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the king, the success wherof makes it evident to all, that the Lord hath care of his people hear. The passages are admirable, and too long to write. I hartily wish an opportunitie to imparte them unto you, being many sheets of paper. But the conclusion was (against all mens expectation) an order for our incouragmente, and much blame and disgrace upon the adversaries, which calls for much thankfullnes from us all, which we purpose (the Lord willing) to express in a day of thanks-giving to our mercifull God, (I doubt not but you will consider, if it be not fitt for you to joyne in it,) 1 who, as he hath humbled us by his late correction, so he hath lifted us up, by an abundante rejoysing, in our deliverance out of so desperate a danger; so as that which our enemies builte their hopes upon to ruine us by, He hath mercifully disposed to our great advantage, as I shall further aquainte you, when occasion shall serve.3



1 No notice of such a day will be found in the records of New Plymouth. The nearest appointment in Massachusetts Bay was June 19, 1633, for which no special reason is given.

2 See the other side. - BRADFORD. That is, the reverse of page 190 of the manuscript.

The Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series, 1. 183, have the following entry under December 19, 1632: "Vpon reading this day of seuerall Petitions preferred by some Planters of New England and a written Relation by Sir Cristopher Gardiner Knight and vpon long debate of the whole carriage of the Plantations of that Countrey. It was this day ordered That the lord Arch Bishopp of Yorke [Vacant], the lord Treasurer [Richard Lord Weston], lord Priuie Seale [Henry Earl of Manchester], lord high Chamberlaine of England [Robert Bertie, Lord Willoughby d'Eresby], the Earl Marshall [Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel and Surrey], [Sir Edward Sackville, Fourth] Earl of Dorsett, the lord Vice Count Falkeland [Henry Cary], the lord Bishop of London [William Laud], the lord [Francis] Cottington, Mr. Treasurer [Edmonds], Mr. Secretary [John] Coke and Mr. Secretary [Francis] Windebanck, or any fower or more of them, calling to their Assistannce such other persons as they shall thinke fitt, shall examine how the Patentes for the said Plantation, haue been grannted, and how carried; and shall examine the truth of the aforesaid Informations, or such other Informations as shall bee presented to them. And shall make Reporte thereof to the Board and of the true state of the said Plantations, as they find them now to stand. For which purpose, they are to call before them such of the Patentees and such of the Complaynanntes and their Wittnesses, or any other persons as they shall thinck fitt."

Accordingly Sir Richard Saltonstall and Matthew Craddock were summoned, and

The coppy of the order follows.

At the COURTE at WHIT-HALL the 19. Jan[uary]: 1632 [33].

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Wheras his Matie hath latly been informed of great distraction and much disorder in that plantation in the parts of America called New-England, which, if they be true, and suffered to rune on, would tende to the great dishonour of this kingdome, and utter ruine of that plantation. For prevention wherof, and for the orderly settling of government, according to the intention of those patents which have been granted by his Ma[jes]tie and from his late royall father king James, it hath pleased his Maljes]tie that the lords and others of his most honourable Privie Counsell, should take the same into consideration. Their lordships in the first place thought fitt to make a comitie of this bord, to take examination of the matters informed; which committies 1 having called diverse of the principall adventurers in that plantation, and heard those that are complanants against them, most of the things informed being deneyed, and resting 2 to be proved by parties that must be called from that place, which required a long expence of time; and at presente their lordships finding the adventurers were upon dispatch of men, victles, and marchandice for that place, all which would be at a stand, if the adventurers should have discouragmente, or take suspition that the state hear had no good opinion of that plantaat a later time, John Humfrey, who gave their answer in writing. The Committee of the Council were occupied for three days on this matter. Winthrop states that upon the reading of the answer of the representatives of the company a conclusion favorable to the Plantation resulted. History, 1. *103.

1 Should be "committee."

2 Rested in the Council Records.

3 "at the present" in Council Records.

tion; their lordships, not laying1 the faulte or fancies (if any be) of some perticuler men upon the generall govermente, or principall adventurers, (which in due time is further to be inquired into,) have thought fitt in the meane time to declare, that the appearences were so faire, and hopes so greate, that the countrie would prove both beneficiall to this kingdom, and profitable to the perticuler adventurers, as that the adventurers had cause to goe on cherfully with their undertakings, and rest assured, if things were carried as was pretended when the patents were granted, and accordingly as by the patentes it is appointed his Majestie would not only maintaine the liberties and privileges heretofore granted, but supply any thing further that might tend to the good govermente, prosperitie, and comforte of his people ther of that place, etc.2


