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The facts are these: The fine flour required for white bread exists in the wheat to the extent of 70 to 75 per cent. ; 25 or, far more commonly, 30 per cent. of the strongest nourishment being set aside for the fattening of pigs and the foddering of cattle. In comment on these facts it is loosely said, "What does it matter whether we take a given kind of nourishment in the form of wheat, or whether we take it in the form of meat made from animals that have been fed on the wheat?"

The answer to this is twofold. First, to quote the words of Dr. H. C. Bartlett: "If we saved that twenty-five per cent. of nutriment in the grain which we commonly throw to our cattle, not only should we be in pocket ourselves, but we should save sufficient to pay for one-half the staple food consumed by the whole of the paupers of this kingdom. This," Dr. Bartlett adds, "is an important socio-economical consideration." Secondly: From our present point of view—that is, concerning ourselves chiefly with the interests of the poor -this turning of wheat into meat, which some economists seem disposed to admire, is further wasteful, because it is a roundabout and costly way of achieving an end near at hand. Meat is expensive, to begin with. It wastes enormously in cooking. It contains a very large percentage of mere water, for which one pays in buying it. Sometimes, too, cattle are a dead loss through disease. And, even setting aside all these considerations, the fact remains that the poorest classes, for whom and for whose children we chiefly desire to see the adoption of wheat-meal bread, are precisely the classes who ultimately derive none of this compensating nourishment from the animals fed on the wheat they lose.

To sum up: The Bread-Reform League has been instituted, and its operations are conducted, mainly with a view to providing the classes who live chiefly on bread with a more nutritive kind of food than they can at present obtain. The reformers maintain, and facts of various orders bear them out in maintaining, that such an article of diet as is required to render children of the poor stronger and better able to cope with the difficulties of their existence is found in wheat-meal bread made of the decorticated and finely ground whole grain. They declare that such bread contains a larger number of nutrients, and these in wholesomer proportions, than white bread does; and that more hardship can be sustained and more

labor performed upon wheat meal bread alone than upon white bread alone. No denial is forthcoming from any quarter which invalidates the inference drawn from the fact that the workingclasses of other countries who live on whole-meal breads, and who require no meat at all, compare favorably with the English bread-feeding class. No one has been able to point out a diseased state of human life corresponding with a whole-meal or wheat-meal-eating section of any community, as the prevalence of rickets and of crumbly teeth corresponds with the white bread-eating section. 1. As to the feebly uttered objections from the laboratory: In the hitherto almost entire absence of consistent dietetic experiment, chemists are obliged to speak in the potential or the subjunctive mood. They consider the question at worst an open one. Meanwhile, no reason is put forward, even by chemists, that fairly favors the eating of unreformed, starchy white bread by persons who can get little or nothing but bread to eat. Nor are chemists even agreed among themselves in looking coldly upon the especial line reform has taken in the recent efforts at bread reformation; while physiologists are unanimous in their approval alike of those efforts and their direction. Against the few scientific voices raised in hypothetical dissent are heard the firmer tones of our most eminent chemists and physiologists, cordially advocating the introduction of wheat-meal bread, made as the reformers aim at making it. Professor Huxley has lately given his assent to the principles of the Lague. Professor Frankland, Professor Ray Lankester, Dr. W. B. Carpenter, Professor Church, Sir Thomas Watson, Professor Erasmus Wilson, and Dr. Pavey may also be named as among its warm supporters.

2. We have seen that, in order to prevail upon the needy classes to make experiment of this bread, even when brought within easy and general reach, a prejudice has to be overcome, founded partly on the actual objections to common brown bread, and on the practical identification in the public mind of wheat-meal bread with other breads of a similar color. There being no sound dietetic reasons for the popularity of white bread, example may be brought to bear in the overcoming of this prejudice. One thing is certain. No such forces were at work in the original adoption of white bread as a general article of food among English poor as are now at work to get rid of it as such.

Neither a scientific nor a philanthropic impulse caused the crowding out of the old-fashioned meal by white flour. People liked the "look and taste" of white bread; if they could get plenty of milk, meat, and eggs, they missed nothing by its adoption; and be it remembered that milk and meat were much less expensive then than they are now. Such people as did miss anything of health or vitality through being unable even then to afford meat and milk, were yet ignorant as to what it was they missed, and as to how cheaply to supply the need. In our day, not only has the use of white bread become among all classes a rooted habit to which the palate gives allegiance, but there is the argument of laziness: "We like very well what we have got, and it saves trouble to go on as we are." A present preference always coaxes the judgment to find it in the right. Taste and habit, however, appear in this case to be alike in the wrong, and the duty is urged upon us of acquiring a new preference and of creating a new fashion by the persevering trial of a new kind of bread.

