Gentrification of the CityNeil Smith, Peter Williams The author and contributors of this book seek to present alternatives to the mainstream discussions of gentrification. It does not present a single coherent vision of the causes, effects and experiences of gentrification, but a number of different views that do not always coincide. What the authors have in common is the attempt to escape a naive empiricism which has dominated much mainstream research, as well as the conviction that questions of social class lie at the heart of this issue. This book was first published in 1986. |
1 | |
2 Gentrification the frontier and the restructuring of urban space NEIL SMITH | 15 |
3 The chaos and complexity of gentrification ROBERT A BEAUREGARD | 35 |
4 Class constitution through spatial reconstruction? A reevaluation of gentrification in Australia Britain and the United States PETER WILLIAMS | 56 |
Victoriana in Melbourne MICHAEL JAGER | 78 |
Society Hill Philadelphia and False Creek Vancouver ROMAN A CYBRIWSKY DAVID LEY AND JOHN WESTERN | 92 |
the British condo experience CHRIS HAMNETT AND BILL RANDOLPH | 121 |
the linkages in New York City PETER MARCUSE | 153 |
9 The anatomy of displacement in the United States RICHARD T LEGATES AND CHESTER HARTMAN | 178 |
the dynamics of contemporary urban development PETER WILLIAMS AND NEIL SMITH | 204 |
225 | |
243 | |
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Common terms and phrases
abandonment activities American analysis areas blocks borhoods Britain built environment capital gains cation census centers central business district central cities central London City Planning condominium conspicuous consumption consumption cultural decline Development Economics Group disinvestment downtown Duboce Triangle Economics Group 1977 emergence esthetic False Creek flat break-up frontier function future gentrification process gentrifying neighborhoods geographical historical households housing market important income individual industrial inmovers inner city inner-city investment involved labor land landlords Laska & Spain life-style Lower East Side major Manhattan ment middle class mortgage neigh NEIL SMITH outmovers Over-the-Rhine owner-occupation patterns percent Philadelphia political potential gentry privately rented production professional profit redevelopment rehabilitation rent gap rental residents result revitalization role sector significant social Society Hill spatial structure structure and agency studies suburban suburbs tenants transformation trends units urban conservation urban renewal urban restructuring Vancouver Victorian white-collar working-class York City