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Yet herein eke thy glory seemeth more,
By so hard handling those which best thee serve,
That, ere thou doest them unto grace restore,
Thou mayest well trie if thou wilt ever swerve,
And mayest them make it better to deserve,
And, having got it, may it more esteeme;
For things hard gotten men more dearely deeme.
So hard those heavenly beauties he enfyred
As things divine, least passions doe impresse,



The more of stedfast mynds to be admyred,
The more they stayed be on stedfastnesse;

But baseborne minds such lamps regard the lesse,

Which at first blowing take not hastie fyre;
Such fancies feele no love, but loose desyre.

For Love is lord of Truth and Loialtie,
Lifting himself out of the lowly dust
On golden plumes up to the purest skie,
Above the reach of loathly sinfull lust,
Whose base affect through cowardly distrust
Of his weake wings dare not to heaven fly,
But like a moldwarpe in the earth doth ly.

His dunghill thoughts, which do themselves enure
To dirtie drosse, no higher dare aspyre,

Ne can his feeble earthly eyes endure
The flaming light of that celestiall fyre
Which kindleth love in generous desyre,

And makes him mount above the native might
Of heavie earth, up to the heavens hight.




Such is the powre of that sweet passion,
That it all sordid basenesse doth expell,
And the refyned mynd doth newly fashion
Unto a fairer forme, which now doth dwell


In his high thought, that would it selfe excell,
Which he beholding still with constant sight,
Admires the mirrour of so heavenly light.


Whose image printing in his deepest wit,
He thereon feeds his hungrie fantasy,
Still full, yet never satisfyde with it;

Like Tantale, that in store doth sterved ly,
So doth he pine in most satiety;


For nought may quench his infinite desyre,

Once kindled through that first conceived fyre.

Thereon his mynd affixed wholly is,

Ne thinks on ought but how it to attaine;


His care, his ioy, his hope, is all on this,
That seemes in it all blisses to containe,

In sight whereof all other blisse seemes vaine:
Thrice happie Man! might he the same possesse,
He faines himselfe, and doth his fortune blesse.


And though he do not win his wish to end,
Yet thus farre happie he himselfe doth weene,
That heavens such happie grace did to him lend,
As thing on earth so heavenly to have seene
His harts enshrined saint, his heavens queene,
Fairer then fairest, in his fayning eye,
Whose sole aspect he counts felicitye.


Then forth he casts in his unquiet thought,
What he may do, her favour to obtaine;
What brave exploit, what perill hardly wrought,
What puissant conquest, what adventurous paine,
May please her best, and grace unto him gaine;
He dreads no danger, nor misfortune feares,
His faith, his fortune, in his breast he beares.



Thou art his god, thou art his mightie guyde,
Thou, being blind, letst him not see his feares,
But carriest him to that which he had eyde,
Through seas, through flames, through thousand swords

and speares;

Ne ought so strong that may his force withstand,

With which thou armest his resistlesse hand.

Witnesse Leander in the Euxine waves,

And stout Æneas in the Troiane fyre,


Achilles preassing through the Phrygian glaives,
And Orpheus, daring to provoke the yre

Of damned fiends, to get his love retyre;


For both through heaven and hell thou makest way,

To win them worship which to thee obay.

And if by all these perils, and these paynes,

He may but purchase lyking in her eye,

What heavens of ioy then to himselfe he faynes! 240 Eftsoones he wypes quite out of memory

Whatever ill before he did aby:

Had it beene death, yet would he die againe,

To live thus happie as her grace to gaine.

Yet, when he hath found favour to his will,
He nathëmore can so contented rest,
But forceth further on, and striveth still
T'approch more neare, till in her inmost brest
may embosomd bee and loved best;


And yet not best, but to be lov'd alone;

For love cannot endure a paragone.

The fear whereof, O how doth it torment

His troubled mynd with more then hellish paine !
And to his fayning fansie represent



Sights never seene, and thousand shadowes vaine, 255
To breake his sleepe, and waste his ydle braine:
Thou that hast never lov'd canst not beleeve

Least part of th' evils which poore lovers greeve.

The gnawing envie, the hart-fretting feare,
The vaine surmizes, the distrustfull showes,
The false reports that flying tales doe beare,
The doubts, the daungers, the delayes, the woes,
The fayned friends, the unassured foes,
With thousands more then any tongue can tell,
Doe make a lovers life a wretches hell.



Yet is there one more cursed then they all,
That cancker-worme, that monster, Gelosie,

Which eates the heart and feedes upon the gall,
Turning all Loves delight to miserie,

Through feare of losing his felicitie.

Ah, Gods! that ever ye that monster placed
In gentle Love, that all his ioyes defaced !


By these, O Love! thou doest thy entrance make
Unto thy heaven, and doest the more endeere
Thy pleasures unto those which them partake,
As after stormes, when clouds begin to cleare,
The sunne more bright and glorious doth appeare;
So thou thy folke, through paines of Purgatorie,
Dost beare unto thy blisse, and heavens glorie.

There thou them placest in a paradize
Of all delight and ioyous happy rest,



Where they doe feede on nectar heavenly-wize,
With Hercules and Hebe, and the rest

Of Venus dearlings, through her bountie blest;
And lie like gods in yvory beds arayd,
With rose and lillies over them displayd.

There with thy daughter Pleasure they doe play
Their hurtlesse sports, without rebuke or blame,
And in her snowy bosome boldly lay

Their quiet heads, devoyd of guilty shame,
After full ioyance of their gentle game;

Then her they crowne their goddesse and their
And decke with floures thy altars well beseene.

Ay me! deare Lord! that ever I might hope,
For all the paines and woes that I endure,
To come at length unto the wished scope


my desire, or might myselfe assure

That happie port for ever to recure!




Then would I thinke these paines no paines at all,
And all my woes to be but penance small.



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