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A Gentle Shepheard borne in Arcady.
A mighty Lyon, Lord of all the wood
A Shepeheards boye (no better doe him call)
After at sea a tall ship did appeare
After long stormes and tempests sad assay
After so long a race as I haue run
Ah Colin, whether on the lowly plaine
Ah for pittie, wil rancke Winters rage
Ah whither, Loue, wilt thou now carrie mee
Ah why hath nature to so hard a hart
All that is perfect, which th'heauen beautefies
All that which Aegypt whilome did deuise
An hideous Dragon, dreadfull to behold
And ye, braue Lord, whose goodly personage.
Arion, when through tempests cruel wracke
As Diane hunted on a day

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As men in Summer fearles passe the foord

As that braue sonne of Aeson, which by charmes
As then, no winde at all there blew

At last so faire a Ladie did I spie

At length, euen at the time, when Morpheus
Ay me, to whom shall I my case complaine

Be nought dismayd that her vnmoued mind
Being my selfe captyued here in care .
Being one day at my window all alone
Bellay, first garland of free Poësie

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Beside the fruitfull shore of muddie Nile

Calme was the day, and through the trembling ayre

Colin my deare, when shall it please thee sing.

Colin, well fits thy sad cheare this sad stownd

Collyn I see by thy new taken taske

Come forth ye Nymphes come forth, forsake your watry bowres
Comming to kisse her lyps, (such grace I found)

Cuddie, for shame hold vp thy heauye head

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Fayre is my loue, when her fayre golden heares

Fayre Thamis streame, that from Ludds stately towne
Fayre ye be sure, but cruell and vnkind

Fresh spring the herald of loues mighty king

Gentle Mistresse Anne, I am plaine by nature
Goe little booke: thy selfe present
Graue Muses march in triumph and with
Great Babylon her haughtie walls will praise
Great wrong I doe, I can it not deny.

Happy ye leaues when as those lilly hands
Hard by a riuers side a virgin faire

Hard by a riuers side, a wailing Nimphe
Haruey, the happy aboue happiest men

He that hath seene a great Oke drie and dead.

High on a hill a goodly Cedar


Hope ye my verses that posteritie

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How long shall this lyke dying lyfe endure

I but once loued before, and shee forsooth was a Susanne

I Ioy to see how in your drawen work

I saw a fresh spring rise out of a rocke

I saw a Phoenix in the wood alone

I saw a riper swift, whose fomy billowes

I saw a spring out of a rocke forth rayle

I saw a Wolfe vnder a rockie caue

I saw a Woman sitting on a beast

I saw an vgly beast come from the sea

I saw in secret to my Dame.

I saw new Earth, new Heauen, sayde Saint John
I saw raisde vp on pillers of Iuorie

I saw raysde vp on yuorie pillers tall

I saw the Bird that can the Sun endure

I saw the birde that dares beholde the Sunne.

I sing of deadly dolorous debate

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If so be goods encrease, then dayly encreaseth a goods friends

If the blinde furie, which warres breedeth oft.

In Summers day, when Phœbus fairly shone

In that proud port, which her so goodly graceth
In vain I thinke right honourable Lord

In vaine I seeke and sew to her for grace
In youth before I waxed old

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Innocent paper, whom too cruell hand
Ioy of my life, full oft for louing you
Is it her nature or is it her will

Is not thilke same a goteheard prowde
Is not thilke the mery moneth of May ?
It chaunced me on day beside the shore

It fell vpon a holly eue

It was the month, in which the righteous Maide
It was the time, when rest soft sliding downe.
It was the time when rest the gift of Gods

Lackyng my loue I go from place to place

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Leaue lady in your glasse of christall clene
Let not one sparke of filthy lustfull fyre
Like as the seeded field greene grasse first showes
Like as whilome the children of the earth
Like as ye see the wrathfull Sea from farre
Lo Colin, here the place, whose pleasaunt syte
Loe I haue made a Calender for euery yeare
Long hauing deeply gron'd these visions sad
Long languishing in double malady

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Long-while I sought to what I might compare
Looking far foorth into the Ocean wide

Loue is a thing more fell, than full of Gaule, than of Honny

Loue, that long since hast to thy mighty powre

Loue, lift me vp vpon thy golden wings

Lyke as a huntsman after weary chace

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Mark when she smiles with amiable cheare
Mars shaming to haue giuen so great head

Maruell not, what I meane to send these Verses at Euensong

Men call you fayre, and you doe credit it

Me thought I saw the graue, where Laura lay.

More then most faire, full of the liuing fire





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Noble Alexander, when he came to the tombe of Achilles


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One day I wrote her name vpon the strand

One day, whiles that my daylie cares did sleepe

Our merry dayes, by theeuish bit are pluckt, and torne away

Penelope for her Vlisses sake

Piers, I haue piped erst so long with payne





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Rapt with the rage of mine owne rauisht thought
Receiue most noble Lord a simple taste
Receiue most Noble Lord in gentle gree
Redoubted Lord, in whose corageous mind
Rehearse to me ye sacred Sisters nine.
Remembraunce of that most Heroicke spirit
Renowmed Lord, that for your worthinesse
Retourne agayne my forces late dismayd
Rudely thou wrongest my deare harts desire

See how the stubborne damzell doth depraue

See yee the blindefoulded pretie God, that feathered Archer

Shall I then silent be or shall I speake ?

She, whose high top aboue the starres did sore












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Soone said, soone writ, soon learnd: soone trimly done in prose, or verse

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That same is now nought but a champian wide

That which I eate, did I ioy, and that which I greedily gorged

The antique Babel, Empresse of the East

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The merry Cuckow, messenger of Spring

The Panther knowing that his spotted hyde

The paynefull smith with force of feruent heat

The prayse of meaner wits this worke like profit brings
The rolling wheele that runneth often round

The sacred Muses haue made alwaies clame

The same which Pyrrhus, and the puissaunce.

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