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opening Yeddo, Osaca, and other great ports in 1868. If the result of any contest with European Powers should be the subversion of the power of the Daimios, the people of Japan will have no reason to regret it. These great princes possess no claim on our sympathy or respect; for of all forms of government that of a domineering oligarchy is the most pernicious and degrading. It is despotism in its most oppressive form, and in Japan is equally inconsistent with the progress and the happiness of the people.

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6. La Dottrina Cattolica e la Rivoluzione d'Italia, di Mgr. F. Liverani. Firenze, 1862.

7. Questioni Urgenti, Pensieri di Massimo d'Azeglio. Firenze, 1861.

8. Ricordi di Roma. Per Filippo Perfetti. Firenze, 1861.

9. Il Clero e la Società, ossia della Riforma della Chiesa, per F. Perfetti. Firenze, 1862. 10. All Illustre Carlo Passaglia, Lettera in Favore della Causa Italiana, di Girolamo Bobone. Firenze, 1862.

11. La Chiesa e l'Italia, per Eusebio Reali. Milano, 1862.

12. Della Rinascenza Cattolica, Narrazione d'un Alunno di Propaganda Fide. Firenze, 1862.

13. La Cristiana Procedura dell' Attuale Inquisizione Romana, per P. Mongini. Intra, 1862.

14. Du Père Passaglia et de l'Italie. Turin, 1862. 15. L'Episcopato Italiano e l'Italia, per opera di Lorenzo Zaccaro. Napoli, 1863. 16. Lettere d'un Dignitario Ecclesiastico ad un Uomo di Stato. Torino, 1862. 17. Sympathies of the Continent. By J. B. von Hirscher, D.D.; translated by A. Cleveland Coxe. Oxford, 1852.

18. Lo Stato Attuale della Chiesa. Per G. B. Hirscher, traduzione di Ottavio Tasca. Milano, 1862.

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THE Italian pamphlets of which we have given the titles are in great part taken up with the discussion of questions which we do not now intend to consider the lawfulness of the present Italian Government, the relations of Church and State in Italy, and, above all, the temporal sovereignty of the Pope. But they all indicate the existence of a widely-felt discontent with the condition of the Roman Church, and of ardent wishes for change. Not that the changes which the writers in general advocate are of such a kind as English Churchmen would consider to be satisfactory; for almost all declare their strong adherence to the principles of Romanism, and their conviction that the reforms which they urge, far from drawing in their train any alteration of the Roman doctrines, would establish these doctrines-including the spiritual supremacy of the Papal Seemore firmly than ever; that they would deliver the Papacy from its present disadvantageous position of antagonism to the spirit of the age, and would place it triumphantly at the very head of human progress. Almost all are strong in denouncing Protestantism; and some of those who are most zealous in agitating for change, and who have suffered most in the cause, are especially devoted to certain doctrines which we regard with the greatest dislike. Monsignor Liverani, for instance, assures us over and over that he is a sound Catholic' in all respects; that he is a special son of the Holy See; he tells us that he wrote a book on Reliques, the purport of which may be guessed from the fact that he dedicated it to two influential cardinals; that he bore a larger part than the world in general is aware of in establishing the dogma of the Immaculate Conception; that he relies especially on the patronage of the Blessed Virgin, that he has exhorted the Pope to seek the same patronage in the troubles which beset him, and that but for

*Il Papato,' &c., 16. Ibid. 103-1.


+ Ibid. 84-5.

her especial support he would have been unable to go through the labour of compiling a collection of ancient writings, which he is about to publish under the title of 'Spicilegium Liberianum." And of Passaglia, whose name and history are better known, we need hardly say that he was the theologian to whom the Pope especially committed the task of asserting the Immaculate Conception, or that at present he professes to limit his desire of reform to the abolition of the Pope's temporal power; that he holds all Roman doctrine, with the highest views of the spiritual prerogative belonging to the successor of St. Peter. The position, therefore, of those whom it is the fashion with the dominant party to style Passaglianists, is very different from that of Englishmen who look with tolerant composure on the Pope's temporal sovereignty (although they would like to see his dominions better governed), but believe the Roman Church to be grievously corrupt in doctrine. But for us as English Charchmen the questions arise, With what feelings are we to view the contest which is now raging in Italy? And shall we merely look on with interest as spectators, or is there a call for something more on our part?

