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Among the many noble and sublime conceptions, the origin of which may be traced to France, is the grand idea of making University Education free-of opening to all members of the State, qualified and disposed to enter, the halls of a University amply endowed out of the resources of the State. This conception, which involves the germ of the world's universal and highest civilizationis ascribed to the Duke of Orleans, Regent of France during the minority of Louis XV. M. KILIAN, in his Tableau Historique de L'Instruction Secondaire en France, depuis les Temps les plus reculés jusqu'a nos jours, states this eventful fact in the following words :

"Ce fut aussi le duc d'Orléans qui proposa d'établir dans tous les colléges de Paris l'instruction gratuite. Un arret du conseil du ler Avril 1719 affecta à cet effet, à la Faculté des arts, le vingt-huitiéme effectif du produit des postes et messageries, évalué alors à environ 140,000 livres, [afterwards much increased] á la condition que les régents desdits colléges n'exigeraient aucuns honoraires de leurs écoliers."

ROLLIN, in a digression from his account of the establishment of Posts and Couriers by the ancient Persians, under CYRUS, in mentioning the introduction of the same system into France, gives the following interesting account of the establishment of FREE INSTRUCTION in the several Colleges of the University of Paris :

"France is indebted for it to the University of Paris, which I cannot forbear observing here: I hope the reader will excuse the digression. The University of Paris, being formerly the only one in the kingdom, and having great numbers of scholars resorting to her from all the provinces, and even from the neighbouring kingdoms, did, for their sakes and conveniency, establish messengers, whose business was, not only to bring clothes, silver, and gold for the students, but likewise to carry bags of law-proceedings, informations, and inquests; to conduct all sorts of persons, indifferently, to or from Paris, finding them both horse and diet: as also to carry letters, parcels, and packets for the public, as well as the University.

"In the University registers of the Four Nations, as they are called, of the faculty of arts, these messengers are often styled Nuntii rolantes, to signify the great speed and despatch they were obliged to make.

The state, then, is indebted to the University of Paris for the invention and establishment of these messengers and letter carriers. And it was at her own charge and expense that she erected these offices; to the satisfaction both of our kings and the public. She has moreover maintained and supported them since the year 1576, against all the various attempts of the farmers, which has cost her immense sums. For there never were any ordinary royal messengers, till Henry III first established them in the year 1576, by his edict of November, appointing them in the same cities as the University had theirs in, and granting them the same rights and privileges as the kings, his predecessors, had granted the messengers of the University. "The University never had any other fund or support than the profits arising from the post-office. And it is upon the foundation of the same revenue, that king Louis XV, by his decree of council of state, of the 14th of April, 1719, and by his letters patent, bearing the same date, registered in parliament, and in the chamber of accompts, has ordained, that in all the Colleges of the said University the students shall be taught gratis; and has, to that end, for the time to come, appropriated to the University an eightand-twentieth part of the revenue arising from the general lease or farm of the posts and messengers of France; which eight-and-twentieth part amounted that year to the sum of 184,000 livres, or thereabouts. (About £9,450.)

"It is not therefore without reason, that the University, to whom this regulation has restored a part of her ancient lustre, reckons Louis XV as a kind of new founder, whose bounty has at length delivered her from the unhappy and shameful necessity of receiving wages for her labours; which in some measure dishonoured the dignity of her profession, as it was contrary to that noble, disinterested spirit which becomes it. And, indeed, the labours of masters and professors, who instruct others, ought not to be given for nothing; but neither ought it to be sold. Nec venire hac beneficium oportet, nec perire."

The spirit of this University provision, and the sentiments embodied in the statement of it, would do honour to any age, or any country. Why may it not obtain in Upper Canada? There can be no more real difficulty in establishing an University, than a Normal School system, to which no class in the community could reasonbly object. And is not the endowment ample to maintain the

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operations of the University in the highest state of efficiency, without her resorting, as the historian expresses it, to "the unhappy and shameful necessity of receiving wages for her labours ?"——— University Education in Upper Canada has been liberally provided for by public endowment; ought not each individual of the public to have free and unrestricted access to its priceless advantages without money and without price other than intellectual and moral qualifications?

