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third or down to the forty-first, and for the most part does not fully cover the forty-second ;-the boys will correct me if I am wrong;) or, to make the comparison fairer, if you take, not in the same latitude, but the isothermal lines that give the same climate as ours, and turn the globe round till every part of its surface which lies between them comes up to the brazen meridian, you will find many a spot equalling, some surpassing, Massachusetts in natural advantages, none exceeding her in prosperity;-some regions you will find, as the globe revolves beneath your eye, as favourably circumstanced as ourselves as to position, climate, and soil; but inhabited by degenerate or savage races;-by tribes that never emerged into civilization, or have sunk back into barbarity.

But you may ask, while you perceive this contrast, is it possible that it should be caused by education? and much of the difficulty which you will perhaps find in agreeing to the answer would vanish, if you would but look upon education, in the full comprehension of the idea, as the drawing out, the training up of the intellectual principle in man; the divine principle which makes him what he is. Till this is done, man is but a superior animal; hardly even that. At best, the purely sensual man is but a piece of painted, aching clay. But awaken the spiritual nature, kindle the intellectual and moral spark, and he starts up a Newton or a Washington; --a being but a little lower than the angels.

But you ask again can common school education do this? and I answer fearlessly it can and does. I certainly cannot on this occasion, and in the few minutes' time still left me, undertake to treat this mighty theme in all its bearings, but I do not despair, even in a few sentences, of suggesting to you the great points of the argument. I will take school education in its common simple acceptation, as confined to reading and writing, (in which I include speaking and composition,) arithmetic, and the elements of natural philosophy; and I believe the extension to a whole community of the means of obtaining such an education without cost, is sufficient to effect all I ascribe to it. It is scarcely necessary to say, that I do not, in these statements, hold up education as a creative cause. I take into the account the spontaneous co-operation of the mysterious principle of intelligence, with all its perceptive faculties, bestowed and quickened by the author of our being; just as the farmer, when he describes the effect of the various processes of husbandry, includes the co-operation of those inscrutable principles of vegetable growth, which philosophy strives in vain to analyze, but without which not an ear of corn is ripened.

With this explanation I say, sir, that common reading and writing, that is, in a word, the use of language as a system of visible and audible signs of thought, is the great prerogative of our nature as rational beings. I say that when we have acquired the mastery of this system of audible and visible signs, we have done the greatest thing, as it seems to me, as far as intellect is concerned, which can be done by a rational man. It is so common that we do not much reflect upon it; but like other common things, it hides a great mystery of our nature. When we have learned how, by giving an impulse with our vocal organs to the air-by making a few black marks on a piece of paper,—to establish a direct sympathy between our invisible and spiritual essence and that of other men, so that they can see and hear what is passing in our minds, just as if thought and feeling themselves were visible and audible, --not only so, when in the same way we establish a communication between mind and mind in ages and countries the most remote, we have wrought a miracle of human power and skill, which I never reflect upon without awe. Can we realize, sir, that in this way we have, through the medium of the declamation of these children, been addressed this morning by Demosthenes and Cicero, by Burke and Fox? Well, sir, all this is done by writing, reading, and speaking. It is a result of these simple operations. When you tell me a boy has learned to read, you tell me that he has entered into an intellcetual partnership not only with every living contemporary, but with every mind ever created, that has left a record of itself on the pages of science and literature,and when he has learned to write, he has acquired the means of speaking to generations and ages, that will exist a thousand years hence. It all comes back to the use of language. The press, the electric telegraph are only improvements in the mode of communication. The wonderful thing is that the mysterious significance of thought-the invisible action of spirit, can be embodied in sounds and signs addressed to the eye and ear. Instead of wondering that among

speaking, writing, and reading men you have occasionally a Shakespeare, a Bacon, or a Franklin, my wonder is to see these boys and girls, after a few years' training, able to express, in written marks and spoken sounds, the subtlest shades of thought, and that in two or three languages.

The next branch of common school education is arithmetic, the science of numbers, the elements of mathematics. This is in reality a branch of the great department of language, a species of composition; but of so peculiar a nature as to constitute a separate science. This is another of the great master keys of life. With it the astronomer opens the depth of the heavens ;-the engineer, the gates of the mountains ;-the navigators, the pathways of the deep. The skilful arrangement, the rapid handling of figures, is a perfect magician's wand. The mighty commerce of the United States, foreign and domestic, passes through the books kept by some thousands of diligent and faithful clerks. Eight hundred book-keepers, in the Bank of England, strike the monetary balances of half the civilized world. Their skill and accuracy in applying the common rules of arithmetic are as important as the enterprize and capital of the merchant, or the industry and courage of the navigator. I look upon a well-kept ledger with something of the pleasure with which I gaze on a picture or a statue. It is a beautiful work of art. It is by arithmetrical rules, and geometrical diagrams, and algebraical formulæ, that the engineer digs an underground river-channel for an inland lake, and carries a stream of fresh water into every house in a crowded capital. Many a slate full of vulgar fractions has been figured out, to enable our neighbours in Boston to sip a glass of Cochituate.

Then come the elements of natural philosophy and natural science, the laws of organic and inorganic nature, of which something is taught in our common schools, is it wonderful that a community, in which this knowledge is diffused, should multiply itself a hundred fold? I mean is it wonderful that one well taught man should do the work of uninstructed thousands? Mythology tells us of Briareus with his hundred hands, and Argus with his hundred eyes;—but these are only faint images of the increased and sharpened vision which knowledge imparts to the well educated. M. Agassiz sees a great deal more with his two eyes, than Argus did with his hundred. Mr. Bond beholds a satellite of Neptune in the depths of the heavens,-three thousand millions of miles from the sun,—a body perhaps not five hundred miles in diameter,-as easily as the diver beholds a pearl oyster in seven fathoms of water. No Titan that fought with Jupiter, and piled Ossa upon Pelion, had as much strength in his arm, as the engineer has in his thumb and finger, when he turns the screw that lets the steam into the cylinder of his engine. What is there in the Arabian Nights like the skill of the metallurgist, who converts a shapeless clod of iron ore into the mainspring of a watch? What was there in Michael Scott's book to compare with the practical necromancy of the chemist?