ten years of imprisonment at Nagasaki, is suddenly set at liberty, and finds a passage to Europe provided for him on board an English ship, the 'Isaaco Newton.' His ignorance of English and the confusion of mind produced by his long seclusion prevent him from picking up any information during the voyage, so that on landing in his native country he is utterly in the dark as to all that had taken place since he left it. At Civita Vecchia, where he is hurried from the quay to the railway station, he has just time enough to observe that the town is illuminated; and, on asking the reason, he is told that a bishop had been elected a few hours before. Elected!' he asks in amazement by whom? And the answer is-By the clergy of the diocese, to whom the whole power of choosing their bishop had been entrusted, until the people should be fit (as it was hoped that education would speedily make them) to share in the election, as in primitive times. On reaching Rome, the autobiographer finds wonderful changes and improvements everywhere. His old college has been extended by splendid new buildings; its library is vastly increased; its polyglott press is the first of its kind in the world; and the number of students is thrice as large as of old. The whole aspect of the city is altered for the better. Quarters which had formerly been uninhabited are covered with handsome houses and magnificent public buildings, and a similar change has transformed the swarming and filthy alleys of the Ghetto. Architecture and the other fine arts have received a new impulse and development. The ruins have been cleared out, and are carefully protected; the Campagna has been reduced by tillage to fertility and healthiness-partly through the labour of the mendicant friars who have been compelled with gentle violence to make themselves of some use in the world. The members of the other religious orders have been employed in teaching schools or in similar works of public advantage. The clergy have been reduced in numbers and greatly improved in efficiency, while a beneficial redistribution of ecclesiastical property has been carried out, without any spoliation and with a due regard to all existing claims. The Pope (who, instead of coldly giving his hand to be kissed, clasps the coufessor of Nagasaki in his arms, kisses him on both cheeks, begs him to relate his story, and weeps over the touching narrative) is relieved of his temporal sovereignty, but finds himself *So called from the Liberian basilica-the strong in the affections of the faithful. Out church of St. Mary Major, of which the editor is of regard to the Holy Father's feelings, King (or was) a canon. Among other things he pro-Victor Emmanuel refrains from displaying mises some inedited pieces of St. Anselm, and some documents, hitherto unknown, which relate to the his state in Rome, and resides at a villa near history of Becket. Frascati; while the Capitol is used only for

We hope, by the help of the books and pamphlets before us, to give some answer to these questions; and before proceeding further, it will be well to notice some of these works more particularly.

The name of Massimo d'Azeglio, distinguished in literature, in politics, and in art, is enough to bespeak attention to his Thoughts on Pressing Questions.' This pamphlet is for the most part political, and therefore beyond our present range. We shall only mention here that the author, while he wishes to see an end of the Pope's temporal power, would make Florence rather than Rome the capital of Italy; but we shall find occasion to quote his opinions on other points as we go on.

Another layman, Signor Mamiani, late Minister of Public Instruction, is said to be the author of 'La Rinascenza Cattolica.' On opening this, we were agreeably surprised to find that, instead of inflicting on us a grave and formal treatise, the author has cast his opinions into the shape of a pleasant little romance. The supposed writer is an ex-student of the Propaganda, who, having gone as a missionary to Japan, and having endured

the greatest national solemnities, and the public offices are studiously planted in parts of the city where they may be least likely to meet the Pope's eyes, and to suggest unpleasant recollections to him. By the opening of new careers for activity, the temptations to idleness are removed out of the way of the Romans; and a Festival of Labour holds a conspicuous place among the religious functions, which are now celebrated with a fervour very unlike the dreary mechanism of former days. Universal toleration is established, and Protestant propagandists, being at liberty to do their worst, are far less successful than when working under disabilities. Men whom the corruptions of the old state of things had driven into unbelief are reclaimed; conversions from Protestantism take place every day. And the story winds up with a sort of vision, in which the Pope, throned on golden clouds and with his countenance transfigured, is seen bestowing his benediction on Rome and on the world.

