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minster Hall; and alfo of the Lords of Seffion, Lords Commiffioners of Jufticiary, and Barons of Exchequer in Scotland; and for enabling His Majefty to grant Annuities to Perfons in certain Offices in the faid Courts in Westminster Hall, on the Refignation of their • refpective Offices: And whereas another Act was paffed in the Thirty ninth and Fortieth Years of the Reign of His prefent 39 & 10 G. 3. Majefly, to amend fo much of the faid in part recited Act, as c. 55. relates to the Salaries of the Judges of the Courts of Seffion, 'Jufticiary and Exchequer in Scotland: And whereas another Act

was paffed in the latt Seffion of Parliament, intituled, An A& for 49 G. 3. c. 127. *further augmenting the Salaries of certain of the Judges of the Courts in Weftminster Hall, and of the Chief and Second Juice of Chetter,


↑ and Juffices of the Great Seffions in Wales: And whereas an A&


was paffed in the Parliament of Ireland, in the Thirty fixth Year of 36 G. 3. (I.) 'the Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ad for increasing c. 26. the Salaries of the Chief Juflices and other Judges of His Majesty's • Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, and of the Chief Baron, ⚫ and other Barons of the Court of Exchequer in this Kingdom: And whereas it is expedient that a further Augmentation fhould be made in the Salaries of the Lords of Seffion, Lords Commiffioners of Jufticiary, and Barons of Exchequer in Scotland; and alfo in 'the Salaries of the Puifne Judges of the Courts of King's Bench ⚫ and Common Pleas, and the Puifne Barons of the Court of Exche quer in Ireland;' We Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parliament assembled, do moft humbly befeech Your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's Moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parlia ment affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That fo much of the faid recited Acts paffed in the Thirty ninth and the Thirty ninth Relating to and Fortieth Years and Thirty fixth Year of the Reign of His prefent Amount of Sala Majefty, as relates to the Amounts of the Sums to be paid as Sa- ries to Lords of laries refpectively, to the Lords of Seffion, Lords Commiffioners of cition, &c. reJufticiary, and Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland, shall be, and the fame are hereby repealed. II. And be it further enacted, That from and after the paffing of Salaries toJudges this A&t, there fhall be iffued, paid and applied, in every Year, out of the Monies that fhall arife from any of the Duties and Revenues in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, which by feveral Acts made in the Seventh and Tenth Years of the Reign of Queen Anne, were charged or made chargeable with the Fees, Salaries, and other Charges allowed or to be allowed by Her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, for keeping up the Courts of Seffion, Jufticiary and Exchequer in Scotland, to the Judges in Scotland after mentioned, fo much Money as will make up their refpective Salaries to the annual Sums hereinafter mentioned; videlicet, To the Lord Prefident of the Court of Seffion, Four thousand three hundred Pounds; to each of the other Lords of Seffion, who is not Lord Juftice Clerk, or a Lord Commiffioner of Jufticiary, Two thousand Pounds; to the Lord Juftice Clerk now prefiding in the fecond Divifion of the Court of Seffion, Four thoufand Pounds; to each of the Lords of Seffion, who are Lords Commiffioners of Jufticiary, Two thousand fix hundred Pounds; to the Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer,

E 4

of Court of Seffion and Ba

rons of Exchequer in Scotland.

46 G. 3. c. 65.

Additional Sala

A.D.1810. Exchequer, Four thoufand Pounds; and to each of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer, Two thoufand Pounds; which faid Sums of Money, to be iffued in purfuance of this A&t, fhall from time to time from thenceforth be payable and paid Quarterly, clear from all Taxes and Deductions whatfoever (except the Duty chargeable by an Act paffed in the Forty fixth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ad for granting to His Majefly during the prefent War, and until the Sixth Day of April after the Ratification of a Definitive Treaty of Peace, further additional Rates and Duties in Great Britain, on the Rates and Duties on Profits arifing from Property, Profeffions, Trades and Offices; and for repealing an A& passed in the Forty fifth Year of His prefent Majefly, for repealing certain Parts of an A made in the Forty third Year of His prefent Majefly, for granting a Contribution on the Profits arifing from Property, Profeffions, Trades and Offices; and to confolidate and render more effectual the Provifions for collecting the faid Duties.

