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HOPEFVL CHARLES, Prince of Great Britaine.


O fauourable was your most renowned and memorable Brother, Prince Henry, to all generous designes; that in my discouery of Virginia, I presumed to call two namelesse Headlands after my Soueraignes heires, Cape Henry and Cape Charles. Since then, it beeing my chance to range some other parts of America, whereof I heere present your Highness the description in a Map; my humble sure is, you would please to change their Barbarous names, for such English, as Posterity may say, Prince Charles was their Godfather. What here in this relation I promise my Countrey, let mee liue or die the slaue of scorne and infamy, if (hauing meanes) I make it not apparent; please God to blesse me but from such accidents as are beyond my power and reason to preuent. For my labours, I desire but such conditions as were promised me out of the gaines; and that your Highnesse would daigne to grace this Work,

by your Princely and fauourable res

pect vnto it, and know mee to be

Your Highness true

and faithful seruant,

John Smith.

TO THE RIGHT HONOURable and worthy Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen, of his Maiesties Councell, for all Plantations and discoueries; especially, of New England.

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Eeing the deedes of the most iust, and the writings of the most wise, not onely of men, but of God himselfe, haue beene diuersly traduced by variable iudgments of the Times opinionists; what shall such an ignorant as I expect? Yet reposing myselfe on your fauours, I present this rude discourse, to the worldes construction; though I am perswaded, that few do think there may be had from New England Staple commodities, well worth 3 or 400000 pound a yeare, with so small charge, and such facilitie, as this discourse will acquaint you. But, lest your Honours, that know mee not, should thinke goe by hearesay or affections; I intreat your pardons to say thus much of myselfe: Neere twice nine yeares, I haue beene taught by lamentable experience, as well in Europe and Asia, as Affrick and America, such honest aduentures as the chance of warre doth cast vpon poor souldiers. So that, if I bee not able to judge of what I haue seene, contriued, and done; it is not the fault either of my eyes, or foure quarters. And these nine yeares, I haue bent my endeauours to finde a sure foundation to begin these ensuing proiects: which though I neuer so plainely and seriously propound; yet it resteth in God, and you, still to dispose of. Not doubting but your goodnesse will pardon my rudenesse, and ponder errours in the balance of good will; No more but sacring all my best abilities to the good of my Prince, and Countrey, and submitting my selfe to the exquisit iudge

ments of your renowned vertue,

I euer rest

Your Houours, in

all honest seruice, I. S.

To the right Worshipfull Aduenturers for the Countrey of New England, in the Cities of London, Bristow, Exceter, Plymouth, -Dartmouth, Bastable, Totneys, &c. and in all other Cities and Ports, in the

Kingdome of England.

F the little Ant, and the sillie Bee seek by their diligence the good of their Commonwealth; much more ought Man.


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If they punish the drones and sting them steales their labour; then blame not Man. Little hony hath that hiue, where there are more Drones then Bees: and miserable is that Land, where more are idle then well imployed. If the indeaucurs of those vermin be acceptable, I hope mine may be excuscable; Though I confesse it were more proper for mee, To be doing what I say, then writing what I knowe. Had I returned rich, I could not haue erred: Now hauing onely such fish as came to my net, I must be taxed. But, I would my taxers were as ready to adventure their purses, as I, purse, life, and all I haue: or as diligent to furnish the charge, as I know they are vigilant to crop the fruits of my labours. Then would I not doubt (did God please I might safely arriue in New England, and safely returne) but to performe somewhat more then I haue promised, and approue my words by deeds, according to proportion.


I am not the first hath beene betrayed by Pirats: And foure men of warre, prouided as they were, had beene sufficient to haue taken Sampson, Hercules, and Alexander the great, no other furnisht then I was. I knowe not what assurance any haue do passe the Seas, Not to be subiect to casualty as well as my selfe but least this disaster may hinder my proceedings, or ill will (by rumour) the behoofefull worke I pretend; I haue writ this little: which I did think to haue concealed from any publike vse, till I had made my returnes speake as much, as my pen now doth.

But because I speak so much of fishing, if any take mee for such a deuote fisher, as I dreame of nought else, they mistake mee. I know a ring of golde from a graine of barley, as well

as a goldesmith: and nothing is there to bee had which fishing doth hinder, but furder vs to obtaine. Now for that I haue made knowne vnto you a fit place for plantation, limited within the bounds of your Patent and Commission; hauing also receiued meanes, power, and authority by your directions to plant there a Colony, and make further search and discouery in those parts there yet vnknowne: Considering, withall, first those of his Maiesties Councell, then those Cities aboue named, and diuerse others that haue beene moued to lend their assistance to so great a work, do expect (especially the aduenturers) the true relation or euent of my proceedings which I heare are so abused; I am inforced for all these respects, rather to expose my imbecillitie to contempt, by the testimonie of these rude lines then all should condemne me for so bad a


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In the deserued Honour of the Author, Captaine lohn

Smith, and his Worke.

DAnn'd Enuie is a sprite, that euer haunts
Beasts, mis-nam'd men; Cowards, or Ignorants.
But, onely such shee followes, whose deere WORTH
(Maugre her malice) sets their glorie forth.

If this faire Ouerture, then, take not; It

Is Enuie's spight (dear friend) in men-of-wit;
Or Feare, lest morsels, which our mouthes possesse,
Might fall from thence; or else, tis Scottishnesse.
If either; (I hope neither) thee they raise;
Thy Letters are as Letters in thy praise;
Who, by their vice, improue (when they reprooue)
Thy vertue; so, in hate, procure thee Loue.
Then, On firme Worth: this Monument I frame;
Scorning for any Smith to forge such fame.

* Hinderers.

lo: Dauies, Heref:

To his worthy Captaine the Author.

That which wee call the subiect of all Storie,

Is Truth: which in this Worke of thine giues glorie.

To all that thou hast done. Then, scorne the spight.

Of Enuie; which doth no mans merits right.

My sword may help the rest: my Pen no more
Can doe, but this; l'aue said enough before.

Your sometime souldier,

J. Codrinton, now Templer.

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