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heritage should bee allotted, for GOD himselfe was their inheritaunce.

Some gan) meant of the Pope, and his Antichristian prelates, which vsurpe a tyrannical dominion in the Churche, and with Peters counterfet keyes, open a wide gate to al wickednesse and insolent gouernment. Nought here spoken, as of purpose to deny fatherly rule and godly gouernaunce (as some malitiously of late haue done to the great vnreste and hinderaunce of the Churche) but to displaye the pride and disorder of such, as in steede of feeding their sheepe, indeede feede of theyr sheepe.

Sourse) welspring and originall.

Borrowe) pledge or suertie.

The Geaunte) is the greate Atlas, whom the poetes feign to be a huge geaunt, that beareth Heauen on his shoulders: being in deede a merueilous highe mountaine in Mauritania, that now is Barbarie, which to mans seeming perceth the cloudes, and seemeth to touch the heauens. Other thinke, and they not amisse, that this fable was meant of one Atlas king of the same countrye, (of whome may bee, that that hil had his denomination) brother to Prometheus who (as the Grekes say) did first fynd out the hidden courses of the starres, by an excellent imagination. Wherefore the poetes feigned, that he susteyned the firmament on hys shoulders. Many other coniectures needelesse be told hereof. Warke) worke. Encheason) cause, occasion. Deare borow) that is our sauiour, the commen pledge of all mens debts to death. Wyten) blame. Nought seemeth) is vnseemely. Conteck) strife contention. Her) theyr, as vseth Chaucer. Han) for haue.

Sam) together.

This tale is much like to that in Esops fables, but the Catastrophe and end is farre different. By the Kidde may be vnderstoode the simple sorte of the faythfull and true Christians. By hys dame Christe, that hath alreadie with carefull watchewords (as heere doth the gote) warned his little ones, to beware of such doubling deceit. By the Foxe, the false and faithlesse Papistes, to whom is no credit to be giuen, nor felowshippe to be vsed,

The gate) the Gote: Northernely spoken to turne

O into A.

Yode) went. Afforesayd.

She set) A figure called Fictio. Which vseth to attribute reasonable actions and speaches to vnreasonable creatures.

The bloosmes of lust) be the young and massie heares, which then beginne to sproute and shoote foorth, when lustfull heate beginneth to kindle. And with) A very Poeticall mάtos.

Orphane) A youngling or pupill, that needeth a Tutour and gouernour.

That word) A patheticall parenthesis, to encrease a carefull Hyperbaton.

The braunch) of the fathers body, is the child. For euen so) Alluded to the saying of Andromache to Ascanius in Virgile.

Sic oculos, sic ille manus, sic ora ferebat. A thrilling throb) a percing sighe. Liggen) lye. Maister of collusion).s. coloured guile, because the Foxe of al beasts is most wily and crafty.

Sperre the yate) shut the dore.

For such) The gotes stombling is here noted as an euill signe. The like to be marked in all histories: and that not the leaste of the Lorde Hastingues in king Rycharde the third his dayes. For beside his daungerous dreame (whiche was a shrewde prophecie of his mishap, that folowed) it is sayd that in the morning ryding toward the tower of London, there to sitte vppon matters of counsell, his horse stombled twise or thrise by the way: which of some, that ryding with hym in his company, were priuie to his neere destenie, was secretly marked, and afterward noted for memorie of his great mishap, that ensewed. For being then as merye, as man might be, and least doubting any mortall daunger, he was within two howres after, of the Tyranne put to a shamefull deathe.

As belles) by such trifles are noted, the reliques
and ragges of popish superstition, which put no
smal religion in Belles: and Babies .s. Idoles:
and glasses.s. Paxes, and such lyke trumperies.
Great cold.) For they boast much of their outward
patience, and voluntarye sufferaunce as a worke
of merite and holy humblenesse.
Sweete S. Charitie. The Catholiques comen othe,
and onely speache, to haue charitye alwayes in
their mouth, and sometime in their outward
Actions, but neuer inwardly in fayth and godly

Clincke.) a key hole. Whose diminutiue is clicket,
vsed of Chaucer for a Key.
Stoundes) fittes: aforesayde.
His lere) his lesson. Medled) mingled.
Bestlihead.) agreeing to the person of a beast.
Sibbe.) of kynne. Newell) a newe thing.

