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duties of civil life upon terms of perfect civil and religious equality -I say it gives me pleasure to hear and to know that they are receiving an education which is fitted so well to qualify them for the discharge of those important duties, and that while their hearts are yet tender, and their affections green and young, they are associated under conditions which are likely to promote among them the growth of those truly Christian graces-mutual respect, forbearance and charity. [Loud applause].

At the close of HIS EXCELLENCY's remarks, the Right Rev. Dr. DE CHARBONNEL presented to the GOVERNOR GENERAL, on behalf of

the Council of Public Instruction, a Silver Trowel, addressing HIS EXCELLENCY as follows:

"MONSEIGNEUR,-Je suis très heureux et trés honoré d'avoir, ète choisi par le Conseil de l'Instruction Publique, dont votre Excellence a daignè me faire membre, pour lui présenter cette truelle d'argent, aux industrieuses emblèmes du blazon des Bruces.

"L'établissement dont votre Excellence va poser la pierre angulaire, Monseigneur, sera un des plus glorieux monuments de tout ce que son libéral Gouvernement aura fait pour la prospérité, de ce pays ad ædificationem."

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The Trowel was beautifully carved, having the armorial bearings of the EARL OF ELGIN-the handle of ivory, being ornamented with a Coronet wrought in Silver. The following is the inscription on the Trowel:





Wednesday, the Second day of July, 1851,






On the reverse was:









His Excellency and the Council of Public Instruction then descended to the stone, where the inscription on the plate was read by JOSEPH C. MORRISON, Esq., M. P. P., as follows :—






Wednesday, the Second day of July, 1851,












The Council of Public Instruction, for Upper Canada : The Reverend Egerton Ryerson, D. D., Chief Superintendent of Schools, The Honorable SAMUEL BEALY HARRISON, Q. C., Chairman.

The Rt. Reverend A. F. M. DE CHARBONNEL, D. D., Roman Catholic Bishop of Toronto The Reverend HENRY JAMES Grasett, A. M.




The Reverend ADAM LILLIE,

JOHN GEORGE HODGINS, Esq., Recording Clerk.

Messrs. METCALFE, WILSON & FORBES, Contractors.

A Bottle containing the following:

1. Report on a system of Public Elementary Instruction for Upper Canada, 1846.

2. Journal of Education for August, 1849, containing the Annual Report of the Normal, Model and Common Schools in Upper Canada, for 1947, containing an account of the opening of the Normal School in November, 1847.

3. Common School Act, 7th Victoria, chapter 29.

4. Common School Act, 9th Victoria, chapter 20.

5. Common School Act, 10th and 11th Victoria, chapter 19.

6. Common School Act, 13th and 14th Victoria, chapter 48, with Forms, Regulations, Instructions, and Circulars.

7. Parchment copy of the Inscription on the Plate deposited in the cavity of the Corner Stone.

8. Journal of Education for May, 1848, containing an account of the first Examination of the Normal School.

9. Programme of the last Examination of the Normal and Model Schools, ending 31st May, 1831.

10. Journal of Education for May, 1851, containing an account of the last Examination. 11. Scobie's Almanac for 1851.

12. Programme of the ceremony observed at laying the Chief Corner Stone of the Normal School, and Engraving of Building.

13. Sundry silver and copper coins.

14. Different denominations of Canadian postage stamps.

was handed by HUGH Scobie, Esq., to HIS EXCELLENCY, who deposited it in the cavity of the stone prepared for it; the Inscription Plate was placed; and HIS EXCELLENCY having spread the mortar with his trowel, the stone was then formally lowered to its bed-His EXCELLENCY saying, "I declare this Stone to be the Chief Corner Stone of the Normal and Model Schools for Upper Canada." CUMBERLAND, the Architect, then handed HIS EXCELLENCY the Square and Mallet, which he applied to the stone in the usual way on such occasions.