who was formerly secretary to Cardinal Marini, president of the Chisilieri College, and Librarian of the University of Rome. He tells us in his 'Ricordi,' that when he first entered Rome in youth, he viewed everything around him under the enchantment of the ideal; but the experience of more than twenty years has sadly dispelled his illusions. He writes with a calm earnestness and with an air of thorough conviction, pointing out without unnecessary bitterness the defects of the Church, and suggesting the means by which he believes that they may be healed.

Passing over, for the present, the other Italian publications, we come to Dr. Wordsworth's Tour in Italy.' The whole time occupied in this tour was less than two months from the 13th of May to the 9th of July, 1862-and the book is a remarkable proof how much may be done in so short a time by a man who has a purpose and knows how to set about his work. In this tour, as in those visits to France of which he has From such visions it is not pleasant to given an account in earlier books, Dr. Wordsdescend to the realities which are set forth worth's object was chiefly to observe the by Mgr. Liverani. To judge by the pamph- state of religion. On starting from London lets which he has published, we should sup- Bridge, the learned Canon of Westminster pose this writer to be an honest, learned, finds himself in company with 'some Irish somewhat vain, and very indiscreet person- Roman Catholic priests, going to Rome for just the kind of man whom enemies would the great gathering there at Whitsuntide' find it easy to discredit, but whose weaknesses (the canonization of the Japanese martyrs) ought not to be allowed to invalidate the real and doubtless he had some controversial talk value of his evidence with any candid reader. with them, although no record of it is preNor can any disparagement which the domi- served. But immediately on crossing the nant party of Rome may now cast on him, Belgian frontier, he gets into explanations and on others who have placed themselves in with a respectable-looking man, about fiftyopposition to it, do away with the fact that, six years of age,' and the war is renewed with so long as they were on good terms with that one Romanist after another on all possible party, offices of honour and trust were largely occasions-in coaches, in railway carriages, bestowed on them. Liverani's pamphlets in steamboats, in churches, in colleges, and seem to have raised a considerable sensation,* in all manner of other places. Dr. Wordsand the disclosures which they contain must worth relates his interviews with persons of doubtless have been very unpleasant to the note, whose names are in some cases given, persons concerned. and in others are not hard to guess at. After hearing a Dominican preacher who abused Protestantism, he follows him into the sacristy, and thence into a room where the monk is quietly taking coffee with a friend. As the friend retires, the battle of creeds begins; and at length the Canon wrings from his adversary a declaration that he had not meant to say anything against the Church of England (although the reverend orator had not thought it necessary to make any such distinction in his sermon). In all these contests, it is natural that the Anglican champion should get the best of it, not only because he has (as we believe) truth on his side, or because he has the advantage of being his own reporter, but because so experienced a controversialist was necessarily far better armed for the strife than the average of such

Canon Reali's case is in so far like that of Liverani, that he has very ugly stories to tell of the body to which he belongs, and that, for advocating freedom of conscience and the cession of the Pope's temporal power, he has been visited with heavy penalties. The chief object of his pamphlet, 'The Church and Italy,' is to show that, by the principles of the Church, certain declarations of a political kind which were made by the bishops assembled for the canonization of the Japanese martyrs, in 1862, are not entitled to any authority.

Perhaps the most important, certainly the most instructive, of all these pamphlets is that on 'The Clergy and Society,' by Perfetti,

*La Curia Romana,' &c., 38. f Ibid. 95-6.

chance opponents as he was likely to meet | checking the alienation of St. Peter's posseswith in his travels. But, although very de- sions for private ends, and ought therefore to cided in his opposition to Rome, Dr. Words- be interpreted with a limitation to that obworth is always willing to acknowledge any- ject. They urge that, for the good of souls thing which strikes him in the working which are endangered by the present discords, of the Roman Church as superior to that of the Pope would do well not only to submit our own Church, such as the attendance of to the losses which he has already sustained, the people at week-day services.

