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oght. . Þe sam God ay was þat es now. HAMP. 9. Before or thei resceyve hem, thei knelen doun. MAUND. p. 83. Ar hii come vpe bys hul, arst he was ycome. R. OF GL. p. 207. I shal seken Truthe erst, Er I se Rome. P. PL. 3409. Mid spere I shal furst ride. . Ar ihc pe ginne to woze. KH. 514.

2. Die Vorstellung der Zeit kann in Nebensätzen dieser Art zurücktreten, so dass vielmehr der Vorzug der im Hauptsatze enthaltenen Handlung im Nebensatze angedeutet ist, und die Partikel er etc. dem lat. potius quam, eh als, lieber als entspricht. Oft steht auch in diesem Falle im Hauptsatze ein Korrelat der Partikel: Hu ha nawt ane forsoken kinges sunes & eorles.. ah poleden stronge pines, ear ha walden nimen ham. HALI MEID. p. 45. Tharfor in awentur to dey He wald hym put, or he wald fley. BARB. 9, 594. Er ich pe slæ mid mine spere, ar þu hit sule azen. LA3. I. 168. Er þez wolldenn þolenn dæþ. Ær þann þezz wolldenn gilltenn ohht Onnzæness Godess wille. ORM 6316. Myn dede ere shuld I dyght, Or it were so. Town. M. p. 131.

ærchebiscop s. s. archebiscop. ærd s. s. eard.

ærdæd s. ags. ærdæd, anteactus. frühere That.

Nu þu scalt adreden for pine ardæden [erdede j. T.] Laz. I. 373.

[ærdazes, aredawes s. pl. ags. ærdagas, dies prisci, alts. érdagos. frühere Tage,


It was a king bi aredawes. HAVEL. 27.

ære s. s. are.

ærende, ærnde, erende, erinde, erande, earende, arende, arunde, arnde, arnd, erend, erand, erond, ernde, ernd erdene, erdone, erdon s. ags. ærende, ærynde und arend, alts. árundi, ahd. dranti, áronti, drunti und drandi, árendi, árindi, altn. eyrindi, dän. ærende, schw. ärende, altschw. ærandi, ærindi, neue. errand. Botschaft, Auftrag, Anliegen; Geschäft.

Pa pa arnde [earende j. T.] wes iseid. LAZ. III. 3. Þæ pa ærnde [earende j. T.] hafde ibrohte. II. 640. Cudden heom heore erende. I. 429. Bidde we ure lavedi. . That heo ure erende beore to then hevonkinge. REL. S. p. 70. Þin erende to bede. KH. 462. pe mihte of schir & of clene bone pet fliho up & cumed in biuoren Almihti God, & deo pe erinde so wel, pet God hat writen o liues boc al pet heo seið. ANCR. R. p. 246. Ich the segge.. wat oure erinde is. R. OF GL. p. 501. To make pe massager myn erande wel to spede. WILL. 4156. Pe gracious graunt þei gaten of here herande. 1592. Juno ryght anone Callede thus hir messagere To doo hir erande. CH. B. of Duch. 132. Ure lafdi.. bere ure arende to ure loverd Jhesu Crist. REL. ANT. I. 130. Now.. say me pis arende. ALL. P. 3, 72. Þa pos arunde [earende j. T.] beden. Laz. II. 621. Thy moder, Mary, hevyn qwene, Bere our arunde. EMARE 7. Thu bere myn arnde to pat lord þat bare pe blody syde. HOLY ROOD p. 153. I. 6. To pe

kud king Alphouns kiped here arnd. WILL. 5287. Pe answere of here herend þemperour pei tolde. WILL. 1460. To thaim youre erand for to say. Town. M. p. 136. Said Thair erand that on thaim was laid. METR. HOм. p. 34. His erand was to done. CH. Tr. a. Cr. 2, 72. Where has thou bene..? Lord, gone youre herand in this cuntre, As ye me bad. TowN. M. p. 126. With noon of men thei hadden eny thing of felawship and of erand [societatis ac negotii V.]. WYCL. JUDGES 18, 28. How thou shal come in Thyn erond to spede. DEGREV. 903. Þat writ be wel bar pe ernde. LA. I. 312. Goddspell onn Ennglissh nemmnedd iss. . God errnde. ORM Ded. 157. De sergaunz deden ar ernde, MEID. MAREGR. st. 13. Po me told him here ernde. R. OF GL. p. 147. To thi lord myn ernde thou go. AMADACE st. 56. To wone any quyle in pis won, hit watz not myn ernde. GAW. 257. Ernde or massage. PR. P. p. 141. On the wal his ernd he nome. GAW. 809.

