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• Richard Mufgrave, Richard Coxeter, Walter Hun 'gerford, Peter Leneve, Jofeph Shaw, Richard Bromball, Matthias Fletcher, John Crubb, Lewis Monoux, Henry Neale, Charles Yallop, George Nodes, • Daniel Thornbury, Joseph Ayloffe, Henry Bateman, • Stephen Bateman, Charles May, William Livefay, Christopher Bedingfield, Gabriel Armiger, John Dennis, Valentine Dawes, Robert Perryman, Ralph Carey, John Ellis, John Mercer, Robert Brown, • William Walsham, Esquires; White Kennet, Nickolas Brady, William Lloyd, John Stillingfleet, Emanuel Langford, John Hicks, John Efdras Edzard, 'Doctors in Divinity; Thomas Ayloffe, William "Clements, Thomas Lane, Richard Pagett, Doctors ' of Laws; John Branthwayt, William Dawes, John Kerr, Robert Conny, Ralph Hicks, Richard Morton, James Drake, Launcelot Harrison, John Doby, • Doctors of Phyfick; Robert Pierfon, Edward Cock, • Edward Shaw, Frederick Alpe, John Heylin, William Spencely, Robert Saunderfon, Edward Hartley, Charles Hall, John Gowland, Robert Kent, George Ifaacfon, fen. George Ifaacson, jun. Anthony Ifaacson, Robert Lord, Theophilus Bedingfield, Anthony Wilkes, Charles • Hornby, Benedict Ithell, Nicholas Tooke, John Savage, Capt. Thomas Savery, William Terrett, Hay

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ford Waynwright, Henry Willis, Jofeph Watts, • Charles Bridges, Samuel Newton, William Rutland, • Richard Tolfon, William Dockwra, John Oldmixon, • Richard Owen, Frederick Milford, John Sheweil, • Ralph Leicester, Gentlemen; John Harris, John


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Broughton, Edward Lany, William Wotton, Richard Johnson, Thomas Cook, Thomas Wagstaffe, Jobn Jacques, Richard Coliere, Vincent Barry, Samuel 'Haws, Zachary Wells, Humberton Baron, Richard Tifdale, Samuel Clark, James Mafhborne, Julius Cæfar, Masters of Arts; John Ward, of St. Cle⚫ments Lane, Nathaniel Carpenter, William Blakeway, James Thornball, Nathaniel Bland, Edward Weftcomb, William Levingston, Jofeph Moor, Benjamin • Carter, Samuel Barwick, Robert Stiles, Merchants; • Richard Mount, John Halfe, John Rudyard, John Yardly, Capt. Francis Parr, Samuel Hoole, Samuel Watkinĵon, Robert Bovill, John Matthews, Robert Hartley, Jafper Harmar, John Taylor, John Hartley, • William Spurling, Luke Meriton, Thomas Hodgson, John Nutt, Thomas Higges, Elinor Spelman, Marga• ret Maffingbird, Elizabeth Willis, Elizabeth Clifford, · Elizabeth Austin, Elizabeth Wilhaw, Theodofia Bedingfield, Penelope Price, Elinor Hoar, Martha Flint, Ifabella English, Mary Rutty, and Penelope, • Webster.

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• V. And all and every other Person and Perfons, 'who fhall be admitted to be a Subfcriber and Subscribers to the faid Perpetual Affurance-Office, according to the Directions herein after contained, not exceeding Two Thousand Perfons in the Whole, shall be and be called one Body Corpo'rate and Politick in Deed and in Name, by the

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Name of the Amicable Society for a Perpetual Affurance Office.

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VI. And them, by the Name of the Amicable "Society for a Perpetual Aljurance-Office, We do, for Us, our Heirs and Succeffors, make, erect, or-` dain, conftitute, establish, confirm, and declare, by these Presents, to be one Body Corporate and • Politick in Deed and in Name for ever.


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• VII. And do for us, our Heirs and Succeffors, grant and declare, That, by the fame Name of the Amicable Society for a Perpetual Affurance-Office, they fhall have perpetual Succeffion, and that they, and their Succeffors, by the Name of the Amicable Society for a Perpetual Affurance-Office, from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, fhall be able and capable, in Law, to have, take, purchase, receive, hold, enjoy, and retain, to them ' and their Succeffors, any Manors, Lands, Tenéments, Rents, Privileges, Liberties, Poffeffions, and Hereditaments of what Kind, Nature, or Quality foever, for the fole Benefit of the faid 'Amicable Society, not exceeding the yearly Value • of Two Thoufand Pounds above all Iffues and Reprizes. And moreover to purchase and acquire any Goods and Chattels whatsoever.

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VIII. And alfo to give, grant, alien, assign, ' and dispose of, any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Hereditaments, Goods, and Chattels, and ⚫ to do and execute all and fingular other Matters and Things neceffarily relating thereunto.

IX. And that they, and their Succeffors, by the Name of the Amicable Society for a Perpetual Afurance

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Affurance-Office, fhall and may plead and be impleaded, fue and be fued*, anfwer and be anfwered, defend and be defended, in whatsoever • Courts and Places, and before any Judges, Juf⚫tices, and Officers, of Us, our Heirs, and Succef'fors, in all and fingular Actions, Pleas, Suits, Plaints, Matters, and Demands, of what Kind or Quality foever they fhall be, in the fame Manner and Form, and as fully and amply as any of our Subjects of this our Realm of England may or can do, fue or be fued, plead or be impleaded, ' answer or be answered unto, defend and be de'fended.

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X. And that the faid Amicable Society for a Perpetual Assurance-Office, fhall and may have and ufe a Common Seal for the Affairs and Business "of the said Amicable Society. And that it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Amicable Society for a Perpetual Affurance-Office, and their Succeffors, the fame Seal from Time to Time, at their Will and Pleasure, to break, change, alter, or 'make new, as to them fhall feem expedient.

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XI. And we do hereby ordain, declare, and direct, for Us, our Heirs and Succeffors, That 'all and every Person and Persons who hereafter fhall be admitted Members of the faid Amicable

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*This is a Circumftance which makes the Society of very fingular Importance to every one concerned, as, being an incorporated Body, "may fue and be fued;" so that, in Cafe of Failure, the Body becomes liable, and not the Members.

* hereby granted, fhall be, and be esteemed Mem⚫bers of the fame Corporation hereby constituted. 1. XII. And we do hereby, for Us, our Heirs

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and Succeffors, grant, declare and appoint, that "the whole Number of Perfons, intended by Virtue • of these Presents to be incorporated as aforefaid, ⚫ do not exceed at one Time Two Thousand, but may confift of any lefs Number. And that every of the faid before-named Persons, and all other • Perfons who fhall be admitted into the faid Society as aforefaid, fhall and may pay, upon his or her "own Life, Six Pounds Four Shillings of lawful English Money per Annum, as is herein after mentioned; on whofe Decease, the Nominee or No'minees of every respective Member (or their ref'pective Executors, Administrators, and Affigns) • fhall become entitled unto and receive the Divi• dends herein after mentioned to be made to fuch Nominee or Nominees. And that every fuch Subscriber or Member may have Power from • Time to Time, as often as he or she shall think fit, to change his or her Nominee or Nominees, upon delivering up his or her former Policy, paying ' for his or her new Policy Two Shillings only +. • XIII. And further alfo, That each and every of the faid firft Two Thousand Subfcribers and • Perfons to be admitted into the faid Society fhall,

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The annual Dividend, by the 15th Bye-Law, has reduced the Payment to £5 per Annum.

By Reafon of the additional Stamp-Duty on Policies, the Expence of each Policy is now 6s 6d.

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