3. Lastly, as to the economists' argument, that by giving our rejected bran to cattle it is elaborated into a superior human food, we have seen, first, that meat is dear, and is subject to disease, and so that not all the food thus elaborated reaches human eaters after all, while next to none of it reaches the class for whom specially we here concern ourselves. Secondly, that so to argue is like telling a rich man to pay money in traveling fare, in order to go fifty miles around instead of five miles across; which proceeding, though on various accounts it may be worth the rich man's while, does not help the poor man to reach his destination at all, but, on the contrary, condemns him to stay where he is.

The whole matter discussed in this paper is a practical and perhaps a very prosy one. Yet, for those who believe in health as one of the chiefest props both of virtue and of gladness, the putting of as stout a staff of health in the hand of the poor man as may be seems no trifling object to aim at. Sanitary arrangements in general are better in English cities than elsewhere, yet the poor of our alleys are sicklier than those of cities where, with even less regard paid to the purification of air and water, richer breads are in common


of this kind. There must be an array of facts derived from persevering and intelligent experiment, and it is maintained that as yet the bread experiment has not been, in England, sufficiently tried.

I have refrained from giving any of the detailed chemical analyses of wheat; and this on two accounts. The results of analysis are very variously given. Added to which, being myself no chemist, my selection of an authority would be without significance. One point seems, nevertheless, beyond question. The whole-meal of the wheat contains one hundred and nineteen grains in the pound of the mineral matters valuable as nourishment, while a pound of white flour contains only forty-nine grains. The testimony of chemical analysis must, however, not be taken by itself, apart from the observed physiological results in the cases of populations respectively fed on bread of this kind or of that.

If the personal testimony of a "social unit" be of any value whatever, I may say that I find wheat-meal bread both wholesome and palatable, and that since I have taken it I find it possible comfortably to dispense with meat more than once in the day. I began the use of the bread on the mere ground of giving a struggling reform fair personal trial; and I continue it on grounds of acquired preference.

The present organized attempt at bread-reformation must, like all other agitation movements, prove its fitness to meet an existing requirement by survival until its task be completed. If rapid growth be any test of vigor and vitality, we may augur well for the future of its cause; for, one year ago it had no existence except in the consciousness and conscience of Miss Yates and a few of her friends; whereas now it is a busy and recognized body of activity, having secured the adherence of numerous leading millers and bakers, who are willing to forward its aim by grinding the meal and by selling the bread it reccommends.

A writer in the Corn-Trade Journal remarks that it was not by mere agitation, by conferences and article-writing, that white bread obtained its firm footing in the public favor, but that commercial enterprise mainly effected its adoption; and he suggests that to the same agency the reformers should look for the general introduction

Argument alone will not settle a practical point of the rival bread.


MUSIC is undoubtedly the most ancient of arts. For its origin we need look no further than the human soul, of which it is a part, and over which it exercises a strange influence, causing it to weep at pathetic strains, or spring into vigorous action. at the sound of a martial air. What will move a Frenchman more quickly than the "Marseillaise Hymn"? What will stir American blood to more rapid pulsation than the "Star-Spangled Banner?" And when we enter the sanctuary, carrying with us many thoughts of worldly things, how the organ's glorious harmony dispels them and fixes our minds upon noble and worthier themes !

Every creature to a greater or less degree is affected by music; and—unlike other arts-the art of music, in its first stage, does not have to be acquired, but springs spontaneously from the heart. It is proficiency that has to be acquired, not the art itself. The birds need no singing-master to teach them song, but warble forth their sweet strains because their beings overflow with melody. The nude savage whirls his painted body about the glowing flame, and sings, as nature alone taught him, a wild refrain, to stir his soul for war; and when the battle is over, a weird and melancholy dirge peals from his lips for comrades that have fallen.

And this same savage has no doubt a musical instrument—a tom-tom, or something of the kind; rude, perhaps, but still a musical instrumentshowing that its owner possesses a well-spring of music in his inmost being; and, as with us, music forms a part in all his festivities and finds its place in his religious exercises.

Jubal, a grandson of the murderous Cain, is the first musician on record, and to him is accredited the invention of the harp. This first of musical instruments, could we but see its primitive proportions, would no doubt be a curious thing to look upon; as it is, one can scarcely imagine its possible shape or construction.

Compared with the great Centennial organ, or other such inventions of late date, this first harp would be as the acorn is to the stately oak. Made in an age when science and mechanics were unknown, perhaps fashioned with a knife of stone or

hard wood, it must have been crude indeed; yet the germ of greater things was there; the power was there the power of harmony to entrance and agitate.

To define the invisible power of music over human emotions is beyond the scope of language. That such a power does exist, no one will deny. Before it all the baser passions of our nature take flight, and by it our nobler and purer natures are drawn out.

