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shout from the multitude awed him to forbear. "The king! the king!" burst forth from every lip. "What! kill the king? No, no, let all the strangers

live-no man shall kill the king." Thus were the lives of captain Fowler and his men preserved, and they afterwards reached Sydney in safety.


A London print, some little time since, in speaking of the death of a lady at the advanced age of 105, observes, that towards the latter part of her life, she was exemplary for her chastity!

A national monument is shortly to be erected to the memory of Shakespear, under the patronage of his majesty.

The earl of Warwick succeeds the late marquis of Hertford, as lord lieutenant and custos rotulorum of Warwick.

At the celebrated institution of the deaf and dumb, at Paris, one of the éléves was asked the meaning of the word gratitude. He immediately took his pen, and wrote "the memory of the heart."

As a proof of the healthful state of the inhabitants of the city of London, which, within its walls, contains ninety-seven parishes, we learn by the last weekly bills of mortality, that the number of deaths did not exceed fifteen.

On Monday, July 1, the gentlemen of his majesty's chapel royal, had their annual feast at Freemasons' tavern; when, in addition to some fine haunches of venison, sent them by the king, several rarities were produced, which were served up in a complete and excellent

style-there was nothing to regret, but every thing to praise. "Non nobis Domine;" "God save the King;" and numerous delightful glees were sung. Sir George Smart presided at the piano-forte.

It is now said that parliament will not rise till the third of August. The House of Commons, it is understood, will finish the business, at present on the list, or announced for discussion, about the twenty-fifth instant, when it will adjourn to the above-mentioned day. During the interval, the upper house will dispose of the bills which are at present on its table, or may afterwards be sent for its concurrence; and on the third the prorogation will take place by a speech from the throne. It is a rare occurrence to see parliament extending its sitting into the month of August.

An American paper says-" If the Scotch bagpipes were to be played occasionally for a few days, in any place infested with rats, they would immediately quit the premises, and never return."

A man was taken into custody in this city on Sunday evening, June 30, on suspicion of being implicated in the late horrid murder of a young man, near Horncastle. He was drinking

at a small public-house, by the water-side, and the landlord and another person being in conversation on the subject, he contradicted them, and said, "he ought to know more than they, for he was the last person in his company." This assertion, and his accurately describing the wounds and marks of blood on the deceased, induced them to cause his apprehension. He underwent an examination on Monday, and it is hoped that a sufficient clue will be afforded to bring to justice the perpetrators of the horrid deed.—Lincoln Mercury.

Most of the French papers contain a letter from a Greek merchant, a native of Scio, who effected his escape to Trieste ; and, who, after relating the cruelties committed by the Turks, during the destruction of that town, shews how unprovoked they were, in the following words:

"On the breaking out of the insurrection we gave to the disloyal Turks the surest proofs of our submission, having rejected fourteen months ago, the proposals of the insurgent Greeks, and supplied the commander of the castle with abundant provisions, and all sorts of ammunition for unexpected necessities. But what recompense did our solicitude and submission obtain from those sanguinary wolves! First, under the pretence of holding hostages, they threw one hundred and twenty of our chief citizens into dungeons. From time to From time to time, they did not fail to behead some of them, in order to strike greater dismay into the inhabitants. They laid contributions on - contributions: they not only

deprived us of all that we had saved out of our commercial establishments at Smyrna and Constantinople-they also robbed us of our plate, and what was still more dreadful, did not respect our honour in our wives or our daughters! And how should we forget their insults and their blows? Whilst thousands of Greeks, torn away from the town and the villages, were employed from morning till night, during nine months, in digging the ground to make a ditch round the castle, without receiving any pay or rationsthose merciless taskmasters were not satisfied; but striking them with whips or stones, exclaimed, with an insulting laugh, "Dig on, dig on, christian dogs, and you will find christendom, or your Christ, who is buried there!" Our archbishop was one of the hostages. One Monday in the holy week, they were reciting in a low tone, in their dungeon, the prayers of our church; their furious keepers fired upon them through the airgate, and killed two of them. One of these victims was the respectable geronte, or burgomaster, of our city M. Angareton. This is, my friend, what induced our countrymen to receive the Samians, for the Turks had driven us to despair." The writer then describes the calamities of his own family-his wife and children being amongst the captives sent to be sold as slaves! Surely, when such details are read, it is not too much to hope, that in their zeal for peace, the allied powers will not have forgotten the wretched victims of Ottoman ferocity, and that if they turn aside the sword that

