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for they winke when they pray, because they think themselves so perfect in the highe way to heaven, that they can find it blindfould: so doe not I.



Of their Policy in publik lustice.

Ow that I have anottomized, the two extreame parts of this Politique Commonwealth the head & the inferior members, I will shew you the hart & reade a short lecture over that too; which is Iustice,

I have a petition to exhibit to the highe & mighty Mr. Temperwell; and I have my choise whether I shall make my plaint in a case of conscience, or bring it with in the Compas of a point in law. And because I will goe the surest way to worke, at first, I will see how others are answered in the like kinde, whether it be with hab or nab, as the Iudge did the Countryman.

Here comes M. Hopewell: his petition is in a case of conscience (as hee sayes.) But see great Iosua allowes conscience to be of his side: yet cuts him off; with this answere; Law is flat against him. Well let me see another. I marry: Here comes one Master doubt not: his matter depends (I am sure) upon a point in Law: alas what will it not doe, looke ye it is affirmed that Law is on his side: but Conscience (like a blanket over) spreades it. This passage is like to the Procustes of Roome mee thinks: and therefore I may very well say of them.

Even so by racking out the joynts & chopping of the head, Procusles fitted all his guests unto his Iron bedd.

And if these speede no better, with whome they are freinds, that neither finde Law nor Conscience to helpe them: I doe not wonder to see mine Host of Ma-re-Mount speede so ill, that has bin proclaimed an enemy so many yeares in New Canaan to their Church and State.



How mine Host was put into a whales belly.

He Seperatists (after they had burned Ma-re-Mount, they could not get any shipp to undertake the carriage of mine Host from thence, either by faire meanes, or fowle,) they were inforced (contrary to their expectation) to be

troubled with his company and by that meanes had time to consider more of the man, then they had done of the matter: wherein at length it was discovered, that they by meanes of their credulity of the intelligence given them in England of the matter, and the false Carecter of the man) had runne themselves headlonge into an error: and had done that on a sodaine, which they repented at leasure: but could not tell which way to help it as it stood now. They could debate upon it; and especially upon two difficult points, whereof one must be concluded upon. If they sent mine Host a way by banishment, hee is in possibility to survive, to their disgrace for the injury done if they suffer him to stay, & put him in statu quo prius, all the vulgar people will conclude they have bin too rashe in burning a howse that was usefull, and count them men unadvised.

So that it seemes (by theire discourse about the matter) they stood betwixt Hawke and Bussard and could not tell which hand to incline unto. They had sounded him secretly: hee was content with it, goe which way it would. Nay shackles himselfe, (who was imployed in the burning of the howse, and therefore feared to be caught in England) and others were so forward in putting mine Host in statu quo prius, after they had found their error, (which was so apparent that Luceus eies would have served to have found it out in lesse time) that they would contribute 40. shillings a peece towards it; and affirmed, that every man according to his ability that had a hand in this black designe should be taxed to a Contribution in like nature: it would be done exactly.

Now (whiles this was in agitation, & was well urged by some of those partys, to have bin the up shot) unexpected (in the depth of winter, when all shipps were gone out of the land) In comes M. Wethercock a proper Mariner; and they said; he could observe the winde: blow it high, blow it low, hee was resolved to lye at hull rather than incounter such a storme as mine Host had met with: and this was a man for their turne.

Hee would doe any office for the brethren if they (who hee knew had a strong purse, and his conscience waited on the strings of it, if all the zeale hee had) would beare him out in it which they professed they would. Hee undertakes to ridd them of mine Host by one meanes or another. They gave him the best meanes they could, according to the present condition of the worke; and letters of credence to the favoures of that Sect in England; with which (his busines there being done, and his shipp cleared) hee hoyst the Sayles, and put to Sea: since which time mine Host has not troubled the brethren, but onely at the Counsell table: where now Sub indice lis est.


Of Sir Christopher Gardiner Knight, and how hee spedd amongst the Seperatists.


Ir Christopher Gardiner, (a Knight, that had bin a traveller, both by Sea and Land; a good judicious gentleman in the Mathematticke, and other Sciences usefull for Plantations Kimistry, &c. and also being a practicall Enginer) came into those parts, intending discovery.

But the Seperatists love not those good parts when they proceede from a carnall man (as they call every good Protestant,) in shorte time had found the meanes to pick a quarrell with him. The meanes is, that they pursue to obtaine what they aime at: the word is there the meanes.

