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means or other, a sheriff's officer, who held a writ against the fugitive, discovered his retreat, and prepared measures for the caption. He repaired to the house at an unseasonable hour at night, and continued knocking until the door was opened, when he forced in, and asked for the gentleman by name, at the same time announcing the object of his visit. The unfortunate gentleman was then in bed, but a person went up to apprise him of the matter; when he heard it his colour left him-his frame became dreadfully agitated-and he fainted away. Surgical assistance was procured instantly, but life was gone! Mr. Stirling held an inquest on the body, when, it appearing that apoplexy was the cause of his death, a verdict was returned to that effect.

On Saturday, July 6, a young lad in the employment of the miller at Inverarity mill, near Dundee, snatched up a gun which was lying in the house, and without knowing that it was charged, presented it at his master's son, a young child, saying, in a tone of playfulness, "I'll shoot you; I'll shoot you!" The piece went off and the child was killed on the spot. Glasgow Chronicle.

MELANCHOLY CALAMITY.-On Saturday se'nnight an inquest was held before W. Brewer, esq. one of the coroners for the county of Monmouth, on the bodies of Thomas Miles, aged fifty-two years; Isaac Miles, twenty-one; Rebecca Miles, five: and Mary Jones, servant, aged twenty-four, residing in the parish of Romney, in the above county, who were found drowned in a creek near the mouth of the Romney, on

the preceding evening. It appeared that the deceased, Thomas Miles, who was a farmer, residing near the channel, went out with his son, the child, and the servant, about nine o'clock in the morning, taking with them the four horses employed on the farm, for the purpose of swimming them in the tide. Not returning at the time they were expected, the wife sent a lad to look for them, who, seeing the horses grazing on the wharf near, returned. The poor woman concluded that they had gone to finish hoeing a piece of potatoe-ground near the village, and continued cheerfully at her work, until the Rev. Mr. Davis, minister of the parish, in company with a neighbour, went to her with the melancholy tidings that all the party were found drowned. She was in the field, milking at the time; but was obliged to be carried to the house by the minister and her neighbour, and at present continues very ill. The bodies were found near each other, by Howell Rimbron, fisherman, who informed the minister, and he, accompanied by some of the parishioners, proceeded immediately to the spot, but it appeared life had been extinct several hours, as the sun had completely dried the clothes on their bodies when they were found. Virdict— Found drowned. (Gloucester Journal.)

CHANCE ROBBERY.-At the opera-house fete for the distressed Irish, a gentleman promenading the saloon of the hall, arm-inarm with his friend, suddenly observed a gold watch, with splendid appendages, hanging from the hilt of his friend's sword

"Pray how long has it been the fashion with you to wear your watch in that conspicuous manner?" asked he, with great surprise, and at the same time pointing to the extraordinary decoration. His friend surveyed it with equal surprise. It was not his own watch-that was safely at rest in its proper place: and, after some further wonderment, he disentangled the glittering stranger from the curious place to which it had attached itself, and deposited it safely in his pocket. On the following morning, however, the police received information that one of the under secretaries of state had been robbed of his watch whilst amongst the company at the ball. The police were rather puzzled at the circumstance, for they believed

it impossible that any known pickpocket could have escaped their vigilance on the night in question. They recommended that a particular description of the watch should be advertised, and a reward offered for its recovery. This was accordingly done; but the under secretary received the watch before the advertisement could appear. His loss had been talked of at the breakfast-tables, and so also had the gentleman's sword-hilt adventure, and it was soon discovered that the watch, so strangely found by the gentleman, was the identical one lost by the under secretary; but how it came to be transferred from the fob of the one to dangle from the sword-hilt of the other has never been exactly ascertained.



At the pavilion, circumstances are precisely the same as at the publication of our last numberthe artists and workmen are going leisurely on with the improvements, and, as yet, nothing is known there relating to the period of the king's return-but, as the royal excursion to Scotland this summer, it now appears, is given up, it is considered probable that his majesty may be here soon after the breaking up of parliament, particularly, as it is said, that the royal yacht at Portsmouth, has received orders to be had in readiness for this station such are the likelihoods in favor of this town at present,


not emanating from an official source, but entirely resting upon a basis of conjecture, but which, notwithstanding, may be destined to be realized.

