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A. D. 1847.

Calk's Ferry rechartered.

Wilson's Old


and vested in Alexander Sparks, is heirs and assigns, with the same rates of Toll heretofore allowed by Law.

IV. That the Ferry across the Saluda River, known as Calk's Ferry, be, and the same is hereby re-chartered, for the term of seven years, and vested in Elizabeth Lewey, her heirs and assigns, with the same rates of Toll heretofore allowed by law.

V. That the Bridge across the Three Prongs of Saluda River, at Smith's Mills Bridge re- Mills, called Wilson's Old Mills, be, and the same is hereby re-chartered, for the term of seven years, and vested in John Smith, his heirs and assigns, with the same rates of Toll heretofore allowed by Law.

Bridge at Day's
Ferry to be a
Toll Bridge.

VI. That the Bridge across Lynch's Creek, at the place called Day's Ferry, be, and the same is hereby chartered as a Toll Bridge, and vested in Solomon Coward, his heirs and assigns, for the term of seven years, and the following rates of Toll allowed, viz: For each Man on Horse-back, 6 cents; each led Horse, 3 cents; each Foot Passenger, 6 cents; each Wagon drawn by Four Rites of Toll. Horses, 50 cents; each Carriage drawn by Four Horses, 50 cents; each Car

New Town Cut.

Davie & Cureton's Ferry rechartered.

Rates of Toll.

riage drawn by Two Horses, 374 cents; each Wagon, Gig, Sulkey, Cart or
Buggy, drawn by One Horse, 25 cents; each Head of Cattle, 3 cents; each
Head of Hogs, Goats or Sheep, 2 cents; Turkeys in Droves, 1 cent each;
Horses in Droves, 3 cents.

VII. That the Commissioners of New Town Cut, be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, to expend from the funds arising from fines imposed by them the sum of sixty dollars annually.

VIII. That the Commissioners of Roads, for Claremont County, Sumter District, be, and are hereby authorized to withdraw the hands now liable to work on the Public Road in said County, leading from the Main Road from Camden, to Vance's Ferry, to the Wateree River, at Stark's Ferry, whereon the Camden Branch of the South Carolina Rail Road, shall be in operation to the vicinity of Manchester: Provided, That the aforesaid Road shall be continued as a Public Road, and be worked on by those using the same.

IX. That the Ferry across the Catawba River, at or near Landsford, formerly and latterly known as Massey's and Davie's Ferry, be, and the same is hereby re-chartered, by the name of Davie's and Cureton's Ferry, and vested in F. W. Davie and T. R. Cureton, their heirs and assigns, for the term of seven years, with the following rates of Toll: For every Wagon drawn by Four or more Horses, seventy-five cents; for every Four Wheel Carriage, or Wagon, drawn by Two Horses, fifty cents; for every Buggy, Cart, Gig or Sulky, drawn by One Horse, twenty-five cents; for every Man and Horse, ten cents; for

every Foot Passenger, five cents; for every Single Horse, Mule or Cow, five cents; for every Hog, Sheep or Goat, two and a half cents; for every Wagon or Cart, drawn by Four or more Oxen, fifty cents; for every Wagon or Cart, drawn by two Oxen, twenty-five cents.

A. D. 1847.


X. That the Ferry across Catawba River, formerly called McClenaghan's Cureton's Ferry Ferry, be, and the same is hereby re-chartered, by the name of Cureton's Ferry, and vested in Thomas R. Cureton, his heirs and assigns, for the term of seven years, with the same rates of Toll allowed by this Act, at Davie's and Cureton's Ferry.

XI. That a Public Road be laid out from the Big House Landing on Lady's Public Road on Lady's Island Island, to Coosaw Creek, by the shortest and best route practicable, through established. the lands of the late Charles Givens, Charles G. Capers and Henry McKee, consulting as far as possible, the interests of those through whose lands the said Road may pass; and that it be laid out, and the damages which the several owners may sustain, be assessed by five disinterested persons, two to be appointed by the Board of Commissioners for St. Helena Parish, two by each owner, and these shall appoint a fifth, who shall upon oath assess the same, and return their assessment to the said Board, and upon the payment of the said assessment, by Richard Reynolds, Jr., John M. Fripp, Dr. B. B. Sams, R. Bainbridge Sams, John G. Barnwell, James Fripp and John M. Verdier, or any, or either of them, the same shall be declared a Public Road, under the jurisdiction of the Board of Commissioners for St. Helena Parish.

for All Saint's

XII. That hereafter, the Annual Reports of the Commissioners of Roads, Annual Report for All Saint's Parish, as now required by law, shall be made, only, to the Parish. Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions, for Georgetown District, at the Fall Term of the said Court, every year.

XIII. That D. M. Mason, J. F. Brockington, Joseph Scott, Sr., Peter B. Kingstree. Mouzon and William Staggers, be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners for the Town of Kingstree.


XIV. That a new Road be laid out, opened and kept in repair, in Horry New Road in District, to lead from the Conner Road, at the Sixteen Mile Post, and crossing the Waccamaw Lake, at James Thompson's; White Oak Swamp, at James Barnhill's, and Maple Swamp, at A. H. Crawford's, and intersecting the Playcard Road, at Brown Swamp, near the residence of the late J. T. Sessions, and that William Carter, Thomas W. Booth and John Thompson, be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to lay out said Road.

XV, That the Charters of Ferries and Bridges, granted by this Act, shall be Terms of Chartaken, held and enjoyed, subject to the twenty-third section of an Act entitled



A. D. 1847.

“An Act to establish certain Roads, Bridges and Ferries," ratified on the fifteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty-five.

In the Senate House, the seventeenth day of December, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, and in the seventy-second year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America.