Cheers were given for the Queen, for the Governor General, and for the Council of Public Instruction; in the midst of which His EXCELLENCY and the Countess of ELGIN, accompanied by the Council of Public Instruction, retired, followed by the principal visitors. The proceedings closed at half-past one.

After the ceremony, Mr. CUMBERLAND, the Architect, entertained the Council of Public Instruction and a large number of distinguished guests, including Clergymen, Members of the Government, and both branches of the Legislature, &c., &c., at luncheon.

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The Normal and Model Schools for Upper Canada-now in progress of erection-are situated upon the centre of an open square, bounded on the north by Gerrard Street, on the east by Church Street, on the south by Goold Street, and on the west by Victoria Street, in the City of Toronto. The distance from the Bay is about three quarters of a mile. The situation is a very beautiful one, being considerably elevated above the business parts of the City, and commanding a fine view of the Bay, Island, and Lake. The Square, which contains seven acres and a-half of ground, was purchased in August, 1850, from the Hon. PETER MCGILL, of Montreal, by the Council of Public Instruction, for £4,500, in cash. The estimated value of the property is about £1,000 per acre. The amount of the Legislative Grant for the purchase of the site and the erection of the buildings, was £15,000. The amount of the contract for the erection and completion of the building, is £8,790, exclusive of extras, Architects' commission, warming, &c. It is estimated that the furniture, &c., for the building, will cost about £1,000 or £1,200.

In a building of so great an extent, it appeared to be neither desirable or expedient to adopt a rich or highly finished style of embellishment. The whole has been designed with a view rather to utility than for effect, care being taken however to maintain that fitness of decoration by which the purpose and importance of the Institution may be characterised and upheld.

The principal Normal School Building, as seen in the perspective, fig. 1, will be 184 feet 4 inches frontage, by a depth on the flanks, east and west, of 85 feet 4 inches.

The front will be in the Roman Doric order of Palladian character, having for its centre, four pilasters of the full height of the building, with pediment, surrounded by an open doric cupola, of the extreme height of 95 feet. The principal entrance (to the Offices of the Educational Department, &c.) will be in this front; those for the male and female students being placed on the east and west sides respectively, C and D. In the centre of the building will be a large central hall, (open to the roof, and lighted by a lantern,) with a gallery around it, at the level of the upper floor, at B, in fig. 3, approached on each floor by three corridors-south, cast, and westand opening on the north to the Theatre or Examination Hall. On the East side, the accommodation on the ground floor will be as follows:

School of Art and Design, No. 1, School of Art and Design, No. 2,

Male Students' Retiring Room,

Council Room,

Male Students' Staircase A,

On the West side:

Waiting Room,.

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Chief Superintendent's Room, Depository for Books, Maps, &c.,

Depository for Apparatus, &c., Female Students' Retiring Room,

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Recording Clerk's Office, with fire proof vault, 37 :11 Second Clerk's Office, 22 : 0 Female Students' Staircase A, 17 : 6

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22' 8' x 14' 8" 22 : 0 x 14 : 3 28 : 0 x 21 : 0 28 : 0 x 21 : 0 22: 8 X 14 : 8 36 : 0 x 26 :10 x 22 : 0 x 14 : 3 x 11 : 0 North of the Central Hall is the Theatre, with Lecturer's entrance in the centre, and side entrances cast and west, d, d, for male and female students respectively. Here the aisles are marked a, b, and c, with seats arranged between them: the Lecturer's platform being placed between B and e. This portion of the Theatre is designed to accommodate 470 persons, and including the galleries, 620. Around the Theatre, and beneath its gallery, are east and west corridors, by which the students will reach the Model School.

By this arrangement it will be seen, that except when actually in the presence of the Masters, the male and female students will be entirely separated.

