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the time, and, with that instinctive feeling which in the midst of solitudes makes all mankind akin, officers and men partook alike, the spell being broken finally by the voice of the commander calling on the sailors to row.

Fifty minutes of steady pulling by the oarsmen brought us back under the shadow of the trees, where we disturbed a small community of wild geese, which flew close along the surface of the water, leaving a ruffled track with their startled wings. According to our compass, we were one-quarter of the lake's circumference from our point of entry, and it was determined to continue our explorations to a point midway from the feeder and then return directly across.

A short distance further along we found a corduroy road of uncertain stability, which led back into the swamp from a floating platform of poplar logs chained to the stumps. This was built by the negro lumbermen for the purpose of hauling logs to the boats, which sometimes get up into the lake. At this point in our journey that portion of our party known as the Baron became excited. His Teutonic visage lighted up with a glow of expectancy. He was a little man, with a fierce moustache and goatee, which, under the influVOL. XVII.-22

ence of undue emotion, bristled all over, as if each hair desired to start in business for itself.

The Baron's highest ambition in life was to kill a bear, and here he would find his bear. His soul stirred within him at the thought. Alas! could we but see a fraction as far in prospect as in retrospect, how much of disaster might be avoided. All through, to the end of life, we travel, as it were, in a fog, and as we paddle down stream seldom know when we have drifted out of the


channel until we strike a snag, or find ourselves high and dry upon a shoal.

The Baron grasped his Remington, and in a little while he was almost lost to view, as he jumped nimbly from log to log. The last we saw of him was the skirts of his coat, flopping up and down in the dim distance. Perhaps twenty minutes had passed when, clear and sharp, rang out the crack of his rifle, followed by a great splash and sounds of combat.

The Baron had found his bear. Or stay, perchance the bear had found his Baron.

The latter impression was greatly strengthened by a continuation of the noises in the swamp, in which our Nimrod's voice mingled constantly: "Ach, himmel! Vy dond you kom? Donner und blitzen,


vat make you shtop, don't id? Ze beast vill beleaguered hero did not bethink himself of a haf me eat."

With one accord, over the logs, through the water and brush, our whole party rushed madly to the rescue, forgetful of falls and wettings, and rewarded at length by a sight too ludicrous for equanimity, even when a friend and fellow-voyager stood in imminent peril at the paws and teeth of an enraged and wounded bear.

The Baron stood in a half-stooping pose upon one end of a log, which rolled and pitched about, threatening to precipitate him into the water through the efforts of his brute adversary at the opposite end. Bruin sprang to the attack with renewed vigor upon our arrival, and his victim


providential Bowie-knife concealed in his boot, and, producing the same, succeed in holding that bear by an ear while he tapped its life-blood. Not Such scenes are the proper sequence of adventures in fiction. They are the exclusive prerogative of the writers of unverified facts. My duty compels me, as a faithful historian, and at the risk of marring the interest in this record, to state that the beast, becoming disgusted, perhaps, at the unwonted excitement about him, incontinently turned tail and trotted lamely up the corduroy roadway, stopping occasionally to vent a little ursine profanity toward our party.

The ensuing hour's debate may be properly

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of our Teutonic sportsman, whose moustache and goatee bristled with unwonted fire for a long time after, and who handled the cartridges he had left in the boat with much the same air as the man who holds a lottery ticket just one remove from the number drawing the first prize.

hopped about on that log like a French dancing- | ignored. It was emphatic, especially on the part master, and wildly grasped at the air for support as his precarious foothold seemed every moment to slide from under. When bruin essayed a nearer approach to his enemy, the latter, using the butt of his rifle as a ram, would force him over into the water again. This performance was repeated several times, the besieged officer, meantime, keeping up a continual fusillade of entreaty and objurgation, while we ran helplessly about, for, be it known, the Baron held our entire armament in his hands and had neglected to take the reserve ammunition from the boat, and was, furthermore, so placed upon the log that any aggressive measures upon our part must have driven the enraged brute to more active efforts to dislodge the enemy.

I wish a strict regard for facts might permit the record of a triumphant return to the boat with the dangling form of bruin carried upon a sapling by the sailors. A pity that, at the last moment, the

Our masts were reset and sails trimmed to catch the faintest breeze, and so we skirted along the shores for hours. Swamp-oaks, junipers, and poplars braided their outstretched foliage together, forming a dense background for the whitened trunks of submerged and blasted cypress-trees. Dismal indeed was the scene, even in its brightest mood, on a sunny November day.

We had been favored thus far with a fair wind, and calculated that we were about half-way around the lake, or opposite our point of entrance. The breeze now died out, and we drifted along with the occasional use of the oars, hoping for a re

newal of the favors from the wind sprites. It was evident enough, soon after, that we had incurred their anger in some way, for they persisted in giving us head-winds, with little, chopping seas, during the remainder of the afternoon. Our sailors and marines worked well at the long oars; but long before we could discover the little white rag left fluttering upon a cypress limb at the feeder, twilight came down, and night followed the twilight.

