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made grants towards the erection of 14 Model Agricultural Schools, amounting to £4,600, and we awarded the usual grants of salary to 10 ordinary Agricultural Schools. We have struck off the roll, during the year, 3 Agricultural Schools. The total number of Agricultural Schools in connexion with us, on the 31st of December, 1848, was therefore 50. Of the Model Agricultural Schools only 8 are at present in operation.

The result of our limited experience has convinced us, that the establishment of Model Agricultural Schools will be attended with far greater expense than was at first anticipated, either by ourselves, or by the local applicants. We are at present making inquiries upon this important subject, and we have submitted plans for building this description of schools to persons of practical knowledge and experience. In our next Report, we shall give the plans of such school-houses, farm buildings, and residences for teachers and agricultural pupils; an estimate of the cost; the amount of our grant, and of the required local contribution, together with a statement of the general regulations upon which such schools are to be conducted. The amount of the liabilities we have already incurred,' towards the erection of 29 Model Agricultural School, is £8,458 148. 1d.

Agricultural Inspector.-In accordance with the intention announced in our last Report, we appointed an Agricultural Inspector in August, 1842 We selected for this purpose from a great number of highly-qualified candidates, Thomas Kirkpatrick, Esq., M. D., who had been one of the founders, and for many years one of the most active supporters of the Larne Model Agricultural School. Immediately after his appointment, he visited the principal institutions for agricultural instruction in England, and has since been employed in inspecting the various Agricultural Schools in Ireland, in connexion with our Board.

School Libraries.-Considerable progress has been made in the selection of suitable books for School Libraries; and our arrangements for establishing them, in schools where the local Managers approve of their introduction, will be completed in the course of the year. We shall commence with our District Model Schools, which we shall also supply with a series of works for the use of the teachers, assistants, and paid monitors.

Inauguration of the Queen's College, Cork.-This institution was opened with full ceremonial on last Wednesday, in the presence of the elite of the county and city. After some preliminary and routine business, the staff of the College were sworn. The oath, which is most important, is in the following words :—

"We do hereby promise to the President and Council of the Queen's College, Cork, that we will faithfully, and to the best of our ability, discharge the duties of Professors in said College, and we further promise and engage that in Lectures and Examinations, and in the performance of all other duties connected with our chairs, we will carefully abstain from teaching or advancing any doctrine, or making any statement derogatory to the truth of revealed religion, or injurious or lisrespectful to the religious convictions of any portion of our classes or audience. And we promise to the said President and Council of the College, Cork, that we will not introduce or discuss in our place or capacity of Professors any subject of politics or polemics tending to produce contention or excitement, nor will we engage in any avocations which the President and Council shall judge inconeistent with our offices, but will, as far as in us lies promote on all occasions the interests of education and the welfare of the College."

Sir Robert Kane having delivered his inauguaration address as President, speeches were made in approbation of the institution by W. Fagan, Esq., M. P., by the High Sheriff, T. R. Sarsfield, Esq., and by the Mayor of Cork, Sir W. Lyons. The advantages of a practical agricultural School and Botanic Garden were insisted upon and Sir Robert Kane on behalf of the College pledged himself to give every facility for carrying out the project.

Head Mastership of Rugby School.-At a meeting of the hon. trustees on Monday, the Rev. Edward Meyrick Goulburn, M. A., examining chaplain to the Bishop of Oxford, and formerly Fellow and Tutor of Merton College, was elected head master of Rugby School.

Literary and Scientific Entelligence.

Steel Railways.-A Vienna paper contains a curious account of the efforts making to advance the internal manufacture of rails. One foundry at Prevali in Carintha, is said last year to have fiurnished 1500 tons of raile with three furnaces. The fact is, that these rails are of such beautiful steel, for the most part, that they might be cut up into razors and swordblades, as they are formed of the classical steel, which is as unique in our days as it was in the days of Horace, and for which, if there were but a decent road to Trieste, our cutlers would, probably, be glad to give more han double the weight of ordinary iron. Of this material the beautiful ranging bridge at Vienna is made, which is suspended upon two main

chains instead of the usual four, and which weighs proportionable about two-thirds of the weight of another suspension bridge, at no great distance from it, made of common iron, after a model by Browne. This is an amusing instance of the effects of protection to manufactures, which even beats ourselves, for there is a high export duty upon this steel in a raw state.[The Timea.

