As did the fatal brand Althea burnt, Anjou and Maine, both giv'n unto the French! A day will I come, when York shall claim his own; Whofe church-like humour fits not for a Crown, With his new bride, and England's dear-bought Queen, Then will I raife aloft the milk-white rofe, With whose sweet smell the air fhall be perfum'd; And, force perforce, I'll make him yield the crown, Houfe Enter Duke Humphry, and his Wife Eleanor. Elean. HY droops my Lord, like over-ripen'd corn, W Hanging the head with Ceres plenteous load Why doth the great Duke Humphry knit his brows, on If If fo, gaze on, and grovel on thy face, Put forth thy hand, reach at the glorious Gold: We'll both together lift up our heads to heaven Glo. O Nell, fweet Nell, if thou doft love thy Lord, Banifh the canker of ambitious thoughts: And may that thought, when I imagine Ill Against my King and nephew, virtuous Henry, Be my laft breathing in this mortal world! My troublous dreamy! this night do make me fad.. Ele. What dream'd my Lord? tell me, and I'll requite it With fweet rehearsal of my morning's dream. Glo. Methought, this ftaff, mine office-badge in Court, Was broke in twain; by whom I have forgot; But, as I think, it was by th' Cardinal; And, on the pieces of the broken wand, Were plac'd the heads of Edmund Duke of Somerset, And William de la Pole firft Duke of Suffolk. This was the dream; what it doth bode, God knows. That he, that breaks a stick of Glofter's grove, But lift to me, my Humphry, my sweet Duke; In the cathedral church of Westminster, And in that chair whereKings and Queens were crown'd; Where Henry and Margret kneel'd to me, And on my head did fet the diadem. Glo. Nay, Eleanor, then must I chide outright; From From top of honour to difgrace's feet? Away from me, and let me hear no more. Elean. What, what, my Lord! are you fo cholerick With Eleanor, for telling but her dream? Next time, I'll keep my dreams unto myself, And not be check'd. Glo. Nay, be not angry, I am pleas'd again. Enter Messenger. Me. My Lord Protector, 'tis his Highnefs' pleasure, You do prepare to ride unto St. Albans, 1 Whereas the King and Queen do mean to hawk. While Glo'fter bears this bafe and humble mind. Where are you there? Sir John; nay, fear not, man, Enter Hume. Hume. Jefus preferve your Royal Majefty! Ele. What fay'ft thou, man? haft thou as yet conferr'd Hume. This they have promised, to fhew your Highness A Spirit rais'd from depth of under-ground, That fhall make anfwer to fuch queftions, As by your Grace fhall be propounded him. Elean, Elean. It is enough, I'll think upon the questions: When from St. Albans we do make return, We'll fee thofe things effected to the full. Here, Hume, take this reward; make merry, man, With thy confederates in this weighty caufe. [Exit Eleanor Dame Eleanor gives gold to bring the witch: And from the great and new-made Duke of Suffolk, They (knowing Dame Eleanor's afpiring humour) [Exit. SCENE changes to an Apartment in the Palace. Enter three or four Petitioners, Peter the Armourer's man being one. I Pet. M Y mafters, let's ftand clofe; my Lord Protector will come this way by and by, and then we may deliver our fupplications in the quill. 2 Pet. Marry, the Lord protect him, for he's a good man, Jefu blefs him! Enter Enter Suffolk, and Queen. 1 Pet. Here a' comes, methinks, and the Queen with him; I'll be the first, sure. 2 Pet. Come back, fool, this is the Duke of Suffolk, and not my Lord Protector. Suf. How now, fellow, wouldst any thing with me? 1 Pet. I pray, my Lord, pardon me; I took ye for my Lord Protector. Q. Mar. To my Lord Protector. [reading.] Are your fupplications to his lordship? let me fee them; what is thine ? 1 Pet. Mine is, an't please your Grace, againft John Goodman, my Lord Cardinal's man, for keeping my houfe and lands, and wife, and all from me. Suf. Thy wife too? that's fome wrong, indeed. What's yours? what's here? [Reads.] Against the Duke of Suffolk, for inclosing the Commons of Long Melford. How now, Sir Knave? 2 Pet. Alas, Sir, I am but a poor petitioner of our whole Township. Suf. reads.] Against my Mafier, Thomas Horner, for faying that the Duke of York was rightful heir to the Crown. Q. Mar. What! did the Duke of York fay, he was rightful heir to the Crown? Peter. That my mistress was? no, forfooth; my mafter faid, that he was; and that the King was an ufurper. Suf. Who is there ?-Take this fellow in, and fend for his mafter with a purfuivant, prefently; we'll hear more of your matter before the King. Exit Peter guarded. Q. Mar. And as for you, that love to be protected Under the wings of our Protector's grace, Begin your fuits anew, and fue to him. [Tears the fupplications. Away, base cullions: Suffolk, let them go. [Exeunt Petitioners. Q. Mar. |