In Paris, though the examinations on the subjects of the lectures are private, and unrestricted to matriculated students, the lectures themselves are open to the public; and many a literary travelier, on visiting Paris, has been equally surprised and delighted to find there what is not to be found in any other country, free access to any of the lectures in each of the Faculties of the University, whether of the Sciences or Letters, or Law or Medicine. These lectures are the resort, not merely of University students. but of Scholars, of practical men, of men of leisure, of seekers after knowledge of all ranks and countries, of all professions and employments. Men who have taken the most conspicuous part in public affairs, have first distinguished themselves as Professors in the University; such as GUIZOT, THIERS, ARAGO, COUSIN, Rossi, &c. &c.

In the Faculty of the Sciences, there are Professors of physical astronomy, differential and integral calculus, algebra, mechanics, descriptive geometry, chemistry, mineralogy, botany, zoology, and comparative physiology. In the Faculty of Letters, there are Professors of Greek literature, Latin eloquence, Latin poetry, French eloquence, French literature and poetry, philosophy, history of ancient philosophy, history of modern philosophy, ancient history, modern history, and foreign literature. There are seventeen professors in the Faculty of the Law, who lecture on the civil code, civil and criminal procedure and criminal legislation, commercial code, administrative law, French constitutional law, law of nations, Roman law, Pandects, and history of law. The Faculty of Medicine comprises professors of anatomy, pathological anatomy, physiology, medical chemistry, medical physics, pharmarcy and organic chemistry, hygeian, medical natural history, operations and bandages, external pathology, internal pathology, general pathology therapeutics and materia medica, legal medicine, obstetrics and female diseases, dinical medicine at the hospitals, clinical surgery at the hospitals, and clinical obstetrics.

In addition to these Faculties, there are twenty-seven professors of the Collège de France, who give public and gratuitous lectures on the following subjects astronomy, mathematics, experimental philosophy; medicine chemistry; natural history; natural law; history and ethics; the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac. Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Chinese, Manchou-Tartar, and Sanscrit languages; Greek literature; Greek and Latin Philosophy: Latin eloquence (prose writers); Latin poetry: French literature; political economy; archeology; the Sclavonic languages and literature. The salaries of the professors are paid by the state, and vary from 2,000 to 8,000 francs per annum-that is from £80 to £320 Sterling. The professors include the most distinguished literati in France; and the larger portion of them are engaged in their own professional or literary pursuits,-delivering two or three lectures, and conducting the required examinations of students each week in the University. An hour and a half is prescribed by law for each lecture and examination.

Such is the magnificent provision made by (at least the late) government of France in Paris alone for gratuitous or free instruction in the higher departments of science and literature. It is submitted to the serious consideration of those competcut to decide and act, how far corresponding facilities may be provided for Upper Canada by means of our splendid University endowment? In the French University in which the Faculties referred to are established, no part of the endowment or appropriation is expended in providing residences for professors or boarding halls for the students. The buildings erected are designed for purposes of instruction. We cannot but think that the economical and ju dicious management and expenditure of our University endowment may provide for Upper Canada the most comprehensive and the freest system of collegiate education on the continent of America.


Extract from the Address of Robert Kelly, Esquire, on his re-election as President of the Board of Education for the City of New-York-1849.

Although expenditures for public education in this city amount in the aggregate to a large sum, it may be said, with the strictest regard to truth, that the tax is moderate in proportion to the value of the property. The Secretary of State, in his report to the Legislature as, Superintendent of Common Schools, dated January 2nd, 1849, has introduced a table, showing the ratio of taxation upon property, for educational purposes, in the various towns in the State where a free school system is established. This table is based upon the exact returns of the previous year, and exhibits a fact which will appear surprising to many of our tax-payers, that the citizens of New York are really lightly taxed for the purpose of education. The Report of this Board furnished to the Secretary shows the amount of the expenditure for this city. It is the entire aggregate for all objects that have been taken into the account. The table shows the following results :

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The rate of taxation for this city is somewhat larger for the year just closed, but I have not the means of showing how it compares with that of the other towns.