III. And be it further enacted, That from and after the paffing of ries to Judges in this Act, there fhall be iffued and paid, and applied, in every Year, Ireland. out of the Taxes, Duties and Revenues which fhall compofe the Fund called The confolidated Fund of Ireland, to each and every of the Puifne Judges of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, and to each and every of the Puifne Barons of the Court of Exchequer, over and above the Sums now iffued to the said Judges refpectively, and in addition to the faid Sums, and the Profits and Emoluments now received by the faid Judges and Barons respectively, the Sum of Six hundred and fifty Pounds each; and that the faid Sums of Money to be iffued to the faid Judges of Ireland fhall be payable as the Salaries to the faid Judges have heretofore been payable in Ireland, and together with the other Parts of their Salaries; and shall be paid without any Deduction for Peils or Poundage, or otherwise.

Commencement of Salaries.

Recited Acts


IV. And be it further enacted, That in addition to the Payments refpectively iffued to the faid feveral Judges in Scotland upon the Fifth Day of July One thoufand eight hundred and nine, and in Ireland on the Twenty fourth Day of June One thousand eight hundred and nine, and subsequent to that Period, there shall be issued to each of them refpectively out of the faid Duties and Revenues respectively chargeable with the Payment of their Salaries as aforefaid, fuch Sum and Sums of Money as will make up each of fuch Payments refpectively to the Sum and Sums to which each of the faid Judges would have been entitled if this Act had paffed at the fame time with the above recited A&t made in the laft Seffion of Parliament.

V. And be it further enacted, That the faid feveral recited Acts, extended to this and all Claufes, Provifions, Rules, Regulations, Matters and Things therein contained, (fo far as the fame are applicable, and are not hereby altered) fhall be in force and applied to carry into Effect the Purposes of this Act.




An Act to repeal certain Parts of feveral Acts of the Parliament in Ireland fo far as relates to the limiting the Number of Perfons to be carried by Stage Coaches or other Carriages; for enacting other Limitations in lieu thereof; and for other Purposes relating thereto. [24th May 1810.] WHEREAS the Number of Paffengers to be conveyed by Irish Acts, Ireland, have been limited upon certain Roads by feveral Acts 'paffed in the Parliament of Ireland: And whereas it is expedient to ' repeal fo much of the faid Acts as relates to the Limitation of Paffengers, and the additional Tolls and Penalties which are thereby ' demandable and forfeited upon a greater Number being conveyed by fuch Stage Coaches or other Carriages than are specified in the 'aforefaid Acts; and to enact other Provifions and Regulations for 'carrying the aforefaid Objects into effect; and to regulate the Conduct of the Owners and Drivers of fuch Carriages;' May it therefore please Your Majefty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's Moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of

the fame, That from and after the paffing of this Act, fo much of limiting Numthe feveral Acts of Parliament of Ireland, as relate to the Limitation ber of affengera of Paffengers to be conveyed by Stage Coaches and other Four- repealed. wheeled Carriages; alfo fo much of faid Acts as relates to the additional Tolls and Penalties which are thereby deinandable and forfeited in cafe of a greater Number being conveyed by Stage Coaches and other Four-wheel Carriages than is fpecified by the aforefaid Acts, be and the fame are hereby repealed.