Atmospheric Phenomena.-It may be noticed as a curious circumstance of unusual occurrence at this period of the year, that lightning of intense brilliancy has ceen nightly visible in the environs of the metropolis during the past week. On Thursday night about 12 o'clock, and from that time until three the following morning, these electrical displays were more than ordinarily vivid, the atmosphere at the time being sultry and close. For the space of half an hour, flashes of light of a pale crimson color succeeded each other with scarcely an instant's intermission, from the south and south-west. The appearance of this phenomenon was preceded generally by a faint gleam of white light, which, from the reflection of dense vapoury clouds, assumed a ruddy tinge, similar in effect to the aurora borealis, though dissimilar in the length of its duration. About six o'clock a breeze sprung up from the south-west, and the clouds began to break away, but the oppressive heat still continued. The lightning was accompanied by thunder. [London Paper.

The Moon.-The moon when closely examined by powerful telescopes has the aspect of a dislocated and shattered world; and that part of the terrestial globe, from which Darwen supposes it to have been projected, abounds more than any part with tremendous volcanoes, and has, even of comparatively late years, been subject to the action of earthquakes which have raised considerably above any former level its more extensive line of coast. The condition of the moon has been completely laid open to us by the telescope of Lord Rosse, which renders perfectly visible every object of the height of one hundred feet. Edifices, therefore, of the size of York Minster, (says Dr. Scoresby), or even the ruins of Whitby Abbey, might be easily perceived, if they existed, but there is no appearance of that nature. Neither is there any indication of the existence of water or an atmosphere. There is a vast number of extinct volcanoes, several miles in breadth, through one of them there is a line, in continuance of about one hundred and fifty miles in length, which runs in a straight direction, like a railway. The general appearance, however, is like one vast ruin of nature; and many pieces of rock driven out of the volcanoes, appear to be laid at various distances. Rocks and masses of stone are almost innumerable. From these circumstances, and especially from the want of an atmosphere, it seems impossible that any form of life, analogous to those on earth could subsist there. But on the supposition that the moon has inhabitants, the earth must present to them the appearance of an immense moon, but almost immovably fixed in their sky, while the stars must seem to pass slowly beside and behind it. Our earth to them will appear clouded with variable spots, and belted with equatorial and tropic zones, corresponding with our trade winds; and it may be doubted whether, in the perpetual change of these, the outlines of our continents and seas could ever be closely discerned.-[Wonders of Astronomy.

Rotation of the Sun.-We thought the time of the sun's revolution upon its axis was by this time pretty accurately known, but it appears that we are still uncertain two hours. By 22 series of observations of M. Laugier, on 29 different solar spots, he finds the time to be 25.34 days; the inclination of its equator to the plane of the ecliptic 7 degrees 9 midutes; and the longitude of the ascending node of the solar equator, 75 degrees 8 minutes, reckoning from the equinox of 1840. This time of revolution differs about two hours from Lalandis, now received as correct. But the most curious part of this is that M. Laugier's observations of different spots give the length of the solar day differing from 21.28 days to 26.23 days, or nearly two days difference. The astronomer has increased the space in which the spots are observed from 40 degrees to 41 degrees on each side of the sun's equator. A curious observation has been made by him, and thrown out merely as a guide for future observers to verify or not, namely that all the spots on either side of the sun's equator appear to approach the pole, or recede from it, altogether.-[Researches in Astronomy.

Cinderella or the Glass Slipper.-Two centuries ago furs were so rare, and therefore so highly valued, that the wearing of them was restricted, by several sumptuary laws, to kings and princes. Sable, in those laws called vair, was the subject of countless regulations, the exact quan tity permitted to be worn by persons oi different grades, and the articles of dress to which it might be applied, were defined most strictly. Perrault's tale of Cinderella originally marked the dignity conferred on her by the fairy by her wearing a slipper of vair, a privilege then confined to the highest rank of princesses. An error of the press, now became inveterate, changed vair into verre, and the slipper of sable was suddenly converted into a glass slipper.-[Dublin University Magazine,

Editorial Notices, &c.

