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India, British, Public Instruction, 465.

Civil Service Appointments, 461, 609, 954. Individuality of a Child, 31, 49, 57.

Center of Educating Processes, 47.
Induction in Education, 53.
Industrial Schools, 908, 916, 954, 966.
Infancy, Mystery, 22, 39.
Infant Schools, 954, 966.

Beginnings in England, 897, 954.
Wilderspin's Labors, 898.

Influence, Power of, a Gift, 808, 878.
Responsibility for, 823.
Information and Discipline, 954.
Informer-College, 603.

Ingraham, Mariette and Emily, 95.
LeRoy Female Seminary, 95.
Inns or Taverns-Cambridge, 390.

Inner Being Field of Education, 54, 954.
Inspection, 687, 954.

Holland, 966.

Instruction, Cambridge, by University, 503. Colleges, 645.

Private Reading and Tutors, 645. Instruction, Educative, 56, 57, 954. Intellectual-Moral-Religious, 824. Institution, National-Barlow's Plan, 318. Intermediate Grade of Schools, 231, 687. International Criticism and Views. American and English, 437, 443. American and French, 151. American and German, 480.

German and English, 726.

German and American, 37, 61. International Exhibition, 1025.

Awards. Vienna-Medal of Merit, 1025. Paris-Gold and Silver Medals, 1026. International Series of Journal, i.

Contents of Numbers 1-12, v-xvi, 993.
Indexes Volumes I, II, III, 949-1008.
Interest, the Basis of Memory, 44, 954.
Motive to Study, 69.
Interrogation-Why? What? How? 84.
Intuition-Satisfactory, Pleasurable, 53. -
Invention and Construction, 41.
Iowa, Public Schools, 954.

Ipswich, England, Grammar School, 737.
Wolsey's Plan of Studies, 1528, 737.
Ipswich, Mass., Grammar School, 135.
Founders and Benefactors, 135.
Act of Incorporation, 140.

Teachers from 1650 to 1850, 137-142.

Compensation-Measure of Value, 142. Ireland, Superior Instruction, viii, 966. National Popular Education, viii, 954. National Schools, 910, 954.

Irish School-master-Hood, 833.

Convent Primary School, 919.

[ters, 841.

Irving, Washington-Portraits of School-mas-
Isolation as Punishment. 30.
Italy, Schools and Education, 954.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Kant, Education, Perfecting Human Nature, 23.
Keble College, Oxford, Annual Charges, 528.
Keep, and Keeping Acts, Halls etc., 100, 440, 525.
Kennedy, Dr, Meaning of Libera Schola, 739.
Kent, James, Real Wants few, 602.
Kirke, White, Monument to, 536.
Kentucky, 954, 967.


Professorship in Washington Lee College, Kinder-bewahranstelten, 36.

Kindergarten, Froebel's System, 33.

Payne's Outline and Development, 39.

Kindermann, School Reforms in Bohemia, 967.

King, Rufus, Pupil of Master Moody, 790, 807.
King's College, Cambridge, 518, 635.

King's College Chapel, Wordsworth, 434.
King's College, London, 558.

Kingsbury, John, 954.

Kinner, Dr. Cyprian, $59.

Comenius' School Endeavors, 859.

Elucidarium, or Commentary, 859.

Kinnersley, Ebenezer, Teacher in Phil., 157.
Kitchens, in College Domestic Economy, 526.
Kneipe, Beer Drinking, 967.

Knitting, Schedule for, in Primary Schools. 920.
Knowledge, as an Object in School-work, 726.
German and English View, 726.
Organized, or Science, 966.

Knowledge, Motives for Acquisition, 656.

Bacon-Glory of God and Good of Men, 656. Tait-Intellectual Power, 656.

Whewell-Intrinsic Value, 656.

Knox, John, Educational Plans, 967.

Krusi, H., Life and Views, 954.

Jacotot, 954.

Jevons-General and Special Purpose, 667.

[blocks in formation]

Komensky-Reformation of Schools, 859.

James I. College Life in his Reign, 120.

Krippen, Crèches, Kindergarten, 36.

Jansenius and Jansenism, 1, 5.

[blocks in formation]

James River Company-Washington's Stock,

Janes, William, Teacher in 1650, 287.

Janua Linguarum of Bateus, 859.

Comenius's Imitation, 859.

Janua Reserata, 859.

