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£1200 granted

to make good the

like fum advanc

ed in purfuance

of an addrefs of


After ift day of

April next, Go

vernor empower⚫

ed to apply and

appropriate 1 2001. per annum


wards the relief of infane perfons


of Intellect, be incapable of earning their fubfiftance, and towards the maintenance of fuch new born Infants, as may be inhumanly expofed and deferted, and require protection; as alfo, towards the relief of fick and infirm perfons and towards the aid and fupport of fuch Religious Communities as receive and adminifter relief to perfons of the above defcristions. And Whereas this Houfe did promife to make good the fame. Be it therefore enacted, by the King's Moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the advice, and confent of the Legiflative Council and Affembly of the Province of Lower Canada, conftituted and affembled by virtue of, and under the authority of an Act paffed in the Parliament of Great Britain, intituled, "An Act to re. "peal certain parts of an A&t paffed in the fourteenth year of His Majefly's reign," intituled, "An Act for making more effectual provifion for the Government of the Province "of Quebec in North America, and to make further provifion for the Government of the "said Province," and it is hereby enacted by the authority aforesaid, that out of any of the unappropriated monies in the hands of the Receiver General of this Province, there fhall be iffued and applied a Sum, not exceeding twelve hundred pounds, current money of this Province, to make good the fum or Sums, which may have been iffued and paid in purfuance of the aforefaid Address of the House of Affembly.

II. And Whereas it is highly expedient, to provide for the relief of Infane Perfons and the fupport of Foundlings. Be it further enacted by the authority a forefaid, that from and after the first day of April next, it fhall and may be lawful, to and for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Person adminiftering the Government of this Province, for the time being, out of any unappropriated monies in the hands or which may come into the hands of the Receiver General of this Province, arifing under all or any of the Acts of the Provincial Parliament, to apply and ap propriate a fum, not exceeding twelve hundred Pounds, per annum, towards the relief and fupport of fuch unfortunate perfons as may, from derangement of Intellect, be incapable of earning their fuftenance, and towards the maintenance of such new born Infants, as may be inhumanly expofed or deferted, and require protec tion; as alfo, towards the relief of fick and infirm Perfons, and towards the aid and fupport of fuch Religious Communities as receive and administer relief to perfons of the above descriptions; and the fum hereby appropriated, fhall be applied in fuch manner, and under fuch regulations, as the Governor, Lieutenant Governor or Continuance of Perfon adminiftering the Government, fhall judge molt expedient for promoting the ends of this A&t. Provided always, that the prefent Act fhall continue and remain in force, until the firft of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eleven, and no longer..

this Act.


may bind out Foundlings as ape


III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that it shall be lawful for the Commiffioners who may be appointed for carrying this A&t into execution, or any two of them, whenever any fuch Foundings fhall, in the judgement of faid Commiffioners, have attained a proper age, to bind them out, Apprentices, or from


du que

et pour le foutien des enfans nouveaux nés qui peuvent être inhumainement expo-
fés ou abandonnés, et requierent protection, ainsi que pour le foulagement des
perfonnes malades et infirmes, et pour l'aide et fupport des Communautés Religieu-
Tes qui reçoivent et fcourent les perfonnes des defcriptions ci-deffus; Et atten-
cette Chambre s'eft obligée d'y pourvoir: Qu'il foit
d'y pourvoir: Qu'il foit donc ftatué
par la très Excellente Majefté du Roi, par et de l'avis et confentement du
Confeil Législatif, et de l'Affemblée de la Province du. Bas-Canada, conftitués et
affemblés en vertu et fous l'autorité d'un Acte paffé dans le Parlement de la Grande
Bretagne, intitulé, "A&te qui rappelle certaines parties d'on Acte paffé dans la
❝ torzième année du Règne de Sa Majefté, intitulé, "Acte qui pourvoit plus efficace-
"ment pour le Gouvernement de la Province de Québec, dans l'Amérique Septentrionale;"
"Et qui pourvoit plus amplement pour le Gouvernement de la dite Province;"
Et il eft par le préfent ftatué par l'autorité fufdite, que fur les argents non appropriés
entre les mains du Receveur Général de cette Province, il fera accordé et appliqué
une fomme n'excédant point douze Cents Livres, argent courant de cette Province,
pour rembourfer la fomme ou les fommes qui pourront avoir été accordées et pa-
yées en conformité de la fufdite Adreffe de la Chambre d'Assemblée.



