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wards and forwards; and some thousand weight of skins are vended at Savannah, and many thousand more would be, if sufficient ware-houses were once established there, with trading goods. I must beg leave to mention the speech of Redshoes, a Chief of the Choctaw Nation, July the first, 1734, “We come a great way, and are a great nation; the people of Carolina have endeavoured to bring us down, but we were never down before. The French are building forts about us, which we don't like; we want to know who we might depend on, we have long traded with the French, but they are poor in goods, and we desire that a Trade may be opened between us and you." Since which we have traded with 10 towns, but want goods to supply them. There are several fine harbours all along the coast, capable of receiving his Majesty's fleets; and as in 24 hours they can sail from thence into the Gulph Stream, where the Spanish vessels return from New Spain to Europe, they are of the greatest consequence to Great Britain.

During my residence there, which was upwards of seven years, many ships put into the harbours by distress, especially from the bay of Honduras and the Spanish Coast. As I am not particularly acquainted with the other towns I shall forbear to describe them. Thus much may suffice, to show the consequence of this country to England, and to silence the idle talk of people, who have had no experience there, which prompted me to publish this relation thereof.

I arrived here in June last, and petitioned soon after for a grant of lands, which I have obtained, and am going there again in order to spend the remainder of my life.




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