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Black, Charles Jourdain, William Jaques, James Orkney, François Huot, Jacob Danford, Alexander Spark, Xavier Lanaudiere, Lanaudiere Baby, John Jones of Bandon Lodge, John Hale, Thomas Place, Henry Usborne, John Coffin the younger, John Dapwell Hamilton, William Hullet, Alexander Skakel, by their humble Petition have reprefented, that they have become Subscribers to and have affociated for the purpose of eftablishing in the City of Quebec, an Hotel, Coffee House and Affembly Room, and that each of the faid Subfcribers has undertaken and agreed to furnish and pay the fum of twenty five Pounds currency, for each, fhare which fuch fubfcriber fhall hold in the faid undertaking, and have fubfcribed together, the fum of five thoufand Pounds currency, and therefore have further prayed, that for promoting the object of fuch affociation, as aforefaid, they the Subfcribers and their affigns may be incorporated on principles as nearly correfpondent with their original affociation as may be; Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the Legislative Council and Affembly of the Province of Lower Canada conftituted and affembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act paffed in the Parliament of Great Britain, intituled, "An Act to "repeal certain parts of an A&t paffed in the fourteenth year of his Majesty's Reign, intituled, “An A&t for making more effectual provifion for the Government "of the Province of Quebec in North America," and to make further provifion for Proprietor's na the Government of the faid Province;" And it is hereby enacted by the authority aforefaid, that the faid Jean Antoine Panet, Angus Shaw, John Blackwood, John Painter, Jean Thomas Tafchereau, James Irvine, John Taylor, John Coltman, John Paterfon, John Munro, John Mac Nider, George Symes, Benjamin Tremain, Francis Hunter, Frederick Grant, Jofeph Planté, James Rofs, Auguftin Germain, Andrew Cameron, James Ward, Louis Levésque, William Hall, Daniel Frafer, Francis Duval theyounger, William Hunter, Edward Cannon, James Edie, James Gray, Jofeph Bou chette, Benjamin Jofeph Frobisher, Adam Lymburner, James Black, Treadway Thomas Odber, Robert Sturch, John Campbell, James Mitchell, Marianne de Lanaudiere, John Young, Jonathan Sewell, Mary Elmfley, James Stuart, John Craigie, John Mure, Felix Têtu, John Jones, William Edward Hoffack, William Burns, David Munro, Thomas Scott, Charles Gray Stewart, John William Woolfey, John Rofs the younger, John Chillas, Jofeph Jones, Thomas White, James McCallum, John Neilfon, Samuel Phillips, Chriftina Latitia Longmore, George Longmore, James Ker, Hutchifon Lynd, Jofeph Stilfon, Jofeph François Perrault, Phebe Froft, Edward Bowen, George Pyke, Alexis Carron, John Conrad Juft, John Reinhart, Jonathan Eckart, William Holmes, François Xavier Durette, Louis Marchand, Robert Lefter, Robert Morrogh, Henry Caldwell, John Caldwell, Alexander Munn, Peter Brehaut, James Mafon Godard, Keable Sarjeant, Louis Delamare, Claude Dénéchau, Ralph Gray, Robert Woolfey, Jofeph Levaffeur Borgia, Pierre Bedard, John Robinfon, Anthony Anderfon, James Voyer, Gabriel Elzéard Tafchereau, William Grant, Charles William Grant, John Stewart, George Hamilton, Anthony Vanfelfon, Thomas Allifon, Gilbert Ainflie, Olivier Perrault, Charlotte Ryland, Louis Jofeph Fleury De Chambault, Pierre Edouard Defbarats, George Herriot, Henry Black, Charles Jourdain, William Jaques, James Orkney, François Huot, Jacob Danford, Alexander Spark, Xavier Lanaudiere, Lanaudiere Baby, John Jones of Bandon Lodge, John Hale, Thomas Place,