Plan of Annual Examinations, 614. Account of Cambridge Examinations, 1773, Jefferson, Thomas, Memoir and Work, xi, 966. Advice to Young Men, xi.

Democratic Views, 475.

University of Virginia, xi.

Reference, 967.

Laboulaye, E., Washington and Cæsar, 807 Lady Jane Grey, Education, 463.

Lady Margaret's Preacher, 371, 485.

Lagarde, Paul de, State and Education, 18.

Lamb, Charles, School Reminiscences, 954.
Lancelot, Port Royal Teacher, 5, 9.
Lancaster, Joseph, 954, 967.

Land Grants for Schools and Education, 305.
Ordinance of 1785, and 1787, 305, 309.
Mansfield-Experience of Ohio, 929.
Strong-Report of Committee in 1826, 939.
Table-Acres Appropriated, 946, 954.
Washington, to National University, 308.
Langdon, S., Donation to Yale College, 894.
Langenthal and Froebel, 35.
Languages, Foreign, Study, 455, 883.
Living and Deal, 252, 456, 688.
Semitic and Indian, 510.

Latin, 454, 464, 693, 719, 765, 954.

Value to English Students, 269, 455.

Greek, 332, 372, 455.

English in Indian Schools, 465. Latin Grammar-Colet's, 732.

Latin Language and Literature, 454, 463, 719.
Versification in, 967.

Latham, H., Action of Examinations, 609, 615.
Lathrop, D., Legacy to Yale College, 893.
Laurie, Inaugural Address, ix, 967.
Layng, Henry, The Rod-A Poem, 851.

Law, Faculty, Schools, Professors, 485, 494.
Tripos Examination, 509.
Modern Study, 561, 576, 967.
Lectures at Berlin, 921.

Learning-Complete and Liberal, 457.
Learning and Teaching, 79, 955.

Lebanon School, Conn., 793.

Master Tisdale and his Pupils, 794, 798. Lector and Sub-Lector at Christ College, 396. Lectures-University, xi, 636, 645, 967. Cursorie-Extraordinarie, 110. College-Number-Hours, 441, 529, 636. Intercollegiate, or Composition, 619. Lecture System of German Universities, 967. Le Dies, 11th of June, Barnaby Lectures, 113. Lee, Robert, Washington College, 317. Legal Profession, Preparation for, 561, 967. Rutledge, 561; Wirt, 563.

Legat, John, Early Teacher, 359.

Legislative Branch of University Gov't, 483.
Leibnitz and Newton, 402.

Leicester Academy-Studies-Methods, 798.
LeMaitre, Teacher in Port Royal School, 6.
Leipsic University-Professors-Students, 477.
School System, 688, 719.
Lent Term, Cambridge, 626, 636.

Standing in Quadragesima, 107.
LeRoy Female Seminary, 95.
Lesson-Plans-References, 688.

Letchworth, W. P., Dependent Children, 913.
Lewis, Addin, Legacy to Yale College, 894.
Lexington, Liberty Hall Academy, 3.

Washington Academy and College, 316.
Washington Lee College, 317.

Libera Schola, Shrewsbury-not Free, 739.
Liberty Hall Academy, 316.
Liberty of Development, 32.

Liberty of Teaching and Learning, 591, 670.
References, 688, 955, 967.

Life, Actual Experience of, 589.

School Preparation, English and German, 723. Libraries-The King's-Cambridge, 410, 48" Likes and Dislikes of Pupils, 57.

Influence of Teachers, 37.

Limits of Education-Rosenkranz, 31.

Objective-Subjective-Absolute, 32.

Little-Go, Cambridge Previous Exam., 504, 631.
Liveliness of Mauner, and Impressions, 58.
Living Teacher, and Printed Book, 581, 655, 668.
Locality, Influence, 423, 428, 482, 719.
Local Examinations-University, 495.
Fees-Candidates-Class-List, 496.
Organization, 955.

Locke, John, cited, 592, 855, 967. .
Expulsion from Oxford, 967.

Lockwood, S., Legacy to Yale College, 893.
Lodge, The Master's Residence, 440.
Lofft, Capel, Reminiscences of School, vii.
Lodgings, Choice of, 503, 967.
Logan, Senator, Bill for National Institution,
Logic, University Instruction, 110, 398, 967.
Logic-Port Royal Manual, 11, 110.
Ramus-Milton-Rutledge, 398, 566.
London University-University College, 353,
London, The University-Historical, 549.
Organization-Senate-Examiners, 554.
Colleges in Affiliation-Fees, 555.
London School Board, 955.