Many and often-repeated false alarms were given, as some one fancied he saw the signal-flag through the gloom, and several times we were involved in a labyrinth of half-sunken logs and cypress-trees, to our imminent peril. Then came debates as to the probability of our having passed the feeder mouth. And we doubled on our course, hoping to verify the vehement assertions of the Middy, that he had seen an opening in the trees. Alas! it was a delusion. The Baron had given up all The Baron had given up all hopes of meeting another bruin long before night set in, and had relapsed into a moody reverie. Some of the other members of the crew, when unemployed at the oars, tried hard to emulate his stoical nursing of his pipe, while, it may as well be confessed, vivid visions of a ghostly boat's crew, rowing around the lake in never-ending circles, obtruded themselves.

Perhaps some Moore, of coming lyric fame, might chance upon these lone shores, and embody our fate in immortal verse; but what good? we would not be there to read it. Of what practical use is posthumous fame? Better far a warm corner in even so humble a cot as that of our last night's occupation. The Civil Rights Hotel and its sable proprietor would have been hailed with joy at this moment. Possibly we might meet the lonely paddler called to mind when our commander recited:

"They made her a grave, too cold and damp
For a soul so warm and true.

And she's gone to the lake of the Dismal Swamp,
Where all night long, by her fire-fly lamp,
She paddles her white canoe."

"By Jupiter! I believe you've exorcised her. See there!" exclaimed the Middy, and, looking as indicated, we caught the distant gleam of a little light, sometimes dipping and disappearing entirely, then sparkling again, and finally throwing an uninterrupted streak of light across the intervening water.

"Ve vill try the effect of a salute on her ladyship," said the Baron, taking up his rifle.

Then the sharp crack of the weapon rang out and died away in rippling detonations upon the opposite shores.

The approaching light waved and tossed in reply, followed by an answering shot. An end to romance. We knew, then, that our visitor was, without doubt, the bear hunter from the lock. And so it proved. His family had told him of our visit in the morning, and he rightly guessed, when we failed to come by at night, that we were lost, and so started in his dug-out to put a light at the signal tree. Our lantern had been discovered almost as soon as his.

A night upon the floor, in the midst of an already closely-stowed circle of sleepers, seemed luxury indeed, after the escape from the chilly confines of the lake; and a dull, rainy day following was accepted as the brightest of morns as we poled along the current setting toward the canal. Somewhat later, in clearing weather, we were exhilarated by a race with the steamer from Elizabeth City to town.

The adventures of the "Dismal Swamp Exploring Expedition" will occupy a prominent place in the annals of the Plymouth's quarter-deck, and without doubt was told to the marines by their returning comrades with embellishments suited to the tastes of that highly credulous branch of the service.

SLY about it as a witch,

Mary does the strangest sewing; Ruffle and embroid'ry stitchWhat it is is past man's knowing; Mary knows, Mary knows.

Just the oddest bits of clothes


Made like doll things, quaint and funny; O'er them how her bright face glows

Does she work odd spells for money?
Mary knows, Mary knows.

Ah! she thought no one was near

When in scented drawer she laid them;

Why did dear wife drop a tear

As she stood and softly kissed them?
Mary knows, Mary knows.

G. B. G.



IT is proposed in the following pages to set forth the experience of three amateurs who attempted for themselves to investigate and explore a few of the mysteries of that which has commonly been called "spiritualism." They were especially prompted so to do at the particular point of time selected, by the fact that just then a fresh wave of superstition seemed to be sweeping over the community, even the daily secular newspapers containing provokingly mysterious accounts of "mediumis," "séances," "manifestations," and "materializations." A very natural desire not to be too far behind the age, even in a knowledge of other "spheres" than their own, led them to inquire into the meaning of the strange phrases which seemed so familiar to the ears of some. The party who set out with this end in view were by no means disciples of the faith they were about to question, but, on the other hand, were rather skeptical in their sentiments. Not so much so, however, that they felt unable to render an impartial verdict upon the evidence. One of the three investigators was an author, S- whose name would be well known if mentioned. Another was a physician, whose skill in the diagnosis of disease led to the hope that he would detect any delusion or hallucination of which his friends might become the victims; a third was the writer, who proposes to tell "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." They wished to examine, on different evenings and in different places, two phases of professed spiritual manifestations; viz., "materialization of spirits," and "independent writing."

With this object in view, then, the trio ascended the steps of a moderately respectable mansion in a moderately respectable portion of the city at about eight o'clock on a winter evening. This house contained the apartments, temporarily hired, of the medium, or professor, whose card, with the exception of the proper names, was as follows:


Medium for Full-Form Materialization in the Light Select Seances.

No. III W-St.

Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday Eve'gs. 8 o'clock. The Wonderful Child Medium Magnolia will be present each evening.

We pulled the bell, the door opened, we entered a dimly-lighted hall, and a rather short, squarelybuilt, sharp-featured, low-browed, pock-marked man, perhaps thirty-five years of age, stood before us.

"Is Mr. Johnson in ?" we asked.