The Secretary of State makes the following remarks in relation to the expenditure for the city of New-York:

"With this table, any one can tell what would be his tax for the support of schools in either of the places named.

"If he is a resident of New York, and is assessed $4,000, he pays a tax of $4 16. If assessed for $100,000, he pays $104. The sum raised in New-York for school purposes appears to be very large, but when it is proportioned among the tax payers, according to their property, it is a very light, tax. And it would be light even if it were doubled. If the common schools were what they should be, and a system of high schools were engrafted among them, every child could be educated, the poor gratuitously, and the rich at a less expense than at private schools."

Here is indicted the true solution of the question of economy. This is the consummation aimed at by the ardent friends of popular education throughout the land, to make the free schools and academies so elevated in their character, so complete in their processes, so perfect in all their arrangements, and so replete with all good influences, that they shall become the pure, the chosen, and the common fountains of knowledge for the whole people.


All citizens whether they have children or not, are immediately interested in the support of a proper educational system. who have children to educate, and do not choose to avail themselves of the advantages provided in the public system, voluntarily impose upon themselves the additional burden of paying for their instruction in private institutions. It is not merely the right of citizens to send their children to the common school, but they deserve commendation who do so, however able they may be to pay the most expensive charges of private school education. They are probably doing the greatest service they can render to their own children. They are lending their influence to dissipate prejudices, and are setting an example to those who are disposed to neglect and despise the privilege of a free education for their children.

The expediency of a common education is not yet universally recognized. It is, perhaps, natural, that doubts should exist in the minds of parents anxious for the safe passage of their children through the training period of life, and ignorant of the condition of our common schools and the character of the children who attend them. They must be satisfied as to the value of the education dispensed, its effects upon the character, and its moral influences. They must be convinced that there are no evils, no disadvantages, no dangers peculiar to the common schools, from which private schools are free. An intimate examination of the subjects would probably dispel any doubts that may exist upon these points.

There are dangers to which a child is exposed, whether he be educated at home or abroad, in common schools or in private schools, in society or in solitude, for there is no escape from that constant probation which is the condition of human existence. The danger of evil communications is, I suppose, the prominent one in every parent's mind .It appears to me, that there, is no more risk of immoral associations to a child, in attending a well disciplined common school, than in attending one frequented only by the children of the wealthy. The great danger to which the boy is exposed, who has been nurtured in a home of affluence, is his being contaminated by intimacy, with the spoiled children of indulgence. He will

not be likely to seek the companionship of the children of neglect and vicious poverty, if such there should be in the schools; and it is to be hoped that they will always be found there, if they are in the community, for they need above all others, for their own good and that of society, the elevating and reforming influences of education. In the large numbers and miscellaneous composition of the common school, there is much less inducement to indiscriminate social intimacies, than in the closer intercourse of the private schools.

The common school appears to offer peculiar advantages, in some particulars. The independent position of the teacher removes all temptation to a relaxation. of discipline, and he cannot conduct his school at all except by maintaining rigid order, and pursuing a uniform system, that can admit no irregularities and show no respect to persons. This is the sort of restraint that is of special value to a youth. The habit of obedience and self-control, acquired in his subjection, in the society of his fellows, to an inexorable rule of order, or to some reasonable requisition of duty, is an important process in his preparation for self-denials, the disapointments, and the labors of life. There is something, too, of a training for the intercourse of the world, in the attendance upon a common school, made up of children from the whole people. It is a little world in itself, and its daily lessons," to use a happy expression of Horace Mann, are the preludes and recitals of the great duties of life." It promotes a spirit of self-relying independence, which is the great principle of a manly character. The child soon apprehends that talent, energy, and virtue, are distinctions of real value, more lasting than the gifts of fortune, and, in no way connected with them, and that they constitute the true dignity of man. sees that the heritage of wealth is of no avail in securing the honours of the school, and learns the lesson that merit and industry are the elements of success in every situation. It is a peculiarly valuable discipline to our children, in view of the extraordinary changes that occur in society with us, where every day the last in the social scale is becoming first and the first becoming last.