THE KING'S COURT.-On Friday se'nnight his majesty held a court at his palace in Pall-mall, which was attended by the archbishop of Canterbury, the lord president of the council, the scretaries of state for the Home and Foreign departments, the first lord of the Admiralty, the master of the Mint, the president of the board of control, the lord chamberlain, the lord steward, the treasurer of the household, earl Harrington (gold stick in

waiting), the judge advocate the recorder of Bombay, earl of Warwick, Mr. V. Fitzgerald, &c. We have had a considerable increase of fashionable company within the last week, and the libraries, at almost all hours, have been numerously and elegantly visited. Loder's, in North-street, maintains its ascendancy in the estimation of ton; Donaldson's makes progress to envied celebrity; and Wright's has lost nothing of its original attractions. But the fashionable bustle of an evening is principally induced by the dear delights of loo and music at Tuppen's, and at Lucombe's -at these the belles and beaux meet in close contact-the sociable pressures are sought, and appear to be mutually enjoyed, but the former cannot fail to be happy where the goddess of smiles and enlivening pastime holds her court, as it were, surrounded by female elegance and beauty. Davis maintains his ground at the former, and merits the plaudits he receives at Lucombe's, a miss Hammersley, for some little time past, has been a magnet of no ordinary attracting influence. Her voice is remarkably sweet, and of good compass, and, with out attempting too much, a compliment to her judgment, she seldom falls short of success. She sings with taste, and, with a clear enunciation, delights her auditors. "In doubt, in fear," "Tell me my heart," and "If maidens would marry," encores have followed, and the repetitions have been every way favourable to her reputation. Gibbon, we hear, has a farther and more lengthened engagement at this library.

The duke of Sussex, we regret to state, has met with a very

severe accident in London-his royal highness, in descending his carriage, fell, and so seriously injured the tendon achilles, that a very long confinement, it is feared, must precede his recovery.

The duke and duchess of Richmond have returned to Goodwood. Lord Molineux sailed hence in the Swift steam packet, for Dieppe, on Wednesday.

The marriage between lady Jane Lennox, the second daughter to the late duke of Richmond, and brother of the present, took place on Thursday.

Lord Gage and family have returned to Firle-place.

The duke of Portland, the marquis of Waterford, earl and countess Butive, and the archbishop of Dublin, are sojourning at Hastings. The bishop of Winchester, lord Kircudbright, lord Blaney, lady H. Leeds, lady E. Seymour, and sir C. Scott, bart. are at Southampton; sir F. and lady Drake, the hon. W. H. and lady Lytleton, hon. G. Spencer, and lady C. Kerr, at the Isle of Wight; and lady Burton, the countess of Pembroke, the hon. Mrs. Whaley, &c. are at Tunbridge Wells.

The theatre at Worthing, on Saturday, was opened for the season, by Mr. Trotter.

The theatre here, we understand, is engaged by Mr. Russell, of dramatic celebrity, but who does not intend commencing bu siness until an evening or two previous to the races.

The rising celebrity of our cabinet of the arts, the picture gallery, has been agreeably evinced of late, by the increased number of its inspecting visitants-like the edifying and fruitful text of

Shakespear, its collection is so gifted in passages of perfection, conspicuous and remote, that it is impossible to repeat examination upon examination, without the discovery of new beauties. This cabinet, we believe, is valued at from thirty to forty thousand pounds.

The duke and duchess of Clarence, travelling under the name of count and countess Munster, passed through Ghent on the second, on their way to the country seat of the duchess of Saxe Weimar, their sister. The princess of Metternich, with her son and two daughters and suite, have arrived from Paris on their way to the Duchy of Nassau ; and the duke of Devonshire from London, going to Spa. The king of Swe

den and his son, prince Oscar, will remain a fortnight at Aix la Chapelle. The prince will then go to Eichstadt. It is known that he is to marry the daughter of the duke of Leuchtenburgh (Eugene Beauharnois, daughter in law of the king of Bavaria); and that he already solicited the hand of that princess.

