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and took part in the campaign of 1813; was at Bautzen and Leipsic, and at Waterloo in 1815. When the army was re-organized, she was attached to the 4th Regiment of the Line, and accompanied it to Spain, under the Duke d' ANGOULEME, in 1823. From 1830 to 1834, she was in Africa. In 1859, she went there again with the depot of the 4th Regiment, and remained till 1860. Such are the services of this extraordinary woman. She went to Issoudun with the depot of the 4th, the officers of which allowed her a pension, and she had rations with the men, who absolutely idolized her. She had survived all relatives, but never wanted for friends. She retained her faculties to the last, and died without pain. The whole battalion, 600 strong, attended her funeral, and a sergeant-major pronounced an oration over her grave.


The Albany Journal, in view of the withdrawal of specie from the banks during the panic, has the following cleverly drawn hit for the "hoarders." It reminds us of a story told by a Philadelphia lawyer, of some eminence, now no more. He said the Dutch farmers in the interior of Pennsylvania were generally in the habit of hoarding their money. A farmer, who had laid by a large sum, the earnings of years, had his house broken into, and the money stolen. When asked by our friend, the lawyer, how much he lost, he said he did not know exactly, but that he had about a bushel of dollars, half a bushel of halves, and a peck of quarters, besides a considerable pile (when that bank was in its palmy days) of United States Bank bills. "Now is the time when gold dollars are hid in old stockings. Now is the time when sixpences are tucked away in snub-nosed teapots. Now money is laid by in cupboards-for mice to nibble; thrust into corners— for thieves to rummage; carried in wallets-for pickpockets to grab at; hid behind the wood-work-for the next generation to find; and buried in the ground-to be lost and forgotten. Now men rush frantic to draw cash out of safe places, and put it into unsafe ones. Now poor families lose five per cent for the purpose of having their savings where they will keep them awake at nights. Now farmers hang up deposits in the shot pouch behind the door, housewives sew up gold pieces in their skirts, and travelers weigh themselves down with body belts of coin. Now the unprofitable servant, who hid his talent in a napkin, is canonized into a bright and shining scriptural example, while those who 'put their money to the exchangers,' are looked suspiciously upon, as rash speculators in Jewish fancy stocks. Now all money is distrusted but such as can be heard to chinck. Now men privily put all their cash under lock and key, and then publicly lament that it has ceased to circulate. Now men with well filled pockets refuse either to pay their debts or to forgive their debtors. Now the butcher must wait and the baker must go unpaid, and the printer must be put off for the nineteenth time. The era of hoarding has come round again with all its blind, unreasoning fears, and all its self-imposed curses of poverty, idleness, distrust, and decay."


The National Intelligencer, in copying the annexed article from the Cleveland Herald, adds, that "circumstances familiar to almost every

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reader in the country give to the subjoined remarks peculiar aptitude and force. When the ocean is in a tumult, and the storm pours out its fury, the humblest sailor in the ship feels that the safety of his fellow-voyagers is as much a matter of pride and humanity as his own. He perils all, and works manfully whilst a stick is left standing.' He never deserts the ship. "Moneyed men are the veriest cravens on earth; so timid, that at the least alarm they pull their heads, turtle like, within their shells, and, snugly housed, hug their glittering treasury until all fear is removed. The consequence is, that a few days' disturbance of the monetary atmosphere brings on a perfect dearth of not only the precious metals, but of even paper money, their representative.


Moneyed men never adopt the tactics of mutual support; as soon as a shot is fired into the flock, they scatter, each looking out for himself, each distrustful of the other, and each recognizing only the great law of selfishness, which is, to take care of number one. Courage has saved many an army even when ammunition was low, and many a foe has been scattered by one yell of defiance when there was not a cartridge left."


The Philadelphia Commercial List says:-" We once fell in with a business man, and he was a person of wide experience, too, who said that, whatever might happen to him, he always looked sixty days ahead, rather than sixty days behind. This was sensible, and there was profound philosophy in it. For the habit of looking on the dark side of matters soon begets a despondent feeling in the heart, and disinclines a man to make any exertion at all. To look forward to better days, however, and to a turn of fortune for better times, is naturally calculated to inspire one with enthusiasm, to stimulate one with the new wine of hope. It makes all imaginable difference whether a man desponds or hopes. Hence, when a blast of trouble comes, the true way is to turn your back upon it, to refuse to have anything to do with it, to forswear all connection with its threats or promises. Look ahead, and look up! what is gone, is gone; there is no help for it. Work for better fortune, and the bad will desert you in absolute disgust at your impressibility.