Passing (by the corridors last named) to the Model School, which is 175 feet 6 inches frontage, by 59 feet 6 inches, the students enter the boys and girls' schools by doors to the east and west, each of which has a large school room at its centre, 56 feet 6 inches x 33 feet, capable of accommodating 300 children, with four smaller class rooms adjoining it, about 17 feet x 15 feet 6 inches each. The boys

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Men are wisely careful in laying the foundations of their dwellings. They dig deep because they have learned that there is a disturbing agent which upheaves the surface of the earth. They do not throw together cobble-stones, but rift the massy rock, and pack its fragments in cementing mortar. All this costs money and takes time; yet men who build at all, almost universally lay such foundations. This is excellent economy. He who builds his house upon the sand, has been called a foolish man by the highest authority. The wise man builds on a rock.

The teacher is a mind-builder. To lay foundations is his great work. If he is an honest and skilful workman, much of his work will be underground and out of sight. No man will do this work well, but an honest and independent man. Temptations to neglect it will assail him from every side. Like other men, he loves to see immediate and brilliant results, and grows weary under drudgery and toil, to produce what no eye sees and no lips praise. Besides, circumstances generally combine with this desire to lead him to seek such results. Many of his patrons never look below the surface, but measure both his capacity and success by what appears above. His very bread may depend on his doing his work superficially. The multitude applaud him who raises a showy intellectual structure, while they condemn him who spends years in laying massive foundations. They talk well. They mean to give their children a good education, but they insist upon two things-it must be done with despatch, and cheap. As a consequence, which they seem not to perceive, it must be wretchedly done. We find many men in every community who talk finely about the education of their children, and still by indulgence or avarice cheat them out of it. They cannot spare them to study more than three months, although they can spare them to labor for wages, or to amuse themselves at home and abroad, month after month and year after year. The child that would not be taken from the mill or shop a day in six months, would be taken from school twenty days in half that time, for the most trivial reasons. Men feel the loss of silver much quicker than the loss of sense. With all their fine talk, they do not afford the time and means to their children, for that solid mindbuilding which is true education. These hindrances meet every teacher; still, if he be a true man, he will not heed them. He must lay foundations.

Let us consider more definitely the application of our subject to the operation of the school-room.

1st. The discipline of the school should be such as to implant in the mind right principles of action, and accustom the pupils to habitual self-control. Such discipline will lay a good foundation for a correct moral character. The reign of the school-room should

not be a "reign of terror," or trickish cunning, or imbecile softness. It should be a kind, but inflexible reign of righteousness.

If you strike a blow, it may secure a sullen submission for a moment; but if you implant a principle, it will be a guardian angel for a lifetime. More than this, the blow will very likely arouse an evil passion which will poison, ever after, the finer teelings of the heart. O teacher! beware that thou cast no such bitter drop into the pure fountain of a young pupil's affections.

The school is a miniature community. Its discipline should secure a sacred regard to right, and habitual self-control. The regulator of the conduct of the young, should be within and not without. It should be a part of their being, ever present and inseparable. We wish them to become good citizens and true men, when they feel no longer the curb of the master or the parent. What can we expect but rash and disorderly action in mature life from those whose early years have felt no influence but the tight rein and curb bit?

There must be obedience in the school-rocm, but it should not be mere brute submission to superior power. Men are not brutes, though sometimes the dividing line between the territory of the two becomes extremely attenuated. That teacher who only secures submission is a sorry disciplinarian, although the affairs of his school-room move on as noiselessly and systematically as the heavenly orbs. If he is not continually implanting right principles of action in the minds of his pupils, he ought to change his profes


2nd. The intellectual training of the school-room should be such as to lay a broad and firm foundation for extensive acquisitions in future. To impart information is not the greatest part of the teacher's work. This is an old truth, but it needs repetition, and will need it, I fear, so long as the world stands. It is a slow process for the young mind, to take, digest and assimilate mental food; so in this age of "top speed," the process of stuffing has been substituted. Its immediate results are often astounding, and therefore it takes. You see development at once. This practice of developing mind as you would develop a bladder, has lately been much denounced, and after having been pierced by many a sharp shot, has shown some symptoms of yielding to treatment; still it exists widely, because there is a demand for it. There is a loud call for showy outside work. The multitude look at the surface, and investigate no further. The old adage is still true-"more people see than weigh: polished brass will pass with more men than rough gold."

