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Juftices, &c. may mitigate Penalties.

Offences how to be wied.


Forms of Pro ceedings.

Publick Act.

offending, and being convicted thereof, fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of Forty Shillings: and in cafe the Perfon fo convicted doth not forthwith pay or fecure to be paid the faid Penalty, then it fhall be lawful for fuch Juftice or Juftices of the Peace to commit fuch Perfon to the Common Gaol or House of Correction of the County, City, Town, Divifion or Place, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize for any time not exceeding One Month, unless the faid Penalty fhall be fooner paid.

X. And be it further enacted, That if any Juftice, Mayor, Bailiff, or other Chief Officer before whom any Perfon fhall have been convicted for any Offence against the Provifions of this Act, fhall fee caufe to mitigate any Penalty, every fuch Juftice, Mayor, Bailiff, or other Chief Officer may mitigate or leffen the fame to any Sum not less than Half of the Penalty or Forfeiture incurred, over and above all reasonable Cofts and Charges expended or incurred in the Profecution; and that One Moiety of the Penalty fo impofed, with the faid Cofts and Charges, fhall be paid to the Informer, and the other Moiety fhall be paid either to the Clergyman of the Parish where fuch Offence is committed, or to the Clergyman of the Parish where fuch Juftice refides, for the Ufe of the Poor of such Parish; fuch Penalty to be recovered in manner hereinafter specified. XI. And be it further enacted, That all Offences committed against this Act fhall and may be cognizable, and determined by and before any One or more Juftice of the Peace, or before any Mayor, Bailiff, or other Chief Officer for any County, Shire, City, Borough or Town Corporate, or Place where any fuch Offence may happen to be committed, or where the Offender is actually prefent, upon the Oath or Oaths of One or more credible Witnefs or Witnesses, or upon the voluntary Confeffion of the Party, which Oath every fuch Juftice, Mayor, Bailiff, or other Chief Officer is hereby required to adminifter, and upon Proof of any fuch Offence to give Judgment or Sentence for the Forfeiture or Penalty incurred, and for the reasonable Cofts and Charges of the Profecution (fuch Penalty and Cofts to be levied by Diftrefs and Sale of the Goods of fuch Offender, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of fuch Justice or other Magiftrate), or to commit the Perfon or Perfons fo convicted to the Common Gaol or Houfe of Correction for the faid County, Shire, Borough, Town Corporate or Place, for fuch time as is hereinbefore specified by the Provifions of this Act.

XII. And be it further enacted, That no Coach or other Carriage above described, conveying Perfons for Hire, fhall be charged or compelled to pay at any Toll or Turnpike Gate any greater Toll than is paid by other Coaches or Carriages drawn by an equal Number of Horfes, any thing in any Act contained to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding.

XIII. And be it further enacted, That the Forms of the Proceedings relative to the feveral Matters contained in this Act which are fet forth and expreffed in the Schedule hereunto annexed, may be ufed upon all Occafions, and with fuch Additions or Variations as may be neceffary to adapt them to the particular Circumftances of the Cafe; and that no Objection fhall be allowed to be made or Advantage taken on account of want of Form in any fuch Proceedings. XIV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this A&t fhall be deemed, adjudged and taken to be a Publick A&,


and be judicially taken Notice of as fuch by all Judges, Juftices and other Perfons whomfoever, without being fpecially pleaded. [As to England, poft, c. 48.]

The SCHEDULES to which this Act refers. FORMS of PROCEEDINGS mentioned in the foregoing Act.


BE it remembered, That on the
One thoufand eight hundred and

in the faid County, informeth me

Day of

A. B. of

One of His Majefly's

Juftices of the Peace for the faid County, that

[here defcribe the Offence particularly, and follow the Words of the A as near as may be] contrary to the Statute made in the Fiftieth Year of the Reign of King George the Third, intituled, An Act for (a) [here infert the Title of this A8] which hath impofed a Forfeiture


Day of

for the faid Offence. Received the

by me

(a) [See the Title, which begins "An A♬ to."]