Now these are the branches of knowledge of which the elements are taught at our schools; and need I urge that such a control of the signs of thought,-such a possession of the keys of knowledge, --such a consciousness of power over nature as results from this acquaintance with her mysteries, is quite sufficient in the aggregate to give a character to a community,-not certainly to produce wonderful effects in each individual,-but in their united and continuous operation to promote the prosperity of a State.


In the Appendix to the last Report of the Superintendent of Schools for the State of Connecticut, we find a "PRIZE ESSAY ON the Necessity and Means of Improving the Common Schools of Connecticut." The following extracts from this valuable Essay, deserve the attention of every friend of Education in Canada, not merely for the statistics contained in them, but for the practical instruction which they convey, as to the essential elements of an efficient system of public education :

There was a time when the Common Schools of Connecticut were esteemed the best in the world, and when Connecticut, on account of her system of public education, was the brightest spot in all

Christendom. Connecticut gave to the world the first example of a government providing a munificent fund for the education of every child within its limits, and of securing the benefits of this provision equally and forever to the humblest as well as to the highest, to the poorest as well as to the richest. She connected with this fund a system of general and minute supervision, good for its time, to preserve the fund from abuse and misapplication, and to give thoroughness and efficiency to its actual workings. It was a system suited to the state of society then existing-to the staid and sober habits of the people. It answered in a good measure, its design. It made teachers and parents both feel their responsibility.

The results of this school system, were great and good. Every hamlet in Connecticut of no more than twenty houses, whether spread out upon the plain, or crowded into the valley, whether sprinkled along the sloping hill-side, or wedged in among the brown rocks of some wild ravine, could show its district school-house, which was regularly opened for many months in the year. There was hardly to be known the son or daughter of Connecticut, who could not read and write. It was the rarest of all things to see one who had not received a good dementary education.

This was reported to the honour of Connecticut throughout the Christian world. The lover of his race, who had been rewarded for his zeal for the elevation of his countrymen, by a life-lease in a Prussian or Austrian dungeon, saw his prison wall all light about him when he thought of the one government in the world that had provided efficiently for the education of the humblest child, and gathered hope for the time, when his government and all governments should do the same. In our own Union, the other States were reproved for their negligence, and spurred on to their duty by the example of what Connecticut had been the first to perform. The emigrant mother in Vermont or Western New-York, as she looked around upon her untaught boys and girls, sighed for the schools of Connecticut and was ready to exchange the rich fields that were beginning to look so luxuriant about her, for the most rocky farm within the limits of a Connecticut school district.

But within the last twenty years a change in all these respects has taken place. Connecticut no longer holds the same high position which she once did. Austria and Prussia have provided their subjects with an efficient and successful Common School system. Other governments in Europe are slowly awaking to their duty and interest in respect to the same high matter. Despotism even is striving to make peace with its wronged and outraged subjects, by giving, in return for the civil rights which it withholds, the substantial blessings of universal education. Many of the States of our own Union are giving themselves to this cause with a zeal and energy which show them determined to make amends for past neglect and torpor. In Massachusetts, Ohio, New-York, Georgia, Rhode-Island, and many other States, vigorous and successful efforts are made. School funds are accumulated; taxes are readily imposed and cheerfully paid; Boards of Education are instituted; periodicals are circulated; public lectures are given; Normal Schools for the instruction of teachers are provided; teachers' conventions and institutes are attended with zeal and profit. These, and other signs, show beyond question, that there is a strong movement in the public mind; that the people are being aroused. In some States and parts of States this interest is well-nigh enthusiastic. But Connecticut! where is Connecticut the mean while? Where is she, who was once the star of hope and guidance to the world? She was the first to enter the lists, and was the foremost in the race. Is she foremost now? Whatever may be the truth of the case, it is certain, that she is not thought to be in the other States. It is the general opinion, out of Connecticut, that she is doing little or nothing; and, whereas, a few years since, her name was mentioned in connection with Common Schools, with honour, only; it is now, in this connection, coupled with expressions of doubt and regret, and that by wise and sober men. Her large State endowment is described as having put her effectually asleep, as having sent her to "Sleepy Hollow," from the influence of which, when she is aroused for a moment, it is to talk of her noble School Fund and James Hillhouse, just as Rip Van Winkle did of his neighbours who had been dead forty years. The School Fund is quoted every where out of Connecticut, we venture to say it is quoted in every other State in the Union, as a warning and example to deter them from giving the proceeds of their own funds, except only on the condition, that those

who receive shall themselves, raise as much as they take, and report annually as to the results. Those who go from other States into Connecticut, can hardly credit the testimony of their own senses when they are forced to believe the apathy that prevails. Every newspaper and lecturer out of Connecticut, high and low, ignorant and knowing, sneers at the Connecticut School Fund, and the present condition of the Connecticut schools.

Are the people of Connecticut aware that this is the case? Do they know what the people of other States think and say of them? Do they believe that what is thought and said is true and deserved? We can hardly believe that they are generally aware of the bad repute into which their schools have fallen. Or if they are informed in respect to it, they do not believe that they merit so bad a name. The majority are too well contented to leave their schools as they are. They persuade themselves that their school system works as well as any public school system can be expected to work; that notwithstanding all that may be said out of the State against tho schools of Connecticut, these schools are better than those of any State in the Union. They are opposed to any agitation of the subject. They will give their hearts to no strong and united effort to improve their schools. On the other hand, those who know that our schools are inferior to those of some of the other States, and who see clearly, in the prevailing apathy, the certain signs of a still greater degeneracy, are almost discouraged to hope for any great and permanent improvement. Neither of these classes are wholly in the wrong, nor wholly in the right. It is not true, that the schools of Connecticut are as good as those of certain other States. It is not true, that our public school system is as good, or is managed as efficiently as the systems of many other States. There is not only danger, but a certain prospect, that if things remain as they are, the schools of Connecticut will degenerate still more, and Connecticut will be dishonoured more and more, in the comparison with her sister States. It is not true, indeed, that all the hard and contemptuous things that have been said about our schools and our school fund are just and deserved, but the facts can be brought to prove that there is too much ground for them, and that the public apathy on this subject is inexcusable and fraught with evil.