"I am Mr. Johnson," said the door-tender. Mr. Johnson did not impress us as a man who would be a very skillful manipulator in any attempt at tricks of legerdemain. He shot quick, nervous glances from his deeply-set blue eyes, and the expression of his countenance was that of one habitually suspicious, and on the defensive against prejudice, criticism, and ridicule. He had not the cool, collected, self-possessed manner which we supposed would characterize an adept in deception. That he was an illiterate man was soon made evident by his conversation.

We explained the object of our call, were courteously received, and ushered into the front parlor.

The room was modestly furnished, its walls were hung with pictures, the gas was lighted, a fire was burning in the grate, and there was a general air of homeliness and comfort which might prove attractive to the average spirit from some less favored sphere. We found it already comfortably filled with about eighteen people, all of them appearing respectable and intelligent, even more so, perhaps, than the medium himself. Among them were long bearded, dreamy-eyed, solemnvisaged old men, who, we learned, had been wrestling for years with the mystery called spiritualism; of these, one was a very intelligent old gentleman, a member of the editorial staff of an important newspaper, and one who had entire confidence in the truth of that which others in the room believed to be a delusion. Of the latter class were several keen-eyed skeptics, one a wideawake newspaper reporter, who, like ourselves, had come to witness developments. We noticed some well-dressed sad-looking ladies, whose countenances wore the anxious expression of those who possibly might be hoping to obtain some token of

cover no intricate machinery, and no place in walls or ceiling of either room for magic-lantern slides. The fact that the rooms were only temporarily hired for the evening performances by the medium, while the rest of the house was still in possession of the usual occupants, seemed to militate against the idea that any elaborate contrivance for deception could remain long undetected.


The unbelieving ones having thus had their suspicions of "confederates in the rear," temporarily at least, set at rest, the legitimate exercises of the evening seemed about to commence. medium just arranged the chairs in the form of a horse-shoe or a bent magnet, the two ends. being at the sides of the cabinet next the slidingdoors, while the arc extended nearly to the front windows of the parlor. He then commenced singling out individuals and assigning them seats. It was the faithful and believing who were particu

remembrance from those whom they had loved and lost. There were other females less refined in their appearance, who, we learned, were regular habitués of the place, and who assisted the medium by spiritual songs, and such other devices as might be suggested to them. One, in particular, was a burly, masculine-looking, self-possessed female, who patronized medium, audience, and spirits alike, offering her advice to all indiscriminately with the greatest self-satisfaction and complacency. But the bright particular star of the evening was "the wonderful child-medium Magnolia," a pretty-faced, gentle, modest, guileless little girl, perhaps twelve years of age, who said her real name was "Jenny." The frank expression of countenance and her simplicity of manner at once disarmed all suspicion of any attempt on her part at deception or fraud, or of any collusion with such an attempt by others. Connected with the front parlor with sliding-larly favored, for they were placed near the cabidoors, which were open, was a second room, containing a bed, a clothes-closet, and the "cabinet." This cabinet, which seems to be an essential feature in all spiritual "materializations," was a four-walled tent of green cloth, perhaps five feet square and six feet high. It stood on a line with the folding-doors, with its front facing the spectators in the front parlor. Its door was made by the drapery, which could be drawn aside or closed at pleasure. It contained only a wooden stool, whose back was an upright post, in which were some stout iron rings.

"Now," said the medium, "any gentlemen who wish may examine the cabinet and all that is in the room. You see the solid iron rings, the strong post, the locked doors, and no way of entering, except from the parlor."

The doctor, S—, myself, and one or two other skeptics examined the cabinet and the contents of the rear room, to our own satisfaction, at least. There was visible to mortal eyes of ordinary powers of vision a double bed without an occupant, a clothes-closet without the customary contents, an ingrain carpet on the floor, without any perceptible place for a trap-door from beneath, a tent formed of green cloth, supported by a slender iron frame large enough to accommodate in a standing position perhaps half a dozen persons in the flesh and, we were afterward forced to assume, an immense number of those out of it.

net, while far away in the crescent of the arc were bestowed the skeptics and unbelievers. One burly individual, doubtless by design, had already planted himself near the cabinet.

"Will you sit here?" said the medium, indicating a seat near the toe of the horse-shoe. "Thank you; I am very well satisfied with my present seat," said the victim.

"Excuse me, but I am seating you by impression,'" said the medium, with an impressive inclination of the head.

The stout unbeliever succumbed.

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'Now," said the medium, commencing a short speech, we are all to be bound by the conditions of our contract. I promise, on my part, to give you a satisfactory séance; and if any gentleman is not satisfied after he has saw' the manifestations, his money will be returned to him."

It should be stated that our tickets of admission to the other world cost us a dollar each.

"The thing that I ask of you," continued the medium, "is that you shall harmonize;' you must 'harmonize'," said he, with emphasis.

How this harmony could be effected we could only conjecture; but we trusted that the inspiration of the occasion would be sufficient for the emergencies as they arose.

"Now," said the medium, unexpectedly producing from some portion of his dress a number of stout strips of muslin cloth, three inches wide and

We were obliged to confess that we could dis- half a yard in length, "let some gentleman tie

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