The habit of general intercourse and sympathy in the youth of the people, will be productive of a generous mutual confidence and harmony of all classes of society. The prevalence of this sentiment seems to be essential to the permanence of our institutions, and the security of society as here constituted. The absence of it is, in other countries, the great obstacle to the realization of the schemes of patriotic minds, in the visions they form of a golden age of "liberty, equality and fraternity."

There are so many considerations of advantage connected with the subject of a common education for the whole people, both as to the community and as to the schools, that every effort should be made to bring about so desirable a result. Public sentiment is rapidly tending toward it. The attendance in our common schools is much more general from all classes of the community than it was a few years ago. A rapid advance in the right direction is now going on, and the advantages of higher education, recently opened in connection with the common school system, will give an important stimulus to the movement. We may all, by our influence, do something towards it-spread information as to the character of the schools--persuade parents to make the experiment of sending their children there-induce others to visit them, examine the arrangements, and condition of the buildings, observe the appearance and behaviour of the children attending, and judge for themselves as to the manner in which the schools are conducted, the progress made in knowledge, and the ability of the teachers. If the schools are not yet conducted in a way to satisfy such inquiries, they ought to be made so. This is the point towards which the strenuous efforts of the friends of education, of all teachers and school officers, should be directed. Let us do our part. Let us exert such powers as we

have, and the whole influence of this Board, to improve the character of the schools while increasing their number, and drawing within them, more and more the children of the city. Let us not be satisfied with the results shown in the statistical returns of the numbers instructed, but strive to enhance, in a still more rapid progression, the actual fruits-the amount and accuracy of the knowledge communicated, the habits of discipline, love of order and industry imparted, and the moral influence which constitutes the accompaniment and vital principle of education in its true acceptation, its crown of honor and its abiding blessing.

It will be a grand era in the history of public education in our city, when our free schools and academies shall become an object of universal favor, when every father shall feel a warm interest in them because his children are educated there, and the whole intelligence of the community shall be enlisted in the cause.-There will be no deficiency then in the care and vigilance exercised in their management, and the best citizens will be anxious to perform public duty as school officers.

The success and growth of our common school system, looking at the effect it must be exerting upon our youthful population, is a most cheering indication to every one that feels an interest in the character that shall attach to the city of New-York hereafter. Its position in reference to the Union, as the point towards which so much of its business and intercourse converges, a radiating centre of influence for good or for evil, that extends over the whole land, the mighty heart, whose pulsations are felt in the very extremity of the republic, and its destiny to become one of the great capitals of the world, while they increase our responsibilities, increase our gratification at all the evidences we can perceive leading us to hope that its greatness shall not be merely the greatness of power, and extent, and riches, and splendor, but a moral and intellectual greatness.

IMPORTANCE OF THE TEACHER'S CALLING. The importance of any man's work is to be determined by the value of the materials on which he works. Judged by this standard, let us compare the calling of the teacher with some of the other avocations or professions among men.

To ascertain the infinite difference which exists between different . created substances, we must classify and compare them. First, there is the unorganized and insentient. Rising in the scale, we come to the organized and animate, but unconscious. Higher still, we find the conscious, but irrational and ephemeral. Last, and unsurpassable, there is the animate, sentient, conscious, rational and immortal.

And yet we affirm, there is not one of the subordinate department of nature, whether the conscious but irrational, the organic but unconscious, or even the inorganic and insensate, for whose study and mastership greater emoluments are not paid, more social consideration awarded, and a higher grade of dignity universally conceded, than to that Art of Arts and Sciences of Sciences, by which the youthful mind is fashioned and trained for life and for futurity. Our colleges have professorships for teaching all the sciences that relate to animals, to metals and to minerals, but no professorship for expounding the science of education. All Christendom cannot show a school where the plants of immortal growth are as carefully tended, where the times and seasons for supplying nourishment and protection are as heedfully observed, where weeds and noxious influences are as industriously extirpated, as from those botanical gardens where no conscious life exists. Would that there were, somewhere upon the earth, one conservatory of children, as interesting to the possessors of wealth and the lovers of beauty, as a conservatory of flowers.