What then is the condition of the Common Schools of Connecticut? Facts are stubborn things. We present the following, in which the contrast is strikingly exhibited :

First, as to appropriations for school purposes. Money is the sinews of education as of war. The willingness to appropriate money shows zeal for any cause. Connecticut, in 1795, set apart

for school purposes a large and increasing fund for the support of schools, which now amounts to $2,070,000, and divides $1.40 for every scholar between the age of 4 and 16. Besides this, there are the town deposit-fund and local funds. Instead of annexing to the reception of their annual dividend the condition of raising a specified sum, the annual taxation was gradually diminished, till in 1822 it ceased altogether. In 1845, it is not known that a single town or school society in the State, raised a tax for school purposes by voluntary taxation. In a few of the large city districts, a small propertytax is collected, and applied to the wages of teachers, but not amounting in the whole State to $9,000, or 3 cents to each inhabitant, or 10 cents to each child between the ages of 4 and 16.

Massachusetts and New-York, as the capital and dividend of their school funds have increased, have, at the same time, increased the sums to be raised as a condition of receiving the dividend of their funds. From 1835 to 1845, the capital of the Massachusetts Fund was increased from $500,000 to $800,000. During the same period the amount annually raised in towns by tax, for the wages of teachers, has advanced from $325,320 to near $600,000. The statute of 1839 requires that $1.25, for every child between the age of 4 and 16, should be raised and actually expended for the purposes of instruction in each town, whereas, more than $3.00 for every child of the above age was actually raised by tax in 1845 in 53 towns, more than $2.00 in 190 towns, and $2.99 is the average through the State. $2.99 is the average in Massachusetts and 10 cts. in Connecticut. It is instructive to look over the list of towns as arranged in the school returns of Massachusetts for 1846. The town standing first is a new town just out of Boston, which raises $7.64. The town numbered 8 is an unpretending agricultura! town in Worcester county, which raises $482. The town num

bered 30, a small town, raises $3-77. The town numbered 280 raises by tax $1.43 per scholar, which is 3 cts. more than every scholar in Connecticut receives from the School Fund.

In New-York, when the legislature in 1838, virtually increased the capital of the School Fund from $2,000,000 to near $6,000,000, the obligation on the part of the towns, to raise an amount equal to that distributed was not removed. Thus, while the appropriation by the State was increased from $100,000 in 1835, to $275,000 in 1845, the amount required to be raised by tax in the towns increased in the same proportion, viz., from $100,000 to $275,000, and the amount voluntarily raised by the towns and districts in 1845, more than quadrupled the amount raised in the same way in 1835.

In Rhode-Island, the State appropriation has increased from $10,000 in 1829 to $25,000 in 1845, while the towns in 1829 received the State appropriation unconditionally, but are now required to raise a third as much as they receive.

In Maine, 40 cts. must be raised for every inhabitant, which is perhaps more than is required in any other of the New-England States.

Second, as to the supervision of schools. The first effort, to set apart a class of officers for the special duty of visiting schools and examining teachers, was made by Connecticut in the school law of 1798, and there Connecticut has left the matter, except that the towns may now make returns to the Commissioner of the School Fund, who is also Superintendent of the schools. In the mean time other States have taken the suggestion from Connecticut and improved upon it. Massachusetts has a State Board of Education, with one individual devoting his whole time to collecting facts and diffusing information for the improvement of schools. New-York has not only a State Superintendent, but a school officer for each county, and a Superintendent for each town. $28,000 was paid in 1844 as salaries to the County Superintendents. Vermont and Rhode-Island have recently adopted the system of State, County, and Town Superintendents.

Third, as to the education and improvement of teachers. The first elaborate effort to call public attention in this country to the importance of Normal Schools or Teachers' Seminaries, was made by Rev. T. H. Gallaudet, in a series of essays published in Hartford, in 1825. Massachusetts put this idea into actual being. By the offer of $10,000 from Hon. Edmund Dwight, of Boston, the legislature unanimously appropriated an equal amount for the annual expense of three Normal Schools for three years, and at the close of the third year, provision was made for the erection of buildings and the permanent support of these schools. In New-York, a State Normal School has been established in Albany, and $10,000 annually appropriated for this object.

The first assembly of teachers, like those now known as Teachers' Institutes, ever held in this country, was held at Hartford in 1839, and it is believed to have been the last but one held in Connecticut. This important agency has since been introduced into New-York, Ohio, Massachusetts, New-Hampshire, and Vermont. In NewYork more than 6,000 teachers assembled in the different counties in the autumn of 1845. In Massachusetts, $2,500 have been appropriated by the legislature for their encouragement during the current year.

Fourth, School-houses. The first essay which is known to have been prepared to expose the evils of school-houses badly constructed, warmed, lighted, and ventilated, was read at a State Convention of the friends of education in Hartford, in 1830; and for nearly 9 years after, five school-houses only in the State are known to have been repaired and built in accordance with its suggestions. The same essay was read and published in Boston, in 1831, and was followed by immediate attention to the subject in different parts of the State. In 1838, a new impulse was given to this kind of improvement by Mr. Mann's Report on the subject, and from that time till 1844, the amount of $634,326 was expended for the construction and permanent repairs of school-houses. Within the past two years, one-third of the school districts of Rhode-Island have repaired old school-houses or constructed new ones after improved plans. Since 1838, more than $200,000 has been expended in this way.

Fifth, School-libraries. The first juvenile library perhaps, in the world was established in Salisbury, Conn., more than half a century since, and the originator of the school district library enterprise was a native of this State. This is about all that Connecticut is known

to have done in this department. In 1838, New-York appropriated a sum equal to about $5 for every school district, or $53,000 for the whole State, on condition that a like amount should be raised by the several towns, both sums to be spent in the purchase of books for school district libraries. Six years after this law passed there were more than one million and a half of volumes scattered through every neighborhood of that great State. Massachusetts, for one year, appropriated the income of its school fund for this object on certain conditions, and at this time every school district is supplied with a library open to all the children and adults of the community.