Londonderry, N. H., Public Schools, 357.
Long, Roger, Music Speech, 119.
Long Vacation, 541, 639.

Longs and Shorts, 447.

Lord's Day, Puritan Observance, 134, 303.
Lowe, Robert, 955.

Ludlow, Roger, Memoir, 169.

Luther, 20, 23, 720, 955.

Lycurgus, 955.

Lyon, Mary, 96, 955.

Lydgate, Confessions of a School-boy, 857.


M. A., Magister Artium, 108, 391, 494, 955.
Cambridge Requirements, 393, 491.
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Memoir, 449.
Academic Education, 451.

Athens, as a University Town, 460.
State and Education, 461.

Civil Service Appointments, 461, 471.
Public Instruction in India, 465,

Female Education in 16th Century, 463.
American Democracy, 475.

Macy, W. A., Legacy to Yale College, 894. Maclure, William, 953.

Madison, James, National University, 305.
Madras System, Dr. Bell, 967.

Magdalen College, Cambridge, 518
Magdalen College, Oxford, 967.

Maine Educational Institutions, 955, 967.
Man the Subject of Education, 27, 47.
Manciple, or Bursar, 528.

Mann, Horace, 688, 955, 967.

Manners and Good Breeding, 955, 967.
Manners and Discipline-College, 534.

Ordinance of Trinity College, 534.

Manning, James, 967.


Mansfield, E. D., U. S. Land Policy in Ohio, Mansfields-Teachers in New Haven, 298.

Jared-Teacher-Surveyor-Professor, 300. Marbeau, Founder of Crèches, 36. 955. Marcel, Method with Language, 955. Maria Theresa, Educational Reforms, 967. Manual Labor in Mechanical Arts Colleges, 338. References, 955.

Maps in Geography and History, 955. Marienthal, Froebel's Institute, 36.


Markers, in Hall and Chapel, Cambridge, 444,
Marks, in Examinations, 440, 630.
Martyn, Henry, Senior Wrangler, 621.

Macaulay-Necessities before Luxuries, 457. Marshall, Chief Justice, 567.

Duff, and others, 831, 955.

Linnaeus, American Botany, 872, 874.

Literature and Science, Washington, 306, 317. Literature, Schools and the Teacher in, 833. Literature of Education German, 22.

Barnard's Contributions to English, 681. Little Children. Special Institutions, 36, 955. Special Forces-Love and Example, 5, 66.

Character of Washington, 806.

Marsden, College-life at Cambridge, 120.
Maryland, Reference, 955, 967.
Massachusetts. Reference, 955, 967.
Masson, D., College-life of Milton, 386.
Master of Arts, 108, 116, 121.
Regent-Lectures by, 109.

The Great Commencement, 116, 121.

Master and Fellows-College, 440.

Mather, Cotton, Memoir, x, 967.

Trinity College Controversy, 411-20.

Mastery System, 955.

Essays to do Good, 967.

Mathematics as a Study, 453, 592, 659, 720.
References, 688, 955, 967.

Mathematics, for Examination Purposes, 659.
Mathematical Tripos, 609-664.

Historical Development, 615.

Remarkable Distinctions in, 472, 619.
Matriculation-Cambridge, 401, 502, 544.
London University, 548, 967.
Maturity Examination, German, 688.
Mayor, John, Cambridge in 1497, 320.
May, S. J., Memoir, 955.
May Term, 388, 499.

Examinations-Bristed, 625, 629, 376.
University Life-Cambridge, 536.
McCormick, C. H., Donation, 317.
McKean, J., Teacher and Professor, 141.
Mechanical Engineering, 344.
Mechanics' Institutes, 688, 955, 967.
Meals-College, Breakfast, 441, 448, 520.
Dinner, 443, 527, 529.

Medals and Prizes-Cambridge, 513, 634.
College Control, 517-519.

General Policy as a Motive, 267, 967.
Oxford, 967.

Medical Schools in London, 523.
Medicine, Early Course at Cambridge, 112, 1032.
Study-Examinations-Degrees, 494.
Inducements in 1877-Cost and Value, 521.
Programme of Lectures in Berlin, 922.
Faculty in Durham University School, 547.
Faculty in University College, London, 557.
Meikeljohn, Inaugural Discourse, ix, 967.
Melancthon, Philip, 376, 713, 720.
Membership, University, 487, 502, 625.
College, 499: Costume, 489.
Electoral Roll, 483.