II. Et vu qu'il eft très expédient de pourvoir au foulagement des perfonnes dérangées dans leur efprit, et au foutien des Enfans abandonnés: Qu'il foit de plus ftatué par l'autorité fufdite, que, depuis et après le premier jour d'Avril prochain, il fera et pourra être loifible au Gouverneur, Lieutenant Gouverneur ou à la Perfonne ayant l'Administration du Gouvernement de cette Province, pour le tems d'alors, d'appliquer et employer, fur les argents non appropriés qui font actuellement ou pourront venir entre les mains du Receveur Général de cette Province, provenant de tous ou de quelqu'un des Actes du Parlement Provincial, une fomme n'excédant point douze cents Livres par année, pour le foulagement et le foutien de ces perfonnes infortunées, qui, par un dérangement d'efprit, font incapables de pourvoir à leur fubftance, et pour le foutien de ces enfans nouveaux nés qui peuvent être inhumainement expolés ou abandonnés, et qui requierent protection, ainfi que pour le foulagement des perfonnes malades et infirmes, et pour l'aide et fupport de ces Communautés Religieufes qui reçoivent et fecourent les perfonnes des defcriptions ci-delius, et la fomme appropriée par le préfent Acte, fera employée de la manière, et fous tels réglements que le Gouverneur, Lieutenant Gouverneur ou la perlonne ayant l'adminiftration du Gouvernement de cette Province, le Jugera le plus avantageux, afin de promouvoir les fins de cet Acte. Pourvu toujours, que le préfent Acte continuera et fera en force jufqu'au premier jour d'Avril, dans l'année de notre Seigneur, mil huit cent onze, et pas plus longtems.

III. Et qu'il foit de plus ftatué par l'autorité fufdite, qu'il fera loifible aux Commillaires qui pourront être nommés pour mettre cet Acte en exécution, ou à deux d'entre eux, toute fois qu'au jugement des dits Commiffaires, tels enfans trouvés leront arrivés à un âge convenable, de les engager comme apprentifs, ou de is

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Durée de cet . A&c.

Les Commiffai

res pourront engager tels enfans trouvés comme apprentifs,

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time to time to place them out, with fuch perfon or perfons, and on fuch terms and conditions, as to fuch Commiffioners or any two of them, fhall be confidered fit. Such term of a Provided always, that the term of any fuch Apprenticeship, or of fuch placing out, exceed the age of fhall not, in any cafe, exceed the age of twenty one years.

31 years.



AN ACT to authorife Euftache Nicolas Lambert Dumont, Efquire, to erect a Toll Bridge over the River Outaouais.

(14th April, 1808.)