SUMMONS for any Perfon or Persons to attend a Justice. To A. B. of

C. D.

WHEREAS Complaint and Information hath been made before

me C. D. One of His Majelty's Juftices of the Peace for the faid [County, et cetera,] That, et cetera, [here ftate the Nature and Circumstances of the Cafe, as far as it shall be neceffary to shew the Offence and to bring it within the Authority of the Justice, and in doing that follow the Words of the A as near as may be] Thefe are therefore to require you perfonally to appear before me, or fuch other of His Majesty's Juftices of the Peace for the faid [County, et cetera] Day of next, at the Hour of Noon, to anfwer the faid Complaint and Information; and further to do and receive what to the Law fhall appertain. Given under my Hand and Seal this One thoufand eight hundred

on the


in the

Herein fail not.
Day of


BE it remembered, That on the


Day of

in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and

in the County of

aforefaid, A. B. came before me C. D. One of His Majefty's Juftices of the Peace for the faid [County, et cetera] and informed me, that et cetera [here fet forth the Fad in the Manner defcribed by the Act] whereupon the faid E. F. after being duly fummoned to aufwer faid Charge, appeared before on the Day of


in the faid County; and having heard the Charge contained in the faid Information, declared that he was not guilty of the faid Offence; but the fame being fully proved upon the Oath of G. H. a credible Witnefs, it manifeftly appears to me the faid Juftice, that he the faid E. F. is guilty of the Offence charged upon him in the faid Information; it is therefore confidered and adjudged by me the said Justice, that he the faid E. F. be convicted, and I do



hereby convict him of the Offence aforefaid; and I do hereby de
clare and adjudge, that he the faid E. F. hath forfeited the Sum
of lawful Money of Great Britain, for the
Offence aforefaid, to be diftributed as the Law directs, according to
the Form of the Statute in that Cafe made and provided. Given
under my Hand and Seal the
thousand eight hundred and

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Day of

[blocks in formation]


An Act for enabling Tenants in Tail and for Life and also
Ecclefiaftical Perfons to grant Land for the Purpose of
endowing Schools in Ireland.
[24th May 1810.]

SG. 2. (I.) c. 4. WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament pafled in Ireland in the Fifth Year of the Reign of His late Majefty King George the Second, intituled, Au Ãa for the further explaining and • amending the feveral Laws for preventing Frauds committed by Tenants, and for the more eafy Renewal of Leafes, and for the further Amendment of the Law in certain Cafes therein mentioned, it is, amongst other Things, enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful all Perfous whatfoever feifed in Fee Simple, Fee Tail or for Life in Poffeffion in any Lands, with immediate Remainder to his, her or their own Iffue, by his, her or their Deeds refpectively, to grant any Part of fuch Lands not exceeding One Acre Plantation Meafure, of the yearly Value of Thirty Shillings, and being no Part of the Demefne Lands ufually occupied with or reputed as Demefne to the Manfion or Chief Dwelling Houfe belonging to • fuch Tenant in Fee Simple, Fee Tail or for Life, for the Ufe of a Refident Proteftant Schoolmafter to teach the English Tongue, and that the Minifter and Churchwardens and their Succeffors for ever of each refpective Parifh where fuch Acre of Land is or fhall be fo granted or fet apart, fhall be empowered and made capable of receiving fuch Grant or Grants of Land, not exceeding One • Acre Plantation Meafure, for the Ufe of fuch English Refident Proteftant Schoolmatter to teach the English Tongue, and to no • other Intent or Use whatever:' And whereas the Provifions of the faid A&t in that respect have been found infufficient; Be it there fore enacted by the King's Moft Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the paffing of this Act, it fhall and may be lawful to and for all Perfons whatfoever feifed of any Lands in Fee Simple, Fee Tail or for Life in Poffeffion, with immediate

Grants of Land

in Towns Corporate, &c. by

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Remainder to his, her or their Ifue, of any Intereft in Lands, by Land Owners his or their Deeds refpectively, to grant any Part of fuch Lands not for Endowment exceeding Half an Acre Irish Plantation Meafure within the Liberties of Schools, &c. of any City or Corporate Town in Ireland, nor Two Acres Irifh Plantation Meafure in any other Part of Ireland, of whatever yearly Value the fame may be, and being no Part of the Demefne Lands ufually occupied with or reputed as Demefne, to the Manfion or Chief Dwelling Houfe belonging to fuch Tenant in Fee Tail, or for Life, to any Perfon or Perfons, Body or Bodies Corporate, whether Aggregate or Sole, who fhall be approved of for that Pur. pofe by the Bishop of the Diocefe in which fuch Lands lie, and to his and their Heirs or Succeffors in Fee Simple, or for any leffer In tereft; fuch Approbation to be expreffed by fuch Bishop being a Party to and figning and fealing fuch Deed, in truft and for the Ufe of a Refident Schoolmatter, and fubject to fuch Conditions refpecting the Mode of appointing fuch Schoolmafter and his Succeffors, and the Plan of Education and Regulation of fuch School and its Concerns as shall be specified in fuch Deed, or as fhall afterwards be agreed on by and between the Perfon or Perfons fo making fuch Grant of Land, or his or their Heirs, on the one Part, and all and every or any Perfon or Perfons, Body or Bodies Politick or Corporate, their Heirs or Succeffors, on the other Part, who fhall advance or fhall have advanced any of his or their Money, or any Part of the Funds entrusted to their Management, to the Amount of not lefs than One hundred Pounds Sterling, either for the building of a School Houfe on the Lands fo granted, or for the Endowment of the Schoolmaster.