Die Metathese von nd in erdene, erdne, erdon scheint nicht blos mangelhafte Orthographie zu verrathen, sondern auf lokaler Aussprache zu beruhen: Eliezer, or he wulde eten, Wulde he nost hise erdene forgeten; Al he tolde hem fro queden he cam, And for quat erdene he dider nam. G. A. Ex. 1399. De king.. Bad him to God his erdne [Anliegen, Bitte] beren, dat ywel him sulde nunmor deren. 787. Louerd God, min erdne ðu forde. 1371. Ffadyr, the thrydde tyme I come ageyn, ffulleche myn erdon for to spede Cov. M. p. 282.

[ærindebere], erindebere s. vgl. ahd. druntporo. Bote.

be liht eie.. is ase erindebere of pe lihte heorte. ANCR. R. p. 60.

ærendrake, ærndrake, erendrake, erndrake etc. s. ags. ærendraca, nuntius, altn. eyrindreki, negotiator. Bote, Gesandter.

Heo nomen ænne ærendrake [herindrakj.T.]. LA3. I. 28. Nom arendrakne gode. I. 354. Þes arndraces wer isent of fif cheden. OEH. p. 235. Arndraces of pisser laze wer Abel, Enoc, Noe. ib. Pa sende se king his ærndraches. p. 231. Ne sold no man deame herendrake to deape. Laz. II. 622 j. T. Pa we hatað apostles, pat bið erndracene. OEH. p. 229.

[ærendesmon], erendesmon s. dass.

Nah na man demen erendesmon to dæðen. LA. II. 622 ä. T. s. d. vor. W.

[ærendien], erendien, erndien, arndien v. ags. ærendian, nuntiare, intercedere. vgl. ahd. druntón, árintón, evangelizare.

1. durch Botschaft, Dazwischenkunft vermitteln, verschaffen: Swete lefdi seinte Marie ernde [erende C.] me pe blisse of heouene. ANCR. R. p. 38. For love of thine childe ernde us hevene lyht. LYR. P. p. 62.

2. durch Botschaft, Vermittelung vertreten, empfehlen: Eadi meiden! ernde me to pi leue Lauerd. LEG. KATH. 2157. Bad heom arndien [ardien Ms. irrthümlich von MADDEN Gloss. p. 523 u. STIATM. als aredien gedeutet] him to hahzen þan kingen, þat he moste his mon bicumen. LA. II. 557.

ærendinge afaiten.

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[ærlich], earlich adj. Im Ags. wird das Adj. arlie nicht aufgeführt, dagegen altn. árligr, matutinus. frühe am Morgen).

Ajean slowe & slepares is swude openlich his earlich ariste from dead to liue. ANCR. R. p. 258.

Jærliche], erliche, earliche, erli, ereli, arliche, arli, areli, orli, oreli etc. adv. ags. arlice, mane, altn. árliga, mature, alacriter.

1. früh am Tage: Prime i pe winter erliche ANCR. R. p. 20. Erliche on pe morwe er þe sunne gan schine. WILL. 2524. Alle the bischopes thane Tuesdai erliche to him wende. BEK. 905. The aungeles schal þee come to.. Erliche & late to gladen pee. ASSUMPC. B. MAR. 300. Mi stevene sal tou here erli (mane V.]. Ps. 5, 4. Erli{eerly Purv. thou ful out shalt here my vois. WYCL. ib. Dressez on pe morn, Askez erly hys armez. GAW. 566. That they schuln arise Erly amorwe. CH. C T. 2490. Helpe it sal God ereli in grikinge. Ps. 45, 6. He ne sal be schent ereli ne late. Ps. 126, 5. The child yede to bedde anight, And ros arliche amorewen. SEUYN SAG. 203. It wites als gresse areli at dai, Areli blomes and fares awai. Ps. 9, 6. Arely at þe bygynnyng of þe day, He floresshe and passes away. HAMP. 724. Yhe wisit me, bathe arly and late. 6158. Mi bede bifore come pe arli [mane V.]. Ps. 87, 14. On pe morne richt ayrly. WYNT. 6, 13, 125. Orly at morn. LANGT. p. 32. Orely on be morn. p. 182.