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SLEEP WALKER-A few days ago, W. Fuller, of Roydon, in Norfolk, having taken too much liquor at Diss, fell asleep in the street, and dreaming that he was at home and going to bed, deliberately undressed himself to his shirt, and continued his walk till coming to a gate which led to a stable, he turned in and finished his night's repose. On awaking in the morning, he was exceedingly astonished to find himself undressed, and in a strange place. On inquiring for his clothes they were found in a garden at a short distance.

A most melancholy accident occurred about two miles from Alnwick last week. As Thomas Adams, esq. of Longhoughton, who has just succeeded to the valuable estate of Acton, was returning from a visit to a neighbouring gentleman, in company with a young lady to whom he was to have been shortly married, he fell from his horse, and was conveyed into Alnwick the same evening a corpse—a melancholy instance of the uncertain tenure of human happiness!

A person who was passing along the Hardgate, on Tuesday, the 2d instant, observed two women and two girls travelling to town. On speaking to them, he was informed, that they had come from the west highlands, where they could reside no longer, as they had been turned out of their habitation; and that they were going to Aberdeen to procure a passage to Inverness, where they had some relations.

One of the women had a burden on her back; on being asked if she carried a child in her plaid ? she said it was her grandmother! Struck with the circumstance, of a grand-daughter travelling with her grandmother on her back, he turned up part of the plaid, and was astonished to behold the pale countenance of an old emaciated woman, aged one hundred and two years, who had been drenched with rain.—Aberdeen Chronicle.

An ingenious labouring mechanic, named Henry Geering, travelled, some little time since, from Newark to Stamford, on an improved velocipede, manufactured by himself, at an expence of about £11. He calls it a "mechanical horse." It differs from the fanciful things which excited so much notice a year or two ago, inasmuch, as the rider on Geering's piece of mechanism does not depend on his legs and feet for making way, but places the latter in stirrups, at the end of an axis provided for giving direction to two side wheels; which wheels support the carriage and keep it upright. A third wheel, towards the hinder end of the frame of the carriage, is turned with leather straps, on the principle of a lathe, and the power is communicated to these by a windlass, placed conveniently in front of the rider, who turns it with both hands, and makes progress in proportion to his activity and force in so turning. Geering, himself, travelled at an average rate of seven miles an hour; progress up hill, is, of course, attended with more labour.

RARE NEWS FOR THE LADIES. -Wanted, in the Upper Pro

vinces, Cawnpore, for the field army, in particular, an assortment of nice girls, English, Irish, or Scotch, well-bred, good-tempered, lively lasses, who can write neatly, sing sweetly, play the piano, and dance quadrilles. Two or three dozen such, from sixteen to twenty-four years of age, would make a vast difference in this dullest of all diabolical stations, where you may see an immense assembly-room filled with beaux in stiff-jackets, young civilians that would give their ears for something to fall in love with, and officers belonging to the king or company, and not so much as one British fair to kindle a contest among them! The calicoes and muslins of the east were never so much in demand at home, as British damsels now are in this part of India. -Here are all the requisite means for promoting public amusement: assembly rooms large enough for Bath, a finer band of music than was ever heard at Bath, a regiment of horse, another of foot, Europeans, a quantity of artillery, two corps of sepoys, a play-house, a general officer in command, and another out of command, with staff enough for seventeen generals, and merchants enough to supply seven hundred with hams, cheese, and champaigne. Gracious powers of love! what a pity, there should be no belles to enliven such a place! There is, also, a clergyman, and a church about to be built.-Madras Courier.