To forestall) to præuent.
Glee) chere, afforesayde.

Deare a price,) his lyfe, which he lost for those toyes.

Such ende) is an Epiphonema, or rather the morall of the whole tale, whose purpose is to warne the protestaunt beware, howe he geueth credit to the vnfaythfull Catholique: whereof we haue dayly proofes sufficient, but one moste famous of all, practised of Late yeares in Fraunce by Charles the nynth.

Fayne) gladde or desyrous.

Our sir John) a Popishe priest. A saying fit for the grosenesse of a shepheard, but spoken to taunte vnlearned Priestes. Dismount) descende or set.


Nye) draweth nere.

Both these Emblemes make one whole Hexametre. The first spoken of Palinodie, as in reproche of them, that be distrustfull, is a peece of Theognis verse, intending, that who doth most mistrust is most false. For such experience in falsehod breedeth mistrust in the mynd, thinking no lesse guile to lurke in others, then in hymselfe. But Piers thereto strongly replyeth with another peece of the same verse, saying as in his former fable, what fayth then is there in the faythlesse. For if fayth be the ground of religion, which fayth they dayly false, what hold then is there of theyr religion. And thys is all that they saye.

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His Eglogue is wholly vowed to the com-
playning of Colins ill successe in his
loue. For being (as is aforesaid) enamoured of
a Country lasse Rosalind, and hauing (as seemeth)
founde place in her heart, he lamenteth to his
deare frend Hobbinoll, that he is nowe forsaken
unfaithfully, and in his steede Menalcas, another
shepheard received disloyally. And this is the
whole Argument of this glogue.

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Thy louely layes here mayst thou freely boste.
But I vnhappy man, whom cruell fate,
And angry Gods pursue from coste to coste,
Can nowhere fynd, to shroude my lucklesse pate.


Then if by me thou list aduised be,
Forsake the soyle, that so doth the bewitch:
Leaue me those hilles, where harbrough nis to



Nor holybush, nor brere, nor winding witche: And to the dales resort, where shepheards And fruictfull flocks bene euery where to see. ritch, Here no night Rauens lodge more black then Nor eluish ghosts, nor gastly owles doe flee. pitche,

But frendly Faeries, met with many Graces, And lightfote Nymphes can chace the lingring With Heydeguyes, and trimly trodden traces, night, Whilst systers nyne, which dwell on Parnasse hight,

Doe make them musick, for their more delight: And Pan himselfe to kisse their christall faces, Will pype and daunce, when Phoebe shineth bright:


Such pierlesse pleasures haue we in these places.


And I, whylst youth, and course of carelesse

Did let me walke withouten lincks of loue,
In such delights did ioy amongst my peeres:
But ryper age such pleasures doth reproue,
My fancye eke from former follies moue
To stayed steps: for time in passing weares
(As garments doen, which wexen old aboue)
And draweth newe delightes with hoary heares.
Tho couth I sing of loue, and tune my pype 41
Vnto my plaintiue pleas in verses made:
Tho would I seeke for Queene apples vnrype,
To giue my Rosalind, and in Sommer shade
Dight gaudy Girlonds, was my comen trade,
To crowne her golden locks, but yeeres more


And losse of her, whose loue as lyfe I wayd,
Those weary wanton toyes away dyd wype.

Colin, to heare thy rymes and roundelayes,
Which thou were wont on wastfull hylls to


I more delight, then larke in Sommer dayes:
Whose Echomade the neyghbour groues to ring,
And taught the byrds, which in the lower spring
Did shroude in shady leaues from sonny rayes,
Frame to thy songe their chereful cheriping,
Or hold theyr peace, for shame of thy swete

I sawe Calliope wyth Muses moe,
Soone as thy oaten pype began to sound,
Theyr yuory Luyts and Tamburins forgoe.
And from the fountaine, where they sat around,
Renne after hastely thy siluer sound. 61
But when they came, where thou thy skill didst

They drewe abacke, as halfe with shame con-
Shepheard to see,

them in theyr art outgoe.