Scientific men devote themselves to studying the instincts and habits of the winged tribes. When will they deem it as honorable to devote themselves to the education of a race of beings, who will soon unfold a wing by which they will sweep through the upper or nether worlds? To show how much more precious is a bug than a child, let us advert to a fact which has recently happened within the knowledge of the whole scientific community. Doubtless our readers generally know, that an entomological survey of the State of New-York was made a few years ago by order of its Legislature. Whether represented at the seat of government or not, a law provided that all the tribes of insects should be recorded as carefully as the twelve tribes of Israel. But it sometimes happened that the scientific insect-commissioner, in turning up a

stone, or stripping a piece of bark from a decayed tree, or examining a weasel's back, found a living polypod, which he did not know whether to class with fleus, in the order Suctoria, or with musquitoes in the order Diptera, or in some other. In all such trying emergencies, it is said that the insect was carefully "done up in lavender," encased in a box, sent several hundred miles to an officer in one of our colleges, to have its legs scientifically counted, its mandibles and bronchine examined, its capability or incapability of metamorphosis determined and its name, its species, and its order ascertained; and then to be returned, as carefully as were the remains of Napoleon from St. Helena; and, at last, to be pinned up, in a cabinet immortality, at the capitol of the state. For examining these specimens, naming them, and assigning them a place among their kindred, it is said that a dollar was paid for each decision, not by the bug, but by the State of New York.

But, in the meantime, what measures are taken, what eminent professional talent is employed, what generous emoluments are bestowed, for investigating and expounding the laws of growth and influence, by which thousands of children are developed into the order, Beelzebub; into the genus, atheist or bigot; and into the species drunkard, thief, robber, murderer, lyncher. In our streets, in our bar-rooms, at some of our firesides, and in some of our schools, there are metamorphoses going on every day, by which innocent and guileless children are turned into Ishmaelites, and Cains, and Judases. Is a guat, or grub, or larva, worth more than a human soul? Are bugs the principals, and sons and daughters incidents! Shall the resources of science be exhausted upon the former, while chance and accident, darkness and chaos, reign over the latter? And yet throughout the scientific world, does not Ehrenberg stand higher than Feilenberg; and while in the great wars of Europe, the merest bloodhound courage made its possessors the envy of mankind, was not Pestalozzi repaid with poverty, and persecution, and obloquy, for all his knowledge, and his devotion, and his divine spirit of love?

Would it then, be any mistake; would it be a degradation of talent from noble to ignoble uses, to employ some of the mighty minds that adorn the profession of law, or some of the men who fill the chairs of our colleges, or are gathered among statesmen at the capitol of the nation, to invest the laws and devise the means, by which mankind can be saved from poverty and wretchedness and crime, and made inherritors of the blessings which God bestows upen all who love and obey Him ?-Horace Mann-Boston Common School Journal.


The following extract from an address of the Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, to the City Council, contains remarks worthy of consideration, and presents an example worthy of imitation by Mayors of Cities and Towns in Canada :

"It is with feelings of pride und satisfaction that I refer your attention to our system of Common Schools, and the gratifying progress they have made during the past year. Much credit is due the acting manager and his associates for the able manner and faithful zeal with which they have discharged the duties incumbent upon them. It would be desirable that they should be seconded in their efforts by the more frequent and familiar visits to the schools, of parents and friends interested, stimulating both teacher and pupil to increased exertion. I need not urge upon you the wisdom of pursuing a liberal policy towards these institutions. The best houses and neatest accomodations are invariably accompanied by a corresponding elevation of character, increase of application, and improved habits on the part of the pupils. A knowledge, too, that a city possesses liberal facilities for education would contribute largely to its growth and increase, for, attracted by its delightful situation and healthy climate, many would be enduced to settle in order to avail themselves of the advantages thus afforded to their children. Society for its own benefit, owes to every child a good • education free of charge; with that for his portion he may take his fortune in his hands, and going forth into the world, aspire to and reach the highest station in the land-for the experience of our country demonstrates that wealth is oftener an obstacle than an aid in the path of ambition and progress. Then cherish and foster well our common schools, for upon their success depends the further hope of safety for our free Government."