Memory and Memorizing-Gibbon, 592.
Beneke, 50; Froebel, 44.
References, 689, 720, 955.
Mendicancy, 955, 968.

Mental Culture in Self-Education, 824.
Mental Philosophy and the Bible, 79.
Merchant Taylors' School, London, 741.

Probation, or Examination Scheme, 741.
Views of an Eminent Master in 1582, 743.
Merit-Marks-Book-work and Conduct, 740.
Arnold's Sixth Form, 740.
Mesmer, and Mesmerism, 153.
Method, DesCarte's Discourse on, 13.
Methods of Instruction, 689, 720, 955.


Natural, 883; Analytical, 110; Catechetical,
Dialectical, 110.

Mettray, Reform School, Reference, 955.
Michigan Educational Institutions, 955, 968.
Miami University, 935.

Middendorf and Froebel, 35.
Middle Class Schools, 968.
Michaelmas Term, 499.

Middleton, Conyers, and Dr. Bentley, 418.
Life of Cicero, 591.

Migration from College to College, 632.
Miller, Edmund, Antagonism to Bentley, 419.
Milwaukee Female College, 89, 91.
Milne, R. M., Trinity College Revisited, 435.
Military Academy, Washington, 307.
Schools and Education, 705, 955.
Milton, John, School and College-life, 385.
Realistic Studies - Trac. on Education, 383.
Mind, Reference, 953, 968.

Mind and Matter-Channing, 829, 955.

New Powers formed out of Activities, 51. Mining Engineering-Metallurgy, 344. Mining Schools, Reference, 695, 699, 70* Ministry of Education-State, 19, 689, Minnesota, 955.

Mirania, Plan of a College-Smith, 473.
Missouri Schools and Education, 955, 968.
Mixed Schools-Different Religions, 689, 914.
Both Sexes, 955.

Mississippi Educational Institutions, 955.
Model High Schools for Girls-Beecher 88.
Modern Languages and Literature, 456.
Repository of all Science, 457, 464.
Examination Purposes, 660.
Moderations-Examinations, 543, 617.
Moderators, 115, 484, 611, 643.
Master Regents, 115, 484.
Molina and Augustinus, 1.
Monasticism, 720, 955. 968.

Money, Franklin's Hints respecting, 810.
Allowance to Boys at School, 153.
Montem at Salt Hill-Eton, 752.
Montaigne, Reference, 955.

Moody, Samuel, Memoir, 785.

King, Parsons, and other Pupils, 791. Moor, Z. S., Teacher, President, 358.


Moore's Library, Gift of King to Cambridge,

Occasion for Epigram, 420.

Monitorial System, 70, 954, 968.

English Public Schools, 769, 774, 955.

German Schools, 720.

Moral Education, 955.

Morality and Religion in Instruction, 55, 955.
Moral Science Tripos, 461.

Moravians, Grant of Lands in Ohio, 931.
More, Sir Thomas, 371, 735.

Morrison, T., School Management, 956.
Morse, J., Geography-Abridgement, 799.
Mortimer, Mary, Milwaukee Female College, 96.
Moss, Joseph, Teacher, 298.

Mother Tongue, in British India Schools, 465.
English Language as the Foreign, 465.
References, 689, 720, 956.

Mother's Influence, 65; Agassiz, 882.
Motives to Study and Work, 689, 720, 956.
Bacon, 656.

Beecher-Interest in Practical Result, 69. Emerson-Address to Young Ladies, 270. Jevons-Immediate Practical Result, 665. Seeley-The Great Prizes of the Future, 655. Whewell-Full Understanding of it, 656. Muller, Max, 956.

[101. Mullingan, Ancient Constitution of Cambridge, Mulcaster, Richard, Skill in Books and Health, Elementary Study of English, 1582, 748. [742. Multum non Multa-Rule for Reading, 462. Munich, Schools and University, 689, 696, 720. Munson, Israel, Benefactor of Yale, 893. Museum of Art, 486, 703.

Muscum of Natural History, 486. Music in Ancient Education, 956. Music, Degrees in, 495.

Music in School-German, 689, 720.

Music Speech, at Commencement, 119.
Murdock, James, School-life, 300.

Nagle, Honora, 956.

Names-College, Cambridge, 517.

