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higheleye rated, I desire that you wilbe pleased to appointe some indifferente arbitrators for the ratinge of them, and looke what theye shall determine in that kinde. We wilbe verye willinge to yealde vnto it: and seeinge that we haue bene thus longe differred and driuen to disappointe poore artificers of their moneye. I hartelye praye you that you will despatch vs with some expedition, and then we shall acknowledge our selues muche behouldinge vnto you, and thus commending my selfe most hartelye vnto you I committ you to God.

Newe Markett

Nouember: 16: 1615.


Addressed: To the Righte worshipfull and his verye goode freinde, Mr, Dr, Gwynn, Master of St Jhon's, Vicechancellor of the Vniuersity of Cambridge thes be DD.

Good Mr Vicechancellor we weare this daye with our counsell at the Common Pleas barre, about Mr Driuer's case, the particulars whereof Mr Tabor can best informe you. Sergeant Richardson and Mr Bynge of counsell with vs, and Sergeant Hitcham for Mr Battisford: the point in question was whether Chesterton be within the Jurisdiction of the Vniversitie. The iudges (whom Mr Binge and my selfe had particularly attended) weare very favourable and the case made very cleare so as we have no cause to dowt the issuew, yet neuertheless the iudges yelded so far to the importunitie of Sergeant Hitcham as they haue given him further daye till this day seuennight at which tyme I shall be ready to attend them not dowbting but this suit shall quyet this business for euer.

In the meane tyme I beseech you giue me leaue to advertise you, that the last playe before his Majestie at Royston, and in that, the blasoninge of Ignoramus armes hath woonderfully discontented the Lawyers. I mean those of the best sort amongst them and our very good frendes. They will not be persuaded but that the gouernours of the Vniuersitie haue their hands in this buysines, otherwise yonge men amongst vs durst not take this libertie to them or yf they did, you would censure them for yt.

I am not woorthie to advise, yet owt of my duties to the Vniversitie, let me intreat you to take some course for the staye of these bitter impertinences, certenly yf they goe on in this

kind we shall growe odious amongst them. But I leave that to your wisdom. And so crauing pardon for this bouldness I rest from London this

23th of Aprill 1616.

your poore frend to be commended


Addressed: To the Right woorshipfull his very good frend Dr Gwyn Vice-Chancellor of the Vniversitie of Cambridge deliver.

There is a well known story, coming down from the days of celibate Fellows, of a widow, who in announcing her husband's death, conveyed more information than she intended, by asking that the annuity hitherto paid to her husband might be continued to herself. That Fellows were sometimes suspected of such practices seems to be vouched for by the following document. Anthony Middleton, a Sussex man, was admitted a Fellow of the College 22 March 1615-6. He was instituted Rector of Tarring Nevill, Sussex, 30 October 1630 and held the living until 1636. Whether he cleared himself of the charge is not recorded in the College annals.

A Cytacion for Mr Middleton to appeare before the Master and Seniors.

Memorandum that vppon the eight day of April Anno domini 1622 it was ordered and appoynted by the general consent of the Master and Seniors assembled that Mr Antony Middleton held to be fellow of our Colledge shold be cyted att his chamber within the said Colledge being, to appeare personally before the said Master and Seniors att and within the said Colledg, att or before the first day of May next following to acquitt himself by answer of the marriage obiected vnto him in his absence and to shew reason why his place shold not be pronounced voyd according to the statutes of the sayd Colledg in that behalf provyded which citation or warning was executed by James Robinson servant to the sayd Colledg

vpon the day and year above written in the presence of Mr Robert Dawson, Mr. Thomas Thornton and Timothy Hutton.

The following copy of the Library rules dates from the time when the Library was still in the First Court.

Certayne Orders and decrees agreed and concluded vppon by the Master and Seniors September 30th 1617, touching the safe custodye of the Library Bookes.

It was ordered and decreed the day and year above written by the joynt consent of the Master and Seniors that during the tyme the Library Bookes shall remayne at large in the Chamber late Mr Mounseyes, some one of the Schollers of the house by them nominated and appoynted vnder the name of the Library keeper shold receyve them in and take charge of the same, both for the safe keeping and vsing of them in such sorte and manner as is hereafter specifyed. Receyving for his paynes and care the somme of fower powndes per annum to be paid by the senior burser of the Colledge quarterly.

1o. ffirst the sayd Library keeper shall lodge and study in the study within the sayd Chamber and shall dayly and diligently attend within from 8 of the clock in the forenoone vntill dynner tyme and from one in the afternoone vntil 4 at the least. In whych tyme all fellowes may and shall haue free liberty and accesse into the Chamber, there to vse any of the bookes committed to his custodye.

2o. If any ffellow shall have occasion and be desyrous at any other howre besydes in the daye tyme to come and study there, the said Library keeper being thereof advertised, shall forthwith attend to gyve him entrance.

