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fioned Officer and Private Man of the Local Militia, who fhall, during Offences may be the Period of the Regiment, Battalion or Corps to which he fhall tried by a Court Martial after difbelong, being embodied or affembled for training and Exercise, or embodying Refor the Suppreffion of Riots and Tumults, have been guilty of any giment, &c. if Offence against any Act of Parliament in force for the Punishment committed prior of Mutiny and Defertion, or any Articles of War made in pursuance thereto.


any fuch Act, and fhall have been put under Arreft for, or shall have been reported to any Officer of his Regiment, Battalion or Corps, to have committed fuch Offence before the difembodying or Difmiffal of the Regiment, Battalion or Corps, may be tried by any General or Regimental Court Martial, confifting of Officers of the Militia, and if found guilty may be punished for fuch Offence, although the Regiment, Battalion or Corps to which fuch Officer, Non-commiffioned Officer or Private Man fhall belong, fhall not then be embodied or affembled, in like Manner as any Officer, Sérjeant, Corporal or Drummer, or Private Man of the Regular Militia may be tried during the Period of the Regular Militia being embodied.

III. And be it further enacted, That from and after the paffing Days of Mufter of this Act, the Number of Days of Attendance at Mufter and Ex- and Exercife. ercife of Volunteer Corps to entitle any Perfon ferving in Volunteer Corps to Exemption from Service in the Regular Militia and the Local Militia, fhall be Eighteen Days, or any fuch Number of Days not exceeding Eighteen, as fhall from time to time be fixed by His Majefty by any Order of his Principal Secretary of State, inftead of Twenty four Days, any Thing in an Act paffed in the Forty fourth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majelty relating to Volunteer Corps, or in any other Act or Acts of Parliament to the contrary notwithstanding; and the faid Act and all Acts and Provifions in any Acts of Parliament relating to the Muftering and Exercifing and Exemptions of Volunteer Corps, fhall be conftrued, as to all Returns and Certificates of Commanding Officers of fuch Corps or others, as if the Number of Days fpecified had been Eighteen, or fuch Number as shall be fo fixed as aforefaid instead of Twenty four; and fuch Number of Eighteen Days or fuch other Number as aforefaid, fhall in like manner be divided into Six Days, or Three equal Parts in each Four Months, inftead of Eight Days as is in the faid Act provided, with such Provifions as to making good any Number of Days at different Periods, as is provided in relation to the Days of Exercife specified in the faid Acts; and every Certificate fhall specify the Number of Days of Exercise of the Perfon claiming the Benefit thereof.

IV. And be it further enacted, That for providing proper Depôts Depôts for Arms, for the Arms, Cloathing and Accoutreme ts of the Regiments, &c. in Scotland. Battalions, and Corps or Companies of Local Militia in Scotland, it shall be lawful for the Clerks of General Meetings of the Lieute nancy, at the Requeft of the Officer commanding any fuch Regiment, Battalion, or Corps or Company, to draw upon the Collector of the Cefs in each County refpectively, for any Sum on account of each Regiment, Battalion, or Corps or Company, not exceeding the Proportion of Ten Pounds Sterling for every Six hundred Men, in any One year, and which Sum fhall be paid to the Commanding Officer requiring the Clerk to draw for the fame, and fhall be by him applied in providing fuch Depôt, and fhall be regularly accounted for by the Production of Receipts for the Money expended


Collectors of the

Cefs to pay the

48 G. 3. c. 111.

$48. Sufpenfion of Fines for Deficiencies.

Conftables to make Returns, and afcertain Deficiencies to be lupplied.


Receiving Poun ty, and not declaring Name,


in providing the faid Depôts, which Receipts fhall be delivered to the Collector of the Cefs, and fhall be a Difcharge to him in his Accounts, and fhall be delivered, by him as Cafh to the Receiver General of the Cefs or Land Tax in Scotland.