At Antwerp crouds of people go to admire the royal yacht which conveyed the duke and duchess of Clarence from England.

Numbers of boats are continually backwards and forwards filled with people curious to see the interior of this splendid vessel. It is said that the captain (J. Brenton,) had defered his departure to gratify the curiosity of the public.


The various collections that have been made here, in aid of our distressed Irish brethren, have been every way creditable to the benevolent character of the town-but which, as the occasion is deplorably great, we hope to see very considerably increased. The contributions at the parish church yesterday se'nnight amounted to £50, and at the St. James's-street chapel to £121.

A most extraordinary case has been thrice under the investigation of the magistrates, sir D. Scott, bart. J. M. Cripps, the chairman, and T. R. Kemp, esq. since our last publication. A miss Eleanor Hensford, had heen given into custody] on Saturday fortnight, charged by a young

man, named Hodges, a journeyman cooper, of having, in a casual intimacy which had taken place between them, picked his pocket of five shillings and sixpence. On the Monday, Hodges not appearing against her, she completely turned the tables, and occasioned a warrant to be issued against him on a charge of highway robbery. Hodges was taken, but the prosecutrix was not to be diverted from her story by his presence, and both parties were held in heavy recognizances to appear at a future day. On Monday last, the final hearing came on, when circumstances spoke so favourably to the innocence of the defendant, that he was forthwith discharged. Had the accusation, as skilfully at

tempted, been substantiated, it would have affected his life; the error of his first ill-advised forbearance might have led to a fatal result-we mean that of his neglecting to appear to support the charge which had induced him to give the woman into custody-such neglect, in itself, is almost unpardonable-it is, but too frequently subversive of the pure designs of justice, and those who can descend to practice it, are but little to be pitied for the consequent misery which they may happen to bring upon themselves.

Before the same magistrates, James Beatie, a fly-carriage owner, for neglecting to give in the name of his driver, as required by the local act of parliament, was fined 3s. with 7s. costs. William Childs, the servant and driver, of the said James Beatie, was fined 23s. for plying for a fare off the stand appointed by the commissioners. These were the first convictions since the case which we noticed in a previous number, that of the commissioners v. Lawrence, and which we detailed at some length. It was decided at this sitting, that full shut up carriage flies, having two seats in the body of it, came completely within the "6 hackney coach" provision in the local act, and the convictions named were the result of it. Open carriages, with one seat opposite to the other, have still the advantage of the objection before specified.

A cement may be made from rice flour, which is at present used for that purpose in China and Japan, It is only necessary to mix the rice flour with cold water, and gently simmer it over the fire; when it readily forms

a delicate and durable cement, not only answering all the purposes of common paste, but adapted for joining together paper, card, &c. in forming the various beautiful and tasteful ornaments which afford so much employment and amusement to the ladies. When made of the consistence of plastice clay, models, busts, basso relievos, &c. may be formed; and the articles, when dry, are susceptible of a high polish, and are very durable.

CATCH AND GLEE CLUB.-The genuine, the enlivening spirit of harmony, has no existence more decided than in glee singing, where the combination of voices assimilate, without the aid of instruments, to make a perfect whole, and, to the listening faculty, give enjoyment. Melodious strains, so produced and so completed, give to studied art the winning semblance of spontaneous and unstudied nature-they delight, but seldom excite a feeling of surprise, because they invariably reach us with an air of familiarity, not the effect of sociability, but the cause of it, and in the generous feeling they excite, are welcomed as valued friends, not unexpected nor formal, but whose absence all would equally deplore. It but seldom occurs, even on the stage, that glee singing attains to any point of perfection; and, the cause is, that the plurality of performers requisite to give them effect, are seldom collectively persevering in the task imposed upon them, and one deficient link mars and destroys the cennexion of the whole chain. Now such is a species of neglect and error, which nothing but united prac

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