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button the crosses of the orders ought to be hung, and such other fooleries. They fancied themselves on an equality with the best generals in Europe, because they knew how many rows of buttons there were upon a dragoon's jacket. I could scarcely keep from laughing sometimes, when I heard them discussing these coglionerie with as much gravity and earnestness as if they were planning an impending action between two hundred thousand men. However, I encouraged them in their arguments, as I saw it was their weak point. We rode out every day toge ther.


The new Marriage (prevention) Act has already shewn its salutary effects: not a single couple were tied together last Sunday (8th instant), in St. Oswald's church, in this city. The exposure of the parties' names on the church doors for a month previous to the marriage, is not likely to facilitate the union of those possessing any thing like delicacy of feeling. This most impolitic enactment should be entitled, " An Act for preventing Marriages, and for the encouragement of perjury and illegetimacy."-Chester Chronicle.

We understand that the steam packets, crossing the channel, have lately had a great accession of male and female passengers, anxious to avoid the penalties and indecencies to which they are subjected by the new Marriage Act, in the sister island, all of which they can avoid by offer ing up their vows in an Irish temple of Hymen: Ireland is,

therefore, likely to become a greater favourite than Scotland for accomplishing love affairs. Dublin Morning Post.

In addition to the many singularities attached to this Act, we have to state (in consequence of some strange misunderstanding, that an injunction was

therein contained relative to the christening of children) that. in the course of last week, one thousand two hundred children, in the parish of St. Philip, and nearly one thousand in that of St. Martin, in this town, underwent the ceremony of christening. A subject of annoyance has also arisen out of this Act in consequence of the names of those intended for wedlock being obliged to be posted on the church door ; crowds were collected on Sunday last, before the postern of the parish churches of this town, to witness, for the first time, this part of the operation of the new Marriage Act.-Birmingham Chronicle.

A SAILOR'S TREASURE.-About the middle of last year, a sailor, on the island of New Providence, being much fatigued with walking, sat down on the sea shore on what he conceived to be a

large stone. After resting and sleeping some time he attempted to get up, but found his breeches stuck fast to his seat. After joining one of his shipmates, the latter observed so strong a smell, as to ask him where he had been ; and the traveller telling him the circumstance, his friend advised him to go back, and bring away this stone, but he demurred, and said it was more than he could carry. "So much the better," replied his companion,


honestly told him that he suspected it to be a large lump of amber grease, which was a very valuable article, and that he might make his fortune by it. He

crossed the island with a horse, and brought it away. It was first shewn to a Jew, who did not offer him a tenth part of its value. It soon became known, and the captain of a merchantman being at the port, bought it, and brought it to England, and we believe the house of Ellice, Inglis, and company, had the selling of it. It came into the custody of Mr. D., an eminent druggist, and was sent over to the continent a few months ago, when it yielded, at eightysix shillings per ounce, two thousand and three hundred pounds.

EXTRAORDINARY INSTANCE OF SAGACITY IN A CAT-A cat belonging to an elderly lady in Bath, was so attached to her mistress, that she would pass the night in her bed-chamber, which was four stories high. Outside of the window was the parapet of the wall, on which the lady often strewed crumbs of bread for the sparrows that came to partake of them. The lady always sleeping with her window open, the cat would pounce upon the birds and kill them. One morning giving a " longing lingering look" at the top of the wall, and seeing it free from crumbs, she was at a loss for an expedient to decoy the feathered tribe; when reconnoitring, she discovered a small bunch of wheat suspended in the room, which she sprung at and succeeded in getting. She then carried it to the favourite resort of the sparrows, and after actually threshing the corn

out by beating it on the wall, she then hid herself. After a while the birds came, and she resumed her favourite sport of killing the dupes of her sagacity.-Bath Chronicle.

Twenty-five couples who were married in the Isle of Wight, on the 31st ult. proceeded in one party to Southampton, to celebrate their nuptials, attended by a band of music.—Sussex Advertiser.