It would be easy to find fault with the composition of Dr. Wordsworth's volumes, and to express dissent from some of his opinions; but we wish to speak of him not only with respect which is due to his character and abilities, but with gratitude for what he has told us. To the second edition he has prefixed a letter from an Italian ecclesiastic, and one from an English Churchman.' Both are valuable; indeed the second letter (which fills about eighty pages) will probably be regarded by many readers as the best part of the whole book, inasmuch as it conveys the impressions of a man who, if he cannot pretend to Dr. Wordsworth's learning, has had far larger opportunities of studying the state of religion from Piedmont to Sicily, hearing with his own ears, seeing with his own eyes, and carefully guarding against the danger of over-estimating such appearances as fell under his observation. *

but to divest himself of the rest of that temporal sovereignty which is so badly administered, so incapable of being reformed unless by an entire change of system, so productive of mischief in innumerable ways, and so detrimental to the spiritual claims of the Papacy itself. Let foreign Catholics be persuaded,' says D'Azeglio, that no Italian, either in Rome or out of it, will any longer consent to be governed by priests. On that footing no agreement is possible.' Into these political questions we have already said that we do not intend to enter; we mention them only by way of preparation for noticing their effect on religion.

One consequence of the differences which have arisen between the Pope and the Italian Government is, that, when a bishopric or an archbishopric falls vacant in the kingdom of Italy, it cannot be filled up, because the Pope refuses to confirm any nomination which may be made to it. And the number of such cases has now become very great. UpThe late political changes which have de- wards of fifty sees are said to be vacant by prived the Pope of a large part of his terri- death §-the archbishoprics of Milan and tory, have produced a breach between him Turin being of the number. Moreover, and the government of King Victor Emmanuel bishops are required at their consecration which is continually becoming wider. Partly to take an oath to the Pope which must as having himself suffered severely, and part- interfere seriously with their allegiance to ly as having been intimately connected with any secular government which is not in enthe interests of the sovereigns who have been tire agreement with the policy of Rome; expelled from their dominions, Pius IX. is and, while the existence of this oath is a not disposed to acquiesce in the new order difficulty for the Government in the case of of things, and from the Roman side we hear bishops who are already bound by it, the exloud outeries against violence, usurpation, action of it from future bishops is something tyranny of force, and the like. To these the which can hardly be endured. The Governliberal clergy reply, not only by such argument has shown a disposition to concede much ments as were used in justification of the English revolution of 1688, but by citing weighty authorities from the divines of a church which (unlike the Anglican Church) has never scrupled to advocate the right of insurrection in favour of its own purposes, and by pointing to instances-many of them even within the present century-in which the Papacy has sanctioned revolutionary changes. To the plea that the Pope has bound himself by oath never to consent to any diminution of his territory, they answer that the oath was imposed with a view of

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for the sake of a reconciliation with the Papacy. Under the ministry of Ricasoli it offered terms which included an entire renunciation of all share in the appointment of bishops: but the Papal Court would not accept these terms. The enemies of the Papacy rejoice in this refusal, inasmuch as the offers were larger than any which an Italian Government is likely to make hereafter; and it appears to us that if, for the

*Per La Causa Italiana,' 78-9. Ibid. 69. P. 58.

'L. M. H.,' 99; comp. Wordsworth, i. 72. It is a significant fact that Rome has taken advantage of the vacancy in this see to attempt the substitution of the Roman for the Ambrosian liturgy in the Milanese Church.-Wordsworth, i. 77. T'La Dottrina Cattolica,' &c., 158-9.

sake of overcoming the immediate difficulty, peace had been made on such conditions, the Government would have laid up for itself the seeds of yet more serious difficulties in the time to come. In the end of April last the Abate Passaglia proposed in the Turin Parliament that all bishops should be required. to swear that they would be faithful to the Government and to the laws, and would not oppose Italian unity.* But the motion was defeated, partly through the influence of the Ministry; and, if it had succeeded, the result would have been not so much to secure the loyalty of the clergy as to perplex them, and to scandalize the world by the sight of men bound by oaths which, in circumstances only too likely to occur, must become inconsistent with each other. Indeed the proposed engagement would have had no hold on the consciences of those who believe that, as Rome teaches, all oaths which are opposed to the interests of the Church of Rome are not to be regarded as oaths, but as perjuries,' and that oaths of allegiance which are prejudicial to the Roman See are not binding.'