2. früh in allgemeiner Bedeutung, sei es in noch nicht weit genug vorgerückter Zeit, oder in zarter Jugend etc.

Pe suwe of iuernesse, pet is, glutunie, haued pigges pus inemned: to erliche hette pet on, pet oder to estliche etc. ANCR. R. p. 204. Hire fader hefde iset hire earliche to lare. LEG. KATH. 115.

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erra, arre, ahd. ériro, vgl. ags. æror adv. frühere.

Þe pet on þam erran [ercan Ms., doch im Gegensatze zu on his efter tocome stehend} tocume liðegedde pan sunfullen to pere godnesse. OEH. p. 95. Ase muchel ase hire latere were is lasse wurd & lesse haueð þen hauede ear hire earre. HALI MEID. p. 7. Pe leatere [sc. chele] purh pe earre [sc. heate] derued pe mare. OEH p. 251. Is pe latere dale iteizet to pe arre. ANCR. R. p. 14 cod. C. iteied to de vorme ed.] For pe erore miracle of pe toun þe whatlokere perto hi come. ST. KENELM 290. Of pe eror wyf ybore. R. OF GL. p. 324. Of alle hire erure freond nu nafò heo non. REL. S. p. 73.

Dazu gehört der Superlativ æreste, ærste, ereste, eareste, earste, bisweilen mit abgeworfenem auslautenden e. ags. æresta, alts. érista, ahd. éristo, afries. érosta (-esta, -ista), árista, ársta. erste.

Pæt wes pæ æreste \ereste j. T.] mon pe per cleopien agon. LA3. II. 443. Þe æreste (earest j. T. king pe per com, he wes swide kene mon. III. 5. Iulius wes þæ ærste mon pe dude pis lond inne leowdom (þeudom j. T.] I. 382. Ec of heom wrat per of his uers, and sancte Peter wrat þet ereste. OEH. p. 75. I de ereste dele of ower boc. ANCR. R. p. 8. Pet.. blod rune was in his ereste nimunge. OEH. p. 207. Þe earste sc. heaued peaw is warschipe cleopet. p. 247. Des alre schafte Schuppend schawde ure earste ealdren.. pe wit & te wei of lif. LEG. KATH. 884. Pat paraise selhoe underfo me all swuch as weren, ear ha gulten, his earste hearmen. HALI MEID. p. 45 sq.

ærwene adj. cf. ags. orcén, desperatus. or = ahd. ar, ur, ir, er partic. negat. verwegen, verzweifelt.

For heo weren to kene & to ærwene and to swide fuhten. Laz. III. 97. ærwitte adj. cf. ærwene. unweise, thöricht.

Þat na man on worlde swa wod ne iwurde no swa arwitte gume, þat his grið bræke. Laz. III. 503.

æst s. u. adv. s. east.

met, et s. ags. æt, esca, cibus, altn. alts. út, esus, afries. et, esus. Essen, auch Speise.

All swa summ Adam allre firrst Biswikenn wass þurrh ete, All swa bigann þe deofell firrst To fandenn Crist þurrh ate. ORM 11639. Himm birrp lokenn himm full wel Fra luffsumm æte & wæte. 7851. Hwenne þe muð is open for to lizen, oder sunezed on muchele ete and on ouerdrinke. OEH. p. 153. Po pe sunegede muchel on drunke & on ete. MOR. ODE st. 130. æð s. s. að.

æðel 8. u. adj. s. aðel.

aw, eaw s. s. œ. afailen v.


s. failen. mangeln, schlaff

Loke yowre hertys not afayle. Ms. in HALLIW. D. p. 24.

afaiten, afaitien, afeiten, affaiten v. afr. afaiter, afuitier, affaiter, pr. afaitar, port. affeitar, it. affaitare.