NOBLE SUPPORT OF COMMON SCHOOLS IN Belleville.At a public meeting lately held in Belleville the following resolution was passed:-"That a direct tax be imposed upon the Town for the purpose of defraying the salaries of the Common School Teachers, and that the present Board of Trustees are empowered under the Act to levy a tax sufficient for that purpose."

No other business being brought forward, the meeting closed. (Signed) BILLA FLINT, Jr., Chairman.

ROBERT M. ROY, Secretary.

KENTUCKY.-It appears from the Governor's annual message to the Legislature, that the sum annually applicable to Common Schools is $150,000-one fourth less than in Canada. The Governor urges increased regard to general education, and gives a good account of what has been done.

MASSACHUSETTS.-In the Governor's annual message to the Legislature it is stated that the educational institutions supported by the State are working successfully and with excellent results.

FREE SCHOOLS IN THE STATE OF WISCONSIN.-A correspondent of the New York School Journal, writing from the capitol of this State says:-"Time will not permit me to give you a true idea of the state and progress of education in the west. In the State from the capitol of which I am now writing, the best feeling prevails. By constitutional provision and legislative enactment the Schools are free! Yes, sir FREE SCHOOLS in this new State ?"

CONVENTION OF GERMAN TEACHERS.-The Berlin correspondent of the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser says :-" A convention of 240 Teachers from all parts of Germany has been held at Nusemberg. Politics were strictly excluded from their discussions."

OPINIONS OF THE CANADIAN PRESS ON FREE SCHOOLS.-We should be glad to learn, and give insertion in the Journal of Education to the opinions of the entire Canadian Press on the all important subject of FREE SCHOOLS. In view of legislation on the subject during the approaching Session of the Legislature, it is an appropriate time for the PRESS to express its sentiments on the principle of Free Schools. The following are the only recent expressions of opinion on this subject which have come under our notice :

From the Brantford Herald, December 12th, 1819.

"To remove this plague-spot of ignorance this disgrace from Canada, will be a noble work for all true and enlightened reformers, who, in such a noble undertaking, will have for their example the truly magnanimous people of the State of New-York, who, on the 6th ultimo, by a ballot vote of a great majority, declared their Common Schools to be open to every child in the State, to be taught therein FREE. The Americans perceive the necessity for making education general; and Canadians must see that that education is the foundation of progress, and the great bulwark of civil and religious liberty; and seeing this they must emulate, and, if possible, surpass their neighbours in the States, by distributing knowledge to all, without money and without price." The poor man's child must not be excluded from the fountains of learning on account of the poverty of his parents, but must have every facility afforded him for the cultivation of his immortal part, that would be granted to the child of the wealthiest in the land; and for the instruction of all, teachers of the highest order of intellect should be employed and fully compensated for their labours. Large and comfortable schoolhouses with suitable buildings attached, should be erected in every school section, and such schoolhouses should be amply furnished with maps, black boards, globes, and all the apparatus necessary. There are some who say, that it is impossible to accomplish so much in a poor country like Canada, but so much we would say, that Canada is not a poor country, and that it is quite possible for Canadians to educate their children as well as the inhabitants of the neighbouring State can educate their's.

[Remarks by the Journal of Education.-If our schools have been supported when only a part of the inhabitants have contributed, how much more efficiently and easily can they be supported under a system which unites all according to their property?]

From the Niagara Mail, January 23rd, 1850.

"The mode of assessment in this Town in general worked well, and met with the approval of the great body of the people. If it bore hard on some who had no children to send to school, it is contended that it is much better to have to support the system, in this way, than to be obliged to contribute to the maintenance of prisons with all their concomitant expenses. Let all the children receive an education, and they will be more likely to grow up good members of the community than if they were neglected. This is self-evident, and requires no elaborate train of reasoning."

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[We are grateful for the many commendatory notices of the Journal of Education which have been given by the Upper Canada Newspaper Press. We take the liberty of inserting the following notices from highly respectable publications issued beyond the limits of Upper Canada:] From La Minerve (Lower Canada) December 17th, 1849. "Nous y trouvons un foule d'articles du plus grande intérêt, depuis la première page jusqu'a la dernière.