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The King has not yet taken any step as to the appointment of bishops, but has attempted to exercise his patronage in the case of some lesser dignities. Three clergymen of high reputation were named for vacant canonries of Milan, and the majority of the Cathedral Chapter formally thanked the Minister for having filled up their number; but the VicarCapitular, Mgr. Caccia, Bishop of Famaugusta,' who has administered the see since the death of the late Archbishop, refused to institute them, and at present, although they enjoy the income of their stalls, they are debarred from the spiritual functions attached to them.

A like case has occurred in Florence, where Brunone Bianchi (the same, we believe, who has published a very popular commentary on Dante) has been nominated by the Crown to the mitred priory of San Lorenzo, but the Archbishop has refused to institute him. The difficulty as to the appointment of bishops forms the subject of two letters 'from a Dignitary of the Church to a Statesman' (No. 16 in our list), which were published at Turin, and may be found in English at the end of Dr. Wordsworth's book. The writer suggests, as a solution of the question, that the King should fill up the vacant sees,

*Part of his speech was given in the English papers at the time. The whole debate is fully reported in his own Paper, 'La Place,' April 28May 5.

f Wordsworth, i. 80. We do not think it necessary to copy Dr. Wordsworth's italics here or in ther quotations from him.

Italian Letter in Wordsw., i. xx.

and should obtain consecration for his nominees from the prelates of his own dominions, without any reference to the Pope, .whose claims as to the appointment of bishops the Dignitary' proves from history to be unfounded.


I have good reason,' says the "English made considerable impression on the minds of Churchman,' to believe that these letters have many laymen in influential positions at Turin and elsewhere. Though published in Turin, I traced their influence far away. One evening, at Naples, I chanced to be dining at a table-d'hôte, alongside two Italian cavalry officers.. One of them spoke so clearly and strongly on the ancient rights of people and clergy, that I was need of Church reform and returning to the quite struck, and remarked that he appeared to have studied such subjects carefully; he said he had lately fallen in with an opusculo, published in Turin, which so thoroughly expressed his own ideas that he could have fancied he had been writing it. This opusculo proved to be those the neighbourhood, priests told me they had "Letters." More than once, in Naples and in been spreading them amongst their neighbours.'

-p. 30.

We have very lately been informed that the Turin Government was prepared to take up the question of investiture at the meeting of Parliament in this present month of October, with a view to ascertaining whether it might not be possible to dispense with the Papal approbation. The importance of this step can hardly be overrated.

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The differences between the Government and the Papacy are continually coming to the surface. One occasion, of yearly recurrence, is the festival of Italian Nationality-the Statuto, as it is called,-in the beginning of June; and the works before us abound in details of the troubles which have arisen out of this celebration. At Milan, where Monsignor Caccia, in accordance with a decision of the Sacred Penitentiary' of Rome,* forbade the performance of a Te Deum in the cathedral, the canons acted in defiance of the prohibition; and in the province of Milan, the day was kept with religious services in 308 parishes out of 498. At Pisa, Dr. Wordsworth saw a large wooden building in course of erection, for the celebration of this festival, which had been forbidden in the cathedral (i. 194). At Florence, while the Archbishop · forbade the celebration, and his mandate was obeyed in the service of the cathedral, not only did the municipality procure a military chaplain to perform a religious office in the Cascine, but the outside of the cathedral itself was brilliantly lighted up at night,-being, as

*Reali, 35.

Italian Letter in Wordsw., i. xxi.

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