Noms des Pros

Fleury De Chambault, Pierre Edouard Defbarats, George Heriot, Henry Black, Charles Jourdain, William Jaques, James Orkney, François Huot, Jacob Danford, Alexander Spark, Xavier Lanaudiere, Lanaudiere Baby, John Jones de Bandon Lodge, John Hale, Thomas Place, Henry Usborne, John Coffin le jeune, John Dapwell Hamilton, William Hullett, Alexander Skakel, ont par leur humble pétition représenté qu'ils font devenus foufcripteurs pour s'affocier aux fins d'établir dans la Cité de Québec un Hôtel, Café et Salle d'Affemblée, et que chacun des dits. Soufcripteurs a entrepris et eft convenu de fournir et payer la Somme de vingt-. cing Livres Courant pour chaque Action que tel foufcripteur tiendra dans la dite entreprife, et ont foufcrit enfemble la Somme de Cinq Mille Livres courant ; et en conféquence ont de plus demandé qu'aux fins de promouvoir l'objet de telle affociation comme fufdit, eux les Souffignés et leurs ayans caufe puiffent être incorporés fur des principes qui répondront, autant que poffibie, à leur affociation originelle: Qu'il foit donc ftatué par la Très Excellente Majefté du Roi, par et de l'avis et confentement du Confeil Légiflatif et de l'Aflemblée de la Province du Bas-Canada, conftitués et affemblés en vertu et fous l'autorité d'un Acte paffé dans le Parlement de la Grande Bretagne, intitulé, "Acte qui rappelle certaines "parties d'un Acte paffé dans la quatorzième année du Règne de fa Majefté, in“titulé, “Acte qui pourvoit plus efficacement pour le Gouvernement de la Province "de Québec, dans l'Amérique Septentrionale;" et qui pourvoit plus amplement 66 pour le Gouvernement de la dite Province," Et il eft par le préfent flatué par l'autorité fufdite, que les dits Jean Antoine Panet, Angus Shaw, John Blackwood, John Painter, Jean Thomas Taschereau, James Irvine, John Taylor, John Coltman, priétaires, John Paterfon, John Munro, John Macnider, George Symes, Benjamin Tremain, Francis Hunter, Frederick Grant, Jofeph Planté, James Ross, Augustin Germain, Andrew Cameron, James Ward, Louis Lévefque, William Hall, Daniel Frafer, Francis Duval le jeune, William Hunter, Edward Cannon, James Edie, James Gray, Jofeph Bouchette, Benjamin Jofeph Frobisher, Adam Lymburner, James Black, 1 readway Thomas Odber, Robert Sturch, John Campbell, James Mitchell, Marianne de Lanaudiere, John Young, Jonathan Sewell, Mary Elmfley, James Stuart, John Crai gie, John Mure, Félix Têtu, John Jones, William Edward Hoffack, William Burns, David Monro, Thomas Scott, Charles Gray Stewart, John William Woolfey, John Rofs le jeune, John Chillas, Jofeph Jones, Thomas White, James M'Callum, John Neilfon, Samuel Phillips, Chriftina Letitia Longmore, George Longmore, James Ker, Hutchifon Lynd, Jofeph Stilfon, Jofeph François Perrault, Phabe Froft, Edward Bowen, George Pyke, Alexis Caron, John Conrad Juft, John Reinhart, Jonathan Eckart, William Holmes, François Xavier Durette, Louis Marchand, Robert Lefter, Robert Morrogh, Henry Caldwell, John Caldwell, Alexander Munn, Peter Brehaut, James Mafon Godard, Keable Sarjeant, Louis Delamare, Claude Dénéchau, Ralph Gray, Robert Woolfey, Jofeph Le Valeur Borgia, Pierre Bedard, John Robinfon, Anthony Anderfon, James Voyer, Gabriel Elzéard Tafchereau, William Grant, Charles William Grant, John Stewart, George Hamilton, Anthony Vanfelfon, Thomas Alli. fon, Gilbert Ainflie, Olivier Perrault, Charlotte Ryland, Louis Jofeph Fleury De Chambault, Pierre Edouard Defbarats, George Heriot, Henry Black, Charles Jour dain, William Jaques, James Orkney, François Huot, Jacob Danford, Alexander Spark,. Xavier Lanaudière, Lanaudiere Baby, John Jones de Bandon Lodge, John Hale,


Name of the Cor.

poration. Perpetual fucceffion.

Henry Usborne, John Coffin, the younger, John Dapwell Hamilton, William Hullet, Alexander Skakel, their feveral and refpective Succeffors, Heirs, Executors, CuraBody corporate, tors, Adminiftrators and Affigns, fhall be and are hereby ordained, conftituted and declared, to be, one body corporate and politic, by the name of "the Union Company of Quebec, and by that name, they and their Succeffors fhall and may be for ever hereafter have perpetual fucceffion, and shall and may by the fame name, be perfons capable in the Law, to fue, be fued, implead and be impleaded, anfw er May fue and be and be answered unto, defend and be defended, in all Courts and places, whatsoever, and of what nature and kind foever, and that they and their Succeffors may Common Seal. have a Common Seal, and may change and alter the fame, at their pleasure, and also, that they and their Succeffors, by the name of the Union Company of Quebec, fhall be in Law, capable of purchasing, holding and conveying any Eftate real or perfonal, for the ufe of the faid Corporation: Provided, fuch real and personal Estate at any one time held by the Trustees of the faid Union Company of Quebec, shall not exceed the value of ten thousand pounds Currency.

fu ed.