So that when they finde any man like to proove an enemy to their Church, and state, then straight the meanes must be used for defence. The first precept in their Politiques is, to defame the man at whom they aime, and then hee is a holy Israelite in their opinions, who can spread that fame brodest, like butter upon a loafe: no matter how thin; it will serve for a vaile: and then this man (who they have thus depraved) is a spotted uncleane leaper: hee must out, least hee pollute the Land, and them that are cleane.

If this be one of their guifts, then Machevill had as good gifts as they. Let them raise a scandall on any, though never so innocent; yet they know it is never wiped cleane out the staind marks remaines: which hath bin well observed by one in these words of his :

Stick Candles gainst a Virgin walls white back:
If they'l not burne yet at the least they'l black.

And thus they dealt with Sir Christopher: and plotted by all the wayes, and meanes they could, to overthrow his undertakings in those parts.

And therefore I cannot chuse, but conclude, that these Seperatists have speciall gifts: for they are given to envy, and mallice extremely.

The knowledge of their defamacion could not please the gentleman well, when it came to his eare, which would cause him to make some reply, (as they supposed) to take exceptions at, as they did against Faire cloath: & this would be a meanes, they thought, to blow the coale, and so to kindle a brand that might fire him out of the Country too, and send him after mine Host of Ma-re-Mount.

They take occasion (some of them) to come to his howse when hee was gone up into the Country: and (finding hee was from home) so went to worke, that they left him neither howse nor habitation, nor servant, nor any thing to help him, if hee should retorne: but of that they had noe hope (as they gave it out) for hee was gone (as they affirmed) to leade a Salvage life; and for that cause tooke no company with him: and they, having considered of the matter, thought it not fit that any such man should live in so remoate a place, within the Compas of their patent. So they fired the place; and carried away the persons, and goods.

Sir Christopher was gone with a guide (a Salvage) into the inland parts for discovery: but, before hee was returned, hee met with a Salvage that told the guide, Sir Christopher would be killed Master Temperwell (who had now found out matter against him) would have him dead or alive. This hee related; and would have the gentleman not to goe to the place appinted, because of the danger, that was supposed.

But Sir Christopher was nothing dismaid; hee would on, whatsoever come of it; and so met with the Salvages: and betweene them was a terrible skermish: But they had the worst of it, and hee scaped well enough.

The guide was glad of it, and learned of his fellowes that they were promised a great reward, for what they should doe in this imployment.

Which thing (when Sir Christopher understood,) hee gave thanks to God; and after (upon this occasion, to sollace himselfe) in his table booke, hee composed this sonnet, which I have here inserted for a memoriall.



"Olfes in Sheeps clothing why will ye,
Think to deceave God that doth see,
Your simulated sartity.

For my part I doe wish you could,
Your owne infirmities behold,
For then you would not be so bold,
Like Sophists why will you dispute,
With wisdome so, you doe confute,
None but yourselves: for shame be mute.
Least great Iehovah with his powre,
Do come upon you in a howre,
When you least think and you devoure.

This Sonnet the Gentleman composed, as a testimony of his love towards them, that were so ill affected towards him; from whome they might have receaved much good, if they had bin so wise to have imbraced him in a loving fashion.

But they despise the helpe, that shall come from a carnall man (as they termed him) who (after his retorne from those designes) finding how they had used him with such disrespect, tooke shipping, and disposed of himselfe for England, and discovered their practises in those parts towards his Majesties true harted Subjects, which they made wery of their aboade in those parts.


Of mine Host of Ma-re-Mount how hee played Ionas after hee had bin in the Whales belly for a time.


Ine Host of Ma-re-Mount being put to Sea; had deliIvered him, for his releafe by the way, (because the shipp was unvitteled, and the Seamen put to straight allowance, which could hold out, but to the Canaries) a part of his owne provision, being two moneths proportion; in all but 3. small peeces of porke, which made him expect to be famished before the voyage should be ended, by all likelyhood. Yet hee thought hee would make one good meale, before hee died: like the Colony servant in Virginea, that before hee should goe to the gallowes called to his wife to set on the loblolly pot, and let him have one good meale before hee went; who had committed a petty crime, that in those dayes, was made a cappitall offence.

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And now mine Host being merrily disposed, on went the peeces of porke, where with hee feasted his body, and cherished the poore Sailers: and got out of them what Mr. Wethercock, their Master purposed to doe with him that hee had no more provision: & along they sailed from place to place, from Iland to Iland, in a pittifull wether beaten ship; where mine Host was in more dainger (without all question) then Ionas, when hee was in the Whales belly; and it was the great mercy of God that they had not all perished. Vittelled they were but for a moneth when they wayd Ancor, and left the first port.

They were a pray for the enemy for want of powther, if they had met them: besides the vessell was a very slugg, and

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