[ocr errors]

V. And whereas fufficient Provifion is not made in the faid recited A&t of the Forty eighth Year aforefaid, for procuring Returns of Deficiencies for the Purpofe of having the fame fupplied before the. Fourteenth Day of February, as in the faid A&t mentioned; and it is therefore expedient that the Provifion in the faid Act contained in relation to the Fines by the faid Act impofed for not fupplying Deficiencies fhall be fufpended;' Be it therefore further enacted, That as much of the faid laft recited Act as enacts, that a Fine of Fif teen Pounds fhall be raised and paid in refpect of every Man deficient on the Fourteenth Day of February, fhall be and the fame is hereby fufpended: Provided always, that every County, Hundred and Parish, fhall be fubject to the full Penalties by the faid Act impofed and hereby fufpended, in refpect of every Man of any Regiment affembled for Training and Exercife, not joining during fuch Training and Exercife, and whofe Vacancy fhall not be fupplied within Three Months after the Day of affembling of the Local Militia to which fuch Man fhall have belonged, and fuch Proportion of fuch Fine fhall be returned within the Periods of One and Two Months refpectively after the Expiration of fuch Three Months, as are in the faid A&t fpecified in relation to Deficiencies fupplied within certain Periods after the Fourteenth Day of February.

VI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That the Conftables and other Officers of all Parifhes and Places for which any Local Militia Man fhall be ferving, fhall make diligent Enquiry as to all Men enrolled in the Local Militia, for the Parishes or Places for which they fhall refpectively be Constables, and thali, before the Fourteenth Day of November in each Year, return to the Clerk of the Subdivifion within which fuch Parishes or Places fhall be, a true Account of all Perfons ferving for fuch Parish or Place in the Local Militia, fpecifying such as shall have died or left their Refidence, and whether the Perfons not then refiding in fuch Parish or Place fhall have wholly left fuch Parish or Place, or fhall till retain any Houfe, Refidence or Lodging, in fuch Parifh or Place, and alfo the Place to which fuch Perfons fhall have gone as have changed their Refidences, if the fame can be afcertained; and every Conftable who fall neglect or refuse to make any fuch Return, or fhall wilfully make any falfe Return, fhall forfeit, for every fuch Offence, the Sum of Five Pounds, to be recovered and applied as any like Penalty may be recovered under any Act relating to the Militia; and all Deficiencies which fhall by any fuch Returns be ascertained to have taken place, and fhall have been returned to the Clerk of Subdivifion Meetings of the Divifion or Place in which the fame shall have arifen, before the Fourteenth Day of November in any Year, fhall be fupplied before the Fourteenth Day of February next fucceeding, under fuch Penalty for any Default therein as is fpecified in the faid recited A&.

VII. And be it further enacted, That every Perfon who shall have received any Bounty in refpect of being enrolled in the Local Militia who shall afterwards enlist, and who shall not declare his true Name and the Parish for which he is ferving, fo as to enable a Deduction


Deduction and Return and Repayment to be made in refpect of fach
Bounty, and every Serjeant or Non-commiffioned Officer who fhall
knowingly enlift any fuch Perfon and not deduct fuch Bounty, shall
forfeit double the Amount of the Bounty fo to be deducted, to Penalty.
be stopped out of the Pay of the Man fo enlifting, or of fuch Ser-
jeant or Non-commiffioned Officer, in fuch Manner, and in fuch
Proportion, as the Commanding Officer of the Regiment into which
fuch Man fhall enlist, and such Serjeant or Non-commiffioned. Officer
fhall belong refpectively, fhall direct, fo as that the fame fhall be
ftopt, and the whole of fuch Fine remitted and paid to the Agent
General for the Local Militia, or to his Order, for the Use of the
Parifh entitled to the Return of Bounty.