R. F. W. ALLSTON, President of the Senate, pro. tem,
W. F. COLCOCK, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

No. 3027.


I. Be it enacted, by the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That all persons, citizens of the United States, who now own, or may hereafter own dwelVillage of Mari- ling houses in the village of Marion, or those who may cccupy such dwelling on incorporated. houses under lease, shall be deemed and are hereby declared, a body politic and corporate, and the said village shall be called and known by the name of "Marion," and its limits shall be held and deemed to extend for one half mile in every direction from the Court House in said village.

Officers &c.


II. And be it further enacted, That the said village shall be governed by an Intendent and four Wardens, who shall be appointed in the first instance by the Delegation from Marion District, and shall continue in office until the second Monday in September next, on which day as well as on the second Monday in September of every year thereafter, an election shall be held for an Intendant and four Wardens, (who shall in all instances be free holders within the limits of the said village) at such places as the Intendant and Wardens shall designate, ten days notice being previously given; and that all free white male inhabitants of the said village who have attained the age of twenty-one years, and who have resided in said village three months previous to the said election shall be entitled to vote for the said Intendant and Wardens; the election to be held from ten o'clock in the forenoon, until two o'clock in the afternoon; and when the polls shall be closed the managers shall proclaim the election and give notice thereof in writing to the persons elected; and that the Intendant and Wardens for the time being shall always appoint three managers to hold the ensuing election; that the Intendant and Wardens before entering

apon the duties of their office, shall take the oath prescribed by the constitution of the State, and also the following oath to wit: "As Intendant or Warden of Marion I will equally and impartially to the best of my ability and skill exercise the trust reposed in me, and will use my best endeavours to preserve the peace, and carry into effect, according to law the purposes of my appointment. So help me God."

A. D 1847.


Vacaney how fill

III. And be it further enacted, That in case a vacancy shall occur in the office of Intendant or Warden, by death, resignation, removal from office, or absence from the State, an election shall be held by the appointment of the ed. Intendant and Wardens, or Wardens as the case may be, ten days previous notice being given; and in case of sickness or temporary absence of the Intendant, the Wardens forming a council shall be impowered to elect one of themselves to act as Intendant during the time.

IV. And be it further enacted, That the Intendant and Wardens duly electel and qualified shall during their term of service severally and respectively be

vested with all the powers of Magistrates of the district within the limits of the Powers of office. said village. That the Intendant may as often as occasion may require summon the Wardens to meet him in council a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum to do business, and shall be known by the name of the "Town Council of Marion ;" and they and their successors in office shall have a common seal; and shall have authority to appoiut from time to time, such and so many proper persons to act as constables as they shall deem expedient and proper; which constables shall have all the powers, privileges and emoluments, and be subject to all the duties penalties and regulations provided by the laws of this State for the office of constable; and the Intendant and Wardens in council shall have power, under their corporate seal, to ordain and establish, all such rules byelaws and ordinances respecting the streets, ways, markets and police of the said village, as shall appear to them proper for the security welfare and convenience of the said village, and for preserving health, peace, order and good government within the same; and the said council may affix fines for offices against such bye-laws and ordinances, and appropriate them to the use of the corporation ; but no fine shall exceed fifty dollars; and when fines shall excced ten dollars they may be recovered in the Court of Session for Marion District; and when they are of the amount of ten dollars or under they may be recovered before the Intendant and Wardens: Provided, Nothing herein contained shall empower the said council to ordain or establish any bye-laws or ordinances inconsistent Proviso. with, or repugnant to the laws of this State, and all such bye-laws and ordinances shall at all times be subject to the revisal or repeal of the Legislature.

A. D. 1817.



Roads, Streets and Alleys.

V. And be it further enacted, That the said Intendant and Werdens shall have power to abate and remove nuisances, within the said limits, and to classify and arrange the inhabitants liable to do patrol duty, and to require them to perform such duty as often as occasion may require, and to enforce the performance thereof under the same penalties as are now or may be hereafter estal·lished by law; and that the said Intendant and Wardens or any one of them, проп view thereof, or upon complaint lodged on oath are hereby authorized and required to issue warrants against all offenders, and cause them to be brought before them or him, and upon due examination shall either release and discharge, admit to bail if the offence be bailable, or commit to jail such offenders, as the case may require; and the Sheriff of Marion District is hereby required to receive and keep the persons so committed until discharged by due course of law; and that the said Intendant and Wardens shall collectively and severally have cognizance, within the said corporate limits, of all criminal cases, as magistrates of their District have, or may have according to law.

VI. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That the said Intendant and Wardens, shall have the full and only power of granting licenses for Billiard tables, to keep tavern or retail spirituous liquors within the said limits; which license shall be granted in the same manner and upon the same conditions as they are now granted by Commissioners of roads, under the laws of this State; and all the powers vested in Commissioners of roads are hereby granted to the said Intendant and Wardens within the said limits; and it shall be the duty of the said Intendant and Wardens to keep all roads, streets, and alleys within the said limits open and in good repair; and that all moneys paid for licenses for retailing spirituous liquors, keeping billiard tables and taverns or either, within the said limits shall be paid over to the Commissioners of roads as heretofore directed by law, and for neglect of duty the Intendant and Wardens shall be liable to the penalty imposed by law on Comissioners of reads for like neglect.

VII. And be it further enacted, That the said Intendant and Wardens shall have power to compound with pcrsons liable to work on said roads, streets and alleys, to release such persons as may desire it, upon the payment of such sum of money as the said Intendant and Wardens may deem a fair equivalent therefor, to be applied by them to the use of the said Corporation; and no person residing within said limits shall be liable to work on any rcad without said limits or be taxed or assessed for the same except for bridge taxes: Provided, That those persons who are now liable to do read duty on Catfish Causeway shall not be exempt therefrom.

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