The faithful teacher must not and will not yield to this demand. The best artists are slow workmen. The noblest productions of every art and profession have received their perfection from protracted toil and painstaking. It takes a thousand years for the gnarled oak of the mountain to acquire its firm texture and lofty proportions. It is the gourd that grows up in a pight.

So a strong and vigorous intellect is a thing of slow growth. This ought to be a "fixed fact" in every teacher's mind. His business is to encourage its growth, by removing obstructions, and supplying the most favorable aliment in right quantities,—and he can do no more. He cannot grow for it. He cannot jerk his pupil up the hill of science any more than he can jerk the sapling into an oak. There is no such thing as manufacturing at once a mature mind, and he who attempts it will make a miserable failure. Those lofty edifices whose immense size strikes the beholder with awe and astonishment, were built brick by brick, one at a time. In all such edifices the foundation is the most massive part, and requires more time and material than any other part.

I have sometimes thought that the first year in a primary school has more to do with future scholarship than many succeeding years. If there is negligence or misdirection then, it leaves a great work to be undone. The poor foundation must be removed to make room for a better. The tones which the child imitates there, the management of voice which it acquires, the distinctness of its articulation, will tell powerfully on the future reader and orator. The clearness and fulness of its first apprehension of numbers and of extension and directions, will determine to a great extent its future proficiency in arithmetic and geography. In this stage of education let no word be half spoken, no fact half learned, and no thought half comprehended. Aim at completeness. That word completeness should ever stand before every teacher's eye and mind from the primary school to the university. The pupil who has done and learned every thing imperfectly during the first three years of his life in school, cannot be a very hopeful candidate for the honors of

accurate scholarship during the succeeding three years, even under the best training. Nowhere more than in our primary schools do we need thorough, accurate and judicious teachers.—Massachusells Teacher.


How few men really believe that they sojourn on a whirling globe, and that each day and year of life is measured by its revolutions, regulating the labour and the repose of every race of being. How few believe that the great luminary of the firmament, whose restless activity they daily witness, in an immoveable star, controlling, by its solid mass, the primary planets which compose our system, and forming the gnomon of the great diai which measures the thread of life, the tenure of empires, and the great cycles of the world's change. How few believe that each of the millions of stars —those atoms of light which the telescope can scarcely descry—are the centre of planetary systems that may equal, if not surpass, our own? And how very few believe that the solid pavement of the globe, upon which they nightly slumber, is an elastic crust, imprisoning fires and forces which have often burst forth in tremendous energy, and are at this very instant struggling to escape-now finding their way in volcanic fires-now heaving and shaking the earth-now upraising islands and continents, and gathering strength for that final outburst which is to usher in the new heavens and the new earth, "wherein dwelleth righteousness." Were these great physical truths objects of faith as well as deductions of reason, we should lead a better life than we do, and make a quicker preparation for its close.-North British Review.

THE END OF PRUDENCE.-The great end of prudence is to give cheerfulness to those hours which splendour cannot gild, and acclamation cannot exhilirate-those soft intervals of unbended amusement, in which a man shrinks to his natural dimensions, and throws aside the ornaments or disguises which he feels in privacy to be useless incumbrances, and to lose all effect when they become familiar. To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition, the end to which every enterprise and labour tends, and of which every desire prompts the prosecution. It is, indeed, at home that every man must be known by those who would make a just estimate of his virtue or felicity; for smiles and embroidery are alike occasional, and the mind is often dressed for show in painted honour and fictitious benevolence.