Local Militia Men enlifting into the Army,

&c. to declare

VIII. And be it further enacted, That every Local Militia Man enlifting or entering into the Army, Navy or Marines, or being enrolled as a Volunteer or Subfitute in the embodied Militia, fhall declare to the Perfon from whom he shall receive the Bounty upon fach Enlifting, Entering or Inrolment, the Regiment of Local the Regiment. Militia to which he belonged, and the Period at which he was enrolled therein, and for what Parish, and in what County, he was ferving, and the Amount, of the Bounty (if any) which he received on being

fo enrolled in the Local Militia; and the Sum which shall have been. Bounty, for paid to fuch Local Militia Man, upon his being enrolled in the Local which ferving, Militia, fhall be deducted from the Bounty to which fuch Man fhall, &c. be entitled upon enlifting into His Majefty's Regular Forces, or into the Regular Militia, (as the cafe may be,) and fhall be paid, if fuch Perion fhall ealift into the Line, to the Paymaster of the Dierict into which fuch Man fhall enlift, and accounted for to the Parish for which fuch Man was ferving, and fhall be repaid to fuch Parish under the Provifions of this Act; and the Name of the Perfon so califting, and the Regiment and County to which he belonged, and the Parith for which he was ferving, and the Amount of the Bounty paid to the Paymaster of the District, fhall be returned by the Officer commanding the Party with which fuch Man fhall have enlifted, to the Agent General of the Local Militia, and shall be repaid to the Parish entitled thereto, in fuch manner, and under fuch Order, as fhall be made by fuch Agent General in that Behalf.

[ocr errors]

IX. And whereas certain Perfons have been enrolled for the Local Militia by Juftices of the Peace, without any Deputy Lieu. tenant being prefent at fuch Eurolment, and it is expedient that 'fuch Enrolment should be made valid; Be it therefore enacted, That the Enrolment of all fuch Perfons who fhall have bees .fo enrolled before the paffing of this Act, and fhall have taken the Oaths, fhall be deemed good, valid and effectual as if the fame had been made before any Deputy Lieutenant at any Meeting of Lieutenancy; and the faid Juftices are hereby indemnified for and on account of the fame, and released and discharged from all Actions, Suits, Penalties and Forfeitures whatever, incurred by reason of having made any fuch Enrolments.

X. And be it further enacted, That the Qualification of Captains, Lieutenants and Enfigns fhall be of the fame yearly Value, if Real Eftate, or of the fame Amount in Value, if Perfonal Eftate, as the Qualification of Captains, Lieutenants and Enfigns refpectively in the Regular Militia, for Cities and Towns being Counties of themfelves; that is to fay, For a Captain, an Eltate of the Yearly

Indemnity to
Juftices who have

enrolled for Local
Militia without

Deputy Lieutenant being press


Qualification of Captains, Lientenants and En figus in Local Militia.

Officers in Fen

Value of One hundred and fifty Pounds, or Perfonal Property to the Amount in the Whole of Two thousand five hundred Pounds; and for a Lieutenant, an Eftate of the yearly Value of Thirty Pounds, or Perfonal Property to the Amount in the Whole of Seven hundred and fifty Pounds; and for an Enfign, an Estate of the yearly Value of Twenty Pounds, or Perfonal Property to the Amount in the Whole of Four hundred Pounds.

XI. And be it further enacted, That every Officer who shall have cible Regiments. held any Commiffion in any Fencible Regiment, Battalion or Corps, fhall be eligible and qualified to hold any Commillion of the fame Rank in the Local Militia, without any other Qualification; any thing in any Act or Acts of Parliament relating to the Militia to the contrary notwithftanding.

49 G. 3. e. 111.
Certain Appor
tionments and

Future Appor


Provifo for


XII. And whereas Doubts have arifen as to the Apportionments and Enrolments of Men for the Local Militia which have been 'made for Parishes in which the Volunteers actually ferving have ⚫ not been taken as Part of the Number required by the faid recited Act of the Forty eighth Year aforefaid for fuch Parishes for the Local Militia; and it is expedient that fuch Doubts fhould be removed;' Be it therefore declared and enacted, That all fuch Apportionments and Enrolments, and all Acts, Matters and Things done and made in purfuance thereof, fhall be deemed good, valid and effectual in Law, to all Intents and Purposes whatever; provided always, that in every fuch cafe all future Apportionments for the fupplying of any Deficiencies or Vacancies which may thereafter arife in any County or Divifion, or Part of any County or Parishes, in or for which any fuch Apportionments have been made, or Enrolments have taken place, fhall have regard to the Volunteers actually ferving in the feveral Divifions or Parts of the County, or in or for the feveral Parishes thereof, or Part of the Quota or Proportions of Local Militia of fuch Divifions, Parts or Parishes.