WHEREAS the erection of a fafe and convenient Bridge over that part of the

River Outaouais, otherwife des Prairies, which feparates the Ifland of Montreal from the Ifle Jefus, in the County of Effingham, in the Parish of Saint Mar /tin, would be advantageous for the intercourfe of the Inhabitants of the neighbouring Parishes, and of the Public in general. And Whereas Euftache Nicolas Lambert Dumont, of the river Duchêne, in the faid County of Effingham, Efquire, hath, by his Petition to this effect, prayed for leave to erect a Toll Bridge, over that part of the faid river Outaouais, otherwife des Prairies, from the place commonly called l'Abord des Ploufs, in the Island of Montreal, to the Parish of Saint Martin, in the faid Ifle Jefus, in the narroweft part of the faid river Outaouais, or des Prairies, whereby there will be at all times a fafe and commodious intercourie between the faid Ifland of Montreal and the Ifle Jefus: May it therefore please Your Majesty, that it may be enacted, and be it enacted, by the King's Moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the Legislative Counci! and Affembly of the Province of Lower Canada, conftituted and affembled by virtue of, and under the authority of an Act paffed in the Parliament of Great Britain, intituled, " An Act to repeal "certain parts of an Act paffed in the fourteenth year of His Majefty's reign," intituled, "An Act for making more effectual provifion for the Government of the "Province of Quebec, in North America" and to make further provifion for the Go"vernment of the faid Province," And it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame, that it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Euftache Nicolas Lambert Dumont, from and he is hereby authorifed, to erect and build a good and fubftantial Bridge, at his own cofts and charges, over the faid River Outaouais or des Prairies, from the bank or shore of the Parish of Saint Martin, in the Ifle Jefus, to the oppofite fide in the Island of Montreal, at fuch place or places as the faid Euftache Nicolas Lambert Dumont fhall find most fuitable and beft adapted to this object; and to erect and build one or two Toll Houfes and one or two Turnpikes, with other dependencies, upon or near the faid Bridge; and alfo to do, perform aud execute all other matters and things, requifite, neceflary, ufeful and convenient for erecting, building, maintaining and upholding the said intended Bridge, Toil Houses, Turnpikes and other dependencies

Euftache Nicolas Lambert Dumont authorised to

build a Bridge

over the River

Outaouais from the Ifle of Jefus

to the 1fland of



placer, de tems à autre, chez telle perfonne ou perfonnes, et à tels termes et condi
tions que tels Commiffaires, ou deux d'entre eux, le jugeront à propos.
toujours, que le terme de tout tel apprentiffage ou de tel engagement ne pourra ex-
céder, en aucun cas, l'âge de vingt et un ans.


ACTE qui autorife Euftache Nicolas Lambert Du nont, Ecuyer, à éirger un
Pont de Péage fur la Rivière des Outaouais.

(14me. Avril, 1808.)

COMME l'édification d'un Pont fûr et convenable fur cette partie de la Riviere


des Outaouais ou des Prairies, qui fépare l'Ile de Montréal de l'Ile Jéfus, dans le Comté d'r ffingham, Paroiffe de Saint Martin, feroit avantageufe pour la commu nication des habitans des Paroiffes voifines et du public en général; Et attendu que Euftache Nicolas Lambert Dumont, de la Rivière du Chefne dans le Comté d'Effingham, Ecuyer, a, par fa pétition à cet effet, demandé permiffion de construire un Pont de péage fur cette partie de la Rivière des Outaouais ou des Prairies, à prendre depuis l'endroit communément appellé l'abord des Ploufs, dans l'Ifle de Montréal, jufqu'à la Paroiffe de Saint Martin, dans la dite Ifle Jéfus, dans la partie la plus étroite de la dite rivière des Outaouais ou des Prairies, au moyen duquel il pourra y avoir, en tout tems, une communication fure et com-. mode depuis la dite Ifle de Montréal jufqu'à la dite Ifle Jéfus: Qu'il plaife: donc à Votre Majefté qu'il puiffe être ftatué, et qu'il fort ftatué par la très Excel-. Jente Majefté du Roi, par et de l'avis et confentement du Confeil Législatif et de: l'Affemblée de la Province du Bas-Canada, conftitués et affemblés en vertu et lous. l'autorité d'un Acte paffé dans le Parlement de la Grande Bretagne, intitulé," Acte "qui rappelle certaines parties d'un Acte paffé dans la quatorzieme année du Rè-. gne e Sa Majesté, intitulé, "Alte qui pourvoit plus efficacement pour le Gouverne.. ment de la Province de Québec, dans l'Amérique Septentrionale," Et qui pourvoit "plus amplement pour le Gouvernement de la dite Province;" Et il eft par le préfent ftatué par l'autorité fufdite, qu'il fera loisible au dit Eustache Nicolas Lambert Dumont, et il eft par le préfent autorifé à pouvoir conftruire et bâtir, à fes propres frais et dépens, un Pont folide et fuffifant fur la dite Rivière des Outaouais, autrement des Prairies, depuis la Rive ou le bord de la dite Rivière dans la Paroiffe Saint Martin, dans l'Ifle Jéfus, jufqu'à la rive vis-à-vis de l'Ifle de Montréal, à telle place et places que le dit Eustache Nicolas Lambert Dumont trouvera les plus conve nables et les plus propices à cet objet, et d'ériger et conftruire une ou deux Maisons de péage, et une ou deux Barrières avec d'autres dépendances fur ou près du dit Pont, comme auffi de faire et exécuter toutes autres matières et chofes requifes et. néceffaires, utiles ou commodes pour ériger et conftruire, entretenir et foutenir le dit Pont projetté, Maifon de péage, Barrières et autres dépendances, fuivant la te

