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encouragement instead of indulgence in unfavorable criticism and making unjust comparisons between recent graduates of the Normal School and teachers of long experience who lacked the benefit of regular professional training. The old practitioner in medicine may know many things with which long experience has made him familiar, and which the recent graduate may know only in theory. At such times it is well to remember that beginnings are difficult, that the newcomer in any vocation who is honestly trying to learn desires the helpful sympathy of his older colleagues. There are 'some things which even the best Normal School cannot give to those preparing to teach, and if this fact were borne in mind by carping critics, there would be fewer aching hearts and fewer failures among those who are teaching their first terms.



IT three

ful engravers of facial expression in the United States, Mr. Jeremiah Rea, of Philadelphia, who put his best upon it with unusual interest, and pronounces it one of the most satisfactory pictures he has ever made. The portrait from which he worked was a composite picture, made from a number of photographs under careful criticism by those who knew Dr. Burrowes well, and we do not see how any result could be more life-like.

"The pictures now on exhibition are known as India proofs, impressions by hand directly from the wood, upon the famous India or Japan paper, and are as fine specimens of the engraver's and printer's art as can be produced anywhere. The very delicate tissue on which they are printed was mounted by Mr. Harry Eckert, at Trout's bindery in this city, though both the engraver and art printer in Philadelphia, from whose handpress this tissue comes, said they had never seen it mounted thus, and did not think it could be done successfully.

"The same portrait on heavy plate paper, from the electrotype, seems almost equal to the above. Ten thousand five hundred copies of this picture have just been printed on one of The New Era presses, and of these six thousand have already been distributed to different parts of Pennsylvania by the Memorial Com

cure such a portrait of Dr. Burrowes as was regarded satisfactory by the Memorial Committee. Three artists worked upon it, one after another. The unusually large size of the engraving-it being the largest head Mr. Rea has ever made -again caused delay. Then came difficulty in securing the kind of plate papermittee. desired for the large edition. But at last the portrait, satisfactory in all respects, is printed, and already six thousand copies have been sent out through the mails, or distributed to Superintendents and Normal Schools. A few artist proof impressions, on the finest Japan tissue, have been printed from the wood-cut it. self, by the slow but perfect hand-process, which are at the very top of the art, and are worth ten dollars each. Of the portraits framed and exhibited in Lancaster, where of all places Dr. Burrowes was best known, The New Era say:

"The portrait of Dr. Thomas H. Burrowes, which has been placed in a number of the large show windows of our principal streets, is a remarkably fine piece of art work. It is twenty-seven years since Dr. Burrowes removed from Lancaster to the Presidency of the Pennsylvania State College, but the man 'in his habit as he lived,' is at once recognized in this perfect picture, his face as familiar as if he had left us but yesterday. It is the work of one of the most skill

"It is a great thing that a picture like this should be given to the State. Dr. Burrowes is a historic character, a man of the very first rank in his beneficent influence upon his own and after times. It is therefore a matter upon which the State is to be congratulated that a picture such as this shall truthfully present this great man to future generations. His is a face that should be familiarly known in every free school in Pennsylvania.

"These pictures, which have been framed in handsome style, will be sent to the State Normal Schools, Dr. Burrowes having written the law under which these schools were organized, to the Department of Public Instruction, the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the State Library at Harrisburg, and elsewhere. Dr. Burrowes did more than any other man for the cause of education in Pennsylvania; and the memorial which is now contemplated, and of which this portrait is one of the best features, will serve to put him in his proper place as one of the foremost of all men in enduring

"In the good work they are doing the Dr. Burrowes Memorial Committee deserves well of the Commonwealth."

service to the State. It is to the great It is to the great | It has been a campaign of education, and honor of Lancaster that such a man can Pennsylvania knows more of Dr. Burbe claimed as one of her citizens. rowes and his invaluable work than it ever did before. The different features of the memorial have also been looked after and pressed on towards completion as if there were no money to be collected. The memorial portrait has but lately been finished. More than ten thousand copies have been printed within the past few days, and the Committee expect to print another large edition before their work is done. They have just placed on exhibition a number of India proofs, handsomely framed, for the inspection of the public. There is but one opinion of the picture expressed by those who knew Dr. Burrowes-that it is most life like. As a work of art, Lancaster has not seen anything to match it since Sartain's steel engraving of Thaddeus Stevens some thirty years ago."

