest
of Library by 143; Sketch of 178.
Lis Fleur de on the Compass 31.
Literary and Scientific Intelligence 15, 30,
47, 62, 78, 94, 109, 125, 141, 158.
Literary Franchise 109, 157.
Literature and Science in Canada 11.
Lithography, The Art of 176.
Liverpool, Model of 47; Statis1ies of 143.
London, England, Extent of 94; and Paris

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