The Boston Commercial Bulletin says, very truthfully: The young man who begins by saving a few shillings, and thriftily increases his storeevery coin being a representative of good solid work, honestly and manfully done-stands a better chance to spend the last half of his life in affluence and comfort, than he who is in his haste to become rich, obtains money by dashing speculations, or the devious means which abounds in the foggy region lying between fair dealing and actual fraud. Let the young make a note of this, and see that their money comes fairly, that it may long abide with them."


WILLIAM JACOB in his history of the precious metals, says of RAYMUND LULLY, that he went to England in the reign of Edward III. It will be remembered that this LULLY pretended, and was believed, to possess the power of transmuting the inferior metals into gold and silver. He seems to have been a strange compound of fanaticism and imposture. He was originally a Jew, who had been converted to Christianity and had become a Dominican friar. CREMER, abbot of Westminister, brought him to England, and introduced him to the king, for whom he agreed to exercise his science on condition of the monarch entering into a war with the Turks. The king was too much occupied with his wars in France to attack the Turks, and LULLY refusing on that account to continue his operations in making more gold, was in consequence of it imprisoned and kept in durance a long time in the Tower. It seems to have been believed by ASHMOLE, upon the testimony of NORTON and HERMES BIRD, that this man actually made gold whilst a prisoner in the Tower; and besides giving credit to this from tradition, he mentions as a corroborative proof, that the money coined from this gold had on the reverse cross fleury with lioneux, and the inscription, Jesus autem transiens per medium eorum ibat; intimating, that as Jesus passed invisible and in a secret manner through the midst of the Pharisees, so that gold was made by an invisible and secret art amidst the ignorant." Some instances of faith in this delusive necromantic art may be traced in the statutes and other public documents almost to the first year of William and Mary, when the act of the 5th of Henry IV. was repealed which had been enacted to prevent the "craft of the multiplication of gold."

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There is no greater mistake, says a cotemporary, that a business man can make than to be mean in his business. Always taking the half cent, and never returning a cent for the dollars he has made and is making. Such a policy is very much like the farmer's, who sows three pecks of seed when he ought to have sown five, and as a recompense for the leanness of his soul only gets ten when he might have got fifteen bushels of grain.

Everybody has heard of the proverb of "penny wise and pound foolish." A liberal expenditure in the way of business is always sure to be a capital investment. There are people in the world who are short-sighted enough to believe that their interest can be best promoted by grasping and clinging to all they can get, and never letting a cent slip through their fingers.

As a general thing, it will be found-other things being equal-that he who is the most liberal is most successful in business. Of course we do not mean it to be inferred that a man should be prodigal in his expenditures; but that he should show to his customers, if he is a trader, or to those whom he may be doing any kind of business with, that, in all his transactions, as well as social relations, he acknowledges the everlasting fact that there can be no permanent prosperity or good feeling in a community where benefits are not reciprocal.

We know of instances where traders have enjoyed the profits of hundreds of dollars' worth of trade, and yet have exhibited not the slightest disposition to reciprocate even to the smallest amount. Now, what must neces

sarily follow from such a couse? Why, simply the loss of large profits per annum, in the loss of trade, which, under a more liberal system, might have been retained.

The practice of some men seems to be, to make as little show in the way of business as possible. Such a one, if a trader, takes no pains with the appearance of his store. Everything around him is in a worn-out, delapidated, dirty condition. To have it otherwise it would cost a dollar for whitewash, and perhaps five for painting, and a few dollars besides for cleaning up and putting things to order. And so he plods on and loses hundreds of dollars' worth of custom for the want of attention to these matters, while his more sagacious neighbor, keeping up with the times, and having an eye to appearances, does a prosperous business.