Authority to pur chafe property.

Not to exceed £10,000.

Shares vefted in

II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that a fharein the ten the proprietors. thousand Pounds currency fo fubfcribed, as aforefaid or to be hereafter subscribed, as aforefaid, in the said undertaking, fhall be, at the rate of twenty five Pounds currency, for each and every share; and such shares, as aforefaid, fhall be and the fame are hereby vefted in the feveral perfons herein beforenamed, and in the feveral perfons who fhall become new Subfcribers to the faid undertaking, in manner aforefaid, and in their feveral and refpective Succeffors, Heirs, Executors, Curators, Adminiftrators and Affigns, proportionally to the fum which they and each of them now have feverally and refpectively fubfcribed, or hereafter shall feverally and respectively fubfcribe and pay into the hands of the Treafurer of the faid Company to be appointed in the manner herein after directed, and fuch Proprietors of each of fuch fhares as aforefaid, feverally and refpectively, fhall be entitled to receive, from and after the erection of the faid Hotel, Coffee House and Affembly Room, the entire and neat diftribution of one proportional part or fhare of and in the profit and advantage that fhall or may therefrom arife, and accrue, and fo in proportion, for any greater number of fhares which fuch ProProprietors to have votes, accor- prietors may own, and fuch Proprietors fhall have votes according to the numding to the number of Shares, which he, fhe or they are poffeffed of in the faid undertaking, and ther in perfon or no more, at every general meeting to be held, as herein after appointed, which vote or votes may be given by any fuch proprietor or proprietors as aforefaid, either in perfon, or by his, her, or their proxy or proxies appointed by writing or writings, under his, her, or their hand or hands, and fuch vote by fuch proxy, fhall be as effe&tual to all intents and purposes, as if the principal or principals had voted in perfon : and whatsoever queftion, election of Officers or other matter or thing, fhall be propofed, difcuffed or confidered in any public meeting, to be held No perfon to vote in purfuance of this Act, the fame fhall be finally determined by the majority of votes and proxies, then prefent, and the Chairman at every fuch meeting, in cafe of a divifion of equal numbers, fhall have the cafting vote, although he

ber of shares ei.

by proxy.

as proxy unless he be a proprie



Corps incorporé.

Pourra pourfui-
vre et être pour.

Thomas Place, Henry Usborne, John Coffin le jeune, John Dapwell Hamilton, William Hullett, Alexander Skakel, leurs différents Succeffeurs, Héritiers, Exécuteurs, Curateurs, Adminiftrateurs et Ayans caufe refpectivement feront comme ils font par le préfent établis, conftitués et déclarés être un Corps incorporé et politique fous le nom de la Compagnie de l'Union de Québec," et fous ce nom eux et leurs Succeffeurs auront et peuvent avoir pour toujours à l'avenir une fucceffion per- Succeffion perpé. pétuelle, et fous ce même nom feront en Loi perfonnes habiles à poursuivre et être pourfuivies, plaider et être plaidées, répondre et être répondues, et à défendre et être défendues dans toutes Cours et places quelconques, et de quelque nature et efpèce qu'elles foient, et qu'eux et leurs Succeffeurs pourront avoir un Sceau Commun, et pourront le changer et altérer à leur plaifir, et auffi qu'eux et leurs Succeffeurs fous le nom de la Compagnie de l'Union de Québec, feront en Loi habiles à acquérir, tenir et transporter aucuns Biens, Meubles et Immeubles pour l'ufage de la dite Corporation; Pourvu que tels Biens, Meubles et Immeubles tenus en aucun tems que ce foit par les Syndics de la dite Compagnie de l'Union de Québec, n'excèdent point la valeur de Dix Mille Livres Courant.

Sceau commun.

Pouvoir d'ac

quérir des propriétés qui n'excède ront pas £10,000.