We adduce these statistics as testimony concerning the degree of interest which is felt in Connecticut on this subject, compared, with the zeal that prevails in the above named States. We discuss not here the importance or the wisdom of these measures. We have other testimony still more direct. It comes from the people themselves. Let any man study the returns of the school visitors as reported to the legislature in 1845, let any man study the reports now on file in the Commissioner's office for the year just closing, and he will receive one uniform and desponding confession in respect to the apathy that prevails-like an atmosphere of death. Particular defects are named and remedies are suggested, but the want of public interest is uniformly named as the worst and most disheartening evil. Then let him contrast these returns with those of many other States, and what a change will he notice. On the one hand is heard the voice of declension and despondency, on the other, the language of progress and hope.

But this does not exhaust the evidence. Those who go from Connecticut into other States, and from them into Connecticut, feel a shock in the transition. It is like going from a cellar into the sunshine, or from the sunshine into a cellar. We know an intelligent gentleman who has seen his scores of years, who has recently removed from Rhode-Island into the "land of steady habits," and can hardly understand or believe that the apathy which he fiinds, can be a reality. The writer has within a few years made the change the other way, from Connecticut to the Bay State. He too has been forcibly impressed with the contrast. In one particular, this contrast is very striking. In Connecticut, the people have been persuaded, that to be taxed for the support of Common Schools, is a levy upon the poor, for the schools of the rich. In Massachusetts, the people know that all such taxes are a lawful tribute from the rich, for the benefit of the poor. We have seen in the latter State, in a crowded town meeting, a thousand hands raised as by magic, to vote the largest of two sums named by the school committee, a sum which was nearly a dollar for every individual of the entire population, men, women, and children. The motion was made by one of the wealthiest men in the town, whose own children were too old to attend the public school. It was supposed by others wealthier than he, and having no interest of their own in the schools. A proposition to set apart five hundred dollars as a fund to be distributed to the feebler districts, at the discretion of the town committee, was moved in the same way, and carried without the show opposition. In the same town, the year following, the school tax was increased by two thousand dollars, though the most important district had ten days before taxed itself nearly nine thousand dollars for land and a building for a high school. This occurred in a town by no means the foremost to engage in school improvements, and not even now the most conspicuous for its zeal or its expenditures. In Lowell, Salem, Worcester, Springfield, Roxbury, and in towns of less importance, the public school-houses are the best buildings in the town, inviting without for their aspect of beauty and solidity, and within for their convenient apartments and their abundant apparatus. We have seen something of the working of this school system for years. We have observed the conscientious and honourable pride felt in the public schools, by those influential for wealth and talent, who give to these schools their influence, and send to them their sons and daughters. What is of far more consequence and interest, we have freely mingled in the families of those in humbler life, and learned from the lips of parents their high sense of the value of these schools which cost them little or nothing, and which promised to give their children all the education which they desired. We have heard from the mother of a large family of boys, hearty regrets, that her sons must be removed from the school by the departure of the family from town. Seeing these things, we could not but conclude that public schools may attain high perfection, and that such schools are the choicest of earth's blessings.



13TH AND 14TH VICTORIA, Cap. 48.

N.B.-The Roman Capitals indicate the Sections and the figure, the clauses of the Act referred to.


ACCOUNTS of all moneys received and expended for school purposes during the year, to be submitted by Trustees to annual section meeting-(see Trustees)-XII. 18. AGREEMENTS under repealed Acts, valid until altered by this Act-I. ALTERATIONS in boundaries of sections not to have effect until after the 25th of December next after having been made-XVIII. 4.

APPEAL-Dissatisfied parties, in disputes, submitted to Local Superintendents, have right of-to the Chief Superintendent-XXXI. 7.

APPOINTMENTS under repealed Acts to remain valid until altered or annulled by this

APPORTIONMENT of school moneys-(see Superintendent, Chief and Local.)
ARCHITECTURE-SCHOOL-(see School Architecture.)

ARBITRATIONS-Local Superintendents to attend-(see Superintendents, Local.) ARBITRATOR-In case of dispute between Teacher and Trustees, one-chosen by each party, with the Local Superintendent, to make final award; if either party neglect to appoint Arbitrator, the other party may name both Arbitrators; the inatters in dispute may be re-submited until final award be made-XVII. ARBITRATORS for settling difference respecting sites of school-house to be chosen, and with Local Superintendent, to decide be chosen, in case the annual report of Trustees be not satisfactory-XII. 18.

ATTENDANCE-AVERAGE-of pupils, both summer and winter, to form basis of apportionment, unless otherwise directed by Chief Superintendent-(see Superinten dent, Local)-XXXI. 1.


BOARDS-COUNTY OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION-(see County Boards of Public Instruction.) BOOKS-FOREIGN-in English branches, not to be used without permission of Council of

Public Instruction-XIV.....LIBRARY(sec Librarian.). .. .. .RELIGIOUSnot to be used by a Pupil in School, if objected to by his parent or guardianXIV.......TEXT-to be selected by County Board of Public Instruction, from list authorized by Council of Public Instruction-XXIX. 3... ...AUTHORIZED Local Superintendent to see that none other are used in schools, and to facilitate the procuring of them-XXXI. 5.

BOUNDARIES of sections not to be altered by Township Councils, unless all parties interested have had due notice-XVIII. 4.

BORROWING of money for school purposes by Trustees-Township Councils may authorize the and levy tax to repay in ten years-XVIII. 1.


CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION-No Teacher deemed qualified without one-XV.. granted by Local Superintendent, valid until the 1st of January 1851-XV. to Teachers, to be granted by County Board of Public Instruction-(which see) -XXIX. 2... .Cancelling of-to release Trustees from obligation to continue Teacher in their employment-XXXI. 8........TO TEACHERS-(see County. Board)-which shall be valid in any part of Upper Canada, until revoked, may be given by Chief Superintendent (on recommendation of Teachers of Normal School) to any Teacher who shall have been a Student at Normal School-XLIV. CHAIRMAN to be elected at Section Meetings-V. & VI. give casting vote, decide questions of order, and grant a poll, on request of two electors-V. CLASSES of Teachers of Common Schools-(see Teachers.) CLERK-TOWNSHIP-to communicate description of new section to person appointed to call first school allow Trustees' Collector to make copy of parts of Assessment Roll-XII. furnish Local Superintendent with copy of all proceedings of Township Council, relating to all school mattersXVIII. 5......COUNTY-to lay before County Council notification of apportionment of Legislative Grant, by Chief Superintendent-XXVII. notify Chief Superintendent of appointment and address of Local Superintendents and County Treasurer; and to furnish him with a copy of all proceedings of County Council, relating to school assessments or matters-XXVII. transmit annually, by 1st March, to Chief Superintendent, an abstract of school accounts, audited by County Auditors, and give explanation of same-XXVII. 5....... SENIOR-in Education Office, to be Recording Clerk to Council of Public Instruction-XXXVII.


CITIES AND TOWNS-TRUSTEES IN-to be elected by majority of taxable inhabitants in each ward-XXH.......One Trustee for to be elected in each ward, annually, on the second Wednesday in January-(see Trustees)-XXIII. COUNCILS-TOWNSHIP-to levy such assessment on property in a section, for general school-house purposes, purchase of apparatus, text-books, library books, and salary of Teacher, as the Trustees, on behalf of majority at section meeting oalled for such purpose shall desire; and may grant to Trustees authority to borrow money for general school purposes, and levy tax to pay interest and principal in ten years-XVIII. 1......may levy tax to establish Township Model School, and Library; themselves to be Trustees; may consent to Trustees of Common Schools merging their Schools into Model School-XVIII. 2....... to form new School Sections, and appoint person to call first meeting therein; and to cause their Clerk to notify him, &c.-XVIII. 3......may alter and unite sections on request of majority at special meeting in each section; alteration not to go into effect until 25th December after; inust be satisfied that all parties have had due notice; may authorize the disposal of school sites, or schoolhouses, not required in consequence of union or altering of sections, in such manner as special meeting shall think proper-XVIII. cause Clerk to furnish Local Superintendent with copies of all proceedings on School mattersXVIII. authorize separate Schools for Protestants, Roman Catholics, or Coloured People-(see Separate Schools)-XIX.. ....may pass By-law to abolish Section Divisions, and unite all the Schools in the Township under one Board of Trustees. when requested by majority of resident householders at special meetings-XX.......CITY AND TOWN-to have same powers and obligations as Township and County provide such sums, and in such roanner as Boards of Trustees shall desire for support of SchoolsXXIV. 6.....(AND VILLAGE)-not to be entitle 1 to any share of Legislative School Grant, without raising by local assessment, a sum at least equal (clear of all charges of collection), to such grant; if a less sum raised in any rear, Chief Superintendent to deduct a sum equal to deficiency from next apportionmentXL... [COUNTY] to levy on the Townships annually a sun at least equal [clear of all charges of collection to the Legislative Grant to such Towns ips; such assessment may be increased, either to increase the County School Fund, or to afford special relief to poor sections on recorninendation of Local Superintendents; the amount to be paid to County Treasurer, by 11th December, annually; to make provision to enable Treasurer to pay orders to Teachers by 14th Deceinber, whether assessment paid in or not-XXVII. raise money by assessment for County Common School Library-XXVII. appoint, annually, Local Superintendents for a whole County, or for any one or more Town-lipe, to fix and provide for their salaries, (at not less than one peun per

School)-XXVII. 3...... to see that sufficient security be given by all officers of the Council, entrusted with School moneys, and that no deduction he made from School Fund for charges; to appoint, if expedient, one or more Subtreasurers of School moneys for one or more Townships, such Sub-treasurers to be liable to same obligations, in places for which they are appointed, as County Treasurer-XXVII. appoint, annually, or oftener, Auditors to audit all School money accounts, and report to Council-XXVII. provide for incidental expenses of County Board of Public Instruction-XXVIII.... in such Counties as have more than one County Grammar School, to divide such County into as many Circuits as there are County Grammar Schools-XXVIII. COUNCIL OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION FOR U. C. to be appointed by Governor, and to consist of not more than nine meet at times and places to he appointed by Chief make regulations for the management of the Normal make regulations for government of Common Schools, classification of Schools and Teachers, and for Libraries-XXXVIII. recommend or disapprove of text-books for Schools, and hooks for libraries, and give public notice of disapproval of any books used in Schools-XXXVIII. 5.

COUNTY BOARDS OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION-Trustees of County Grammar School, and Local Superintendent or Superintendents of Schools in each County to constitute -may be more than one in a County-(sce Circuit Boards).... At any lawful meeting of-three members, including Local Superintendent, to be a quorum for granting Certificates to Teachers; not less than five to be a quorum for other business; expenses of Board to be provided for by County Council-XXVIII. meet not less than four tiines a-year; to fix times and places of their meetings, order of proceedings, and manner of recording them-XXIX. 1. . . . to examine and give certificates of qualification to Teachers, arranging them in three classes, according to instructions to be provided; to annul any certificate if expedient; certificates to be given only to Teachers of good moral character, and subjects of Her Majesty; certificate may be general, (as to County.) or limited as to time or place; every certificate must have the signature of at least one Local Superintendent-XXIX. select text-books from list recommended by Council of Public Instruction, and facilitate the procuring of such books-XXIX. adopt all lawful means to advance the interests of Common Schools, to promote formation of County School Libraries, and the diffusion of useful knowledge-XXIX. 4.