Says The Morning News: "One of the most appropriate memorials that have attracted recent attention is that in recognition of the great work done by Dr. Thomas H. Burrowes. It is in every way to be commended. The amount of money received by the Memorial Committee during the past few months is between $2,000 and $2,500. The unique plan submitted by the committee and approved by the State Teachers' Association at the Mount Gretna meeting last summer, includes a tomb of granite, memorial window, mural tablet, memorial portrait, and memorial volume. The portrait has just been printed. It is one of the most striking features of the plan, and nothing has been spared in money, time or care, to give to the State an ideally excellent picture of this distinguished man. Within a day or two this portrait has been put on exhibition in Lancaster. It challenges criticism, as a triumph of engraving and art printing; and, as a likeness, all who knew Dr. Burrowes pronounce it about perfect.' The pictures exhibited are known as Japan proofs, carefully printed by hand, with all the life in them that this finest of tissue paper affords. It is, beyond any doubt, a remarkable picture, and will now and hereafter stand as 'the counterfeit presentment' of Dr. Burrowes, who is, by common consent, our foremost man in service rendered to the cause of general education in Pennsylvania. We add, in closing, an extract from a recent article by Dr. N. C. Schaeffer, State Superintendent of Public Instruction: The educational services of Dr. Burrowes to Pennsylvania exceed those of Horace Mann to the State of Massachusetts. The name of the latter is glorified the world over; until this memorial work was begun that of the former was hardly known to the teachers of this generation in his native State."

Says The Intelligencer: "The Memorial Committee appointed at the last meeting of the Pennsylvania State Teachers' Association has been busily at work. They have, with few exceptions, reached all the teachers in the State outside of Philadelphia, as well as the Normal Schools.

Says The Examiner: "The Dr. Burrowes Memorial Committee has just placed on exhibition some India proofs of a life-size and life-like portrait of Dr. Thomas H. Burrowes, which attracts much attention. They are well worth seeing. The engraver was Mr. Rea, of Philadelphia, and the result of his work is simply admirable. We do not think that Lancaster has ever seen anything better in this line of work. Dr. Burrowes is one of the great men of whom, as a city, we have reason to be proud. He belongs much more to the State; and is the only man in the history of our city in whose honor the State at large would unite in such a fitting memorial as is now proposed, of which this admirable portrait forms a part. We congratulate the Committee upon their success in pushing forward this noble work."

Prof. W. W. Davis, writing in the Sterling (Ill.) Standard of the Dr. Burrowes' portrait recently received, says: "It is a striking picture of this generous educational benefactor, and should hang on the walls of every household in Pennsylvania. Dr. Burrowes gave his life to the cause, and his fame will brighten as the years roll on. His body rests in the old graveyard of St. James' Episcopal. Church, Lancaster, and a memorial tablet. in the sacred edifice bears fitting testimony to his noble character. Men of sen-sational reputation vanish from the earth,. but names like those of Horace Mann and Thomas H. Burrowes will live forever in gracious and hallowed achievement."



JE transfer to our columns from the Canadian Educational Journal, a story that may be read with profit by many a teacher and pupil. In calling attention to it the editor of the Canadian monthly says:

"We have, perhaps, given too large a proportion of our space to the story, but we wished to publish it, and it could not well be divided. Moreover, we are sure that our readers will be interested in it no less for its intrinsic interest than for the practical hints it suggests and the moral it conveys. For our own part, we are obliged to confess our conviction that the practice of cheating in school is much more common than many teachers are willing to believe. This cheating takes on various forms besides the very common one represented in the story. We have often spoken of the opportunities afforded by the self-reporting system in its various uses. We believe thoroughly in trusting children when and in so far as it can be safely and wisely done. But the ability to stand such a test is very largely a matter of home and school training. In the absence of careful moral training, it must be obvious to every thoughtful person that, in ordinary cases, a large percentage of children will fail in the presence of a temptation against which their untrained consciences have never been fortified. In some schoolsin many, we believe-the children are required to report at certain intervals whether, and how often, they have broken rules, how many marks they have received for lessons, misdemeanor, failures in class, tardiness, etc. Now, when the pupil knows that his or her standing will be affected by the answer, is not the temptation to give an untruthful or misleading answer a pretty strong one for a child whose moral nature has never been developed by a course of judicious and persistent training? Unquestionably it is.

There are not a few schools in which many pupils systematically give untruthful answers to such questions.