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An opening of 80 feet in width

to be left between the pillars of the

Bridge for the paflage of Rafts.

fuch Rafts to give

notice to the Toll intentions to pafs

Gatherer of their

thro' the fame. Not more than

two Cribs to pals

at the fame time.

In default of

fuch notice, Pro prietors of Rafts liable to make

good the damage.

(Grand Voyer

or his Deputy of the District of

Montreal authorifed

to change the direction of

the King's Highway.

dependencies fo intended to be made, agreeably to the tenor and meaning of this Act: And further, in order to enable the faid Euftache Nicolas Lambert Dumont to build, erect, fupport and maintain the faid Bridge, he the faid Euftache Nicolas Lambert Dumont, his Heirs, Executors, Curators and Affigns, fhall have fuil power and a thority, from time to time, to take and ufe the Land on either fide of the faid River and there to work or caufe the materials and other things neceffary for the erecting, building or repairing the faid Bridge to be wrought, and in confequence, the faid Euftache Nicolas Lambert Dumont, his Heirs, Executors, Curators or Affigns, or the perfons by him or them employed, fhall caufe as little damage as poffible, and fhall make a juft and reasonable compenfation to the refpective Proprietors or Occupiers of all fuch Lands, which may be charged, damaged and made use of for the purpose of erecting the faid Bridge; and in cafe of difference or difpute, about the amount of fuch compenfation, the fame fhall be fixed by His Majefty's Court of King's Bench for the Diftrict of Montreal, after a previous furvey and eftimation of fuch places, fhall have been made by Experts to be named by the par. ties respectively; and in default of fuch nomination by them, or either of them, then by the faid Court in manner and form prescribed by Law for the nomination of Experts, in Civil causes; and the faid Court is by these presen's authorised to hear, fettle and finally determine the amount of fuch compenfation accordingly.

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II, And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that in erecting the faid Bridge, there fhall be left an opening, between the Pillars thereof, of at least eighty feet in width, at the deepest part of the River, fo that Rafts floating down the fame may meet with no kind of obstruction; and it fhall be the duty of the Proprietors or Conductors of every fuch Raft to give two hours previous notice to the Toli Gatherer, or perfon having charge of the faid Bridge, of his or their intention to pass through the fame with fuch Raft. Provided always, that no more than two Cribs fhall pass at the fame time, and all damage caused by any fuch Raft as may come upon or against the said Bridge, without fuch notice as aforefaid having been given, or containing more than two Cribs, fhall be made good by the Proprietor of fuch Raft to the said Euftache Nicolas Lambert Dumont, His Heirs, Executors, Curators or Affigns, and shall be recoverable by fuit at Law, in any Court of Record, taking Cognizance of caules to the like amount.

III. And whereas it may be neceffary for the purpose of effecting a communication with the faid Bridge, to change the direction of the King's Highway, in the vici nity thereof, or to open a new highway or highways: Be it farther enacted by the authority aforelaid, that it fhall be lawful for the Grand Voyer of the District of Montreal, or his Deputy, to fend an order to the Surveyor of Highways, in every Parish through which the faid King's Highway or Highways may país, to be by him read and published in the ufual manner, at the Church door of every fuch Parish, in which order, the faid Grand Voyer or his Deputy fhall require all perfons interested in the faid King's Highway or Highways, to meet on the day and at the hour and place

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