1. in eine Verfassung bringen, gewöhnen, erziehen, zähmen: Po pe kyng hem adde afayted so, pat hyi ne kepte nanmore hym mete. R. OF GL. p. 177. So affaite thi faucons Wilde foweles to kille. P. PL. 3856. if eni is pet naued nout pe heorte pus afeited, mid seoruhfule sikes. ANCR. R. p. 284. Thetis . . Him hath so taught and so affaited. GoWER II. 228. Pis is pet lyf of pe wel louiynde, of gentil herte and affayted. AYENB. p. 75. The yonge whelpe which is affaited. GOWER I. 84.

2. unterwerfen, bändigen: To Yrlond he gan wende, Vor to afayty pat lond, & to wynne ech ende. R. OF GL. p. 179. To affaiten hire flesshe That fiers was to synne. P. PL. 2607. auch mit from und of durch Bändigung bewahren vor: It afaiteth the flessh Fram folies ful manye. P. PL. 9506. The man the hym wole afayty Of prede that is so hez. SHOREH. p. 111.

3. schmücken, zieren: Pe caliz pet was.. so swude feire afeited. ANCR. R. p. 284. Wordes afaited and ysliked ueleuold. AYENB. p. 212. He had affaited His lusty tales. GOWER II. 113.

afaitement, afatement s. afr. afaitement, pr. afaitament, it. affattamento. edle Sitte, Anstand.

Theo thridde him taughte to play at bal, Theo feorthe afatement in halle. ALIS. 660.

afallen, avallen v. intr. ags. dfeallan (afcóll; dfallen), cadere s. fallen. fallen im eig. u. bildl. Sinne.

That ower other ed. proude schal avulle. O. A. N. 1683. A muchel tentaciun . . auulled mid a softe rein of a lutel teares. ANCR. R. p. 246. On hefe rice pe he of afeol. OEH. p. 223. Pa afeol pat feoh entfiel der Tribut] here fif and sixti jere. LA;. III. 286. Det blisfule bern pet aredde [arerde?] al moncun up, þet was adun afallen. OEH. p. 205. Þi wal is afallen. Laz. II. 244. Afalle were pe halles .I. 48. j. T. Al fort he come to one walle, And som therof was afalle. Vox A. W. 16 (Rel. Ant. II. 272.) Arere chirches þat beop avalle. Laz. II. 285 j. T.

afallen v. tr. s. afellen.

afamen v. cf. afr. infamer, pr infamar, enfamar. beschimpfen, entehren.

Þe fruites mooder was neuere afamed. HOLY ROOD p. 131 1. 20.

afandien (sch. afaind), afondien v. ags. dfandian, tentare, experiri, s. fandien.

1. versuchen, den Versuch machen: For thai trowide weyll, Sotheron wold afaynd With haill power at anys on thaim to sett. WALLACE 879.

2. versuchen, aufsuchen: As he was bizunde see auentoures to afonde. ST. EDW. 12.

3. bildl. versuchen (zu verführen): Nys non ned wyth foule handlynge Other other afondeth. SHOREH. p. 73

afangen, avangen gew. afongen, afon, avon v. ags. áfangan, dfón áfeng; dfangen), recipere. 8. fangen, fon, u. vgl. omfangen.

1. empfangen, erhalten, bekommen, erlangen: Ich wot hwo scal beon anhonge, Other elles fulne deth afonge. O. a. N. 1193. For loue of ous in oure flesch he nom his manhede, Of two pinges he was ymaked, aiper moste his cunde afonge. ST. KATH. 108. Such myst. pou myzt þer þoru afonge. R. OF GL. p. 91. Pis lipere man.. ladde him, as me dop ane peof to afonge his iugement. ST. KENELM 173. Ne mişte this heze men non other word afonge. BEK. 1255. Ac hi no child for no þing bituene hem ne mişte afonge. JUD. ISC. 30. Mon scal afon eft feole folde mede. OEH. p. 135. Pu scalt afon of pissen drinchen ane dæle. LA. II. 320. Þat hine letten king beon, and his kinehalm avon. III. 212. Euric mon scal auon mede. OEH. p. 131. He avangeth a crowet eke. SHOREH. p. 50. At ordres


avangeth hy The boke of the Godspelle. Belen

He afongeth his mede. ST. SWITH. 49. heo pet euric neodi de heo biseceð sum þing der of afo. OEH. 135. p. Conaan peos eue afeng. LA. II. 68. He wunde afeng. II. 584. And afeng his dignite. BEK. 242. He auong hys kynedom. R. OF GL. p. 368. Pa hehte he pa cnihtes.. þat heo to pan kinge comen, and heore læn afangen zeftes afenge j. T.]. Laz. II. Another baillie ich habbe afonge. BEK.