I wote my rymes bene rough, and rudely drest:
The fytter they, my carefull case to frame:
Enough is me to paint out my vnrest,
And poore my piteous plaints out in the same.
The God of shepheards Tityrus is dead, 81
Who taught me homely, as I can, to make.
He, whilst he liued, was the soueraigne head
Of shepheards all, that bene with loue ytake:
Well couth he wayle hys Woes, and lightly slake
The flames, which loue within his heart had bredd,
And tell vs mery tales, to keepe vs wake,
The while our sheepe about vs safely fedde.
Nowe dead he is, and lyeth wrapt in lead,
(O why should death on hym such outrage
showe ?)

Of Muses Hobbinol, I conne no skill:
For they bene daughters of the hyghest Ioue,
And holden scorne of homely shepheards quill.
For sith I heard, that Pan with Phoebus stroue,
Which him to much rebuke and Daunger droue:
I neuer lyst presume to Parnasse hyll,
But pyping lowe in shade of lowly groue,
I play to please my selfe, all be it ill.
Nought weigh I, who my song doth prayse or

Ne striue to winne renowne, or passe the rest:
With shepheard sittes not, followe flying fame:
But feede his flocke in fields, where falls hem best.


And all hys passing skil with him is fledde,
The fame whereof doth dayly greater growe.
But if on me some little drops would flowe,
Of that the spring was in his learned hedde,
I soone would learne these woods, to wayle my

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Then should my plaints, causd of discurtesee,
As messengers of all my painfull plight,
Flye to my loue, where euer that she bee,
And pierce her heart with poynt of worthy


As shee deserues, that wrought so deadly spight.
And thou Menalcas, that by trecheree
Didst vnderfong my lasse, to wexe so light,
Shouldest well be knowne for such thy villanee.
But since I am not, as I wish I were
Yegentle shepheards, which your flocks dofeede,
Whether on hylls, or dales, or other where,
Beare witnesse all of thys so wicked deede:
And tell the lasse, whose flowre is woxe a weede,
And faultlesse fayth, is turned to faithlesse fere,
That she the truest shepheards hart made


That lyues on earth, and loued her most dere.

O carefull Colin, I lament thy case,
Thy teares would make the hardest flint to flowe.
Ah faithlesse Rosalind, and voide of grace,
That art the roote of all this ruthfull woe.
But now is time, I gesse, homeward to goe:
Then ryse ye blessed flocks, and home apace,
Least night with stealing steppes doe you

And wett your tender Lambes, that by you


Colins Embleme.
Gia speme spenta.



Syte) situation and place. Paradise) A Paradise in Greeke signifieth a Garden of pleasure, or place of delights. "So he compareth the soile, wherin Hobbinoll made his abode, to that earthly Paradise, in scripture called Eden; wherein Adain in his first creation was p'aced. Which of the most learned is thought to be in Mesopotamia, the most fertile and pleasaunte country in the world (as may appeare by Diodorus Syculus description of it, in the hystorie of Alexanders conquest thereof) lying betweene the two famous Ryuers (which are sayd in scripture to flowe out of Paradise) Tygris and Euphrates, whereof it is so denominate.

Forsake the soyle) This is no poetical fiction, but vnfeynedly spoken of the Poete selfe, who for speciall occasion of priuate affayres (as I haue bene partly of himselfe informed) and for his more preferment remouing out of the Northparts came into the South, as Hobbinoll indeede aduised him priuately.

Those hylles) that is the North countrye, where he dwelt.

N'is) is not.

The Dales) The Southpartes, where he nowe abydeth, which though they be full of hylles and woodes (for Kent is very hyllye and woodye; and therefore so called: for Kantsh in the Saxons tongue signifieth woodie) yet in respecte of the Northpastes they be called dales. For indede the North is counted the higher countrye. Night Rauens &c.) by such hatefull byrdes, hee meaneth all misfortunes (Whereof they be tokens) flying euery where.