"Rien comme l'exemple your taire agir les individus, et il en est de même pour les peuples; le Journal d'Education du Haut-Canada cite continuellement l'exemple des nations les plus avancée, il montre l'état de l'éducation dans les divers pays, il touche du doigt ce qu'il y a de mieux et il fait un bien inappréciable dans la Province supérieure."

From the Ne-York Commercial Advertiser, January 19th, 1850. "The Journal of Education for Upper Canada. Edited by the Rev. E. Ryerson, D. D. Toronto: Thos. H. Bentley.

The second volume of this excellent educational periodical was concluded with the December number. The enlightened, liberal views which distinguish this monthly, and the editor's ardent devotion to the cause of education, have given to the "Journal of Education" a wide and beneficial influence. Dr. Ryerson is the Chief Superintendent of Schools for Upper Canada, and has already achieved much in that sphere. We often find evidence in his pages that he has closely studied the American system of education, and that his active mind is alive to every improvement that can be introduced into the schools under his charge. We hope that this new volume will be even more successful than its predecessors."

From the N. Y. Methodist Quarterly Review for January, 1850. We have been greatly gratified with monthly visits, for the last quarter, from the "Journal of Education for Upper Canada," published at Toronto and edited by the Rev. Dr. Ryerson. It is conducted with great spirit and ability; and its pages abound in indications that the Common School System is taking deep root in Upper Canada. We wish God speed to the cause, and to this able "Journal" as its organ and exponent.


HEAD MASTER for the COMMON SCHOOL of the Town of

A London. Salary £150 per annum.

Personal address to be made to HENRY Dalton, Esq., of London, Chairman of the Trustees of the said School, on the 15th of February next. N. B. In accordance with the provision contained in the 12 Vict. Cap. 83, Sect. 49, applicants will be required to produce a certificate of qualifi cation signed by the Principal or Head Master of the Normal School of Upper Canada, or shall have graduated at some University.

London, C. W., 23rd January, 1850.

WILLIAM ELLIOT, Secretary-Trustee.


HE LITERARY CLASS BOOK; OR, READINGS IN ENGLISH LITERReading and the Principles of Elocution. By Professor SULLIVAN, (of the Irish National Educational Board).

Dublin, CURRY & Co.; Toronto, A. GREEN.

Professor Sullivan's School Books were among the first that were placed on the List of Educational Works recommended by the English Committee of Council on Ecucation; and the sale of these Books to the Committee to supply the demand for them in their Schools, has been during the year just ended, as follows:

Name of Book.

Introduction to Geography and History, Geography Generalized,

English Grammar,

Spelling-Book Superseded,

English Dictionary, (a new Work)


No. of Copies.

5,451 4,787

. 4,680 3,387 442


The sale of these Books in Canada is very extensive, and is constantly increasing. They are recommended by the Board of Education for Upper Canada.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS-To the 26th of January, inclusive. For Vols. I. and II. A Schoolmaster-for Vol. II. J. Whitelaw, jr., Esq., Jas. Wilson-for Vols II. and III. A. Lester-for Vol. III. J. Morrow, Rev. G. B. Bucher, A. Nash, J. Taylor, A. McClelland, Rev. T. Cosford, N. Winters, D. Y. Hoit, H. Howry, Esq., W. H. Wells, Esq., A. M., (Newbury Port, Mass.,) T. Webb, Rev. J. Gemley (3), Win. Devlin, S. Clarke, Esq., Rev. Wm. McGill (1), W. Tyrrell, B. Woods, G. Brown, Esq., F. McCallum.

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Head Master, Provincial Normal School, U. C. Various circumstances connected with the Common School system as regulated by the new Act, would appear to render this a peculiarly suitable period for endeavouring to direct public attention through the medium of the Journal of Education to a few points connected with popular education, which appear to me to be of paramount importance, and deserving of more careful attention than they have hitherto received. Impressed with the idea that the whole subject will, in all probability, shortly experience a careful revision, and well aware of the advantage of long experience in the consideration of such matters, I venture to hope, that my remarks may lead to a more thorough examination than hitherto of the points in question, and may possibly serve to bring them more vividly under the notice of those whose public position will render the consideration of the subject an imperative duty.

The first, and perhaps the most important point to which I am anxious to direct public attention, is the inspection and supervision of schools.