XIII. And be it further enacted, That no Member of any Friendly Socie. Friendly Society, ferving or entering to ferve in the Local Militia, fhall by fuch Service be fubject to any Fine or Penalty impofed by fuch Society for Non-attendance during the time of fuch Service; any thing in any Rule or Bye-Law of fuch Society notwithstanding. XIV. And be it further enacted, That it fhall not be lawful for any Apprentice, being a Member of any Volunteer Corps, to transfer himself into the Local Militia without the Confent of his Mafter.


Exemption by XV. And be it further enacted, That every Person who shall have Non-enrolment. been ballotted, and alfo fhall have paid any Fine for not appearing to be enrolled in the Local Militia, fhall be exempt from being balloted to ferve in the Regular Militia for the Period of Two Years from the Period of his having been ballotted to serve in the Local Militia.

Act altered, &c.

XVI. And be it further enacted, That this Act may be altered, amended or repealed by any A&t or Acts to be made in this prefent Seffion of Parliament.



An Act for granting a Duty on Foreign plain Linen taken out of Warehouse and exported to Foreign Parts.

[18th April 1810.]

WHEREAS it is expedient that plain Linen of all Sorts

be fo

Duty on Exportation of plain Linen fecured in

Warehouse under 43 G. 3.

c. 132. and

(except Sail Cloth) imported into Great Britain, and fecured in Warehouses according to Law without Payment of Duty, fhould on the Exportation thereof from any fuch Warehoufe for Foreign Parts be charged with a Duty of Cuftoms according to the Value thereof;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's Moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the paffing of this Act, there fhall be raised, levied, collected and paid unto His Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, upon Linen plain of all Sorts (except Sail Cloth) which fhall have been or may lodged and fecured in any Warehouse in the Port of London, under the Regulations of an Act paffed in the Forty third Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ad for permitting certain Goods imported into Great Britain, to be fecured in Warehoufes without Payment of Duty, or in any Warehouse at any other Port of Great Britain, under the Regulations of an Act paffed in the Forty 46 G. 8. c. 137. fixth Year of the Reign of his faid prefent Majefty, intituled, An A to extend the Provifions of an Act made in the Forty third Year of His prefent Majefly, for permitting certain Articles to be warehoused in Great Britain, to other Articles not therein mentioned, and for other Purposes (a), and which fhall be exported from any fuch Warehouse for Foreign Parts, for every One hundred Pounds of the true and real Value of fuch Linen the Sum of Fifteen Pounds, and fo in proportion for any greater or lefs Value, to be afcertained by the Declaration of the Exporter or Exporters of fuch Linen, or of his known Agent or Factor, in the Manner and Form, and under all the Rules, Regulations and Reftrictions, and fubject to the fame Penalties and Forfeitures as are made and provided for afcertaining, raifing and collecting the Duties to be paid according to the Value thereof, by an Act paffed in the Forty ninth Year of the Reign of 49 G. 3. c. 98, His prefent Majefty, intituled, An da for repealing the feveral Duties

of Cuftoms chargeable in Great Britain, and for granting other Duties

in lieu thereof.

correctly stated.]

(a) [This Title of 46 G. 3. c. 137. is not



II. And be it further enacted, That the Duties hereby granted Duties to be hall be under the Management of the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms under Commifin England and Scotland refpectively for the time being, and fhall fioners of Cudbe appropriated and applied as the Duties upon Goods, Wares and Merchandize charged according to the Value thereof, aredirected to be appropriated and applied by the faid recited Act of the Forty ninth Year of His prefent Majefty.

[See as to Repayment of Dutics on Foreign Linen warehoused in certain Cafes, poft. c. 39.]

50 Geo. III.



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