HOW TO ADMONISH.-We must consult the gentlest manner and softest seasons of address; our advice must not fall, like a violent storm, bearing down and making those to droop, whom it is meant to cherish and refresh. It must descend, as the dew upon the tender herb, or like melting flakes of snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind. If there are few who have the humility to receive advice as they ought, it is often because there are few who have discretion to convey it in a proper vehicle, and can qualify the harshness and bitterness of reproof, against which corrupt nature is apt to revolt, by an artful mixture of sweetening and agreeable ingredients. To probe the wound to the bottom with all the boldness and resolution of a good spiritual surgeon, and yet with all the delicacy and tenderness of a friend, requires a very dexterous and masterly hand. An affable deportment and a complacency of behaviour will disarm the most obstinate, whereas, if instead of calmly pointing out their mistake, we break out into unseemly sallies of passion, we cease to have any influence.

He who commands himself, commands the world too; and the more authority you have over others, the more command you must have over yourself.

I will hazard the assertion, that no man did or ever will become truly elequent, without being a constant reader of the Bible, and an admirer of the purity and sublimity of its language.-Fisher Ames.

Enjoyment is more durable than pain. The one is the immortal. firmament, the other the transient clouds which darken it for a time.

How much more might people accomplish, if they would but make it a point to carry out whatever they undertake.




The description and illustrations given in this number of the buildings for the Normal and Model Schools for Upper Canada, together with the account of the imposing ceremony of laying the chief corner stone, suggests the propriety of presenting a brief outline of that system of public elementary instruction, with which those schools are now so essentially connected.

The origin of the common school system of Upper Canada, as now established, is as follows :-Annual parliamentary grants were made in aid of common schools for more than thirty years, but expended without system, and with but little advantage to the country. In 1841, the first law was passed (introduced and conducted through the Legislative Assembly by the Hon. S. B. HARRISON, then Secretary of the Province) embodying the great principle of granting money to each county, upon the condition of such county raising an equal amount by local assessment. Considerable opposition was made at first in many parts of the Province to the principle of that Act; and it is said that when the Hon. R. BALDWIN was engaged," in 1841, in an election contest in the county of Hastings, and was informed of the opposition against him, even among many of his own friends, on account of his supporting such a principle of school taxation, he answered in effect that he would rather loose his election than give up that principle. The machinery of that law ⚫ requiring modification; the Hon. F. HINCKS brought in another Bill in 1843, which became a law, and which very much simplified and improved the details of the Act of 1841. By that law, the Secretary of the Province was ex-officio Chief Superintendent of Schools, with an assistant. In 1844, the office of assistant superintendent was offered to the present incumbent; and after having received the sanction of the authorities of his Church, he accepted it in the autumn of that year, upon the understanding that the administration of the school system should constitute a distinct non-political department, and that he should be permitted to provide for the performance of his duties for a year by a deputy, and have a year's leave of absence to visit and examine the educational systems of other countries, both in Europe and America, before attempting to lay the foundations of a system in Upper Canada. The whole of 1845 was employed in these preliminary enquiries, and the results were embodied, in March 1846, in a "Report on a System of Public Elementary Instruction for Upper Canada," and a draft of Bill which was introduced into the Legislative Assembly by the Hon. W. H. DRAPER, (then Attorney General,) and became a law in June, 1846. In a few months afterwards, a draft of Bill was prepared for establishing a system of schools in cities and incorporated towns, which was introduced into the Legislative Assembly by the Hon. J. H. CAMERON, (then Solicitor General,) and became a law in June 1847. These two Acts, with the modifications and improvements which experience has suggested and the progress of the system required, have been incorporated into one Act, which was introduced into the Legislative Assembly by the Hon. F. HINCKS, (Inspector General,) and became a law in 1850-the first Act to which His Excellency the Earl of ELGIN gave the royal assent after the removal of the seat of Government to Upper Canada.