It is an acknowledged maxim, that every public arrangement guaranteed by the state, and supported by the public funds, should be carefully carried out; its administration placed in suitable hands; its internal working properly regulated; and its most minute details duly adjusted to the furtherance of the end to be attained. This principle is of so general application that it is found in operation as well in the minutiae of domestic economy, as in the vast machinery of a mighty government; and to carry it into careful execution is invariably the boast of all skilful managers, whether of a family, a great commercial establishment, or a vast and extended governmental department pervading every corner of an empire.

In addition to the appointment of suitable agents and the other means usually adopted to further this object, it is everywhere acknowledged that a strict and frequent examination of the working of all parts of the machine is absolutely necessary.

In domestic or more extended private establishments, the means of effecting this object are sufficiently obvious, and we find them stringently applied in all well regulated institutions; but in great

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national concerns the methods to be adopted necessarily assume a far more complex aspect. Here, of course, the eye of the principal cannot effect the object, and in all instances subordinate agents are employed. Then follow all the usual considerations of expense, nature of the duty, mode of discharging it, selection and trustworthiness of the agents, &c., &c., all varying more or less with the machinery employed.

In a great system of national education-speaking in the most general terms, and without special reference to Canada or any other country,- -one or two great principles may be alluded to as constituting a reasonable basis whereon to found the details of duty to be discharged, and the modes of operation. We may perhaps regard as the first consideration under this head the adoption of a system least likely to interfere with the power reasonably vested in all local authorities; and into this consideration several important points will necessarily enter. The most important of these I shall proceed briefly to indicate. The opinion has long been generally entertained, that he, who possesses the requisite literary acquirements, is necessarily capable of giving instruction therein. Though this opinion has been daily and hourly proved to be false, and has for some time past been rejected by the most enlightened communities, it is still by no means extinct; the inference from it is easy and simple, namely, that all persons possessed of a certain amount of intellectual cultivation are capable of forming a correct judgment of a teacher's qualifications. In another part of this letter I shall allude to this subject as exercising a most important, and, in many instances, a most unfair influence on the public teacher. I mention it now because it necessarily operates with regard to every Common School, influencing by the selection of the teacher, the nature of the system therein adopted, and the value of the instruction therein afforded, and thus affecting in a most important degree the due disbursement of public money allocated to the support of such school. It is clear that wherever less value is given for the sum expended, the purchaser is a loser; if inferior services are employed in a school, where superior might be obtained without increased expenditure, either from incapacity on the part of the judges or unwillingness to offer sufficient remuneration, then more or less of the public money is wasted; and a glance will show that this consideration bears directly upon the nature of the supervision required, the degree of authority with which it is to be executed, and the qualifications for its proper discharge. So long as inspection is of a nature to elicit merely statistical details, no information or preparation of a very peculiar character is required for the execution of the task. Such is, however, in my opinion, but a very small part of the duty of a School Inspector. In addition to the collection of a requisite statistic, the inspection of a school should include the sufficient examination of every class in all the branches wherein they receive instruction, and this examination should be conducted according to the system of teaching recommended for adoption and by no means with the view of forcing upon any one a particular mode of giving instruction, but for the purpose of imparting information to a deficient teacher, correcting the errors under which he may labour, and exemplifying some improved mode of school organization. Without some such plan no general system, however valuable, can be effectively introduced, and any school, no matter what amount of public money it may receive, may be left without the slightest opportunity of obtaining a reasonable knowledge of the improvements daily made in the art of teaching-an art now confessedly difficult

of attainment and occupying a far greater share than ever of the attention of civilized communities.

There are, of course, many very unskilful teachers here as well as elsewhere, and the more so, that the profession is too commonly adopted without the requisite previous preparation, and the schools of such persons are in consequence very defective. Such is the fact often with those possessed of sufficient literary attainment. Is not the correction of these defects among the first duties of an inspector, and if so, must he not give a careful examination of a practical character, must he not be familiar with the subject, and able to exemplify in his management of the several classes, some system or other sufficiently general in its application, practical in its nature, and embodying the most valuable improvements of the day? This much at all events seems clear, that the literary progress of the schools should be tested by the careful examination of a qualified inspector, and that to conduct such examinations on different principles in every different county or district, would be just as absurd, as for successive inspectors to give different and occasionally contradictory instructions to the same teacher.

