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impaired lives; (7) Amount of all unpaid dividends of surplus percentages, bonuses, and other description of profits to policyholders, and interest thereon; (8) Amount of any other liability to policy-holders or annuitants not included above; (9) Amount of dividends unpaid to stockholders; (10) Amount of National, State, and other taxes due; (11) All other liabilities, specifying the same.


Fourth—(1) Cash received for premiums on new policies during the year; (2) Cash received for renewal of premiums during the year; (3) Cash received for purchase of annuities; (4) Cash received for all other premiums; (5) Cash received for interest on loans, specifying the same; (6) Rents received; (7) Cash received from all other sources, specifying the same; (8) Gross amount of notes taken on account of new premiums; (9) Gross amount of notes taken on account of renewal premiums.


Fifth-(1) Cash paid for losses; (2) Cash paid to annuitants; (3) Cash paid for lapsed, surrendered, and purchased policies; (4) Cash paid for dividends to policy-holders; (5) Cash paid for dividends to stockholders; (6) Cash paid for reinsurances; (7) Commission paid to agents; (8) Salaries and other compensation of officers and employés, except agents and medical examiners; (9) Medical examiners' fees and salaries; (10) Cash paid for taxes; (11) Cash paid for rents; (12) Cash paid for commuting commissions; (13) All other cash payments.

Sixth-Balance sheet of premium note account.

Seventh-Balance sheet of all the business of the company. Eighth-(1) Total amount of insurance effected during the year on new policies; (2) Total amount of insurance effected during the year in the State of California; (3) Premiums received during the year on risks written in the State of California.

§ 614. Mutual companies formed, existing, and doing business under an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation of mutual insurance companies," passed April twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, may report their approved stock notes as capital paid up, and such notes for all purposes must be deemed part of the paid-up capital stock of such corporation.

§ 615. The Insurance Commissioner must cause to be prepared, and furnish to each person and to each of the companies incor

porated in this State, and to the attorney of each of the companies incorporated or chartered by other States and foreign governments, printed forms of the statements herein required; and he may make such changes from time to time in the form of the same as seems to him best adapted to elicit from the companies a true exhibit of their condition in respect to the several points hereinbefore enumerated. The same forms must be addressed to all persons and companies engaged in the same kind of business.

§ 616. The Insurance Commissioner must require, as a condition precedent to the transaction of insurance business in this State by any foreign corporation or company, that such corporation or company must file in his office the name of an agent, and his place of residence in this State, on whom summons and other process may be served in all actions or other legal proceedings against such corporation or company. All process so served gives jurisdiction over the person of such corporation or company; the agent so appointed and designated shall be deemed in law a general agent, and must be the principal agent or chief manager of the business of such corporation or company in this State; any such foreign corporation or company shall, as a further condition precedent to the transaction of insurance business in this State, and in consideration of the privilege to transact such insurance business in this State, make and file with the Insurance Commissioner an agreement or stipulation, executed by the proper authorities of such corporation or company, in form and substance as follows: The (giving name of corporation or company) does hereby stipulate and agree that, in consideration of the permission granted by the State of California to it to transact insurance business in this State, that if at any time said corporation or company shall be without an agent in said State, on whom summons or other legal process may be served, service of such summons or other legal process may be made upon the Insurance Commissioner, such service upon the Commissioner to have the same force and effect as if made upon the corporation or company. Whenever such service of summons or other legal process shall be made upon the Insurance Commissioner, he must, within ten days thereafter, transmit by mail, postage paid, a copy of such summons or other legal process, to the company or corporation, addressed to the president or secretary thereof at its home or principal office. Such copy must be certified by the Commissioner, under his hand and official seal, and the sending of such copy by the said Commis

sioner shall be a necessary part of the service of summons or other legal process. [Amendment in effect April 1, 1878.]

95 Cal. 600; 128 Cal. 537.

§ 617. The Commissioner must collect the sum of one hundred dollars from any company or corporation engaged in the business of insurance in this State, for a failure to make and file in his office within the time prescribed by law, the statements and stipulations required by sections six hundred and ten, six hundred and eleven, six hundred and twelve, six hundred and thirteen, and six hundred and sixteen of this Code, and an additional penalty of two hundred dollars for each and every month or fractional part of a month thereafter, that such company or corporation continues to transact the business of insurance until such statements and stipulations are filed; and for that purpose suits may be instituted by the Insurance Commissioner, in the name of the people of the State of California, in any court of competent jurisdiction. And for all lawful expenses incurred under this section, or any other section of this Code, in the prosecution of any suit or proceeding for the enforcement of the insurance laws of this State, the Insurance Commissioner must present bills duly certified by him, with the vouchers, to the State Board of Examiners, who must allow the same and direct payment thereof to be made; and the Controller shall draw warrants therefor on the Treasurer for the payment of the same to the Insurance Commissioner (in addition to the ordinary contingent expenses) out of the General Fund. [Amendment in effect April 1, 1878.]

