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nothing else. Let the action of the tongue and lips be prompt and accurate.

8. Keep the lower jaw relaxed and speak on the roof of the mouth, not in the nose or throat.

9. Avoid chewing and swallowing movements.

10. Take frequent deep breaths. Never let the chest collapse.

11. Retain the breath as much as possible while speaking. This prevents the disagreeable aspirate or "breathy " quality. 12. Do not push out the breath when speaking loudly, but rather expand the chest at the most emphatic words.

13. Speak to those farthest from you.

14. Remember that distinctness is much more important than noise. If you have difficulty with your articulation, practice whispering in a very clear, exact manner as if you wished to speak to some one at a distance without being overheard by any one else.





"It's time to go to the station, Tom." "Come on, then."

"Oh, I'm not going; it's too wet."

"You don't expect me to go and bring home a strange girl, do you?" And Tom looked as much alarmed as if his sister had proposed to him to escort the wild woman of Australia.

"Of course I do. It's your place to go."


Well, I call that mean! I suppose I must go, if you have arranged it so; but catch me bothering about your friends another time! Never!" And Tom rose from the sofa with an air of indignant resolution.

"Now, don't be cross, Tom," said Fanny, softly, hoping to soothe his ruffled feelings.

"How long is she going to stay?"

“A month or two, maybe. She's a very nice little lady, and I shall keep her as long as she's happy."

"She won't stay long, then, if I can help it," muttered Tom, who regarded girls as a very unnecessary portion of

creation. "But how am I going to know her at the station? I never saw her, and she never saw me."

"You'll find her easy enough; she'll probably be standing around looking for us. I dare say she'll know you, because I've described you to her."

"I guess she won't then;" and Tom gave a hasty smooth to his curly pate and a glance at the mirror, feeling sure that his sister had not done him justice. Sisters never do, as we boys" know too well.



The train was just in when Tom reached the station, panting like a race-horse, and as red as a lobster with the wind and the run.

"How in the world shall I know her? It was too bad of Fannie to make me come all alone," thought Tom, as he stood watching the crowd stream through the depot, and feeling rather daunted at the array of young ladies who passed. He presently caught sight of a girl in gorgeous array, standing with her hands folded and a very small hat perched on the top of a very large "chignon," as Tom pronounced it. "I suppose I must speak to her, and so here goes;" and, nerving himself to the task, Tom slowly approached the damsel, who looked as if the wind had blown her clothes into rags, such a flapping of sashes, ruffles, curls, and feathers was there.

"I say, if you please, is your name Polly Minton?" meekly asked Tom, pausing before the stranger.

"No, it isn't," answered the young lady, with a cool stare that utterly quenched him.

"Then where in the world is she?" growled Tom, as he walked away. The quick tap of feet behind him made

him turn in time to see a fresh-faced little girl running towards him across the broad platform. As she smiled and waved her bag at him, he stopped and waited for her, saying to himself, "Hello! I wonder if that's Polly?"

Up came the little girl with her hand out, and a half shy, half merry look in her blue eyes, as she said, inquiringly, "This is Tom, isn't it?”

"Yes. How did you know?" and Tom got over the ordeal of handshaking without thinking of it, he was so surprised.

"Oh, Fan told me you had curly hair and a funny nose, and kept whistling, and wore a gray cap pulled over your eyes; so I knew you directly."

"Where are your trunks?" asked Tom, as he was reminded of his duty by her handing him the bag, which he had not offered to take.

"Father told me not to wait for any one, lest I should lose my chance of a hack.

So I gave my check to a man, and there he is with my trunk;" and Polly walked off after her one modest piece of baggage.


She isn't a bit of a young lady. She doesn't look like a city girl, nor act like one either," thought Tom, trudging in the rear.


As the carriage drove off, Polly gave a little bounce on the springy seat, and laughed like a delighted child. “I do like to ride in these hacks, and see all the fine things, and have a good time, don't you?" she said, composing herself the next minute, as if it suddenly occurred to her that she was going a-visiting.

"Not much," said Tom, not minding what he said.

"How's Fan? Why didn't she come, too?" asked

Polly, trying to look demure, while her eyes danced in spite of her.

"She was afraid of spoiling her curls;" and Tom smiled at his base betrayal of confidence.

"You and I don't mind the dampness, do we? I'm much obliged to you for coming to take care of me.'

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It was kind of Polly to say that, and Tom felt it. He hadn't done anything for her but carry the bag a few steps; yet she thanked him. He felt grateful, and in a burst of confidence offered her a handful of peanuts; for his pockets were always supplied with this agreeable delicacy, and he might be traced anywhere by the trail of shells he left behind him.


Fanny came flying out to meet her "darling Polly," as Tom presented her with the graceful remark, “I've got her!" and the air of a dauntless hunter producing the trophies of his skill. Polly was instantly whisked upstairs; and having danced a double shuffle on the doormat, Tom retired to the dining-room, to restore exhausted nature with half a dozen cookies.

"Aren't you tired to death? Don't you want to lie down?" said Fanny, sitting on the side of the bed in Polly's room, and chattering hard while she examined everything her friend had on.

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"Not at all. I had a very pleasant time coming; and then, to change the conversation, she looked admiringly about the large, handsome room, and said, "How splendid it is! I never slept in a bed with curtains, or

had such a fine toilet table as this."

"I'm glad you like it; but don't, for mercy sake, say

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