3o. It shall not be lawful for the sayd Library keeper to permytt any young Schollers or pensioners or any other besydes the ffellowes of the Colledge and such Masters of the Artes as shalbe in ffellowes Commons to come in the sayd Roome or chamber, or to make any abode there vppon pretence of pervsing any bookes or studying there, or any other occasion whatever.

4°. It shall in no case be lawfull for the sayd Library keeper to lend out of the sayd Roome or chamber any of the bookes to

him committed eyther to the Master of the sayd Colledge or any of the ffellows or any other person or persons whatsoever without the expresse licence and concent of the Master and Seniors first had and obteyned, vppon payne of the forfeyture of his Schollershipp for ever in the sayd Colledge. And yf any shall presume to borrow or carry away any agaynst the will or without the knowlege of the sayd Library keeper then they offending in this sorte to be censured according to the Rigor of the Statute in that behalf made.

5°. If it shall happen any of the bookes brought into the sayd roome and delyvered to the sayd Library keeper to be lost or wantynge for as it must probably proceed from his owne negligence and want of care it is therefore ordered and decreed lykewise by the Autority abouesayd that so many other bookes. of the same kind and quality in every respect be brought and set off in the sayd roome as shalbe fownd lost or wantynge. And this to be done at the only cost and charges of the sayd Lybrary keeper and not of the College.

6. The better to provyde for the Indemnitye of the sayd Library keeper it is further ordered and decreed that only those bookes which are in folio shalbe set abroad in the Chamber. The residue in 4to, 8° or lesser volumes yf any such bee, shalbe kept within the studye. And the severall of them written in a Schedule shalbe set in open veiwe (sic) in the Chamber to the end that yff any fellow call for any of them to vse there they shalbe delyvered to him.

[blocks in formation]

The following documents, transcribed for me by Mr. J. H. Hessels, all relate to the Lady Margaret. The first document appears to be the original petition to Pope Innocent the Eighth for the Bull of Indulgence printed in our last number (Vol XIX, 546). The two remaining documents are Indulgences of a somewhat similar character to those already printed.

BEATISSIME PATER, Vt animarum saluti deuotorum oratorum vestrorum Nobilium vtriusque sexus deuotorum vestre sanctitatis



et sancte Romane ecclesie Henrici Regis et Elizabeth Regine Anglie et margarite eiusdem Regis matris familiarium salubrius consulatur Supplicant humiliter Sanctitati vestre Rex et Regina ac mater ipsius Regis impersonas predictorum Nobilium vtriusque sexus Quatenus eis specialem gratiam facientes ut confessor ydoneus presbyter Secularis uel Regularis quem quilibet ipsorum duxerit eligendum eorum quemlibet ab omnibus et singulis excommunicationis suspensionis et interdicti alijsque ecclesiasticis sententijs censuris et penis a iure uel ab homine quauis occasione uel causa latis et quorumcunque mandatorum ecclesie transgressionibus alijsque eorum peccatis excessibus criminibus atque delictis quantumcunque grauibus et ernormibus de quibus corde contricti et ore confessi fuerint etiam si talia forent propter que sedes apostolica esset merito consulenda Necnon votorum quorumcunque Jeiuniorum et penitentiarum Iniunctarum omissionibus et alijs offensis de Reseruatis videlicet semel in uita et in mortis articulo exceptis illis contentis in bulla que legitur feria Quinta in cena domini de alijs vero sedi apostolice non Reseruatis casibus tociens quotiens opus fuerit absoluere et penitentiam salutarem iniungere vota uero quecunque per eos forsan emissa Jerosolimitani Liminum Beatorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli de vrbe Jacobi in compostella Regionis et castitatis votis duntaxat exceptis in alia pietatis opera commutare et iuramenta quecunque relaxare ac omnium peccatorum suorum plenariam Remissionem impendere possit. Quodque visitando duo uel tria per eos in loco vbi pro tempore residere contigerit eligenda altaria consequantur easdem indulgentias quas consequerentur si tempore quadragesime singulas stationum vrbis ecclesias Rome personaliter deuoteque visitarent Et insuper cuilibet ipsorum Nobilium vtriusque sexus in Infirmitatibus peregrinationibus et locis quibuscunque Liceat habere altare portatile cum debitis.Reuerentia et honore super quo in Locis ad hoc congruentibus et honestis etiam ecclesiastico interdicto auctoritate ordinaria apposito suppositis dummodo causam non dederint interdicto etiam ante diem circa tamen diurnam Lucem per Regis Regine et Margarite predictorum Capellanos in ipsorum Nobilium presentia missas et alia diuina officia celebrare seu celebrari facere possint et valeant licentiam et facultatem concedere digneminj de gratia speciali Constitutionibus et ordinationibus apostolicis Regula Cancellarie apostolice de datandis confessionalibus cui placeat derogare ceterisque in

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