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in the tap from nine o'clock, till the time above mentioned. The latter circumstance brought the tippling act in force against himself, which does not allow any individual to be drinking in a public-house for longer than half an hour at a time, just after dinner excepted, when an hour is allowed, but on no other occasion or pretence whatever.Goldsmith, therefore, was fined 10s. with 3s. costs, not for having got rid of the prisoners, but for not having caused them to be ejected from his premises, at least, an hour and a half earlier than he did. In respect to the prisoners, as they had had one night's confinement, and as it could not be established that they had been inebriated when taken, no fine was imposed-they were reprimanded and discharged.

Lind v. Carter.-This case, noticed at the last sitting, was again brought forward, but without evidence to support it, and with no apparent wish that it should farther be persisted in and was dismissed.

Jane Williams, a decent looking young woman, at her own request, was committed to Bridewell for a month, to be passed to her parish.

Elizabeth Patching attended with a boy, her son, who in trespassing upon a field of barley, had been discovered, and twice struck with a cart whip, by the bailiff of the occupier of the land. The Bench was of opinion, that though the boy had deserved correction, that he had been punished too severely, particularly as one of the blows had lacerated his hand, and might render him incapable of work for some little time. A suitable


compensation, therfore, was advised, and the case was dismissed. W. Sharp, a bricklayer, for an assault on Elizabeth Johnson, was held in a recognizance of £20. to keep the peace for one year.

John Thorp, and Joseph Laws, who had quarrelled in the Richmond Arms Tap, at ten o'clock the night before, and had subsequently aggravated their offence, by fighting and causing a disorderly assembling in front of the house, were each held in a recognizance to keep the peace— £20, to be in force for one year, with 3s. 6d. costs. A third person was more seriously implicated in the above affair, inasmuch as he had rescued one of the former parties, while in the custody of a Peace Officer. Unfeigned contrition, a plea of ignorance that the rescued was a prisoner, and a forcible appeal to the Bench, from respectable friends, at length, though with severe admonishings, produced the clemency solicited, and he was discharged.

Henry Tuppen, a boy, for furiously driving a carriage over the child of Mr. Young, in Northstreet, was brought up in custody. The boy endeavoured to shew, that a lady who was seated in the carriage, had been much more to blame in what had happened than he was. This plea, therefore occasioned the investigation to be deferred till the next stiting, at which it was directed, that the lady in question should be summoned, in the interim, to appear.

Another application was made for authority to transfer the license of the Castle to a house in May's Buildings. The Bench was not satisfied that the request could be legally complied with,

and which was followed by some forcible objections to the said license being transferred to the site named. This matter, therefore, remains precisely in the same state as it did some months ago.

- Tuppen, for a most audacious and deliberate assault, was brought forward by Sergeant J. Williams, of the Queen's Royals. It appeared, that the defendant, a bricklayer, in wheeling a barrow across the lawn called the cricket ground, that day se'nnight, had chosen his route through the centre of a line formed by about eighteen or nineteen recruits, which a corporal, on the said ground, was drilling; and, that on being civilly requested to move his barrow either to the right or the left, so that he might not interfere with those on his Majesty's duty, he had seized a spade, which was in the said barrow, and aimed a blow with it at the Sergeant, accompanying his action with language the most gross and abusive. The Bench regretted, that after he had attempted the blow, that the soldier had not given him the beating he had merited, as such a punishment, he being the aggressor, might have been inflicted, and the law exercised against him subsequently. There were witnesses of respectability, not attached to the military, to justify the complaint. The defendant, therefore, was held in a recognizance, with sureties, and detained in custody till the latter could be found; to meet the consequence of the assault at the Quarter Sessions, and the Sergeant and witnesses were bound over to prosecute and give evidence.

APRIL 25.-Owing to the ab

sence of the Magistrates generally, contrary to weekly custom, there was no Bench at the Old Ship this day.

APRIL 29.-Sir David Scott, Bart. alone, was in attendance.

Richard Clark, on a charge of vagrancy, was committed to Bridewell for seven days, to be passed to his parish.