Another will spend no money in any way to make business for fear he shall not get it back again. Consequently he sends out no circulars, distributes no handbills, publishes no advertisements; but sits down croaking about the hard times-moaning over the future prospect of notes to pay, no money, and no trade; and comes out, just where he might expect to come-short, while his neighbor, following in a different track, doing all that is necessary to be done to make business, has business; isn't short, but has money to loan; and it would be just like him to get twelve per cent., perhaps more, for the use of it; and we should not blame him for so doing.

The fact is, times have changed. The manner of doing business is dif ferent now, from what it used to be. It would be just as foolish to insist upon doing business now, in the old-fashioned way, as it would be to insist upon travelling with an ox-team instead of by railroad; to get news by oldfashioned stages instead of having it brought by the lightning telegraph. The times demand men of enlarged, liberal, energetic souls-men who will keep up with the world as it goes; men of hearts, too, who not only desire to go ahead themselves, but take pleasure in seeing others succeed; and who have public spirit enough to do something for, and rejoice in the prosperity of the people.


The Gazette du Danube publishes the following anecdote:-"A naval officer, who was some time ago making an excursion in the mountain near Ischl, lost his way, and entered a cottage to ask for information. The mistress of the house offered to send her son to show him the road. The offer was accepted, and when the lad had put the officer in the right path, the latter offered some money as a reward for his services. The boy refused to accept any, and remarked that the soldiers were always short of money. The officer inquired how he came to know that, and the lad replied, 'Why because I have a brother who is a soldier, and he never has any money. This very day my mother has sold our last goose and sent him what it fetched.' Touched by this artless tale, the officer returned to the cottage, gave the good woman three times the value of her goose, and promised to take care of her son if he behaved well. It need hardly be said that the officer kept his word, for he was the Archduke Ferdinand Maxamilian."


American Underwriters' Manual and Insurance Directory for 1862 and 1863. New York: GRIERSON & ECOLESINE.

This work presents, in a very convenient form, a large amount of information and statistics connected with insurance affairs. It professes to be the first compilation which contains an account of all the insurance companies in the whole Union, excepting the seceding States, and must prove useful to the mercantile as well as the insurance community. In addition to an alphabetically arranged list, or directory of the officers of insurance companies in New York, the New England States, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, this manual gives a very full account of all insurance companies and agents in the Western States, some of the Southern States, and also in California, a collection of recent insurance laws and several official reports, with general statistics of great interest in connection with the growth and strength of insurance throughout the country. Merchants doing a country trade, and men in the shipping and forwarding business, will find a work of this description invaluable for reference. The compiler is JOSEPH B. ECCLESINE, Esq., the talented insurance editor of the Wall Street Underwriter, and having made this branch of statictics his specialty, the work is reliable and accurate in its statistics and just in its expressed opinions.

The American Annual Cyclopædia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1861. D. APPLETON & Co., 443 and 445 Broadway, New York.

The development of science, the geographical explorations, the ingenious and important inventions of the past year, together with biographical notices of the virtues and services of the distinguished men who closed their career in 1861, form a portion of this very valuable volume. But perhaps the most important part is the full and accurate history which it contains of the conflict in the United States during the same period. The publishers appear to have presented a truthful picture of these matters, giving, as they state in their preface, the movements of the leaders of secession, from their first acts to the close of the year, including the proceedings, step by step, in each of the Southern States until they had resolved themselves out of the Union, and their subsequent efforts; the organization of the Confederate States; the principles upon which that organization was founded; the civil and commercial regulations of the Confederacy; the movements of its Government to fill its treasury, and organize and equip vast armies; the counteracting movements of the United States; the organization of its armies, with the details of the weapons for the infantry and artillery, and for the batteries for the ships and gunboats; together with all the original documents, from the Messages of the respective Presidents; the instructions of Cabinet officers; the Messages and proclamations of Governors; the important acts of the United States and Confederate Congresses; the acts and resolutions of State Legislatures; the proclamations and orders of commanding officers; the contributions of men and money from each State, North and South; the details of every battle and skirmish involving a loss of life. So ample have been the resources from which its details have been prepared, comprising publications both North and South, that it is believed no important public measure of the Federal or Confederate Governments, or of any of the States, has been overlooked or valuable document omitted. The efforts of the Confederacy to secure the cooperation of foreign powers, and of the United States to prevent it, are summarily presented in the letters and instructions of the respective diplomatic agents. We heartily commend this volume to our readers.

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