Our system of public elementary instruction is eclectic, and is to a considerable extent derived from four sources. The conclusions at which the present Head of the Department arrived during his observations and investigations of 1845, were, 1. That the machinery or law part of the system in the State of New York was the best, upon the whole-appearing, however, defective in the intricacy of some of its details, in the absence of an efficient provision for the visitation and inspection of schools, the examination of teachers, religious instruction, and uniform text-books for the schools. 2. That the principle of supporting schools in the State of Massachusetts was the best-supporting them all according to property, and opening them to all without distinction; but that the application of this principle should not be made by the requirements of state or provincial sta

tute, but at the discretion and by the action, from year to year, of the inhabitants in each school muncipality—thus avoiding the objection which might be made against an uniform coercive law on this point, and the possible indifference which might in some instances be induced by the provisions of such a law-independent of local choice and action. 3. That the series of elementary text-books, prepared by experienced teachers, and revised and published under the sanction of the National Board of Education in Ireland, were, as a whole, the best adapted to schools in Upper Canada-having long been tested, having been translated into several languages of the continent of Europe, and having been introduced more extensively than any other series of text-books into the schools of England and Scotland. 4. That the system of Normal School training of teachers, and the principles and modes of teaching which were found to exist in Germany, and which have been largely introduced into other countries, were incomparably the best-the system which makes school-teaching a profession, which, at every stage, and in every branch of knowledge, teaches things and not merely words, which unfolds and illustrates the principles of rules, rather than assuming and resting upon their verbal authority, which develops all the mental faculties instead of only cultivating and loading the memory -a system which is solid rather than showy, practical rather than ostentatious, which prompts to independent thinking and action rather that servile imitation.

Such are the sources from which the principal features of the school system in Upper Canada have been derived, though the application of each of them has been modified by the local circumstances of our country. There is another feature, or rather cardinal principle of it, which is rather indigenous than exotic, which is wanting in the educational systems of some countries, and which is made the occasion and instrument of invidious distinctions and unnatural proscriptions in other countries-we mean the principle of not only making Christianity the basis of the system, and the pervading element of all its parts, but of recognizing and combining, in their official character, all the clergy of the land, with their people in its practical operations-maintaining absolute parental supremacy in the religious instruction of their children, and upon this principle providing for it according to the circumstances, and under the auspices of the elected trustee-representatives of each school municipality. The clergy of the country have access to each of its schools; and we know of no instance in which the school has been made the place of religious discord, but many instances, especially on occasions of quarterly public examinations, in which the school has witnessed the assemblage and friendly intercourse of clergy of various religious persuasions, and thus become the radiating centre of a spirit of Christian charity and potent co-operation in the primary work of a people's civilization and happiness.

The system of public instruction is engrafted upon the municipal institutions of the country. We have municipal councils of counties, of townships, of cities, of towns, and of incorporated villages. The members of county councils are elected by the councils of townships and towns one or two for each. The members of township, city, town, and village councils are elected by the resident freeholders and householders of each municipality.

The municipal council of each township divides such township into school sections of a suitable extent for one school in each, or for both a male and female school. The affairs of each school section are managed by three trustees, who hold their offices for three years, and one of whom is elected annually by the freeholders and householders of such section. The powers of trustees are ample to enable them to do all that the interests of a good school require-they are the legal representatives and guardians of their section in school matters. They determine whatever sum or sums are necessary for the furnishing, &c., of their school and the salaries of teachers, but account for its expenditure annually to their constituents, and report fully to the local superintendent by filling up blank forms of annual reports which are furnished to them by the Chief Superintendent of Schools from year to year. The township council imposes assessments for the erection of school houses, or for any other school purpose desired by the inhabitants of school sections through their trustees. The inhabitants of each school section decide as to the manner in which they will support their school according to the estimates and engagements made by the trustees, whether by voluntary subscription, by rate-bills on parents sending children to the schools, or by rates on the property of all

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