University Officers and Professors, 99, 485. Scholarships and Prizes, 511. Napoleon and Washington, 807, Nashua, N. H., Public Schools, 365. Nassau, Duchy of, 689.

Nations, Classification of Students, 709, 968. National Census, Statistics of Ignorance, 956. Nationalism, German Universities, 709. National Systems of Education, 673, 956, 1027. National Land Grants to Schools, 929, 946. National Popular Education Board, 96. National University, Efforts towards, 305. Constitutional Convention, 305. Washington's Official Recommendations, 306, Private Efforts-Bequest, 310, 312. Barlow's Plan-Logan's Bill, 318, 320. Sanction of Virginia-Each State Invoked,


[blocks in formation]

Needle Work-Schedule for Schools, 920.
References, 720, 956.

Neglect may result in Moral Deformity, 29.
Neglected Children-Policy of New York, 919.
Negro Schools, 956.

Neil, E. D., Virginia Company and Schools, 968.
Netherlands, 720, 968.

Newcastle, College of Science, 547.
Newchatel, Influence of Scenery on Agassiz,884.
New England, Free Schools, 127-144, 956.
Common Schools, 171; New Hampshire, 353.
Academies and their Masters, 785, 793, 798.
Female Seminaries, 65, 257, 877.
Town Grammar Schools, 127, 131.
School Books, 363, 799, 956.


Benefactors of Education, 125, 177, 364, 862, Teachers-Memoirs, 128, 137, 197, 297, 862. Inspection, 360.

Schools as they Were, 145, 958, 970. New and Old Studies Conflict, 1521, 370-84. New Haven-Town and Colony, 171, 275. [282. Fundamental Agreement-First Church, 277, Early Policy-Schools and Teachers, 286. Hopkins Bequest-Grammar School, 291. Rectors-Management-Fund, 297.

Yale College-Benefactors, 887.

Trinity Church Parish Home and School, 330. Sheffield Scientific Sch'l and its Founder, 337. New Hampshire, Public Instruction, 353, 956. Colonial and State Legislation, 353. Town Action-Examples, 357.

Social Libraries, 367-Benefactors, 361, 364.
Grammar Schools by Towns, 354, 357, 360, 367.
Not free, 360.

Common School-Legal Organization, 353.
Authorities-State, 355.

Town Committee, 360.
Districts-Classes-Grades, 354, 355, 358.
Schoolhouses, 357, 361.
Teachers, 357-366.

Institutes, 356; Normal School, 356.
Examination, 354; Itinerating, 365, 357.
Salaries, 358; Boarding round, 363.
Discipline, 359.

Studies, Books, Apparatus, 362, 363.
School Register, 365-Report to Town, 365.
Academies, High Schools, Grammar, 354, 355.
Literary Fund, 355, 356.

New Jersey, Schools and Education, 956, 968.
Newman, F. W., 720, 968.

New York, State and City, References, 956, 968.
Treatment of Neglected and Delinquent Chil-
dren, 913.
[ed, 913.
Orphans, Dea Mutes, Blind, Feeble-Mind-
Preventive and Industrial Schools, 916.
Hospitals for Children-Principles, 918.
Newton, Richard, Hart Hall, 968.
Newton, Sir Isaac, Memoir, 401, 419, 446.
Letter on Travel, 404.
Nicholson, Subscription to College in Virginia,
Nicole, Pierré-Port Royal Logic, 2.
Nicoll, John, and Westminster School-Gibbon,
Nightingale, Florence, 956.
Nobility and Public Instruction-England, 424.
Privileges as to Degrees, Costume, Commons,
10, 439, 496, 720.



Nobility of Science, and Duty Performed, 749. Non-Attendance at School-in Conn., 1650, 170. Provision in English Act of 1876, 906. [521. Non-College Students at Cambridge, 487, 500,

[blocks in formation]

Northrop, B. G., 956. Norway, 956.


Northwestern Territory, Ordinances of 1785–7,
Nott, Eliphalet, Coll. Administrator, 603.
Nottoway Estate, for Poor Scholars in Va., 875.
Notation, Improved System, Detrimental, 662.
Novel-Reading at Cambridge-Bristed, 632.
Noyes, Daniel, Teacher, 141.

Nuns and Catholic Sisterhoods, 956, 959.
Nuremberg, 720.

Oak Door-Sported, 444, 447.

Oath, Inceptors, 121; 39 Articles, 588.
Oxford Formula, 121.

