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Twise in this time I was their President, and none can say in all that time I had any man slaine: but for keeping them in that feare I was much blamed both there and here: yet I left 500 behind me that through their confidence in six months came most to cōfusion, as you may reade at large in the description of Virginia. When I went first to those desperate designes, it cost me many a forgotten pound to hire men to go; and procrastination caused more run away then went. But after the ice was broken, came many braue voluntaries: notwithstanding since I came from thence, the honorable Company haue bin humble suiters to his Maiestie to get vagabonds and condemned men to go thither; nay so much scorned was the name of Virginia, some did chuse to be hanged ere they would go thither, and were: yet for all the worst of spite, detraction and discouragement, & this lamentable massacre, there is more honest men now suters to go, then euer hath bin constrained knaues; and it is not vnknown to most men of vnderstanding, how happie many of those Collumners doe thinke themselues, that they might be admitted, and yet pay for their passage to go now to Virginia and had I but meanes to transport as many as would go, I might haue choise of 10000 that would gladly be in any of those new places, which were so basely contemned by vngratefull base minds.

To range this countrey of New England in like maner I had but eight, as is said, and amongst their bruite conditions I met many of their silly incounters, and without any hurt, God be thanked; when your West country men were many of thein wounded and much tormented with the sauages that assaulted their ship, as they did say themselues, in the first yeare I was there 1614. and though Mr. Hunt then Master with me did most basely in stealing some sauages from that coast to sel, when he was directed to haue gone for Spaine, yet that place was so remote from Capawuck, where Epenew should haue fraughted them with gold ore. His fault could be no cause of their bad successe, howeuer it is alledged for an excuse. speake not this out of vainglory, as it may be some gleaners, or some was neuer there may censure me, but to let all men be assured by those examples, what those sauages are that thus strangely doe murder and betray our country men. But to the purpose.


What is already writ of the healthfulnesse of the aire, the richnesse of the soile, the goodnes of the woods, the abundance of fruits, fish, and fowle in their season, they stil affirm that haue bin there now neare 2 yeares, and at one draught they have taken 1000 basses, and in one night twelve hogsheads of

herring. They are building a strong fort, they hope shortly to finish, in the interim they are wel prouided: their number is about a hundred persons, all in health, and well neare 60 acres of ground well planted with corne, besides their gardens well replenished with vseful fruits; and if their Aduentures would but furnish them with necessaries for fishing, their wants would quickly be supplied. To supply them this 16 of October is going the Paragon with 67 persons, and all this is done by priuat mens purses. And to conclude in their owne words, should they write of all plenties they have found, they thinke they should not be beleeued.

For the 26 saile of ships, the most I can yet vnderstand is M. Ambrose Iennens of London, and M. Ambrahā Iennens of Plimmoth sent (their Abraham) a ship of 220 Tuns and the Nightingale of Porchmouth of 100. whose fish at the first penie came to 3150 pounds: in all they were 35 saile: and were in New found land they shared six or seven pounds for a common man, in New England they shared 14 pounds; besides six Dutch and French ships made wonder full returnes in furres.


Thus you may see plainely the yearely successe from New England (by Virginia) which hath bin so costly to this kingdome and so deare to me, which either to see perish or but bleed, pardon me though it passionate me beyond the bounds of modestie, to haue bin sufficiently able to foresee it, and had neither power nor meanes how to preuent it. By that acquaintance I haue with them, I may call them my children for they haue bin my wife, my hawks, my hounds, my cards, my dice, and in totall my best content, as indifferent to my heart as my left hand to my right; and notwithstanding all those miracles of disasters haue crossed both them & me, yet were there not one English man, remaining (as God be thanked there is some thousands) I would yet begin againe with as small meanes as I did at the first; not for that I haue any secret encouragement from any I protest, more then lamentable experiences for all their discoueries I can yet heare of, are but pigs of my owne sowe; nor more strange to me then to heare one tell me he hath gone from Billings gate and discouered Greenwich, Gravesend, Tilbery, Quinborow, Lee and Margit, which to those did neuer heare of them, though they dwell in England, might be made seem some rare secrets and great countries vnknowne, except the relations of Mr. Dirmer.

In England some are held great trauelers that haue seene Venice and Rome, Maarill and Algere, Prague or Ragousa, Constantinople or Ierusalem, and the Piramides of Egypt; that


thinke it nothing to go to the Summer Iles or Virginia, which is as farre as any of them, and I hope in time will proue a more profitable and a more laudable Iourney. As for the danger, you see our Ladies and Gentlewomen account it nothing now to go thither; and therefore I hope all good men will better apprehend it, and not suffer them to languish in despaire, whom God so wonderfully and so oft hath preserved.

What here I haue writ by relation, if it be not right, I humbly intreate your pardons, but I haue not spared any diligence to learne the truth of them that haue bin actors or sharers in those voyages in some particulars they might deceiue me, but in the substances they could not, for few could tell me any thing, except where they fished: but seeing all those haue liued there, do confirme more then I haue writ, I doubt not but all those testimonies with these new begun examples of plantation, will moue both Cittie and Country freely to aduenture with me and my partners more then promises, seeing I haue from his Maiestie Letters Pattents, such honest, free and large conditions assured me from his Commissioners, as I hope wil satisfie any honest vnderstanding.