II. And be it further enacted, That from and after the First Day Number of Perof July One thousand eight hundred and ten, any Coach, Berlin, fens conveyed by Landau, Chariot, Diligence, Calafh, Chaife Marine, or other Car- Stage Coaches, riage with Four or more Wheels, by what Name foever the fame is or fhall hereafter be called or known, to be employed as a Public Stage Coach or Carriage for the Purpofe of conveying Paffengers for Hire to and from different Places in Ireland, and drawn by Four or more Horfes, fhall be allowed to carry Six Infide and Ten Outfide Pallengers, and no more, exclufive of the Coachman, but including the Guard (where there is a Guard with futch Coach); and that One of fuch Paffengers, and no more, fhall be allowed to fit upon the Box with the Coachman, Three of fuch Paffengers on the Front of the Roof, and the remaining Six behind in the manner the most fafe and convenient for the faid Paffengers; and that all Stage Coaches or other Carriages above defcribed, drawn by Two or Three Horfes, fhall be allowed Four Outfide Paffengers, and no more, exclufive of the Coachman; and that all Stage Coaches called Long Coaches or Double Bodied Coaches, fhall be permitted to carry in all Sixteen Paffengers and no more, exclufive of the Coachman, but including the Guard (where there is a Guard with fuch Coach) under fuch Fines or Penalties as are by this Act impofed in Cafes where more Paffengers are carried than are allowed by this A&t: Provided Children. always, that no Child in the Lap or under Seven Years of Age fhall be included in or counted as oue of fuch Number.

III. And

To be specified

in Licence.

And to be

Coach, &c.

A.D.1810. III. And be it further enacted, that every Perfon who fhall keep any Carriage to be employed as a public Stage Coach or other Carriage above defcribed, for the Purpose of conveying Paffengers for Hire to and from different Places in Ireland, fhall, in the Licence which he is hereby required to take out from the Commiffioners of Stamps in the City of Dublin, specify the Number of Passengers to be carried in or about fuch Coach or other Carriage above described, and that no fuch Licence fhall in any Cafe be granted for more than Sixteen Infide and Outfide Paffengers in all, exclufive of the Coachman.

IV. And be it further enacted, That all and every Person or Perpainted on Doors fons who fhall be duly licensed to keep any Coach or other Carriage above defcribed, for the Purpofe of conveying Paffengers for Hire to and from different Places in Ireland, fhall, and he, the or they is and are refpectively directed and required to paint or caufe to be painted, within Six Months from the paffing of this Act, on the Outside of each Door of each fuch Coach or other Carriage above described, or on fome other confpicuous Part thereof, in legible Characters of at leaft One Inch and a Half in length, and in a different Colour from the Ground on which the fame is painted, and in Words at length, the Number of Paffengers which the Licence obtained for fuch Carriages refpectively fhail fpecify or exprefs, together with the Name or Names of the Perfon or Perfons or Firm of the Company of Proprietors to whom fuch Coach or other Carriage fhall belong; and if any Perfon or Perfons fhall employ or make ufe of any fuch Carriage as aforefaid, for carrying any Pallengers for Hire to and from different Places in Ireland, without being licenfed fo to do, or without having the faid Words painted on the Outfide of each Door of fuch Carriage, or in fuch other confpicuous Part thereof and in fuch manner as is hereinbefore directed; or if any Coachman or other Driver fhall at any time carry more Paffengers than fhall be specified or expreffed in the Licence for ufing fuch Coach or other Carriage, every Perfon fo offending fhall, for each and every fuch Offence, forfeit and lofe the Sum of Five Pounds, to be recovered and applied in the manner hereinafter specified by this A&.


Lacrage carried
On Top of Coach.


Drivers mifconducting themfelves to Paffen

gers, &c.

V. And be it further enacted, That it fhall not be lawful for any Driver, Owner or Proprietor of any fuch Coach or other Carriage above defcribed, going or travelling for Hire, to carry or permit or fuffer any Parcel or Parcels or Luggage whatever exceeding Two Feet in Height, to be conveyed on the Roof of any fuch Coach, Mail Coach or other Carriage above defcribed, drawn by Four or more Horfes: and where Carriages are drawn by Two or Three Horfes, or are of the Defcription called Long Coaches or Doublebodied Coaches, then fuch Luggage not to exceed Eighteen Inches above the Roof; and every fuch Owner or Driver acting contrary thereto, and being convicted of fuch Offence, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds, faid Penalty to be recovered and applied in manner hereinafter specified.