Obedience, Filial, 170, 820, 968.
Oberlin, Practical Education, 956, 968.
Oberlin, Town and College, 950.

Object Lessons in Actual Rural Life, 257.
Obligatory and Optional, Studies, 452, 458.
School Attendance, 689, 901, 906.

Observer and Experimenter-Todhunter, 662.
Observation, Facilities for, 257, 956.

Fræbel's Gifts, designed to Cultivate, 42. Observatories, 956.

Occupation, or Trade, 968.

Ocean Hymn-Mrs. Willard, 880.
October Term, Cambridge, 499.

Observatory, Earliest at Cambridge, 411, 486.
National Recommended by J. Q. Adams, 984.
Officers, School, 956, 968.

Officers, University-Cambridge, 99, 483.
London-Senate-Examiners, 554.
Durham University, 545.

University College,-Kings, 557, 558.
Ohio, Education and Schools, 956, 968.

U. S. Land-grants for Education, 929, 946.
Original Titles to Land-Specific Titles, 930.
Grants for Purposes of Educa'n-Results, 932.
Public Schools, 932; Universities, 935.
Ohio University, Athens, 935.
Oldenberg-Public Instruction, 689.
Olmsted, Denison, 69, 211.
Olmsted, Hawley, Memoir, 302.

Old and New Studies-Conflict, 370, 956.
Oliver, Henry K., Schools as they were, vii, 956.
Opponencies-Opponent, 107, 113, 391, 611.
Optimes-Junior and Senior, 100, 493, 509, 625.
Option in Studies, 956.

Oral Examinations and Teaching, 665, 668.
Instructions, 509, 956, 968.
Oratory for the Lawyer, 561, 571, 968.
Orator, Public, Cambridge, 484.
Orbilius, 968.

Orbis Sensualium Pictus-Comenius, 659.
Hoole's English Edition, 660.
Ordinance of 1785 and 1787, 305, 929.
Ordinary and Extraordinary-Lectures, 112, 921.
Oriental Languages and Publications, 465, 470,
510, 968.

Original Research and Publications, 663, 968.
Defeated by Demands of the Tripos, 648.
Orphans, Institutions for in New York, 913-920.
Girard's College, 965, 968.

Teachers, German System, 690. Catholic Houses, 956, 968. Oswego Training School, 956. Otis, James, Benefactions, 230, 894. Otis Library, Norwich, 230. Out of School-Pupil, 690. [643, 664. Over-Stimulus of Competitive Examinations, Over-tasking the Faculties-Wolsey's, 738. Owen, J., and Owen's College, Manchester, 559. Benefactors-Pupils-Classes, 560. Owen, Robert, and Robert Dale, 956. Oxford University, Reference, 968.

Oxford and Cambridge-Compared, 542.
Objections to in 1826, by Macaulay, 451.
Examples of College Expenses, 528.

Pace, in Written Examinations, 621.
Packer, Mrs., and Institute, 957.
Pagan Views of Education, 969.
Page, D. P., 957.


Palfrey, J. G., Connecticut Constitution of 1639,
Palmer, Symbol of Grammar Master, 105, 122.
Paperwork, Examination, 626, 643.
Pardee, G., Early Teacher in New Haven, 297.
Parents, Duty to Educate their Children, 20, 690.
Enforced by Penalties in Germany, 20, 690.
Recognized in English Elementary Act, 901.
Early Law of Conn, and New Haven, 170, 174.
School Code of New Hampshire, 1827, 354.
References, 957.

Parish in School Organization, 690, 957.
Paris, Port Royal Schools, 5-13.
Paris Universal Exposition of 1878, 8.

Paris, University of, Reference, 710, 711.
Science and the Arts, 701.
Polytechnic School, 701.

Parochial Schools-Scotland, 957, 967.
Parr, Samuel, 957, 969.

Partridge, Alden, 957.

Pascal, Blaise, Memoir, 2.

Hand in Port Royal Logic, 3.


Condemnation of Hunting and other Sports, Pass and Class-Examinations, 473, 615, 969. Choice to be Made, 544.

Past Ages and Institutions-Influence, 58, 60.
Knowledge of through the Classics, 766.
Pathos in Discipline, 31.

Patronage of Cambridge, Church and School,486.
Pattons, The Misses, Girls' School, 215.
Paul's Accidence-Colet's Rudiments, 732.