COUNTY SCHOOL. FUND-County Council may levy assessments to increase; to be in the custody of County Treasurer; if assessments not paid into-by 14th December ; County Treasurers, never heless, to pay all lawful orders to Teachers-XXVII. 1.....Sub-treasurers may be appointed by County Council for one or more Townships, to receive and disburse; no deduction from-to be made for charges of receiving and paying-XXVII. 4.

COUNTY-The word-shall include Municipal Unions of Counties.-XLVIII.

DEFAULT of holding section meetings for want of proper notice by Trustees or other
persons, to be punished by fine-IX.
DIFFERENCES as to site of School-house between Trustees and householders, to be settled
by arbitration-XI.

DEATH OF TRUSTEES-Vacancy occasioned by-to be filled at special meeting of householders or freeholders-XII. 12.

DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT may be appointed by Chief Superintendent-XXXV. 6.

ELECTIONS under repealed Acts to remain valid till altered or annulled by authority of this Act-I....of Chairman, Secretary, and three Trustees at first section meetings-V....of Trustees in Cities and Towns to be conducted in same manner as municipal elections, and to be held same place as last municipal election-XXII. Incorporated Villages (See Villages)-XXV. EMBEZZLEMENT-(sec School Fund)-XLIII.


FALSE REPORT, signing, by Trustees, or making false returns by Teachers, to be punished by fine of five pounds-XIII.

FEMALE SCHOOL may be established in any section by Trustces, with consent of Local Superintendent-XII. 5.

FUND COMMON SCHOOL-Penalties for signing false Report by Trustees, or making false Report by Teachers, to be paid into-XIII.. parts of united or altered sections to have same claim to, as if not altered-XVIII. 4. (See School Fund.) G

GRAMMAR SCHOOL-COUNTY-Of the Common Schools in Cities and Towns may be united with, in such manner as Board of Trustees in concurrence with Trustees of Grammar Schools shall adopt-XXIV. 4....of each County or Circuit, Trustees of, with Local Superintendent or Superintendents in each, to form County or Circuit Boards of Public Instruction-XXVIII.....when more than one, in a County, such County to be divided by County Council into as many Circuits as there are Crunty Grammar Schools-XXVIII. I

INDIGENT PERSONS may be wholly or in part exempt from payment of Rates by Trustees -XII. 10.

INSTRUCTION-RELIGIOUS-Pupils may receive by desire of their parents or guardians




JUDGES OF THE COUNTY COURTS may summon and punish any Secretary-treasurer wrongfully withholding any money or property belonging to any School Section -XLIII.

JUSTICES OF THE PEACE may fine persons making false declaration of right to vote at Section impose penalty on Trustees refusing office, or neglecting duties after impose the fines for not giving proper notice of Annual or other Section Meetings-IX. ...may convict Trustees of signing false Report, and Teachers of keeping faise Register or making false Return, and levy penalty by distress, to be paid to School Fund-XIII....Any, authorized to administer Oath of Allegiance to Common School take Affadavit of majority of Trustees in any School Division of the wrongful withholding of Books, Papers, Chattles or Moneys by a Secretary-Treasurer-XLIII... .may convict any person who shall witfully disturb any School, or School Meeting, and fine offender not more than £5, to be paid over for School purposes—XLVI.

LECTURE-A PUBLIC-to be delivered at least once a-year in each School Section, by the Local School Superintendent-XXXI. 4.

LEGISLATIVE SCHOOL GRANT-No County, Town or Village to be entitled to share ofwithout raising an equal clear sum by assessment; if a less suni raised in any year, Chief Superintendent to deduct a sum equal to deficiency out of the next year's apportionment-XL.

LOCAL SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS-(see Superintendent, Local.)
LIBRARIAN (in Townships) to be appointed by Trustees-XII. 17.....(in Cities and
Towns) to be appointed by Board of Trustees-XXIV. 10.

LIBRARIES-Townsmp-to be under management of Trustees-XII. Cities and Towns, may be established by Board of Trustees; expense to be provided for by Common or Town Council-XXIV. be under charge of Board of Trustees-XXIV. 10....No Government aid shall be given to, any unless an equal amount be raised from local sources-XXXV. 10... ... .Governor in Council may authorize expenditure of £300 annually for establishment of, undre

certain regulations and conditions-XLI.....County Common School, County
Council to raise money for establishment and support of-XXVII. 2..
County Board of Public Instruction to promote establishment of-XXIX. 4.

MAYORS of Cities and Towns to give six days' public notice, in three places in each
Ward, of first election of School Trustees-XLVII.

MEETING PLACE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL-to be appointed by Trustees; six days' notice to be given-XII. 12....A lawful School, any person wilfully disturbing, may be prosecuted-XLVI....Annual, for election of Trustees, to be held second Wednesday in January, at 10, A. M., for all Townships, Cities, Towns and Incorporated Villages-II.. .to elect one or more Trustees to fill vacanciesVI. 3......Annual Section, in Townships, to decide upon manner of providing for salary of Teachers, and all School expenses-VI. 4......Annual or other, if not held for want of proper notice, any two freeholders or house holders may call-IX.........Special-Notice of time and Place of-to be given by Trustees, specifying object of meeting; proceedings of, to be conducted In same manner as Annual Meetings-XII. 12.....Annual Section, to receive Annual Report of Trustees, and if money account be not satisfactory to the majority, Arbitrators may be appointed-XII. 18.....Annual and Special, in Cities and Towns, or in any Ward therein, to be called by Trustees, and six days' notice given-XXIV. 9......of Reeves and Local Superintendent to form Union Sections to be called by two Reeves-XVIII. 4......for election of Boards of Trustees in Incorporated Villages-(See Villages.).....of County Board of Public Instruction to be held at least four times a-year; time and place of, to be determined by Board-XXIX. 1....General, of School Visitors in any Township, City, Town or Village, may be held; to devise means to promote efficient visitation of Schools. establishment of Libraries, and diffusion of useful knowledge-XXXIII.