Parts revêtues dans les Proprié

II. Et qu'il foit de plus ftatué par l'autorité fufdite, qu'une Action dans les Dix mille Livres courant ainfi foufcrites comme fufdit, ou qui feront ci après taires. foufcrites comme fufdit dans la dite entreprise, fera en raifon de vingt-cinq Livres pour toute et chaque Action, et les différentes perfonnes ci-devant nommées feront, comme elles font par le préfent, revêtues de telles Actions comme fufdit, de même que les différentes perfonnes qui deviendront de nouveaux foufcripteurs dans la dite entreprise en la manière fufdite, et leurs différents Succeffeurs, Héritiers, Exécuteurs, Curateurs, Adminiftrateurs et ayant caufe refpectivement, en proportion de la Somme qu'eux et chacun d'eux ont actuellement, féparément et refpectivement foufcrite, ou qu'ils foufcriront ci-après féparément et respectivement, et paye ront entre les mains du Tréforier de la dite Compagnie, lequel fera nommé en la manière ci-après prefcrite, et tels Propriétaires de chaque telle Action comme sufdit, auront féparément et refpectivement droit de recevoir, depuis et après l'érection du dit Hôtel, Café et Salle d'Affemblée, l'entière et nette diftribution d'une part proportionelle dans le profit et avantage qui en proviendra et réfultera, et ainfi à proportion pour aucun plus grand nombre d'actions que tel propriétaire pourra pofféder, et tel propriétaire aura des voix conformément au nombre d'Actions qu'il poffédera dans la dite entreprise et pas plus, dans toute Affemblée générale qui fera tenue tel que ci-après défigné, laquelle voix ou lefquelles voix pourront être données par tout tel propriétaire ou propriétaires comme fufdit, foit en perfonne ou par fon ou leur procureur ou procureurs nommés par écrit fous fon feing ou leurs feings, et telle voix par tel procureur fera auffi efficace à toutes fins et intentions, que fi le principal ou les principaux avoient voté en perfonne, et quelques foient les queftions, élection d'Officiers ou autres matières ou chofes qui foient propofées, difcutées ou confidérées dans quelque Affemblée publique tenue en conformité de cet A&te, elles feront finalement déterminées par la majorité des voix et procureurs alors préients, et le Préfident dans toute telle Assemblée, dans le cas d'une divifion de nombres égaux, aura la voie prépondérante



Les Propriétaires auront des

Voix fuivant le nombre de leurs fonne ou par pro

parts, foit en per


case the sum of £5000 al.

Proprietors may


fhall have voted before. Provided always, that no perfon fhall vote, as proxy, unless he be a Proprietor, and that a part or parts of a share or shares shall not entitle any perfon to vote in perfon or by proxy.

III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforelaid, that in case the said ready subscribed fum of five thoufand Pounds current money of this Province of Lower Canada, is insufficient fo fubfcribed as aforefaid, fhall be found infufficient for erecting the faid Hotel, raise 50001. Coffee House and Affembly Room, and for completing the works and purposes hereby authorised to be done, then and in such case, and not otherwife, it shall be lawful for the Members of the faid Union Company and their Succeffors, to raise and contribute among themfelves, or by the admiffion of new Subscribers, in fuch fhares as aforefaid, any further or other fum of money not exceeding the further 'fum of five thousand Pounds current money of this Province, for completing the faid Hotel, Coffee Houle and Affembly Room, and other works and purposes aforefaid.

New subscrib. ed to be consti

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that all and every tuent Members, perfon or perfons who fhall be admitted by the faid Union Company as a fubfcriber or fubfcribers, for the faid further'fum of five thoufand Pounds, or any part thereof, not less than twenty five Pounds currency, as aforefaid, fhall thereupon fucceed as a conftituent Member or conftituent Members of the faid Body Politic, incorporated by this Act, and as a Proprietor or Proprietors of the faid Hotel, Coffee House and Affembly Room in the fame manner to all intents, constructions and purposes, as if he, fhe or they had been declared, in this Act, to be a Member of the faid Union Company.

General meet

ing of the Pro
a Commince to

prietors toappoint

manage their affairs

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that at the first general meeting of the faid Proprietors herein before directed, to be held, the Proprietors then affembled together, with fuch Proxies as fhall then be produced or the major part of fuch Proprietors or Proxies fhall choose, not more than fifteen nor lefs than seven perfons, for the time being, Proprietors in the faid undertaking, of whom, if fifteen be chofen, five fhall form a Quorum, and if any number lels than fifteen, three fhall in like manner form a Quorum, which perfons fo chofen fhall be a Committee to manage, direct and carry on the erecting of the faid Hotel Coffee House and Affembly Room, in the faid City of Quebec, and the affairs and and business of the faid Union Company for one year then next following, or until another Committee fhall be appointed, and particularly fuch matters and things as are by this Act directed to be done by fuch Committees, and as fhall, from time to time, be ordered by fuch general or special meetings as afore said. First Commit Provided always that the firft Committee which fhall be chofen at the first general meeting, as aforefaid, fhall be a Committee for the purposes aforefaid, until the firft Tuesday in the month of February, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand

tee to continue to ast. Feb. 1806.

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