This is acknowledged in most countries where any system of popular education prevails; and in a short tour, which I lately made through some of the New England States, I had an opportunity of ascertaining, that the necessity of adopting some such improvement in the supervision of schools is there openly acknowledged.

To enable the duty, as I have described it, to be properly discharged, would require considerable care in the selection of officers. In fact they should be more or less practical teachers; and I see no reason why the office should not be held out as a reward, a step in the profession, to intelligent and deserving teachers. This at least would tend to the establishment of a fact I would gladly see more universally acknowledged, than it is at present, namely, that the profession of teaching is deserving of some consideration, requiring careful previous preparation, not dependent exclusively on a certain amount of literary attainments, nor to be judged of by unqualified persons, and that it involves a certain degree of proficiency in the art of teaching and science of education,-two subjects in some places so generally neglected, that while the latter is almost universally unthought of, the Common School teacher has to attempt the acquisition of the former by years of the most painful experience in his school, frequently without a chance of ultimate success, and often under the most disadvantageous circumstances.

Without attempting to enter on a full account of the details consequent on the measures I have hinted at, it may not be deemed unsuitable to mention here one of the most prominent, namely, the expediency of forwarding to some duly constituted authority, a full report of each inspection, contained in answer to a series of printed queries having reference to the most important points affecting the well being of the schools, such as the nature of the instruction afforded, the improvement of the classes since a previous inspection, qualifications of the teachers, the books made use of, &c., &c., so that thus there might always be satisfactory evidence, on the one side of reasonable improvement, and on the other of careful supervision. All this might be in addition to a suitable general report, at the end of each year or half year, similar to those, of which I have seen some admirable specimens from the Superintendents in office during the past year.

Of course, the authority and qualifications of such officers, and the mode of selecting them in accordance with the habits and feelings of all parties, and without interfering unduly with the rights and privileges of local authorities, must be a subject of grave consideration. As, however, we don't send lawyers to inspect schools of medicine, or clergymen to report on artillery practice, I conceive that the profession of teaching is deserving of similar courtesy, and that its inspectors also should be from its working members, or at least practically acquainted with its details; a measure of justice peculiarly due to Common School teachers, a class who, here and elsewhere, have been too long treated with contumely and neglect. The above remarks have reference to two prominent points regarding the inspection of schools, namely, the nature of the duties of inspectors and of their relation to the local and other authorities,-alluding generally to the former and merely introducing the latter as worthy of serious attention.

Touching the expense, the last point connected with the super

vision of schools, to which I shall now allude, I can make no comments of a nature to enhance or diminish its interest, and indeed I only mention it to mark my sense of its extreme importance. No regularly organized, or in my opinion effective, system of inspection can be put in operation without considerable expense; let the services be purchased at a fair rate, efficiently performed and closely watched; and the last object will easily be effected if the organization be complete.

I need scarcely add that the above remarks are of the most general character, all minute details being omitted,—my object being to bring specially under notice the consideration of some system of supervision, embracing a careful examination of the schools, conducted with something like uniformity of action as regards method of teaching and school organization, that thus the improvements going on around us may be generally introduced, the deserving teacher brought prominently forward and the standard of popular education gradually elevated.

The only other circumstance to which I am anxious at present to direct attention, is one of far more importance to the school teacher than may at first be thought; so important indeed does it seem to me, that I must necessarily consider even an initiatory step towards it, as a great boon;-I mean the adoption of some measure to mark the school teacher's entrance into the profession, some sort of diploma or certificate, the possession of which will authorize him to exercise his profession wherever he can procure employment, even as the physician or lawyer does, without, on every change of residence, having to undergo a new examination. This will at once make him a member of a body, give him a certain standing, and relieve him from the painful and vexatious necessity of submitting to the verdict of persons often completely unqualified to pronounce on his merits as a teacher, however they may be able to judge of his literary attainments. In what other profession are the members subjected to an examination by those unacquainted with its secrets? I have heard many intelligent and superior Common School teachers complain bitterly of their position in this respect. Fancy such a person subjected to the scrutiny of individuals having the requisite authority, good intentions, and reasonable information, but utterly unacquainted with school organization, discipline, modes of teaching, possibly even with the meaning of the word Education; —at one examination perhaps told that he is ignorant of some subject, because he chances to be unable to quote the words and page of an antiquated text book, at another found fault with because he proposes to introduce some improvement of which his examiners never heard. How galling must this be to any man of common feeling, and what chance is there for a reasonable amount of ability and information being given to Common School teaching, without some steps are taken to elevate it to the rank of a profession, and prevent the intrusion of unqualified persons.