I remember once, when a boy, I entered a church during Communion service. The organ, under the control of a master hand, was rolling forth that grand old tune "Windham" in its minor key. The choir was not singing, but I could hear the words as plainly as if spoken:

"'Twas on that dark, that doleful night."

I was not religiously inclined, yet the harmony of that tune overcame me with an indefinable awe which I could not shake off at the time, and I recall the feeling quite distinctly even now.

The mind may be distressed by trouble, but a calm and peaceful rest will steal over the agitated spirit as the low sweet strains of a melody strike upon the ear; and at no other time than such as this does our purer self commune so unrestrainedly with the Author of its being. This perfect sway over human emotions may not be so general or so noticeable with solemn as with lively music. While the former may affect many persons, the rendering of a vivacious piece will affect all, and draw a response from every nerve and fibre of their beings. Instinctively we move our bodies to the measure of a lively tune, our pulses throbbing in unison.

The circle of this powerful influence is not confined to mankind alone; it also extends to the lower animals. Horses, it is known, have been strangely affected by piano-playing, indicating, in many unmistakable ways, their delight; and the snake-charmer's principal instrument is the sweettoned whistle he makes from a reed.

Of late days music has become so common that scarcely a household in the land is without an inmate tolerably proficient upon some instrument,

or as a vocalist. Music is with us at every turning-point in our lives. As a child we are furnished with a penny whistle for a plaything. This is the first stage. Then, as we grow up, we learn to know the organ-grinder with his monkey in its suit of dirty red. This is still the infant stage of musical knowledge; but in a few years we enter society and find it is a source of refined amusement everywhere. We attend church and discover that here our Creator is worshiped in song. We marry, and at the altar listen to the strains of Mendelsohn's "Wedding March." Music leads our armies to the battle-field, it is present at our social gatherings, and then, when we come to lay down the burdens of life, the last sad rites are performed to the Dead March in " Saul." So, from first to last, from cradle to the grave, music constitutes an important feature in our existence-appealing to the true self—all the elevated sentiment within


Shakspeare says:

"The man that hath no music in himself

Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds
Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils;
The motions of his spout are dull as night,
And his affections dark as Erebus.
Let no such man be trusted."

-Merchant of Venice.

We can easily believe this to be a fact. The man over whom harmony exercises no influence, but falls powerless, whose soul does not respond to melody, must indeed be scarcely human, a man of low instincts and vicious character. On the other hand, he who has a love for the art, profligate though he may be, is not all bad; he must possess many good qualities.

It is well for parents to encourage their children to become musicians. Nothing will appeal so strongly to their nobler natures as music, nothing promotes refinement so successfully. If they manifest a fondness for it, let them have instruction upon some instrument. To perform creditably To perform creditably upon any one of the many musical instruments is a desirable accomplishment, and one which the possessor will soon discover to be a source of much gratification and pleasure not only to himself, but to his friends.

No time passes by so pleasantly or leaves so many agreeable memories as the hour spent at the organ or the piano. Delightful musical parties may also be arranged and conducted by these

home artists-all tending to elevate the morals, while life is rendered brighter and more enjoyable thereby.

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While such things cement more firmly the family ties and add greater attractions to an already attractive home, they may be obtained with but little expense, as musical instruments can be purchased on easy terms. The expense of tuition is the greatest one to be incurred. It is true, instructors abound whose prices suit an impoverished purse, but as a rule their knowledge and capability of imparting what they know are proportionately limited. It would be preferable, however, for the prospective performer to secure a good instruction book and puzzle the matter out by himself than to employ such a cheap John whose only recommendation is cheapness and whose teachings prove more harmful than beneficial. Under such instructors-generally careless except in the matter of their paltry pay-the pupil oftener acquires erroneous ideas and confirmed habits extremely difficult to eradicate.

A good teacher is therefore essential, if you have one at all, and to secure the services of such, a good price must be paid. In selecting such an one, choose one who has turned out a number of proficient scholars-the best test. And do not fall into the common error of thinking that a brilliant performer must also possess the talent of instructing others. This is by no means invariably the case.

To those who are lovers of good music, as well as to those who make some pretensions to instrumental performances, we would add a few words more. No music is so well appreciated as that which is well executed, and, in order to execute music as it should be executed, the amateur should ever bear in mind the fact that practice, constant practice, is essential. One of the most eminent musical performers that ever lived once remarked "that constant practice daily, for a life-time, would not make a perfect player." make a perfect player." It is not to be supposed, however, that all can become professionals; still, the accomplishment may be cultivated to an extent which will enable the performer to execute his music to the full gratification of his hearers and and with credit to himself.

For the benefit of the music readers of the MONTHLY, we furnish a new piece of music, from the hands of a very popular composer, which they will find both excellent and sui generis quite apropos.

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The above can be obtained in sheet-music form from W. H. Boner & Co., Philadelphia. Price, 40 cents.

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