VI. And be it further enacted, That in cafe the Driver of any such Coach or other Carriage above described, or the Person acting as Guard, fhall by reafon of Intoxication, Negligence, or other Mifconduct, endanger his Paffengers in their Lives or their Property, or the Property of any other Perfon with which they may be entrusted,


or fhall loiter on the Road; or wilfully mispend or lofe Time; or fhall ufe abufive or infulting Language to any Paffengers; or fhall demand or exact more than the Fare due from any Paffenger; or fhall i not in all poffible Cafes travel at the Speed of fuch a Number of Miles an Hour as are fixed and expreffed in and by the Time-bill carried with the fame, unless the Circumftances of the Weather or the Occurrence of any Accident to the Coach or Horfes fhall prevent the fame; then and in every fuch Cafe the Driver or Guard (as the cafe may be) of fuch Coach or other fuch Carriage, so offending and being convicted thereof, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Penalty. Pounds for every such Offence, over and above the Sum or Sums of Money fo embezzled, and fhall make Compenfation for all Damage or Lofs occafioned by their Misconduct; such Penalty to be recovered and applied in manner hereinafter specified; and in cafe of Nonpayment every fuch Offender fhall be committed to the Common Gaol or Houfe of Correction of the County, City, Town, Divifion, or Place where fuch Offence fhall have been committed, or where fach Offender is actually prefent, there to remain without Bail or Imprifonment. Mainprize for any time not exceeding Two Months nor lefs than Fifteen Days, at the Difcretion of the Juftice or Juftices by or

before whom any fuch Offender fhall be convicted.

VII. And be it further enacted, That in case the Driver of any Drivers leaving fuch Coach or other Carriage above defcribed going or travelling Horses. for Hire, fhall (at any Place or Places where Affiftance can be procured), quit his Horfes or the Box of fuch Coach or other Carriage above defcribed, until a proper Perfon or Perfons fhall ftand at the Head of the Horfes or Fore-horses, so as to prevent them from running away, fuch Perfon or Perfons to remain at their Head until the Driver has returned to his Box: and if fuch Driver fhall neglect to attend to the fame, he or they being duly convicted thereof, fhall be fubject to and forfeit and pay a Penalty of Five Pounds for each Penalty. Offence, fuch Penalty to be recovered and applied in manner hereinafter specified; and in cafe of Non-payment, every fuch Offender

fhall be committed to the Common Gaol or House of Correction of Imprisonment, the County, City, Town, Divifion or Place where fuch Offence fhall have been committed, or where fuch Offender is actually prefent, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize for any time not exceeding One Month nor less than Fifteen Days at the Discretion of the Justice or Juftices by or before whom any fuch Offender fhall be convicted: Provided nevertheless, that nothing in this Section or Provifo. Claufe contained fhall extend or be conftrued to extend to Hackney Coaches being drawn by Two Horfes only.

VIII. And be it further enacted, That any Summons iffued by What good Ser any Juftice of the Peace commanding any Driver or Guard of any vice of SumCoach or other Carriage above defcribed, to appear before him at fuch mons for Driver, Time or Place as to fuch Justice fhall feem meet, for any Offence com. mitted againft this Act, fhall be deemed good and fufficient Service in cafe the fame be left with the known or acting Book-keeper, or any other Perfon having the Care of any Office where Places are ufually taken or Parcels received for fuch Coach or other Carriage above defcribed.

IX. And be it further enacted, That if any Conftable or other Neglecting to Peace Officer fhall refufe or neglect to execute any Warrant granted execute Warby any Jufticè of the Peace under this Act, every fuch Perfon fo rants.


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