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and was gone to England of his owne accord, they dispatched letters of advise to an Agent they had there: and by the next shipp sent after, to have a snare made, that might hamper mine

lection made.

Host so, as hee might not any more trouble theire The generall col conscience: and to that end, made a generall collection of Beaver to defray the chardge, and hee was not thought a good Christian that would not lay much out for that imployment.

Some contributed three pounds; some foure, some five pounds, and procured a pretty quantity by that Devise, which should be given to a cunning man, that could make a snare to hamper him.

The Agent (according to his direction,) does his endeavoure (in the best manner hee could) to have this instrument made: and used no little diligence to have it effected. His reputation stood upon the taske imposed upon him against mine Host, the onely enemy (accounted) of their Church, and State.

Noe cost spared of a skillfull

for the getting


Much inquiry was made in London, and about, for a skillfull man that would worke the feate. Noe cost was spared, for gold hee had good store, first hee inquires of one: and then another: at the last hee heard newes of a very famous man, one that was excellent at making subtile instruments such as that age had never bin acquainted with.

Hee was well knowne to be the man, that had wit and wondrous skill, to make a cunning instrument, where with to save himselfe, and his whole family: if all the world besides should be drown'd; and this the best, yea and the best cheap too; for no good done, the man would nothing take.

To him this agent goes, and praies his aide: Declares his cause, & tells the substance of his greivance, all at large, and laid before his eies a heape of gold.

When all was shewd, that could be she'd, and The heape of gold. said what could be said, & all too little for to have it done; the agent then did see his gold refused, his cause despised & thought himselfe disgraced, to leave the worke undone: so that hee was much dismaid, yet importun'd the cunning, who found no reason to take the taske in hand.

Hee thought perhaps, mine Host (that had the slight to escape from the nine Worthies, to chaine Argus eies, and by inchauntment make the doores of the watch tower fly open at an instant) would not be hampered, but with much a doe: and so hee was unwilling to be troubled with that taske.

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The agent wondring to see that his gold would doe no good, did aske, the cunning man if bee could give him no advise?

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who said, hee would: and what was that thinke you? To let mine Host alone, who being ship'd againe for the parts of New Canaan, was put in at Plimmouth in faces of them, to their terrible amazement

Mine Hoost arrived again in Plimmouth.

the very to see him at liberty, and told him hee had not yet fully answered the matter, they could object against him. Hee onely made this modest reply, that hee did perceave they were willfull people, that would never be answered; and derided them for their practises and losse of laboure.


Of Captaine Littleworth his new devise for the purchase of Beaver.


N the meane time, whiles these former passages were: There was a great swelling fellow, of Littleworth, crept over to Salem (by the helpe of Master Char

ter party the Tresorer, and Master Ananias increase the Collector for the Company of Seperatists,) to take upon him their imployments for a time.

Charter party

Hee resolving to make hay, whiles the Sonne did shine, first pretended himselfe to be sent over as cheife Iustice of the Massachussets Bay, and Salem forsoth, and tooke unto him a councell & a worthy one no doubt; For the Cowkeeper of Salem, was a prime man in those imployments; and to ad a Majesty (as hee thought) to his new assumed dignity, hee caused the Patent of the Massachussets (new brought into the Land) to be carried where hee went in his progresse to and froe, as an embleme of his authority: which the vulger people not acquainted with, thought it to be some instrument of Musick locked up in that covered case, and thought (for so some said) this man of littleworth had bin a fidler, and the rather, because hee had put into the mouthes of poore silly things that were sent a longe with him, what skill hee had in Engines and in things of quaint devise: all which prooved in conclusion to be but impostury,

warrants made

by Capt. Little worth in his


This man thinking none so worthy as himselfe, tooke upon him infinitely: and made warrants in his owne name (without relation to his Majesties authority in that place,) and summoned a generall apparance, at the worshipfull towne of Salem: there is open assembly

was tendered certaine Articles, devised betweene him and their new Pastor Master Eager (that had renounced his old calling to the Ministry receaved in England, by warrant of Gods word and taken a new one there by their fantasticall way imposed and conferred upon him with some speciall guifts had out of Phaos boxe.)

To these Articles every Planter, old, and new, must signe : or be expelled from any manner of aboade within the Compas of the Land contained within that graunt then shewed: which was so large, it would suffice for Elbow roome, for more then were in all the Land by 700000. such an army might have planted them a Colony with that cirquit which hee challenged, and not contend for roome for their Cattell. But for all that, hee that should refuse to subscribe, must pack.

The tenor of the Articles were these: That in all causes as well Ecclesiasticall, as Politticall, wee should follow the rule of Gods word.

Mine Host subscribed not.