Cousens v Baker.-The complainant is a shopkeeper. A bundle of brooms had been left in the water channel, wide of the pavement, opposite his shop, on Saturday, until it might be convenient for him to remove it. The said bundle had been taken away by the prisoner, who had been observed by the complainant, and given into custody. The prisoner said, that after ten o'clock at night, he received a fall by accidentally walking over the bundle so improperly exposed-he had taken it up to convey it to the Town Hall, to put the complainant, in his opinion, to deserved inconvenience in recovering it. Sir David Scott would have fined the complainant for the neglect and nuisance established against him, but a reference to the Local Act of Parliament, shewed, that he had no such authority. The prisoner was discharged, and the case, altogether, dismissed.

Phoebe Mellin v. Thomas Chandler-This was a love affair. After a long courtship, the parties, no uncommon case, had fallen out. The defendant admitted he had said, that rather than witness the complainant as united to another, he would murder her! He was held in a recognizance of £20. to keep the peace, with 2s. 6d. costs.

Mary Baulcomb, and Ann Cob

by, were brought up on a charge of having purloined cabbage and brocoli plants from the garden of Mrs. Sober, on the West Cliff. It appeared, that the said garden had been left in an insecure state, and that a report was prevalent, that the ground was intended to be built upon, and that Mrs. Sober had extended a permission to whoever of the poor might be inclined for it, to have its existing produce for the mere trouble of fetching it away. The trespass complained of had been committed in the day time, and the fear of detection had but little influence with the defendants. The capital part of the charge, from the circumstances stated, being done away, they were adjudged to pay treble the amount of the few plants they had removed, and costs.

Mary Humphrey v. Sarah Carr. This was an assault case, in which blows had been exchanged, rendering it difficult to decide which of the combatants was to be regarded as the aggressor. "Even handed Justice," therefore, held them both in a recognizance of the peace for one year, with a cost individually of 2s. 6d.

Mary Brown v. Thomas Allen. -The defendant was charged with an assault, and the infliction of a blow, but the actual striking was far from satisfactorily made out. It was one of those cases with which gentlemen in the commission of the peace ought not to be troubled. It could not but be regarded as frivolous and difficult to be comprehended. It was dismissed upon defendant's paying the costs. Complainant, however, was told, that she could, if she chose, seek farther reme

dy, by an indictment at the Quarter Sessions.

Henry Law, from the parish of Southwick, complained, that he had asked for, and been denied, relief, by the Churchwarden and Overseer. Complainant said, that he had a wife and six children, and though he worked hard, and part of his wages was paid by the parish, the amount of his earnings did not exceed 10s. per week. Mr. Chassereau, the Overseer of this parish, said, that under the circumstances named, he was of opinion that the Directors and Guardians of the poor here, in a case within there jurisdiction, would allow additional support. Mr. N. Hall, the parochial officer of Southwick, begged, that the enquiry into the case might stand over to Thursday, that he might be better prepared to meet it, he having had no intimation of the appeal intended to be made to the Bench-his request was granted.

MAY 2.-Magistrates, Sir D. Scott, Bart. and R. H. Hurst, Esq.

The complaint of Henry Law, which stood over from the former sitting, against Mr. N. Hall, Churchwarden and Overseer of the parish of Southwick, was now finally investigated, and proved not to have been founded in justice, inasmuch as the relief needed had never been regularly applied for. It was, however, agreed to, that two of the said pauper's six children, should receive 2s. each, as wages, for such employment as the parish should put them to, thereby increasing the means of the former to support his family, from 10s. to 14s. a week; and with which the complainant appeared every way satisfied,

It was remarked by the Bench, that in paying the wages of paų, pers, no Overseer was at liberty to compel them to take any amount of the sums due to them, in articles in which he might be a dealer; but having complied with the legal demand in the legal currency of the realm, he might recommend such articles to them, as in the way of business, the same as to other persons, but leaving it equally optional with them, as with other persons, either to become purchasers or otherwise, without comment.

A special meeting of Commissioners was held at the Old Ship Tavern, on Wednesday se'nnight, for the purpose of choosing Directors and Guardians for the ensuing year, when the following gentlemen were elected :-Mess. C. Elliott, A. Baldey, John Saunders, S. Newington, J. Carter, John Turner, R. Ewens, J. Slee, I. Cooper, E. Beves, L. Shuckard, R. Humber, W. R. Mott, W. Saunders, T. Hill, I. Lugsdin, W. Tuppen, A. Akehurst, W. Chapman, H. Tuppen, I. Jackson, I. Mills, G. Richardson, G. Dan: caster, I. Bethune, T. Saunders, E, Gillett, S. Weston, J. Pratt, and A. Hicks. The High Constable, the Vicar, Overseers, Churchwardens, and Surgeon, are Directors and Guardians ex-officio.