1 This word is not in the original Council Records. The editor of these records supplies the word "notwithstanding."

The report of the Council was laid before the King by Sir Thomas Jermyn, a member of the Privy Council and a subscriber in the Virginia Company, who "spake much in the commendation of the governour, both to the lords and after to his majesty." The king said, "he would have them severely punished, who did abuse his governour and the plantation; that the defendants were dismissed with a favorable order for their encouragement, being assured from some of the council, that his majesty did not intend to impose the ceremonies of the church of England upon us; for that it was considered, that it was the freedom from such things that made people come over to us; and it was credibly informed to the council, that this country would, in time, be very beneficial to England, for masts, cordage, etc. if the Sound should be debarred." Winthrop, History, I. *103. See letter from Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr., March 18, 1632-33, in 3 Mass. Hist. Collections, IX. 252.


Anno Dom: ·1632.

R. ALLERTON, returning for England,' litle regarded his bound of a 1000li. to performe covenants; for wheras he was bound by the same to bring the ship to [190] London, and to pay 30li. per month for her hire, he did neither of boath, for he carried her to Bristoll againe, from whence he intended to sett her out againe, and so did the 3 time, into these parts (as after will appear); and though she had been 2 months upon the

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former viage, at 30li. per month, yet he never payed peney for hire. It should seeme he knew well enough how to deale with Mr. Sherley. And Mr. Sherley, though he would needs tye her and her accounte upon the generall, yet he would dispose of her as him selfe pleased; for though Mr. Winslow had in their names protested against the receiving her on that accounte, or if ever they should hope to preveile in shuch a thing, yet never to suffer Mr. Allerton to have any more to doe in her, yet he the last year let her wholy unto him, and injoyned them to send all their supplye in her to their prejudice, as is before noted. And now, though he broke his bonds, kepte no covenante, paid no hire, nor was ever like to keep covenants, yet now he goes and sells him all, both ship, and all her accounts, from first to last (and in effecte he might as well have given him the same); and not only this, but he doth as good as provide a sanctuary for him, for he gives him one years time to prepare his accounte, and then to give up the same to them here; and then another year for him to make paymente of what should be due upon

1 Allerton was expected in London towards the end of November, 1632. He carried letters from Boston, dated September 29. 3 Mass. Hist. Collections, ix. 249, 257.

The figures are illegible. Deane says 10, but it has more the appearance of 12 and of having been struck out.

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that accounte. And in the mean time writes ernestly to them not to interupte or hinder him from his bussines, or stay him aboute clearing accounts, etc.; so as he in the mean time gathers up all monies due for fraighte, and any other debtes belonging either to her, or the Frindship's accounts, as his owne perticuler; and after, sells ship, and ordnans, fish, and what he had raised, in Spane,1 according to the first designe, in effecte; and who had, or what became of the money, he best knows. In the mean time their hands. were bound, and could doe nothing but looke on, till he had made all away into other mens hands (save a few catle and a litle land and some small maters he had here at Plimoth), and so in the end removed, as he had allready his person, so all his from hence. This will better appere by Mr. Sherley's leter.

1 The exportation of war material from Great Britain to Spain appears to have been permitted at this time, though illegal. "In regard to the export of warlike stores, that the Council had requested his opinion thereupon, in connection with his Majesty's finances, and that he had then disapproved thereof. We, nevertheless, have been, afterwards informed that the exportation is permitted to Spain and Italy." The Dutch Representatives in England to the States General, April 10 (N. s.), 1632. Documents relating to the History of New York, 1. 48.

2 When Allerton removed from New Plymouth is not known, but his wife died in 1634, and in the following year he was living at Marblehead, with his son-in-law Moses Maverick. He was not permitted to rest there in peace, as the Massachusetts General Court agreed, March 4, 1634-35, "that Mr. Allerton shalbe sent for, by processe, to the nexte Court of Assistants, to the intent that hee may vnderstand the desire of the country for his removeall from Marble Harbor, and soe to be enioyned to be att the nexte Generall Court, or otherwise to be dealt withall, as the particular court shall thinke meete." Mass. Col. Rec., 1. 140. In May, 1635, it was recorded that he had transferred to Maverick "all his howses, buildings, and stages," he held in that place. On the same day (May 6) Marble Head was set up to be a plantation. Leaving Marblehead for some years all traces of him are lost. In March, 1636-37, his name occurs among the freemen of New Plymouth, and later, some time before 1643, he went to New Amsterdam, where he became a resident, and a subject of the States General of Holland. For in November, 1643, he is one of eight signers to the appeal to the States General for better protection against the Indians, in which they acknowledged the States General as "our Sovereigns." As the eight signers were chosen by ballot of the Commonalty, the election marked Allerton as already of some prominence at Manhattan. Even in this apparently public spirited design,

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