§ 618. Whenever the laws of any State of the United States, or of any country foreign to the United States, require any insurance company or corporation organized under the laws of this State, to deposit with some officer of this State securities in trust for, and for the benefit of, the policy-holders of such company or corporation, as a prerequisite to transacting insurance business in such other State or foreign country, and whenever under any laws of this State any insurance company or corporation is required to deposit with any officer of this State securities in trust for, and for the benefit of policy-holders of such company or corporation, the Insurance Commissioner of this State must receive from such company or corporation securities in the amount required by the law under which such deposit is made on deposit and in trust for the policyholders of such company or corporation. The value of such securities must be equal to the value of interest-bearing stocks and bonds

of the United States Government, but none of such securities must be estimated above the par value of the same, nor above their market value. The Commissioner must, upon the receipt of such securities, forthwith make a special deposit of the same in the State Treasury, in packages marked with the name of the company or corporation from whom received, where they must remain as security for policy-holders in the company or corporation to which they respectively belong; but so long as the company or corporation continues solvent he must permit it to collect the interest or dividends on the securities so deposited, and from time to time to withdraw any such securities on depositing other securities in the stead of those to be withdrawn. Such new securities to be of the same value mentioned in this section, but such securities must not be withdrawn from the State Treasury unless upon the written order of the acting president and secretary of the corporation making the deposits, which order must be indorsed by the Commissioner, or upon the order and authority of some court of competent jurisdiction. [Amendment in effect April 1, 1878.]

§ 619. Whenever any insurance company or corporation has deposited with the Commissioner the requisite security, in conformity with the requirements of the preceding section, the Commissioner must issue to such company or corporation a certificate, under his official seal, of such deposit, for each State or country requiring the same, which said certificate must state the items and amount of securities so deposited, and that they are of the value therein represented. [Amendment in effect April 1, 1878.]

§ 620. Whenever any insurance company or corporation so depositing securities with the Commissioner has paid, canceled, or reinsured all its unexpired policies outstanding in the State, satisfactorily to the holders thereof, and all its liabilities under such policies are extinguished, or assumed by other responsible companies or corporations, then, if on application of such company or corporation, verified by the oaths of its president and secretary, and from an examination of the books of the corporation, and of its officers under oath, the Insurance Commissioner is satisfied that all of its policies are so paid, canceled, extinguished, or reinsured, he must deliver up to the corporation the securities deposited; and whenever the laws of any other State or country, by reason of which section six hundred and twenty-two of the Political Code of this State is brought into force, shall be repealed and abrogated, and any deposit which shall have been made with

the Commissioner, under and by reason of said section six hundred and twenty-two of the Political Code, must be delivered up to the company or corporation making the deposit. [Amendment in effect April 1, 1878.]

§ 621. The Commissioner must make an annual examination of the securities received by him from each insurance company or corporation, and if it appear at any time that the securities deposited by any such company or corporation amount to less than the sum required for the purposes for which the deposit was made, he must notify the company or corporation thereof, and unless the deficiency is made up within thirty days after notice, the Commissioner must countermand all the certificates he may have issued to the company or corporation under this chapter, and give notice thereof to the officers of the several States to whom the certificate may have been transmitted, and he must also publish the notice for three weeks successively in some daily newspaper published in the City of San Francisco, at the expense of the company or corporation, to be collected by assessment upon the company or corporation, or its duly appointed agent in this State. [Amendment in effect April 1, 1878.]

§ 622. When by the laws of any other State or country, any taxes, fines, penalties, licenses, fees, deposits of money or of securities, or other obligations or prohibitions, are imposed on insurance companies of this State doing business in such other State or country, or upon their agents therein, in excess of such taxes, fines, penalties, licenses, fees, deposits of securities, or other obligations or prohibitions, imposed upon insurance companies of such other State or country, so long as such laws continue in force, the same obligations and prohibitions of whatsoever kind must be imposed upon insurance companies of such other State or country doing business in this State. And whenever under this section any deposit of security shall be made in this State, such deposit shall be made in stocks or bonds of the United States Government, or in those of the State of California, or in interestbearing bonds of any of the counties or incorporated cities and towns of the State of California, not in default for interest on such bonds, which said securities must be estimated at not exceeding their par value nor their market value. [Amendment approved March 31, 1897; in effect in sixty days.]

74 Cal. 122.

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