PRISON TREAD MILL.-We are happy to learn, that the tread mill invented by Mr. Cubitt, of Ipswich, and which has been so warmly patronized and recom

mended by "the society for the improvement of prison discipline," is likely to be introduced into the principal houses of correction. The society has just published a short description of the mill, with an engraving, exhibiting a party of prisoners in the act of working. In principal, the wheel is exactly similar to that of a common water-wheel, tread-boards of considerable length, are affixed to each wheel, so as to allow standing room for a row of from ten to twenty persons ; the combined weight of the prisoners act upon every stepping board, precisely as a stream of water on the float-boards of a water-wheel. A screen of boards is fixed up in an inclined position, above the wheel, in order to prevent the prisoners from clmbing or stepping higher than the level required, and a handrail attached to this screen, enables the prisoner to retain an upright position. The labour to the individual, is that of ascending an endless flight of steps.→ The tread mill possesses great advantages as a species of prisonlabour. It is remarkable for its simplicity. It requires no previous instruction: no task-master is necessary to watch over the prisoners; neither are materials or implements put into their hands, that are liable to waste on misapplication. The internal machinery is inaccessible to the prisoners; and, if placed under proper mangement, one or two persons at most are required to attend a process, which keeps in steady employment from ten to two-hundred prisoners at one time. It can be suspended and renewed as often as the regulations of the prison require: and

it imposes equality of labour on every individual employed, no one on the wheel being able, in the least degree, to avoid his proportion. It may be rendered applicable to any system of classification, as the same wheel, or connecting shafts, can be easily made to pass into distinct yards. It does not interfere with, nor is it calculated to lessen the value of, those branches of prison-regulation, which provide for the moral and religious improvement of the criminals. It is held in great abhorrence by the prisoners, and the number of re-commitments has been strikingly diminished where the mill has been in full operation.

Loss OF THE SHIP FAIRLEY, of BRISTOL, BY FIRE.-It is with deep concern we have this day to announce the total destruction, by fire, of the ship Fairley, captain Dawson, loading in this river for Bristol. It appears that on the afternoon of Wednesday last, between four and five o'clock, the carpenter descended into the gun-room, in order to draw off some brandy for the ship's use. He was a steady trustworthy person, and had been accustomed to draw off spirits occasionally in the absence of the mate. He had been but a little time below, when all was

in a

blaze around him; his clothes immediately caught fire, and the unfortunate man, enveloped in flames, forced his way through the cabin window, and in an agony of despair, plunged into the stream, where he disappeared for ever! From information subsequently obtained, it appears that the carpenter had lost the key of the cask which contained the liquor, unknown to the mas

ter or mate, and it is conjectured that having pulled the cock out altogether, the candle had come in contact with the spirits, occasioning thereby a calamity which has led to the loss of much valuable property. The instant the fire was discovered, the most strenuous endeavours were made to extinguish it, but it soon became obvious that the fire was irresistibly increasing. About eight o'clock the conflagration became general, and the decks were in a bursting state. Every hope of saving the vessel was irrevocably lost, and it being at the imminent risk of their lives to remain longer on board, she was abandoned. The work of destruction proceeded with unabated fury, and at two in the morning the vessel was consumed to the water's edge. The loss to captain Dawson personally by this distressing calamity is, we understand, very great, as he had never thought of providing against any pecuniary loss, by insurance. The Fairley had taken in about three hundred hogsheads of sugar and forty-six bales of cotton, scarcely any of which will be saved. A few of the latter were thrown overboard, and have been picked up.-(From the Guiana Chronicle of May 9.)

EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCE. -A few evenings since a person of respectability died from the effect of the following singular fright-He had been sojourning at a friend's house in Southampton-street, Holborn, to avoid the importunities of a nu merous body of creditors, and the more disagreeable visits of bailiffs, and he thought himself quite secure from their intrusions; but by some curious

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