590. 355.

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2. empfangen, aufnehmen v. Personen: Wel fawe ic him wole afonge, as rist is pat ich do, And among myn halewen him onoury. EEP. p. 42. 1. 57. Seint Michel ous mote afonge. POP. Sc. 394. (imperat.) Afeoh heom mid wunne. Laz. II. 168. Auouh mine soule hwon ich of pisse liue uare. OEH. p. 197. He heo faire afeng. LA3. II. 510. A lady whyt as flowr. Afeng hym fayr and well. LYB. DISC. 1395. Vortigerne pa læuedi aueng mid swide uæire læten. LA. II. 232. Heo afengen hine mid sibbe. I. 280.

3. empfangen (concipere utero): For so hy hyne scholde ferst aronge, Ther nys no senne ther amonge. SHOREH. p. 121.

4. annehmem (genehm halten): Heo scholde hem alle ouercome and to cristendom lede, þat þurf hire resouns hi scholde alle afonge martirdom. ST. KATH. 86. Þe nold sæhtnesse afon. LA. I. 372. Cristindom ich wulle auon. II. 201. Castels him bede and cites, Gret worthschip and riche fes; Ac he therof nold afo, For nothing that he might do. GY OF WARW. 94. Nulled heo nauere longe habben þe to P: kinge, buten þu a pine dazen afo hæðene lazen. LAZ. II. 186. ST. Afeng cristendom. CRISTOPH. 224. Tho he aveng for oure loue The croune of scharpe thornes. SHOREH. p. 80. Assever. The [they ed.] heth ychose to hys weddynge, And quene the [he ed.] heth avonge. p. 132.


5. fassen, erreichen: if he [him] mihte afon, he wolde hine slæn. LA3: II. 527. The thrawes hire afongon [überfielen sie]. ALIS. 606. Daher auch: Ac his armure was so strong, The spere nolde him afong [erreichen, treffen]. ALIS. 971.


6. fassen, in sich fassen (continere): The contrayes wide and longe mişte unethe al that fole that ther com afonge. BEK. 2349. afaren v. ags. áƒaran áfór; áfaren), exire, egredi. s. faren. fortgehen.

Nou Vortiger his afare. LA3. II. 141 j. T. A dai as pemperour fram home was afare. ST. KATH. 177.

afeden v. ags. áƒédan, enutrire. s. feden. nähren, ernähren.

He hi ledde ofer se mid dreie fote, and he hi afedde feortiz wintre mid hefenlice hlafe. ОЕН. P 227.

afefen v. pr. affeuar, vgl. afr. fiefer, fiever. 8. fefen. belehnen, mit Lehen aus


Thei lete make a guode abbey, And well yt afefed tho. AM. A. AMIL. 2486.

afel s. ags. afol, abal, robur. altn. altschw. af, robur, dân. avl, schw. afvel, proles. Kraft. Asse, pohh itt litell be, Itt hafepp mikell afell. ORM 3716.

afellen, auellen, afeollen, afullen, daneben afallen v. ags. áfellan, áfyllan, prosternere. s. fellen. fällen, zu Boden werfen, in eig. u. bildl. Bedeutung. Die auffällige Form afallen wird durch nicht wenige Beispiele geschützt.