Rules for Admission-Christian Man, 733.
Pavilliard, Gibbon's Tutor at Lausanne, 589.
Fay of Teachers and Professors, 142, 185, 455, 478.
Payne. Joseph, Froebel's Kindergarten, 39-44.
Payne, William and Robert, Ipswich, 135.
Payn, James, The Backs, 540."
Peabody, Elizabeth, 957.

Pecuniary Fines in College Discipline, 534.
Pedagogic Seminarium, 690, 871.

Pedagogics as a Science-Rosenkranz, 26.
Herbart, 47; Beneke, 49.

Pedagogy, Library of National-Barnard's, 957.
Contents of Different Treatises, 1027.

Index-see American, English, French,
German, Swiss Pedagogy.

Peers, Benjamin O., 969.

Pembroke College, Cambridge, 518, 907.

Penmanship, 690, 957, 969.

Pennalism, Deposition, 707.

Pensioner, Pay Student at Cambridge, 439.
Lesser-Greater, 387, 439, 487.
Pensions of Teachers, Reference, 690.
Pennsylvania Schools and Education, 957, 969.
Perfection in Educational Processes, 48.
Periodicals at Paris Universal Exposition, 1025.
Gold and Silver Medal to Barnard's Journal.
Pestalozzi Cited, 22, 957.

Influence on Fræbel and Herbart, 34, 35, 44.
Contents of Memoir and Books, 724.
Petrus Hispanus, Summulæ, 104.
Phædrus, Fables in Instruction, 579.
Phelps, A. Lincoln, 957. Phelps, W. F., 957.
Philadelphia Schools and Education, 957, 969.
Schools Prior to 1800, 157-162.
Vogel's Notice of Report of 1850, 37.

Deprecates Employ. Female Teachers, 38. Phillips Academy, Andover, Reference, 969 Exeter, 969.

Philbrick, John D., 957, 1024.

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Physical Stamina in English Students, 438, 474, Physical Science, Newcastle College, 547. [628. Physical Training and Sports, 819, 957, 969. Horace-Mulcaster-Locke, 745.

Physiology, Addison's Recognition, 1717, 817.
References, 956, 969.

Pictorial Illustration, 957.
Pileum and Pileati, 108, 124.
Pierce, Cyrus, 957.


Pierce, Sarah, at Litchfield, 68.
Pine Tree Money-Massachusetts,
Pietism of Semler in Frederick's Law, 19, 957.
Pindar, Cited by Gibbon, 595.
Plan of Studies in 1528, by Cardinal Wolsey, 737.
Plato, 957, 969.

Play-ground, Difficulties-Settlement, 267.
Play, Involuntary Activity, 27, 40, 957.

Importance to the Educator, 27, 40.

Plays, Organized in Froebel's System, 35, 41.
Pleasurable Stimulus to Study, 53.
Plucked in Examinations, 624, 625.
Plutarch, 956.


Pocket Money, 520; Turned to Good Account, Poetry, Study of, 721, 825, 827, 957.

Poetic Associations and Inspirations, 969.
Blackwood, 530; Faber, 482; Gray, 423;
Milne, 435; Milton, 370; Payn, 541;.
Tennyson, 436; Wharton, 435; Wordsworth,
430, 434, 845.

Poll, The, and Pollmen, Cambridge, 499, 653.
Previous Examination-Subsequent Studies,
Examinations for Honors, 505.
Polytechnic Schools, 957.
Pombal, Marquis, 957.

Poor of Cities-Provisions for, 231.


Poor Students, Pecuniary Help, 106, 369, 172. University Chest by Loan and Pledge, 106, 489. Manual Labor-Teaching in Winter, 261. Non-Collegiate System, 521.

Scholarships, Exhibitions, Sizarships, 521.
Pope, Alexander, Study of Words, 957.
Popes and University, 103, 709, 969.
Popular Education, in England, 957.
Penal Legislation, 957.
Port Royal des Champ, 6.
Port Royal, Messieurs du, 2.

Arnauld-Nicole-Pascal-de Sacy, 2.
St. Cyran-Guyot-Coustel, 7.
Port Royal Schools and School Books, 5.
Methods and Manuals, 7.

Pupils-Tillemont, Racine, 14.
How and Why Broken up, 4.

Porson Prize at Cambridge, 513.

Positions, Mulcaster's, Extracts, 743.

Porter, Noah, 244, 302.

Porten, Mrs. Catharine, 578.


Prize Essay on Common School Improvem't, Post and Posted, 630.

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