"As a matter of fact the unsuspecting master in the story is by no means an unusual character. Most of our readers can find one or more similar characters in their own school-day experiences. We shall be very glad, and shall flatter ourselves that we have been of service, if the reading of the story shall lead some teach

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In Brooklyn there were not less than 447 schools with an enrollment of from 60 to 150. By actual count 14,000 children were either improperly provided with school accommodations or seeking admission in vain." When the schools of New York began, in September 1895, the Herald announced that there were 50,000 children who could not gain admission. In Jersey City there were (in September, 1894) 1836 children attending half-day sessions, 1606 more pupils than seats, and 775 had been refused admission. Washington all the white schools of the first and second grades, and 2,000 pupils of the third and fourth grades, were limited to half-day sessions, while two-fifths of the entire number of colored schools were in similar straits. Supt. Powell calls the half-day system for schools above the second grade "a farce," and adds: "To give a lad twelve years of age opportunity to attend school but three and a half hours a day, knowing well that he will spend the rest of the time upon the street, is robbery of the boy's time and a danger to society."

"The children of the poorer classes," continues the Forum, "lose by this system one-half their schooling, because they must begin to earn a living before the time comes when they can enjoy the privilege of an entire day at school.


There is one square mile in Washington, well populated by colored citizens, in which there is no school at all, and several other sections are little better off! read of floors worn to the thinness of veneer, of window sashes loose and so badly decayed that they will not retain the glass during a moderate wind-storm, thus rendering it almost impossible to heat the rooms. Doors are without proper fastenings, and thousands of dollars' worth of property left without protection."

It is needless to quote further the alarming facts which the Forum has spread before its many readers. The Commissioner of Education in his Report for 1891-2, which is now before us, although several years late in its appearance for circulation, makes this startling generalization: "In all the great cities of the country the schools are losing ground." In this connection we call special attention to a recent editorial from the Philadelphia Ledger, printed elsewhere in this issue of The Journal.

The question arises, How is this decadence in city schools to be explained? It is evidently due to a lack of funds for building school-houses and providing seating rapidly enough to keep pace with the growth of population. In Washington the schools are dependent upon congressional appropriations, and since the members of the House and Senate are occupied with the affairs of the whole nation, they have very little time to bestow upon educational questions, and hence possess very little knowledge of the schools in the District of Columbia. The same trouble recurs in cities whose Boards of Education must secure from Councils the money with which to build school-houses and to run the schools. The estimate which the school authorities make of the amount required for school purposes, is generally cut down unless the law requires the Councils to levy the tax for school purposes up to the full amount of the estimate. The members of Council are not interested primarily in educational questions. There are so many axes to grind that the schools come in for only secondary consideration. Councilmen as a rule are politicians, and the keeping down of the tax-rate to make a good showing, appeals to them more strongly than the needs of the children living in wards where it is not necessary for them to solicit votes.

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The city which is building school houses and providing school accommodations most rapidly is Chicago. Her Board of Education is not dependent on councils for the funds, but is vested with power to make a five per cent. levy on the real estate of the city, two-fifths of which may be used for salaries and three-fifths for building purposes-"a sum amply sufficient to provide wholesome and comfortable accommodation for every child of school age in the city."

We can not help admiring the wisdom of those who framed the school laws of Pennsylvania, in vesting local Boards with the power of levying the taxes for school purposes, and then holdthem directly responsible to the citizens whose children are to be educated. The

School Directors of each district are authorized during the month of June to determine the amount of school tax to be levied for the ensuing year. Said amount can not be greater in any district (except by special legislation) than the amount of State and County tax authorized by law to be assessed. At the time of the passage of the law the maximum was thirteen mills on the dollar, ten mills for county and three for State purposes. The State tax has since been taken off real estate, but this does not affect the amount of school tax that can be levied, for the reason that it was the obvious intention of the law to fix the maximum at thirteen mills on the dollar, and thus avoid the perplexing changes that would otherwise cripple the financial management of school affairs by the district. This decision has been sustained by the Supreme Court.