It by no means follows that such a course is always pursued, but every teacher is liable to it. I am not now going to discuss or allude to the authority from which such a certificate should emanate; let that be settled as it may; at least place the Common School teacher in a position of more independence; give some sort of bond of unity to the body, so that each man can point to his diploma and say, "This stamps my profession, that authorizes me to teach here, if you give me employment." Nor will such a step preclude the possibility of any local authority examining a teacher if desired, because while the teacher has the option of refusing to submit to the examination, the other party may decline making the appointment without satisfying himself on that score. It should not be in the power of any party to annul such certificate, except for immorality, and though I could not recommend such a step, even this precaution might be omitted, because, as in other professions, neglect of duty, failure of powers, or the infinitely graver defect of a want of sound moral integrity, will prevent the individual being employed.

I shall intrude no further on your space than to observe, that the above general remarks have been made by no means with the intention of imposing my own opinions on the judgment of others, but rather with the view of directing attention to two points connected with Common Schools, which I deem of primary importance, and in one of which, at least, former circumstances have enabled me to acquire a very extended experience.



From an Address by S. S. RANDALL, Esquire, Deputy Superintendent of Common Schools, to the Students of the Normal School, at the close of the Summer Session, ending the 27th September, 1849.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Normal School,-The expiration of the term of five years for which this Institution was originally chartered, and the auspicious circumstances under which we have now assembled, in this new and beautiful structure, erected by the enlightened liberality of the State, for the education and preparation of Teachers, affords a proper opportunity for a brief review of the past history and a glance at the future prospects of the Institution. Having participated to some extent in the movement which originated this policy; and having been familiar with the early history of the school, the reminiscences thus called up, though not unmingled with painful ingredients are full of interest, and the labor imposed upon me, on the present occasion, is emphatically a "labor of love."

For several years prior to 1844, the attention of the friends of Common School education in this State had been strongly directed to the inadequacy of the existing agencies for the preparation of duly qualified teachers for our elementary institutions of learning. Liberal endowments had, from time to time, during a long series of years, been bestowed upon the Academies in different sections of the State with a view to the attainment of this object; but the practical inability of these instutions to supply the demand thus made upon them with all the resources at their command, soon became obvious and undeniable. The establishment of Normal Schools for this special and exclusive purpose in various portions of Europe, where popular education was most flourishing, and in the adjoining State of Massachusetts, long and honourably distinguished for her superior public and private schools-and the manifest tendency of these institutions to elevate and improve the qualifications and character of teachers, had begun to attract the regard of many of our most distinguished statesmen.

On a winter's afternoon, early in the year 1844, in a retired apartment of one of the public buildings in this city, might have been seen, in earnest and prolonged consultation, several eminent individuals whose names and services in the cause of education are now universally acknowledged. The elder of them was a man of striking and venerable appearance-of commanding intellect and benignant mien. By his side sat one in the prime and vigor of manhood, whose mental faculties had long been disciplined in the school of virtuous activity, and in every lineament of whose countenance appeared that resolute determination and moral power, which seldom fails to exert a wide influence upon the opinions and actions of men. The third in the group was a young man of slight frame and pale thoughtful visage; upon whose delicate and slender form premature debility had palpably set its seal: yet whose opinions seemed to be listened to by his associates, with the utmost deference and regard. The remaining figure was that of a well known scholar and divine, whose potent and beneficial influence had long been felt in every department of the cause of popular education and whose energy, activity and zeal had already accomplished many salutary and much needed reforms in our system of public instruction.