From the Official School Journal, State of N. Y. We are glad to see that the subject of Chemistry as applied to Agriculture, is receiving encourgement at the N. Y. State Institution. The following circular will show the interest felt in this matter by the officers of the Normal School:

To the Graduates of the State Normal School:

In pursuance of the request of the Executive Committee of the Normal School, I have prepared the following Circular. Its object is to bring before each of you, the claims which the Agricultural interest of New York have upon you, for your co-operation in aiding, so far as you can consistently with your duties as common school teachers, in making known the true principles of Farming. The science of Agriculture is not only of great utility, but is the foundation of the wealth of all nations, and consequently should receive, to a certain extent, the fostering care of government.

It is believed that you, who have, in part, been educated by the liberality of this State, will respond cheerfully to any reasonable demands which may be made for the advancement of her interests in this respect. It is also believed, that your attention being once called to this subject, you will readily see that you have it in your power to do much good in this direction; and that you will not only feel a willingness, but a desire, thus to extend the knowledge of this important branch of education.

Those who shall hereafter receive a Diploma of this Institution,. will be required to understand, to a certain extent, the elementary principles of Agriculture, and for this reason they, as teachers, will be better prepared than yourselves to diffuse this knowledge through the community, by means of the common schools. To supply in part the deficiencies under which you will labor in the advancement of of this knowledge, our Executive Committee have directed me to transmit to each of you a copy of Prof. Johnston's Catechism of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology, which work has been recently adopted as an elementary text book for this school. They are enabled to do this by the liberality of James S. Wadsworth, Esq., of Geneseo, acting as the representative of his late father.

The earnestness which the Committee feel in this matter will be scen from the following extract, taken from their last annual report made, through the Regents of the University, to the Legislature, Feb. 11, 1850.

"The Committee, appreciating the great and growing importance of agricultural science, and considering it, in its elementary principles, an appropriate subject for common school instruction; and considering also, that with the aid of suitable text books now, or soon to be attainable, the subject, always appropriate, has at length become feasible for such instruction; have recently assigned it to a more prominent place than it had before held in the Normal School, by making it a separate and independent branch, and requiring it to be taught as an essential or constituent part of the course of study pursued in the school. The committee, impressed, as they themselves are, with the great importance of this new subject of study, hope to be able, through their normal graduates, acting under a like impression, to cause it to be introduced into all the schools taught by such graduates, and through their influence and that of such schools, to cause it to be finally adopted as part of the regular course of study in all the common schools, at least in the rural or agricultural part of the State.

The Committee have learned, with much satisfaction, from the proceedings of the State Agricultural Society at its last annual meeting, that a treatise on the subject above referred to, has been recently prepared by Professor Norton and submitted to the society, who, after due examination, have recommended it as a very valuable production, specially appropriate for the use of common schools, and have directed it to be published with a view, as is understood, to such a use. Such a treatise at this time, together with the text books already published and in practical use, will, in the opinion of the committee, furnish all needful facilities for common school instruction on the subject above referred to."

GEORGE R. PERKINS, Principal, N. S. Normal School, Albany, March, 1850.

The Executive Committee are happy to express their commendation of the above circular, prepared by Prof. Perkins; and would respectfully and earnestly urge upon the graduates of the Normal School

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From the last Annual Report of the Boston Board of Education. It will be seen by the Secretary's report, that, within the past year, six Teachers' Institutes have been held in as many different parts of the Commonwealth, each of six days' duration. The attendance upon them has been considerably larger than in former years, and a very general interest in them has been manifested among the teachers of those portions of the State selected for holding them. Gentlemen of experience and reputation as teachers have been employed to aid in conducting them, and the Secretary has himself attended them personally, and contributed much, by his advice and active participation in their proceedings, to the measure of success they have attained. It is believed they have already accomplished much good, and that. much more will result from them hereafter, as they shall be better understood, and more generally held and resorted to in all the different sections of the Commonwealth. So well satisfied are the Board of their utility that it is their intention to make provision for holding twelve in the course of the next year. They occupy a position for the instruction and improvement of teachers much below that of the Normal Schools, where all the requisite time may be devoted to the object, with all the means and appliances which the largest experience and most practised skill, aided by the most approved apparatus, can supply; but the opportunity they offer to the teacher, who has neither the time nor the pecuniary ability to attend the latter, is of great value, and it is hoped will hereafter be embraced. Very visible improvement has been manifested in those who have attended them. New notions concerning the methods of teaching are suggested, and greater skill in the prosecution of them imparted. But what is of more value still, a generous emulation is excited, and a new impulse in the right direction given to a large body of teachers, at every institute held; and in this way, when the whole Commonwealth shall be systematically reached by them, a spirit of improvement will be infused into the mass of the teachers throughout the State, which cannot fail to produce highly favorable results. The Board regard them among the most efficient means of improving our Common Schools, and recommend them to the continued patronage of the Legislature.