To woc heo is istrencõed þet a windes puf of a word mei auellen. [afallen C. T.] ANCR. R. p. 122. Wordes p schulen pe flit of pine fan swiftliche afellen. LEG. KATH. 687. The kyng dude onon afelle Many thousande okes. ALIS. 5240. He hafde ipohte.. to riden uppen Arður .. and his folc afeollen. LA3. II. 425. Godd seolf us fulste ure feond to afallene. III. 109. He hehte alle his peines. . fon somed to fihten and his ueo[n]d auallen. III. 135. ich mahe stonden wið him, ant his muchele ouerga[r]t ich mote afallen. ST. MARHER. p. 10. Crist heom aualle. Laz. II. 420. Hwen a meiden ure muchele ouergart pus afalled. ST. MARHER. p. 16. Seouene he afelde [afulde j. T.). LA. II. 535. Monie heo afelden. I. 178. Corineus hine afulde [fælde ä. T.]. LA3. I. 81 j. T. His cun. oure eldre afulde [aqualden a. T.]. II. 420. ib. Pet alle pa burhzes pe Brutus iwrohte, & heora noma gode pa on Brutus dæi stode beod swide afelled (avalledj.T.]. Lap. I. 87 sq. Cristendom thai han michel afeld. GY OF WARW. p. 96. Særi wes hire heorte mid her men afulled. LA3. 1. 418. Ic habbe isehen his ouergart ant his egede orhel ferliche afallet. ST. MARHER. p. 11. Hu pe engles beod isweamet pat seod hare suster swa sorhfulliche afallet. HALI MEID. p. 17.

afence s. = offence. s. dass.

Afence, or offence, offensa. PR. P. p. 7. afendyd p. p. offendyd. s. offenden. Afendyd, or offendyd, offensus. PR. P.

p. 7.

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1. Geschäft, Angelegenheit: Thir okeres, That er cursed for thair aferes. METR. HOм. p. 143. Þe wicked gastes, his wiers, Him foluand in al his afers. ANTICRIST 131.

2. That, Ġebaren: Yhowr manhed, yhour worschip, and affere. LANCEL. 3043. He wes off full fayr effer, Wyss, curtaiss, and deboner. BARB. 1, 361. Tho his charme ydo was, Up hire ros Olimpias, And tellith to Neptanabous Alle theo aferis of Ammon. ALIS.


3. Zustand, Lage: He said, he wald blythly se Hys brothyr, and se the affer Off that contre. BARB. 11, 26.

4. Kraft, auch Kriegsmacht: How that the body only of o knycht Haith sich o strenth, haith sich affere and mycht. LANCEL. 3393. Wich ware to few azaine the gret affere Of Galiot. 985.

aferen, bisweilen noch afæren, auch afferen v. tr. ags. afæran, terrere. vgl. offeren u. s. feren. schrecken, erschrecken.

He pe sende pis crois pine fon to aferene. MEID. MAREGR. st. 41. Thu mist mid thine songe afere Alle that ihereth thine ibere. O. a. N. 221. Bote he myghte heom wynne, Other destruye, othir afere. ALIS. 6147. A gret ok he wolde breide adoun, as it a smal zerde were, And bere forth in his hond, þat fole forte afere. R. OF GL. p. 22. Bad hym fonde to fighte, And afere Wanhope. P. PL. 14256. Þe flom þe Soudan nam Richard forto affere. LANGT. p. 187. - It [sc. the cros] afereth the fend. P. PL. 12956. Þus he heom aferde. LA3. III. 152. Pene king hit auerde. III. 13. Besonders häufig trifft man seit ältester Zeit das Partic. Pfet. (neue. afeard, jetzt für unedel geltend. Pe king wes afæred. LA3. II. 521. Swide we beod auæred. II. 107. Is alches londes folc lædliche afered. I. 389. Swa heo is ufered. OEH. p. 53. Hi neren aferede of nane licamliche pinunge. p. 97. Nu is afered of the thi mei and thi mowe. REL. S. p. 76. He es afered pat he sal be peryst. HAMP. 2943. Tho were faitours afered. P. PL. 4038. He thenketh to make him afered. GOWER I. 113. Ful sore afered of his deth was he. CH. C. T. 1520. Why she aught aferde be. Tr. a. Cr. 2, 606. Of pilk tokin be aferd. EEP. p. 11. Þat a mon may be of aferd. R. OF GL. p. 7. Pat al pe men here of mydlerd Of pat sight mught be aferd. HAMP. 2302. I trowe the clerkes ben aferd. CH. С. T. 4093. He was aferd of the fend. LYDG. M. P. p. 114. Scho was forwondrid and afferde. METR. HOм. p. 81. The formest sal mak al the laif afferd. LANCEL. 3472. This wyf was not affered ne affrayed. CH. C. T. 14811, Selten sind Formen des Zeitworts wie in: Pat maiden wes afeared [afered j. T.. LA3. I. 130. Þer wes auared [aferde j. T.] þe kaisere. III. 78.

affect, affecte s. lat. affectus, neue. affect (veraltend). Zuneigung, Neigung, gute oder schlechte.