In a few districts where the valuation is low, there is perplexity in raising sufficient funds. In all instances the final appeal is to public opinion and to the votes of the citizens. In the creation of public sentiment in favor of better school houses and longer terms use must be made of the press, of the local and the county institute, of educational rallies and revivals, and of appeals to the parents' love for the child. In cities which do not vest the power of taxation directly in the Board of Control, appeals to public opinion will ultimately reach the members of Council, and force them to increase the appropriations for school purposes. It is impossible to frame any. system of civil government and to set it in motion as if it were a piece of ma

chinery that would run itself without further attention. Every system of government which vests power ultimately in the people will require perpetual vigilance on the part of those who vote, and to this the machinery of a school system is no exception. Give a School Board the power necessary to raise sufficient funds for school purposes; make them


directly responsible to the people for extravagance and all waste of money; and whilst the taxpayers may occasionally suffer, the innocent children are not apt to be deprived of their right to an education, whilst at the same time most of the evils due to the criminal crowding of the public schools will, by these means, be greatly mitigated if not entirely prevented.



HE ex-officio members of the College and University Council are: Governor Daniel H. Hastings, Attorney-General C. McCormick, and Superintendent of Public Instruction Nathan C. Shaeffer.

Those members who have been appointed by the Governor are as follows: Provost C. C. Harrison, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; George W. Atherton, President State College, State College P. O.; W. J. Holland, Chancellor Western University, Allegheny City; T. L. Seip, President Muhlenberg College, Allentown; J. D. Moffat, President Washington and Jefferson College, Washington; George E. Reed, President Dickinson College, Carlisle; G. M. Philips, Principal State Normal School, West Chester; Edward Brooks, City Superintendent, Philadelphia, and James M. Coughlin, Superintendent, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.


The annual examinations at the State Normal Schools will be held as follows: West Chester, Monday, June 8th, 2 p. m. Mansfield, Tuesday, June 9th, 9 a. m. Edinboro, Monday, June 15th, 9 a. m. Slippery Rock, Monday, June 15th, 9 a. m. East Stroudsburg, Monday, June 15, 9 a.m. California, Wednesday, June 17th, 9 a. m. Kutztown, Wednesday, June 17th, 9 a. m. Shippensburg, Monday, June 22nd, 9 a. m. Indiana, Monday, June 22nd, 9 a. m. Clarion, Monday, June 22nd, 9 a. m. Lock Haven, Wednesday, June 24th, 9 a. m. Bloomsburg, Wednesday, June 24, 9 a. m. Millersville, Wednesday, June 24th, 9 a. m.


THE following are added to the list of committees on Permanent Certificates: McKeesport-W. H. McMullen, Miss Ida McCaughan, and Miss Blanche Muse.

New Castle-George C. Thompson, Miss Mary Aikens, and Martin Gantz.

Reading-Charles E. Foos, Miss C. A. Hobson, and A. J. Wobensmith.


ARMSTRONG-Supt. Jackson: At the Local Institute held at Putneyville, important topics were discussed, and the teachers and citizens all took an earnest part. Our County Institute during the week of December 23-27 was one of the best and most practical ever held in the county. Nearly every teacher was present, and many of the directors. The instructors were Hon. N. C. Schaeffer, Drs. Arnold Tompkins, John Perrin, W. S. McCreight, Supt. Jos. S. Walton, Profs. Geo. S. Little and E. W. Hall. The lecturers were Dr. Tompkins, John R. Clarke and Bishop Vincent, and there was an entertainment by the Washington and Jefferson College Glee Club. The Armstrong County School Directors' Association met on Thursday, and held two sessions. There were about sixty members present. The following officers were re-elected for the ensuing year: J. H. McCain, President; Dr. J. A. Armstrong, Vice President; C. S. Bovard, Secretary, and Wm. F. Brodhead, Treasurer. This Association was organized by Supt. Jackson at the Institute of 1894, and, although only one year old, has been stirring up the Directors throughout the county. The Association sent two delegates, J. H. McCain, esq., and Rev. R. A. Jamison, to the meeting of School Directors of the State held at Harrisburg in January. The teachers and citizens in the vicinity of Goheenville held a very creditable local Institute on January 24 and 25. Prof. Hepler, of the New Bethlehem schools, gave his lecture, Walks and Talks in the South," on the evening of the first day.

BEAVER.-Supt. Hillman: The attendance at the County Institute was very large, and the proceedings unusually interesting and instructive. State Supt. Schaeffer added much to the interest of Directors' Day by meeting with the directors in separate session during the forenoon, and taking part in their discussions. In the afternoon, Dr. Schaeffer also addressed the Institute on the subject of "Township High Schools." A County Directors' Association will result from this "Directors' Day." Two local institutes and a meeting of the County Teachers' Association were held during the month.

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