An unfortunate occurrence took place at Castlecool, on the night of the 9th instant. The hon. Mr. Strangeways, brother to lord Ilchester, while on a visit at the castle, rose up in his sleep, and opening the window, leaped down a height of nearly thirty feet from the ground. We are happy to add, that, though the gentleman is severely contused, there is no apprehension of more serious consequences. Enniskillen Chronicle.

AN IRISH NEGRO.-A Negro from Montserrat, or Mariegalante, where the Hiberno Celtic is spoken by all classes, happened to be on the wharf at Philadelphia, when a number of Irish emigrants were landed; and seeing one of them with a wife and four children, he stepped forward to assist the family on shore, The Irishman, in his native tongue, expressed his surprise at the civility of the Negro; who, understanding what had been said, replied in Irish, that he need not be astonished, for he was a bit of an Irishman himself, The Irishman, surprised to hear a black man speak his Milesian dialect, it entered his mind, with the usual rapidity of the Irish fancy, that he really was an Irishman, but that the climate had changed his

fair complexion. "If I may be so bold, sir, (said he), may I ask you how long you have been in this country?" The Negro man, who had only come hither on a voyage, said he had been in Philadelphia only about four months. Poor Patrick turned round to his wife and children, and looking as if for the last time on their rosy cheeks, concluding that in four months they must also change their complexion, exclaimed," O merciful powers! Biddy, did you hear that? he is not more than four months in this country, and he is already al most as black as jet."-Irish Paper.

A CUCKOO FOUND. The cuckoo is a bird so well known that it requires little description. It has never been fully ascertained whether it sleeps under ground or hides in the hollow of trees throughout the winter, or whether it be an emigrant to warmer climates. The subject of the present article induces the writer to believe that the cuckoo remains with us during the winter. The event occurred near Portaferry, in the county of Down. A farmer, of the name of John Thomson, of the townland of Ratallow, having his men em. ployed to clear away the back of an old ditch, bordering upon a rabbit burrow, found a cuckoo inclosed in furze and frog. When tossed out by the spade, it appeared like a small truss of hay, but when opened out, and exposed to the action of the air and to the heat of the sun, it discovered symtoms of life, and made some struggles to get on its feet, and almost instantly afterwards flew off with rapidity. This occurred in that time of the year just ap

proaching to this songster's season, viz. March.-Dublin Journal.

THE LATE MRS. DONATTY.-In consequence of no heir being found to lay claim to the property left by the late Mrs. Donatty (whom our readers may recollect was barbarously murdered), George Maule, esq. the king's proctor, has administered in behalf of the crown, and taken possession of her house and furniture, in Robert-street. A catalogue has been printed of the effects, among which are several original paintings and drawings from the pencil of the late celebrated George Morland.

We should not, we think, have consulted the entertainment of our readers, had we kept from them the following communication which has been addressed to


"Aug. 10, 1822.

"Ther his now in the Poseton of a Young man in Brighton a Halfapenny the date of 77, it tis in good condishan it tis one of Claudeous Romanaus the young man has been offered the value of 12 Shillings but he as refuese the Offer thinking that some one will Offer something more for it Mr. Edeter I will thank you just to clap thiss in your Paper to see what Effect it will have

"Sir you must clap thiss in your paper and wright it in style if there his any one that should offer anny more I will Send Some one with the Halfapenny to

the Office. I Read the Papper Every week So that I shall See if anny one Offers anny more than the 12 shillings for it. I am Sir Yours, &c. &c. "A YOUNG MAN OF BRIGHTON." Brighton Herald.



The duke of Cambridge, who arrived on Wednesday se'nnight, continues to honour and enliven this town by his presence. His royal highness left us early on Friday morning, to visit our county member, Walter Burrell, esq. at West Grinstead park, where, after enjoying the seasonable diversion of shooting, part of Friday and Saturday, his royal highness returned to the palace in the evening of the latter day. The royal duke, yesterday, accompanied by his suite, was present at divine worship at the Chapel Royal.