From the last Annual Report of the Secretary of the Board. The experience of the present year goes to confirm that of past years, that no means employed by the State for the improvement of the schools have an immediate efficiency equal to that of the Institutes. They perform the office of light-armed troops, and by the celerity of their movements accomplish much that lies quite beyond the reach of the Normal Schools. They interfere neither with the latter nor with Teachers' Associations, but constitute the connecting link between them, and thus complete a well-arranged system of organizations. While those associations answer all the ends of similar associations among other professions, securing the pleasures of intercourse, the benefits of sympathy, and the information derived from mutual conference, discussions and lectures, the Institutes are, during the day. Normal Schools in miniature, and, at evening, popular meetings for enlisting the community at large in the work of education. In two instances during the present year,those of the Institutes held at Hyannis and at Sandwich,-the inhabitants of the place entertained the teachers during the whole time without charge; an example of public spirit which, it is believed, others will emulate.

As a proof that the influence of such meetings upon the towns where they are held is regarded as valuable, it may be mentioned that the people of Hyannis and Sandwich expressed the conviction that they had themselves received a greater favor than they had conferred. And if we rightly estimate the value of an improved public sentiment in respect to the importance of education, of more

correct views on the part of committees and others as to what constitutes a good teacher, and of a fresh and vigorous impulse given to all the schools in the vicinity of a Teachers' Institute, we shall, no doubt, be inclined to coincide in that view.

It should be constantly kept in mind that a training in the branches of study taught in the Common Schools cannot be given in one week, nor in two; and that Teachers' Institutes are not established with reference to such a design. Their object is rather to give to the whole body of teachers a new impulse to improvement; to direct their attention to the importance of ascertaining the best methods of instruction; to lead them, through the influence of eminent and experienced teachers, to task their own invention, judgment and skill to the utmost for perfecting themselves in the art of teaching. Much instruction is indeed incidentally given. Improved processes of training the mind and of teaching the elements of knowledge are exhibited. But the ulterior object, to which all other things are made subservient, is to awaken an enthusiasm for self-improvement. The tone and spirit of an Institute is therefore a matter of much greater moment than the amount of time given to a mere review of studies.


By science, a nation is enabled to profit by the advantages of its natural situation. It avails little, that the soil of a country is rich, if the art of cultivation is unknown to the inhabitants. It avails nothing, that her shores are capable of being connected with every climate, through the medium of intervening seas or oceans, while science has never taught the construction of vessels, nor the art of directing them. Without this knowledge, there is comparatively little use in the rivers, by which a country is intersected; nor can the advantages of them be fully realized, till all vincible obstacles to navigation are actually overcome, and neighboring streams are made to unite their waters.

The sciences of chemistry and mineralogy, lately introduced into our country, and now cultivated with so much ardor and success, cannot fail, by their influence on medicine, agriculture and the arts, to produce consequences of great national importance. The nature of man on the one side, and of soils and climates on the other, remains the same in every age. It is knowledge-it is cultivation that produces the change. To this are we to ascribe it, that in our own country, where, two centuries ago, wild beasts and savages were contending for the empire of an unmeasured desert, there are now civil institutions, commerce, cities, arts, letters, religion, and all the charities of social and domestic life.-Late PRESIDENT APPLETON (of Bowdoin College, Maine,) on the Sources of National Prosperity.