Among the various benevolent institutions in this town, the Dor cas Society stands conspicuous. Since its establishment it has been productive of great advantages to the industrious poor, and the means of furnishing employment as well as clothing, during the winter season, to ma

The transfer of the license of the Royal Oak Inn, from Underwood to F. Hendy, took place at this sitting.

Hannah Godley v. Mary Anscomb and brother. This was an assault case of a frivolous nature. The young man had been cited to appear, without any provocation having existed to justify it. The complainant, therefore, was adjudged to pay the cost of that summons; and, as she was not quite so completely absolved by circumstances as her brother, Mary Anscomb, that of the other, and the case was dismissed.

ny poor women--this is its chief object, and, we are happy to say, it has been most successful, and has received, and continues to receive, the unqualified support of a numerous list of subscribers.

The number of passengers between Dover, Calais, and Boulogne, the week before last, is said to have been one thousand two hundred and fifty-three, with fifty-two carriages.

The cricket corps of this town are about to take the field, and commence operations for a summer's campaign. The first wickets, we hear, will be pitched, to decide a challenge sent to, and accepted at, Godalming-the tactitiams, on both sides, calculate upon success. The ground here is the same that the King, in former days, used, when he himself would often condescend, personally to indulge in the amusement afforded by the manly game-a cause, in itself, sufficient to induce unqualified patronage from the town, to perpetuate, by yearly practice and constant recollections, the honour so conferred upon the soil, in the younger


days of George the Fourth. Sterne says, that it is impossible for a well-bred gentleman to enter or leave a room, without an action that must discover his quality it is the same, where gratitude is sincerely felt for benefits conferred-the most trivial events in life, so influenced, will derive a something in character from its emanations.

On Thursday se'nnight the Rev. Rowland Hill preached to a very crowded congregation at the Countess of Huntingdon's chapel, in this town. The same gentleman preached an excellent discourse to a large and attentive audience, at the Rev. Mr. Kirby's chapel, in the Cliff, Lewes, on Friday se'nnight; and two sermons at the Lewes Tabernacle, yesterday se'nnight, for the benefit of the Sunday-school of that place, when collections to the amount of £34. were made. It must be highly gratifying to this excellent man, to find that his services are, after a lapse of fifty years, as acceptable to his hearers as in his youthful days.

On Tuesday evening, Wiggins, who has frequently been before our Bench, offered provocation to a young man in the tap-room of the Tierney Arms, when some blows were exchanged, and the latter was so much injured by the former, that he died on Friday morning.

Among the various alterations and improvements which are daily in progress, we observe the north part of the large field, formerly known by the name of the Prince's Cricketting Ground, is enclosed by a flint-wall, and that the side of the hill by the Lewes road, below the Race-ground, is enclosing in a similar way. A

new coach road, it is said, beginning at the Alms-houses, will shortly be made over the Race Hill, into Black Rock bottom, where it will form a junction with the road on the cliff, leading to Rottingdean, and to be continued westerly from the Alms-houses, in a parallel line with the new flint wall, across the old cricketting ground, into the Londonroad, leaving a sufficient space to erect a row of houses on the north side of it. The new road from the Dairy to the west cliff, is now finished. Thus a beautiful ride will be made round the town, a ride combining great extent and variety of views. The elegant mansion of T. R. Kemp, Esq. crowns the summit of the hill, on the right-hand side of the road from the Dairy-it is built in a style perfectly unique : each side of this road is planted with trees, which, in process of time, will become a great ornament to it. On the Lewes road a new crescent will shortly be built, extending to the Almshouses a handsome wall, with four pillars at the end of it, is almost completed, in front of the. ground intended for that purpose; indeed, houses and streets rise up in rapid succession in almost all parts of the town.

CATCH AND GLEE CLUB.-There was a numerous and most respectable attendance, at the weekly meeting of the above harmonic society, at the Golden Cross Inn, on Tuesday evening. Practice, decidedly, leads to perfectness, and we have to compliment the vocalists of that Club, in the gratifying success of their commendable perseverance to more nearly ally themselves to such a point of excellence. Their

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