MODEL SCHOOLS, Township, may be established by Township Councils; Councillors to be Trustees; Common Schools may be merged into; Student-teachers to receive tuition free-XVIII. 2. MONEY-Appropriation of, from Consolidated Reven not effected by repeal of former Acts-i......School, apportioned to Townships to be distributed among the Sections, by Local Superintendent—(sec Superintendent, Local)-XXXI. 1..... due to Sections to be paid by County or Sub-treasurer to Teachers, on cheques of Local Superintendent-XXXI. 2.......No part of, to be paid to School in which any book disapproved of by the Council of Public Instruction is used and public notice given of such disapproval-XXXVIII. 3.


NEW OR NEEDY SECTIONS may be aided from County School Fund-XXVII. 1.
NON-RESIDENT Defaulters may be sued by Trustees-XII. 11.

NORMAL SCHOOL-Provision for support of-XXXIX....Certificates from-to be valid throughout Upper Canada-LXIV.

NOTICE of first meeting in new Section to be posted in three public places, six days before time of meeting, by person appointed by Township Council, within twenty days-IV......If Section Meeting not held for want of proper, Trustees or other persons guilty of neglect to forfeit five dollars-IX......of Annual or other Section Meetings, in case of default of holding for want of proper notice, may be given by any two freeholders or householders in Section, within twenty days-IX......of Annual and Special Meetings in Cities and Towns to be given by Board of Trustees-XXIV. 9.......of Meeting of County Board of Public Instruction to be given to any Teacher whose certificate of qualification has been suspended by Local Superintendent-XXXI. 8.


PERIODICAL-One devoted to Education to be procured by Trustees for each Section-
XII. 15.
PENALTY for wilfully signing false report by Trustees, and making false return by
Teacher, five pounds, to be recovered before any Justice of Peace-XIII.

POLL to be granted at Section Meetings on request of two electors-V.
PROCEEDINGS of Section Meetings, signed by Chairman and Secretary, to be trans-
mitted forthwith by Secretary to Local Superintendent-V......of Special
Section Meetings, copy of, to be transmitted to Local Superintendent-XII. 12.
......of Township Councils Copy of, relating to all school matters to be fur-
nished to Local Superintendent by Township Clerk-XVIII. 4......of County
Councils to be furnished to Chief Superintendent by County Clerk.
PROPERTY, Common School, to be in custody of Trustees-XII. 3......Common
School, may be acquired and applied by Trustees-XII. 3.

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QUORUM of County Board of Public Instruction for granting certificates to Teachers, to consist of three members including a Local Superintendent; for other business not less than five members to be a quorum-XXVIII.

Qualification oF TEACHERS-(See County Board of Public Instruction)—XXIX. 2. R

RATE-BILLS imposed under repealed Acts to remain valid till annulled by this Act-I.... to be prepared by Trustees, and may be payable monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly, as they see fit-XII. Cities and Towns may be levied by Board of Trustees; money to be paid to Chamberlain or Treasurer-XXIV. 7. RATES, SCHOOL, due by persons residing out of Section, may be sued for by Trustees

-XII. 11.

RELIGION any exercise of-Pupils not to be required to join in, if objected to by their parents or guardians-XIV.

REMOVAL of Trustees, Vacancies occasioned by, to be filled at Special Meeting-XII. 12. REPORT, ANNUAL, of Trustees to be read before Annual Section Meeting, and contain full accounts of all moneys received and expended; if not satisfactory, Arbitrators to be chosen to decide-(See Trustees)-XII. 18......of Trustees to Local Superintendent to be made before 15th January-(See Trustees)-XII. 19 ..of Board of Trustees in Cities and Towns, to be published in one or more public papers at the close of each year, and to contain account of progress of schools, and receipts and expenditure of moneys; to be made to Chief Superintendent before 15th January-XXIV. be made to Chief Superintendent by Local Superintendents, on or before 1st March-XXXI. 10. RESIDENTS in a Section between five and twenty-one years of age permitted to attend the School so long as they conform to the rules, &c., excepting children for whom separate Schools have been established-XII. 13.

RETURNING officer at elections in Cities and Towns to be same person as at last municipal election; or in his default one may be chosen by electors present-XXIII. ROMAN CATHOlic Schools-(See separate Schools)-XIX.

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SECRETARY to be elected at Section Meetings-Sec. V and VI. 1. SECRETARY-TREASURER to Trustees of Sections to be appointed by Trustees; may be one of themselves; to give security; to deliver books and moneys when called for by majority; to keep record book; to receive, account for, and disburse all moneys as directed-XIL 1......Any, who shall wrongfully withhold any official books, papers or moneys, shall be guilty of misdemeanor, and may be summoned before the County Judge, and committed to jail for non-compliance with such Judge's order; other lawful remedy not impaired thereby-XLIII. SECTION MEETINGs to elect a Chairman and receive and decide upon Trustees' Report-V1. 2.

SECTION DIVISIONS may be abolished by Township Councils whenever majority of electors at Special Meetings desire it, and all the Common Schools in such Township be united under one management as in Cities and Towns-XX. SECTIONS-SCHOOL-Present-to remain until altered under this Act-I....New-Person appointed to call first meeting in-to give six days' notice, within twenty daysIV. be formed by Township Councils-XVIII. 3......may be altered or united by Township Council on request of Special Meeting-XVIII. 4.... New or Needy-may be relieved from County School Fund on recommendation of Local Superintendent-XXVII. 1.

SEPARATE SCHOOLS for Protestants, Roman Catholics, or Coloured People, to be authorized by Township Councils, and Boards of Trustees of Cities, Towns and VIIlages, on written application of twelve resident heads of families; limits of such School Sections to be fixed by same authority; first election of Trustees same as in new Sections; to go into operation 26th December next after; to be under same regulations as other schools; Trustees of-to be chosen only by parties petitioning or sending scholars; to share in School Fund according to average attendance of pupils; not to be allowed unless Teacher of Section School be of different religion from petitioners; children attending, not to be included in Common School Returns-XIX.

SCHOOL ARCHITECTURE-Governor may apply £200 annually to procure plans for improvement of, &c.-under certain conditions-XLI.

SCHOOL EXPENSES to be provided for by Trustees-XII. 7.