Frendly faeries) the opinion of Faeries and elfes is very old, and yet sticketh very religiously in the myndes of some. But to roote that rancke opinion of Eltes oute of mens hearts, the truth is, that there be no such thinges, nor yet the shadowes of the things, but onely by a sort of bald Friers and knauish shauelings so feigned; which as in all other things, so in that, soughte to nousell the comen people in ignorounce, least being once acquainted with the truth of things, they woulde in tyme smell out the vntruth of theyr packed pelfe and Massepenie religion. But the sooth is, that when all Italy was distraicte into the Factions of the Guelfes and the Gibelins, being two famous houses in Florence, the name began through their great mischiefes and many outrages, to be so odious or rather dreadfull in the peoples eares, that if theyr children at any time were frowarde and wanton, they would say to them that the Guelfe or the Gibeline came. Which words nowe from them (as many thinge els) be come into our vsage, and for Guelfes and Gibelines, we say Elfes and Goblins. No other wise then the Frenchmen vsed to say of that valiaunt captain, the very scourge of Fraunce, the Lord Thalbot, afterward Erle of Shrewsbury; whose noblesse bred such a terrour in the hearts of the French, that oft times euen great armies were defaicted and put to flyght at the onely

hearing of hys name. In somuch that the French wemen, to attray theyr chyldren, would tell them that the Talbot commeth.

Many Graces) though there be indeede but three Graces or Charites (as afore is sayd) or at the vtmost but foure, yet in respect of inany gyftes of bounty, there may be sayde more. And so Musæus sayth, that in Heroes eyther eye there satte a hundred graces. And by that authoritye, thys same Poete in his Pageaunts sayth.

An hundred Graces on her eyeledde satte. &c. Haydeguies) A country daunce or rownd. The concept is, that the Graces and Nymphes doe daunce vnto the Muses, and Pan his musicke all night by Moonelight. To signifie the pleasauntnesse of the soyle.

Peeres) Equalles and felow shepheards.
Queneapples vnripe) imitating Virgils verse.

Ipse ego cana legam tenera lanugine mala. Neighbour groues) a straunge phrase in English, but word for word expressing the Latine vicina


Spring) not of water, but of young trees springing. Calliope) afforesayde. Thys staffe is full of verie poetical inuention.

Tamburines) an olde kind of instrument, which of some is supposed to be the Clarion.

Pan with Phabus) the tale is well knowne, howe that Pan and Apollo striuing for excellencye in musicke, chose "Midas for their judge. Who being corrupted wyth partiall affection, gaue the victorye to Pan vndeserued: for which Phoebus sette a payre of Asses eares vpon hys head & c. Tityrus) That by Tityrus is meant Chaucer, hath bene already sufficiently sayde, and by thys more playne appeareth, that he say th, he tolde merye tales. Such as be hys Canterburie tales. Whom he calleth the God of Poetes for hys excellencie, so as Tullie calleth Lentulus, Deum vitæ suæ .s. the God of hys lyfe.

To make) to versifie.

O why) A pretye Epanorthosis or correction. Discurtesie) he meaneth the falsenesse of his louer Rosalinde, who forsaking hym, hadde chosen another.

Poynte of worthy wite) the pricke of deserued blame.

Menalcas) the name of a shephearde in Virgile; but here is meant a person vnknowne and secrete, agaynst whome he often bitterly inuayeth. vnderfonge) vndermine and deceiue by faise suggestion. Embleme.

You remember, that in the fyrst Æglogue, Colins Poesie was Anchora speme: for that as then. there was hope of fauour to be found in tyme. But nowe being cleane forlorne and reiected of her, as whose hope, that was, is cleane extin. guished and turned into despeyre, he renounceth all comfort and hope of goodnesse to come. Which is all the meaning of thys Embleme.

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Egloga septima.

His Eglogue is made in the honour and commendation of good shepeheardes, and to the shame and disprayse of proude and ambitious Pastours. Such as Morrell is here imagined

to bee.

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In humble dales is footing fast, the trode is not so tickle:

And though one fall through heedlesse hast,
And now the Sonne hath reared vp
yet is his misse not mickle.

Making his way betweene the Cuppe,
his fyriefooted teme,
and golden Diademe :
The rampant Lyon hunts he fast,
with Dogge of noysome breath,
Whose balefull barking bringes in hast
pyne, plagues, and dreery death.
Agaynst his cruell scortching heate
where hast thou couerture?

The wastefull hylls vnto his threate
is a playne ouerture.

But if thee lust, to holden chat

with seely shepherds swayne,

Come downe, and learne the little what, that Thomalin can sayne.

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