II. And be it further enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful Grants by in like manner for every Archbishop and Bifhop, and Dean or Dean Ecclefiaftical and Chapter, Archdeacon, or other Ecclefiaftical Dignitary, Pre- Perfons bendary, Rector, Vicar, and all other Ecclefiaftical Perfons, with the Confent of the Archbishop or Bifhop of their refpective Diocefes, to make an abfolute Grant by Deed or Deeds under their refpective Hands and Seals, of any Quantity of Land to any of them refpectively belonging, in right of their refpective Archbishopricks, Bishopricks, and other Ecclefiaftical Dignities, or as Glebe or otherwife, not exceeding One Acre, to any Perfon or Perfons, Body or Bodies Politick or Corporate, who fhall be approved of by fuch Archbishop or Bifhop, the Confent and Approbation of fuch Archbishop or Bifhop to be expreffed by his being a Party to and figning and fealing fuch Deed, in truft for the Ufe of a Refident Schoolmafter, and subject to fuch Conditions, refpecting the Mode of appointing fuch Schoolmafter, and the Plan of Education and Regulation of fuch School, as is hereinbefore mentioned and expreffed with refpect to fuch Grant by other Perfons hereinbefore mentioned.

III. Provided always, and be it enacted, That no Grantees or Leffees, or his or their Heir or Heirs, Succeffor or Succeffors, fhall be qualified to vote at the Election of any Member to ferve in Parliament, as a Freeholder, by virtue of any Grant or Leafe made by virtue of this prefent A&.

Grantee not en titled to vote ac



Duties on Malt unground im

ported into Great

Britain from Ireand et è contra.





An Act for allowing the Exportation of British and Irish
made Malt from one Part of the United Kingdom to the
[24th May 1810.]
HEREAS by the Laws now in force, Malt is prohibited
from being imported into Great Britain and Ireland re-
fpectively: And whereas it is expedient that a free Intercourfe
thereof fhould be permitted between those Parts of the United
Kingdom, fubject to fuch Countervailing Duties on the Import
thereof refpectively, as fhall be equal to the internal Duty payable
on Malt in the Country into which fuch Malt fhall be imported,
⚫ and that all Malt imported from Great Britain to Ireland, or from
• Ireland to Great Britain, fhould be entitled to Drawbacks refpec-
tively, equal in Amount to fuch Countervailing Duties;' Be it
therefore enacted by the King's Moft Excellent Majefty, by and
with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem-
poral, and Commons, in this present Parliament affembled, and by
the Authority of the fame, That from and after the First Day of
December One thoufand eight hundred and ten, it shall and may be
lawful to import directly into Great Britain Malt unground made
in Ireland; and alfo to import directly into Ireland Malt unground
made in Great Britain, subject to the Duties and Drawbacks by this
A&t impofed and allowed, and under, fubject and according to fuch
Rules, Regulations, Reftrictions and Provifions as are provided,
fettled or established of and concerning the fame by this Act, or as
may be provided, fettled or established by any Act or Acts to be
paffed in this Seffion of Parliament. [See c. 53. pofl.]

II. And be it further enacted, That for all fuch Malt fo imported there fhall be paid the following Countervailing Duties; that is to fay, for every Bufhel of fuch Malt made in Ireland, and imported directly from thence into that Part of Great Britain called England, the Sum of Four Shillings and Four pence: for every Bushel of fuch Malt made in Ireland, and imported directly from thence into that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, the Sum of Three Shillings and Eightpence, and Ten twentieths of a Farthing; for every Barrel of fuch Malt made in Great Britain and imported directly from thence into Ireland, the Sum of Ten Shillings British Cur


III. And be it further enacted, That for all fuch Malt so exported there fhall be allowed the following Drawbacks; that is to fay, for every Bufhel of Malt, made in that Part of Great Britain called England, for which all the Duties impofed for or in refpect thereof fhall have been fully paid and exported from thence to Ireland unground, the Sum of Four Shillings and Four pence; for every Bushel of Malt made from Barley or any other Corn or Grain, except Beer or Big, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, for which all the Duties impofed for or in respect thereof shall have been fully paid, and exported from thence to Ireland unground, the Sum: of Three Shillings and Eight pence and Ten twentieths of a Farthing; for every Barrel of Malt made in Ireland, for which all the Duties impofed for or in refpe&t thereof fhall have been fully paid, and exported from thence to Great Britain unground, the Sum of Ten Shillings British Currency.

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