TO THEIR CONSTITUTION OF GOVERNMENT. Whatever civil compact they may see fit to adopt, an enlightened people will not trust themselves to calculate, with minuteness and confidence, the greatest degree of political prosperity that may be enjoyed, nor the least degree of restraint that may be necessary. It will not escape them, that no human foresight can extend to all emergencies, which a series of years may produce; and that time may develop, in any political constitution, traits, either more or less It is a well valuable, than were apparent to its original authors. known truth in mechanics, that the actual and theoretical powers of a machine will never coincide. Through the flexibility of one part, the rigidity of another, and the roughness of a third, the result may disappoint those fond hopes, which seemed to rest on the firm ground of mathematical calculation. The judicious artist will not, however, on this account, be willing to reject, as worthless, a structure of splendid and complicated mechanism, of solid materials, in the formation of which, much labour, experience and ingenuity have been employed.

It is a remark, not less important because frequently made, that an indifferent constitution may be so administered, as to render a nation happy, and that, without a good administration, the best political institutions will fail of accomplishing that purpose. Now, as

the manner in which government will be administered in any nation, can never be foreseen, a discerning people will not confidently anticipate, as their perpetual portion, the highest degree of prosperity which their form of government seems calculated to secure. Nor will they fix their eyes so intensely on the evils which may be felt at any period, as to forget the imperfection of all human establishments, and that, under a new form of government, may be concealed important advantages, which experience alone can bring to light. Rejecting alike the character of inconstancy, turbulence, and despondency, they will neither tamely yield to abuses, nor subvert their political institutions on account of them.-Ibid.


As an enlightened people will know how to value their rights, they will place those in office, who, by their ability, knowledge, and integrity, are entitled to such distinction. To obtain their suffrages, it will not be enough, that a man professes his attachment to order, religion, or liberty. He must have more solid ground, on which to establish his claims to public favor, In knowledge and wisdom is doubtless implied a spirit of discernment. To enjoy the confidence of a wise people, there must therefore be a consistency of character, a uniform regard to moral principle and the public good. They will clearly perceive, that the civil interests of millions cannot be secure in the hands of men, who, in the more confined circle of common intercourse, are selfish, rapacious, or aspiring.

An enlightened regard to self-interest and a religious sense of responsibility, will in this case, lead to the same practical result. In exercising the right of freemen, the man of religion experiences no conflict between his duty and his inclination. Towards the dishonest, profane, ambitious and profligate, he feels—


"The strong antipathy of good to bad.”

He has no wish to behold, arrayed in robes of office, men, whose largest views do not extend beyond the limits of mortal life, and whose deportment and conversation indicate neither love nor reverence for the Author of their being.

In very popular governments, where the elective franchise is widely extended, it is, doubtless, impossible that candidates for public office should be personally known to all, whose suffrages they receive. How generally soever knowledge is diffused, all the members of a large State cannot be brought within the sphere of mutual observation. In this case, resort must be had to the best sources of But it should not be forgotten, that a portion of the same intelligence and virtue, required in rulers, is necessary in giving information concerning candidates, An honest and wellinformed freeman will rely on none but honest and well-informed witnesses.


A nation distinguished by a union of wisdom, knowledge, and the fear of God, is morally certain of having its government well administered, not only for the reason just assigned, but because the tone of morals, existing in such a nation, will operate as a powerful restraint, if, by any casualty, or deep dissimulation, persons of yielding virtue should be placed in office.

Public opinion constitutes a tribunal, which few men, and least of all, those who are in pursuit of popular favour, will dare to set at defiance. It is scarcely possible, that a people, truly wise and virtuous, should have a government badly administered. Whenever the majority of a community complain of their rulers, they implicitly utter reproaches against themselves, for having placed their destiny in the hands of men, with whom it is insecure. If their reproaches are long continued, it is good proof that their own morals exhibit no very striking contrast with the morals of those whose profligacy they condemn. In popular governments, the virtues and vices of rulers must flourish or wither with those of the people.-Ibid.

The moment a pupil understands the truth and the spirit of his lesson, he feels a lively pleasure in the knowledge acquired. The intellectual effort is his own; the satisfaction experienced is the reward given by nature for the effort. He has done his work and got his pay. No one else can pay so well as nature. Hence no adventitious rewards are so good as her real ones.

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