Ford. Empty the basket, I say. Ford. Master Page, as I am a man, there was one conveyed out of my house yesterday in this basket: Why may not he be there again? In my house I am sure he is: my intelligence is true; my jealousy is reasonable: Pluck me out all the linen. Mrs. Ford. If you find a man there, he shall die a flea's death. Page. Here's no man. Shal. By my fidelity, this is not well, master Ford; this wrongs you 12. Eva. Master Ford, you must pray, and not follow the imaginations of your own heart: this is jealousies. Ford. Well, he's not here I seek for. Page. No, nor no where else, but in your brain. Ford. Help to search my house this one time; if I find not what I seek, show no colour for my extremity, let me for ever be your table-sport; let them say of me, As jealous as Ford, that searched a hollow walnut for his wife's leman 13. Satisfy me once more; once more search with me. Mrs. Ford. What hoa, mistress Page! come you, and the old woman down; my husband will come into the chamber. Ford. Old woman! What old woman's that? Mrs. Ford. Why, it is my maid's aunt of Brentford. Ford. A witch, a quean, an old cozening quean! Have I not forbid her. my house? She comes of errands, does she? We are simple men; we do not know what's brought to pass under the profession of fortune telling. She works by charms, by spells, by the figure, and such daubery 14 as this is; beyond our element; we know nothing.--Come down, you witch, you hag you; come down, I say. 12 i. e. This is below your character, unworthy of you.' 13 Lover. 14 Falsehood, imposition. Mrs. Ford. Nay, good, sweet husband;-good gentlemen, let him not strike the old woman. Enter FALSTAFF in women's clothes, led by Mrs. Page. Come, mother Pratt, come, give me your hand. ㄓ Ford. I'll prat her:--Out of my door, you witch! [beats him] you rag, you baggage, you polecat, you ronyon 15! out! out! I'll conjure you, I'll fortune-tell you. [Exit FALSTAFF. Mrs. Page. Are you not ashamed? I think you have killed the poor woman. Mrs. Ford. Nay, he will do it;-Tis a goodly credit for you. Ford. Hang her, witch! Eva. By yea and no, I think, the 'oman is a witch indeed: I like not when a 'oman has a great peard; I spy a great peard under her muffler. Ford. Will you follow, gentlemen? I beseech you, follow; see but the issue of my jealousy; if I cry out thus upon no trail 16, never trust me when I open again. Page. Let's obey his humour a little further; Come, gentlemen. [Exeunt PAGE, FORD, SHALLOW, and EVANS. Mrs. Page. Trust me, he beat him most pitifully. Mrs. Ford. Nay, by the mass that he did not; he beat him most unpitifully, methought. Mrs. Page. I'll have the cudgel hallowed, and hung o'er the altar; it hath done meritorious service. Mrs. Ford. What think you? May we, with the warrant of woman-hood, and the witness of a good conscience, pursue him with any further revenge? Mrs. Page. The spirit of wantonness is, sure, scared out of him; if the devil have him not in 15 Means much the same as scall or scab, from Rogneuse, FR. 16 Expressions taken from the chase. Trail is the scent Feft by the passage of the game. To cry out is to open, or bark. fee-simple, with fine and recovery 17, he will never, I think, in the way of waste 18, attempt us again. Mrs. Ford. Shall we tell our husbands how we have served him? Mrs. Page. Yes, by all means; if it be but to scrape the figures out of your husband's brains. If they can find in their hearts, the poor unvirtuous fat knight shall be any further afflicted, we two will still be the ministers. Mrs. Ford. I'll warrant they'll have him publicly shamed: and, methinks, there would be no period 19 to the jest, should he not be publicly shamed. Mrs. Page. Come to the forge with it then, shape it: I would not have things cool. SCENE III. A Room in the Garter Inn. Enter Host and BARDOLPH. [Exeunt. Bard. Sir, the Germans desire to have three of your horses: the duke himself will be to-morrow at court, and they are going to meet him. Host. What duke should that be comes so secretly? I hear not of him in the court: Let me speak with the gentlemen; they speak English? Bard. Ay, sir, I'll call them to you. Host. They shall have my horses; but I'll make them pay, I'll sauce them: they have had my house a week at command; I have turned away my other guests: they must come off 20; I'll sauce them; Come. [Exeunt. 17 Ritson remarks that Shakspeare had been long enough in an attorney's office to know that fee-simple is the largest estate, and fine and recovery the strongest assurance, known to English Law.' How Mrs. Page acquired her knowledge of these terms he has not informed us. 18 This is another forensic expression. Mr. Steevens says that the meaning of the passsge is, "he will not make further attempts to ruin us by corrupting our virtue and destroying our reputation." 19 i. e. right period, or proper catastrophe. 20 To come off is to pay, to come down (as we now say), with a sum of money. It is a phrase of frequent occurrence in old plays. SCENE IV. A Room in Ford's House. Enter PAGE, FORD, MRS. PAGE, MRS. FORD, and SIR HUGH EVANS. Eva. 'Tis one of the pest discretions of a 'oman as ever I did look upon. Page. And did he send you both these letters at an instant? Mrs. Page. Within a quarter of an hour. Ford. Pardon me, wife: Henceforth do what d thou wilt; I rather will suspect the sun with cold1, Than thee with wantonness; now doth thy honour stand, In him that was of late an heretic, As firm as faith." Page. "Tis well, 'tis well; no more. Be not as extreme in submission, As in offence; But let our plot go forward: let our wives Page. So think I too. Mrs. Ford. Devise but how you'll use him when And let us two devise to bring him thither. The reading in the text was Mr. Rowe's. The old copies read I rather will suspect the sun with gold.' VOL. I. 11* Sometime a keeper here in Windsor forest, You have heard of such a spirit; and well you know, Received, and did deliver to our age, This tale of Herne the hunter for a truth. Mrs. Ford. Marry, this is our device; That Falstaff at that oak shall meet with us, Disguised like Herne, with huge horns on his head. Page. Well, let it not be doubted but he'll come, And in this shape: When you have brought him thither, What shall be done with him? what is your plot? Mrs. Page. That likewise have we thought upon, and thus; Nan Page my daughter, and my little son, And three or four more of their growth, we'll dress To take signifies to seize or strike with a disease, to blast. So, in Lear, Act ii. Sc. 4: Strike her young bones, ye taking airs, with lameness." And in Hamlet, Act. i. Sc. 1: "No planets strike, No fairy takes, no witch has power to charm." "Of a horse that is taken. A horse that is bereft of his feeling, moving, or stirring, is said to be taken, and in sooth so he is, in that he is arrested by so villainous a disease: yet some farriers, not well understanding the ground of the disease, conster the word taken to be stricken by some planet, or evil spirit, which is false.-C. vii, Markham on Horses 1595. Thus also in Horman's Vulgaria, 1519. "He is taken, or benomed. Attonitus est." 3 Old age. 4 The tree which was by tradition shown as Herne's oak; being totally decayed, was cut down by his late majesty's order in 1795.1993 5 Elf, hobgoblin. |