SCHOOL FUND Common-The sum annually apportioned out of Legislative School Grant to each County, City, Town or Village, and at least an equal sum raised annually by Local Assessment to constitute; to be expended solely in paying salaries of qualified Teachers-XL.......If any part of embezzled or lost, and proper security has not been taken by authorized parties such parties to be liable for loss; the amount to be recovered by person entitled to receive such sums; or by Crown Suit; Secretary-Treasurer to account for under penaltyXLIII......Common-no part of to be applied to payment of salary of Chief or Local Superintendents, or any other expenses, but to be wholly expended in paying Teachers' salaries XLV.

SCHOOL-HOUSE to be built-repaired, furnished, &c., by Trustees-may be rented by Trustees if none belong to Section, or if a second be required-XII. 4......and site not required after alteration or union of sections, may be disposed of as Special Meeting directs-XVIII. Cities and Towns may be purchased, rented, furnished, &c., or disposed of by Boards of Trustees-XXIV. 2. SCHOOL MONEYS shall be payable to County, City, Town and Village Treasurers, on or before 1st July, yearly, under directions of Governor in Council-XLII. SCHOOLS COMMON-one or more may be merged into Township Model Schools-XVIII 2.....All the-in a Township may be united under same management as in Cities and Towns, by Township Councils, when majority of resident householders at Special Meetings desire Cities and Towns, Board of Trustees to see conducted according to law-XXIV. which any book is used that has been disapproved of by Council of Public Instruction, not to receive any portion of Legislative School Grant-XXXVIII. 5. STUDENT-TEACHERS to receive tuition in Township Model Schools free-XVIII. 2. SUBSCRIPTIONS due by persons residing out of Section may be sued for by TrusteesXII. 11. SUPERINTENDENT-LOCAL-To act as Arbitrator relating to sites, or appoint person in his behalf-XI......may consent to establishing a Female School in any Section-XII. 5.......may give Teachers certificates of qualification, to be valid only until 1st January, 1851-XV... act as Arbitrator in disputes between Teachers and attend Meetings of Reeves of Townships parts of which are intended to be formed into Union Sections XVIII. Cities and Towns, to be appointed, and salary fixed by Board of Trustees therein-XXI and XXIV. 4........One, at least, to sign all certificates of qualifications to Teachers made by County Board of Public Instruction-XXIX. 2.. .. .. receive at least one pound, annually, for each School under his charge, with any additional allowance from County apportion the money allotted to each Township in his charge, among the Sections thereof entitled to receive it, according to the mean average attendance of pupils-XXXI. 1...To give each qualified Teacher on the order of his Trustees, a cheque on County or Sub-treasurer for any sum due to his Section, on certain conditions-XXXI. 2. . . .To visit each Common School in his jurisdiction at least once a-quarter, examine into state and progress of Schools, and give such advice as he shall judge proper-XXXI. 3...To deliver in each School Section an annual Public Lecture on Practical Education; to do all in his power to animate all parties interested, to improve the Schools, and secure universal and sound education-XXXI. 4......To see that the Schools are managed according to law; to recommend authorized text-books, and facilitate the procuring of them, and prevent the use of others-XXXI. 5....... To attend all meetings of County Board of Public Instruction; to meet and confer with Chief Superintendent in his official visits to such County-XXXI. 6. .........To decide all questions on School matters submitted to him; to refer if he thinks proper any question to Chief Superintendent-XXXI. 7.... To suspend Teachers' certificates for any sufficient cause until next meeting of County Board of Public Instruction, (of which meeting he should give due notice to such Teacher)-XXXI. 8.....To observe all fawful instructions; to give information on school matters to Chief Superintendent; to furnish County Auditors with the Trustees' orders for which he has given cheques; to deliver all school papers to order of County Council on retiring from office-XXXI. 9.... To prepare and transmit to Chief Superintendent, on or before 1st March an Annual Report in the form provided-XXXI. 10......DISTRICT, CITY, TOWN AND TOWNSHIP-Liability of-not effected by repeal of former Acts-I.. May recommend aid to new or needy Sections; their lawful orders to Teachers to be paid by Treasurer by 14th December, whether County Assessment paid or not-XXVII. 1......To be appointed annually by County Council; not to have oversight of more than one hundred schools-XXVII. 3.........Lawful orders of-to be paid to any Sub-treasurer-XXVII. each County and Circuit, with Trustees of Grammar School in each, to form a County or Circuit Board of Public Instruction-XXVIII.

SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS-CHIEF Governor to appoint from time to time, by Letters patent under the Great Seal-XXXIV......duties of (in part) to apportion, annually, on or before 1st May, all moneys granted by Legislature to Common Schools in the several Counties, Townships, Cities, Towns and Villages-XXXV. 1...... To give notice of such apportionment to the Clerk of each County, City, Town and Village, stating the tiine when the same will be payable to the Treasurer thereof-XXXV. 2......To prepare forms and give instructions for proper making of all Reports-XXXV. 3....To see that all School moneys are duly applied according to law; to decide all School matters submitted to him; to apply forfeited balances to making up salaries of the Teachers in the County to which apportioned-XXXV. 5.......To appoint a Deputy; and to appoint one or more persons to inquire into School matters in the County where they reside, who shall report to him; such Special Inspector to serve gratuitously-XXXV.6. .......To recommend and endeavour to provide proper text-books-XXXV. 7......To promote establishment of School Libraries; to provide and recommend the adoption of suitable plans of School-houses, and diffuse useful information on educational subjects-XXXV. 8......To apportion money granted for School Libraries-XXXV. 10......To appoint persons to conduct Teachers' Institutes and prepare rules and instructions for regulating their proceedings-XXXV. 11......To make Annual Report to GovernorXXXV-13.....To be a member of Council of Public Instruction-XXXVI. To deduct, in case any local municipality raise a less sum than that required by law, a sum equal to such deficiency from the apportionment of the following year-XL........may on recommendation of Teachers of Normal School, give to Students of Normal School a certificate of qualification which shall be valid throughout Upper Canada until revoked-XLIV.

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