This day se'nnight, his royal highness condescended to become the patron of the perform ances at the theatre, and to honour them by being present, in the king's box, in the evening. The house was crowded. His royal highness was punctual to the announced time of drawing up the curtain. "God save the King," by the dramatis personæ, with auxiliaries, followed the royal entré-the invocative strain was sung by Incledon, Gibbon, and Miss George-viz. the first verse, Incledon and Miss George; the second, Gibbon; the third, Miss George, solus. The pieces enacted were "Life in London," and "Plot and Counterplot." The critics here say, that Hamblin, in the former piece, does not present them with a faithful portraiture of Corinthian Tom-but


why, unless in his routine of dissipations, he never loses the characteristics of the gentleman, we are at a loss to discover; but, in our opinion, he adds much to the interest and importance of the personification, by that “ pecial observance." Logic is very well filled here by Mr. F. Vining- he is represented as more volatile than Tom, and with less thought; but the comparative gravity of the one, in varying contrasts, heightens the expressive effect of both. Jerry never can have been in more able hands than Russell's. Dusty Bob is made a conspicuous and humourously formed feature of this piece, by Mr. J. Fisher. Corinthian Kate, and Mary, are excellently sustained by Miss Fisher, and Miss George. The latter, in the introduced song of "Wapping Old Stairs," was loudly applauded and encored by the royal duke. Incledon, while on the stage, as above noticed, was honoured by a bow of recognition from his royal highness. The evening's entertainments concluded with a pleasing device in firework, expressive of the gratitude felt towards his royal highness, for the honour, by his patronage and presence, conferred. Mrs. Gibbs, and Mr. W. Farren, have been playing, with their wonted talent truly, for several nights past, but to audiences " passing thin." On

Thursday evening, in the comedy of "A bold stroke for a Husband," a well-timed jeu-d'esprit of F. Vining, as Don Julio, almost convulsed all present with laughter-in speaking of the froward conduct of Minette, Mrs. Gibbs, whom he had mistaken for Donna Olivia, he exclaimed "Curse me, if I should be surprised, if she should already have had our names posted on the church door!" The roar excited was of no ordinary continuance.

The duke of Cambridge is in the happiest enjoyment of confirmed health, and buoyant spirits -but, under the following regimen, how should it be otherwise? His royal highness takes breakfast at seven, and is enjoying the wholesome morning air, in a walk, by eight, and to walking and writing he devotes the preceding part of every day; in the afternoon he takes exercise on horseback, dines as early as six, drinks moderately, walks out after dinner, and seldom retires to rest later than eleven o'clock. The duke, in the above, may be influenced by German customs, but we are strongly of opinion, notwithstanding, that British constitutions would not fail to be much benefitted by their general adoption.

On Thursday evening, the royal duke condescended to be the patron of Mr. Yates' " At home amusements, at the Old Ship. His royal highness was accompanied by his suite. The entertainment was of a cast similar to that which has obtained for Mr. Matthews such deserved celebrity in the metropolis, and like that," Laughter holding both his sides," may with truth be depicted as an emblem of its

character. The risible muscles of all present were powerfully exercised on the above occasion, and his royal highness found it impossible not to participate in the cheerful expression which, at quick returning intervals, predominated. The room was fashionably crowded-Mr. Yates had much cause to pride himself upon the plaudits bestowed upon him by his royal visiter, and the collective elegantes assembled. It affords us pleasure to learn that Mr. Yates has made arrangements to be "At home," ere he wanders abroad, and leaves us for another scene of action.

Mr. Bromell, Mr. Paulet, Mr. Macdonald, and colonel Hutchins, had the honour of dining with the duke of Cambridge, at the palace, on Wednesday, and sir Thomas Stepney, on the following day.

The libraries continue to be gaily visited. At Lucombe's, on Friday evening, a divertisement was got up, for the benefit of the meritorious and popular vocalist, Gibbon. The library, more than usually, and that is going to an extreme point, was crowded. The Local Glee singers were willingly employed on the occasion, and their various efforts were as creditable to themselves, as satisfactory to others. Gibbon was in fine voice ; the plaudits were simultaneous, reiterated, and lengthened. The company did not generally retire before midnight.

The town is now rapidly filling with elegant company, too plentiful a scarcity of which we have had for many months past. A house, for three months, is engaged for Mrs. Coutts.

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