This made a shew of a good intent, and all the assembly (onely mine Host replyed) did subscribe: hee would not unlesse they would ad this Caution : So as nothing be done contrary, or repugnant to the Lawes of the Kingdome of England. These words hee knew, by former experience, were necessary, and without these, the same would proove a very mousetrapp to catch some body by his owne consent, (which the rest nothing suspected) for the construction of the worde would be made by them of the Seperation, to serve their owne turnes: and if any man should, in such a case be accused of a crime (though in it selfe it were petty) they might set it on the tenter hookes of their imaginary gifts and stretch it, to make it seeme cappitall; which was the reason why mine Host refused to subscribe.

The Patent.

It was then agreed upon, that there should be one generall trade used within that Patent (as hee said) and a generall stock: and every man to put in a parte: and every man, for his person, to have shares alike and for their stock according to the ratable proportion was put in: and this to continue for 12. moneths: and then to call an accompt.

All consented but my Host.

All were united but mine Host refused: two truckmasters were chosen ; wages prefixed; onely mine Host put in a Caviat, that the wages might be payed but of the cleare proffit, which there in black and white was plainely put downe.

But before the end of 6. moneths, the partners in this stock (handled by the Truckmasters) would have an accompt: some of them had perceaved that Wampambeacke could be pocket

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up, and the underlings (that went in the boats alonge) would be neere the Wiser for any thinge, but what was trucked for Beaver onely.


The accoumpt being made betweene Captaine Littleworth, and the two Truckmasters; it was found, that instead of increasing the proffit, they have decreased Instead of proffit it; for the principall stock, by this imployment, was freetted so, that there was a great hole to be seene in the very middle of it which cost the partners afterwards one hundred markes to stopp, and make good to Captaine Littleworth.

But mine Host that sturred not his foote at all for the matter, did not onely save his stock from such a Cancar, but gained sixe and seaven for one in the meane time, hee derided the Contributers for being catch'd in that snare.



Of a Sequestration made in New Canaan.

Aptaine Littleworth (that had an akeing tooth at mine Host of Ma-re-Mount,) devised how hee might put a trick upon him, by colour of a Sequestration, and got some persons to pretend that hee had corne, and other goods of theirs in possession; and the rather, because mine Host had store of corne; and hee had improvidently truckt his store, for the present gaine of Beaver: in so much that his people under his chardge were put to short allowance; which caused some of them to sicken with conceipt of such useage: and some of them (by the practise of the new entertained Doctor Noddy, with his Imaginary gifts: They sent therefore to exhibit a petition to grim Minos, Eacus, and Radamant: where they wished to have the author of their greife to be converted: and they had procured it quickly: if curses would have caused it for good prayers would be of no validity (as they supposed) in this extremity.

Now in this extremity Capt. Littleworth gave commission to such as hee had found ready for such imployments,

to enter in the howse at Ma-re-Mount, and with a

shallop, to bring from thence such corne, and other

Commission for


utensilles, as in their commission hee had specified. But mine Host, wary to prevent eminent mischeife, had conveyed his powther, and shott (and such other things as stood him in most steed for his present condition) into the woods for safety: &

whiles this was put in practise by him, the shallop was landed, and the Commissioners entred the howse; and willfully bent against mine honest Host, that loved good hospitality. After they had feasted their bodies with that they found goods carried there, they carried all his corne away, with some other of his goods, contrary to the Lawes of hospitality a smale parcell of refuse corne onely excepted, which they left mine Host to keepe Christmas with.

Mine Hosts corne

away by violence.

But when they were gone, mine Host, fell to make use of his gunne, (as one that had a good faculty in the use of that instrument) and feasted his body neverthelesse with fowle, and venison, which hee purchased with the helpe of that instrument: the plenty of the Country, and the commodiousnes of the place affording meanes by the blessing of God; and hee did but deride Captaine Littleworth, that made his servants snap shorte in a Country so much abounding with plenty of foode for an industrious man, with great variety.


Of a great Bonfire made for ioy of the arrivall of great Iosua surnamed Temperwell into the Land of Ca



Eaven shipps set forth at once, and altogether arrived in the Land of Canaan, to take a full possession thereof: What are all the 12. Tribes of new Israell come: No, none but the tribe of Issacar; and some few scattered Levites - of the remnant of those that were descended of old Elies howse. And here comes their Iosua too among them and they make it a more miraculous thing for these seaven shipps to set forth together, and arrive at New Canaan together, then it was for the Israelites to goe over lordan drishod:, perhaps it was, because they had a wall on the right hand and a wall on the left hand.

These Seperatists suppose there was no more difficulty in the matter, then for a man to finde the way to the Counter at noone dayes, betweene a Sergeant and his yeoman: Now you may thinke mine Host will be hamperd or never.

Men that come to rid the land

of pollution.

heap of gold.

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These are the men that come prepared to ridd the Land, of all pollution. These are more subtile, then the Cunning, that did refuse a goodly These men have brought a very snare indeed;

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