The subject of their consultation was the expediency and practicability of incorporating upon the Common School system of this State an efficient instrumentality for the education of teachers. The utility of such a measure, and its importance to the present and prospective interests of education, admitted, in the minds of these distinguished men, of no doubt. The sole question was whether the public mind was sufficiently prepared for its reception and adoption: whether an innovation so great and striking, and involving as it necessarily must, a heavy and continued expenditure of the public money, might not be strenuously and successfully resisted; and whether a premature and unsuccessful attempt then to carry into execution a measure of such.vital importance, might not be attended with a disastrous influence upon the future prospects of the cause of education. These considerations after being duly weighed, were unanimously set aside by the intrepid spirits then in council; and it was determined that, backed by the strong and decided

recommendation of the head of the Common School Department, immediate measures should be forthwith adopted for the establishment of a STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. The men who thus gave the first decided impetus to the great enterprize, whose gratifying results are now before us, were SAMuel Young, Calvin T. HULBURD, FRANCIS DWIGHT, and ALONZO Potter.

Mr. Hulburd, the able and enlightened Chairman of the Committee on Colleges, Academies and Common Schools of the Assembly, visited the Normal Schools of Massachusetts, and after a thorough examination of their merits and practical operations, submitted an elaborate and eloquent report to the House, in favour of the immediate adoption of this principle in our system of public instruction. The bill introduced by him, and sustained in all its stages by his powerful influence and indefatigable exertions, and the co-operation of the most zealous friends of education throughout the State, became a law, and appropriated the sum of $10,000 annually for five successive years, for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a State Normal School in this city. The general control of the Institution was committed to the Regents of the University, by whom an Executive Committee, consisting of five persons, one of whom was to be the Superintendent of Common Schools, was to be ap pointed, upon whom the direct management, discipline and course of instruction should devolve.

In pursuance of this provision, the Board of Regents, in June, 1844, appointed a Committee comprising the Hon. SAMUEL YOUNG, then Superintendent of Common Schools, the Rev. ALONZO POTTER, Rev. WM. H. CAMPBELL, Hon. GIDEON HAWLEY, and FRANCIS DWIGHT, Esq. This committee forthwith entered upon the execution of their responsible duties; procured on very liberal and favorable terms from the City of Albany the lease for five years of the spacious building in State-street recently occupied by the Institution; prescribed the necessary rules and regulations for the instruction, government and discipline of the school, the course of study to be pursued, the appointment and selection of the pupils, &c., and procured the services of the late lamented and distinguished Principal, then of Newport, Massachusetts, together with his colleague, the present Principal, as teachers. On the 18th day of December, 1844, the school was opened in the presence of a large concourse of citizens and strangers, by an eloquent address from Col. YOUNG, and by other appropriate and suitable exercises. Twenty-nine pupils, 13 males and 16 females, representing fourteen counties only, of both sexes were in attendance, who after listening to a brief but clear and explicit declaration from Mr. PAGE, of his objects, views and wishes in the management and direction of the high duties devolved upon him, entered at once upon the course of studies prescribed for the school. Before the close of the first term on the 11th of March, 1845, the number of pupils had increased to 98, comprising about an equal number of each sex, and representing forty of the fifty-nine counties of the State. During this term the musical department of the school was placed under the charge of Prof. ILSLEY, of this city, and instruction in drawing was imparted by Prof. J. B. HOWARD, of Rensselaer.

On the commencement of the second term, on the 9th of April, 1845, 170 pupils were in attendance, comprising a nearly equal. proportion of males and females, and representing every county int the State, with a single exception. Of these pupils about ninetenths had been previously engaged in teaching during a longer or shorter period. The term closed on the 28th of August, with a public examination and other suitable exercises, and thirty-four of the students received the certificate of the Executive Committee and Board of Instruction, as in their judgment well qualified in all essential respects, to teach any of the Common Schools of the State.

On the 15th of October succeeding, the school re-opened with 180 pupils, which was increased during the progress of the term to 198 from every county, in the State but one. The death of Mr. DWIGHT, which took place on the 15th of December, and the transfer of the Rev. Dr. POTTER to the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, created vacancies in the Executive Committee, which were supplied by the appointment of the Hon. HARMANUS BLEECKER, and the Hon. SAMUEL YOUNG, the latter gentleman having been succeeded in the office of Superintendent of Common Schools by the Hon. N. S. BENTON of Herkimer. The sudden death of Mr. Dwight who had taken a deep interest in the prosperity and success of the Institution, and had given to its minutest details the benefits

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