But because some fortune tellers saith, I am vnfortunate; had they spent their time as I haue done, they would rather beleeue in God then their calculations, & peradventure haue giuen as bad account of their actions; and therefore I intreat leaue to answer those obiectors, that think it strange if this be true, I haue made no more vse of it, rests so long without emploiment, and hath no more reward nor preferment: to which I say:

I thinke it more strange they should taxe me before they haue tried as much as I haue both by land and sea, as well in Asia and Africa, as Europe and America, where my commanders were actors or spectators, they alwaies so freely rewarded me, I neuer needed to importunate, or could I euer learne to beg; what there I got, I haue thus spent: these sixteen yeares I haue spared neither paines nor money according to my abilitie, first to procure his Maiesties Letters pattents, and a Company here to be the meanes to raise a company to go with me to Virginia, as is said: which beginning here and there cost me neare 5 yeares worke, and more then 500 pounds of my owne estate, besides all the dangers, miseries and incumbrances I endured gratis, where I stayed till I left 500 better prouided then euer I was; from which blessed Virgin (ere I returned) sprung the fortunate habitatio of Somer Iles.

This Virgins sister now called New England, an. 1616. at my humble suit by our most gracious Prince Charles hath bin neare as chargeable to me and my friends: for all which although

I neuer got shilling, but it cost me many a pound, yet I thinke my selfe happie to see their prosperities.

If it yet trouble a multitude to proceed vpon these certainties, what think you I vndertook when nothing was knowne, but that there was a vast land; I neuer had power and meanes to do any thing, though more hath bin spent in formall delayes then would haue done the businesse; but in such a penurious and miserable manner as if I had gone a begging to build an Vniversitie: where had men bin as forward to aduenture their purses and performe the conditions they promised me, as to crop the fruites of my labours, thousands ere this had bin bettered by these designes. Thus betwixt the spur of Desire and the bridle of Reason I am neare ridden to death in a ring of despaire; the raines are in your hands, therefore I intreate you to ease me: and those that think I am either idle or vnfortunate, may see the cause, & know: vnlesse I did see better dealing, I haue had warning enough, not to be so forward again at euery motion vpon their promises, vnlesse I intended nothing but to cary newes. For now they dare aduenture a ship, that when I went first, would not aduenture a groate, so they may be at home again by Michaelmas: which makes me remember M. Hackluts; oh incredulitic! the wit of fooles, that slouenly do spit at all things faire; a sluggards cradle, a cowards castle, how easie it is to be an infidell: but to the purpose.

By this all men may perceiue the ordinary performance of this voyage in fiue or six moneths, the plenty of fish is most certainly approued: & it is certain, from Cannada and New England within these six yeares hath come neare 20000 Beuer skins. Now had each of those ships transported but some small quantitie of the most increasing beasts, fowles, fruit, plants and seeds, as I proiected, by this time their increase might haue bin sufficient for a thousand me. But the desire of present gain (in many) is so violent, and the endeuors of many vndertakers so negligent, euery one so regarding their priuate gaine, that it is hard to effect any publick good, and impossible to bring them into a body, rule, or order, vnlesse both authoritie and mony assist experiences. It is not a worke for euery one to plant a Colonie; but when a house is built, it is no hard matter to dwell in it. This requireth all the best parts of art, iudgement, courage, honestie, constancie, diligence and experience to do but neare well your home bred ingrossing proiectors shall finde there a great difference betwixt saying and doing. But to conclude, the fishing wil go forward if you plant it or no; whereby a Colonie may be transported with no great charge, that in a short time might prouide such fraughts to buy of vs there dwelling,



as I would hope no ship should go or come empty from New England.

The charge of this is onely salt, nets, hookes, lines, kniues, Irish rugs, course cloth, beades, glasse, and such trash, onely for fishing and trade with the sauages, beside our owne necessary provisions, whose endeuours wil quickly defray all this charge; and the sauages haue intreated me to inhabite where I will. Now all these ships, till this last yeare, haue bin fished within a square of two or 3 leagues, and not one of them all would aduenture any further, where questionlesse 500 saile may haue their fraught better then in Island, Newfoundland, or elsewhere, and be in their markets before the other can haue their fish in their ships, because New Englands fishing begins with February, the other not till mid May; the progression hereof tends much to the aduancement of Virginia & the Bermudas, whose emptie ships may take in their fraught there, and would be a good friend in time of need to the inhabitants of New found land.

The returnes made by the Westerne ships, are commonly deuided into three parts, one for the owner of the ship, another for the Master and his companie, the third for the victuallers: which course being still permitted, wil be no hindrance to the plantation, go there neuer so many, but a meanes of transporting that yearely for little or nothing, which otherwise will cost many a hundred of pounds.

If a ship can gaine twentie, thirtie, fiftie in the 100, nay 300 for 100. in 7 moneths, as you see they haue done, spending twise so much time in going & coming as in staying there: were I there planted, seeing the varietie of the fishings in their seasons serueth the most part of the yeare, & with a little labour we might make all the salt we need vse. I can conceive no reason to distrust, but the doubling and trebling their gaines that are at all the former charge, and can fish but two moneths in a yeare and if those do giue 20. 30. or 40. shillings for an acre of land, or ship carpenters, forgers of iron, &c. that buy all things at a deare rate, grow rich; when they may haue as good of all needful necessaries for taking (in my opinion) should not grow poore; and no commodity in Europe doth more decay

then wood.

Mr. Dee recordeth in his British Monarchie, that King Edgar had a nauie of 4000 saile, with which he yearely made his progresse about this famous Monarchie of Great Britaine, largely declaring the benefit thereof: whereupon it seemes he proiected to our most memorable Queene Elizabeth, the erecting of a Fleete of 60 saile, he called a little Nauie Royall; imitating the admired Pericles Prince of Athens, that could

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