Fully to knowen, withoute were, Freend of affect, and freend of chere. CH. R. of R. 5488. As Affecte, or welwyllynge. PR. P. p. 7.

Crasus dide, for his affectes wronge [zum
Trunke]. Tr. a. Cr. 3, 1342.

affectiun (-oun), affeccioun (-on) s. lat. pr. affectio, afr. affection. sp. afeccion. Neigung, Zuneigung, Liebe, Lust, meist im guten Sinne.


Affectiun is hwon be pouht ged inward, & be delit kumed up, & pe lust waxed. ANCR. R. p. 288. To pat sollempnite com lordes of renoun, bat weddyng forto for grete affectioun. LANGT. p. 162. Ine pe herte [pet] hep tuo sides, pe onderstondinge and pet wyl, pe skele and be affeccioun. AYENB. p. 151. Lo, which a gret thing is affeccioun. CH. C. T. 3611. This Tesbe hath so greete affeccioun, And so grete lykynge Piramus to se. Leg. G. W. Tesbe 88. For tender affeccion of loue. HAMP. Tr. p. 21. Esy sikes.. That shewed his affeccion withinne. CH. Tr. a. Cr. 3, 1314. I have pareto [sc. to descryve þat stede] gret affeccyon. HAMP. 8876. Affeccyon, or hertyly welwyllynge. PR. P. p. 7. To stirre pe affeccyone and resone of pe saule to lathe vanytes of pis werlde, and for to desyre pe joyes of Heuene. HAMP. Tr. p. 39.

afferen v. pr. aferir, afr. aferir, afferir. zukommen, gebühren, bes. nördl. Mundarten eigen.

He was then buryed at Winchester in royall wise, As to suche a prince of reason should affere. HARDYNG's Chron. Ms. in HALLIW. D. p. 25. I sall als frely in all thing Hald it, as it afferis to king. BARB. 1, 161. As he that wel couth do Honor, to quhome that it afferith to. LANCEL. 1550. Dwne intil a set he sat, As afferyd til a kyng. WYNT. 8, 5, 182.

affermen, afeormen, affirmen v. afr. afermer, afremer, sp. afirmar, pr. affermar, it. affermare, lat. affirmare.

1. fest machen, festsetzen, bestätigen Pe pes pei suld afferme, for drede of hardere cas. LANGT. p. 316. Þe pes to afferme. p. 318. Affyrmyn, or grawntyn, affirmo. PR. P. p. 7. This covenaunt was affermed wonder faste. CH. L.G W. Tesbe 85. Among the goddes hye it is affermed. . Thou schalt be wedded. C. T. 2351. Afeormed faste is this deray. ALIS.


perinne [sc. in pis worldly blis] uffy. EEP. p. 134. 1. 32. In whom no man shulde affye. CH. R. of R. 5483. Whan he sauh he myght on his folk affie. LANGT. p. 203. On pis Gospatrik William gan affie. p. 78. He is fole [folc ed.] pat affies in the courte of Rome. LANGT. p. 324. All þi mawmetry þat þou and þy folk yn affy. HOLY ROOD p. 127. I. 193. Them the wich ye most affy intyll. LANCEL. 499. Pors afyed in his streynthe. ALIS. 7351.

2. refl. sich verlassen: Alisaunder him gan affye In his owne chivalrie. ALIS. 7347. Pose vnwyse ledes pat affyen hem [hym ed.] in vanyte. ALL. P. 3, 330.

affilen selten afilen v. afr. afiler, pr. sp. afilar, it. affilare eig. wetzen, schärfen, bildl. bes. von der Zunge, um Feinheit, Gewandtheit der Rede zu bezeichnen; vgl. fr. langue affilée.

He moste preche, and wel affyle afile Tyrwh. his tunge. CH. C. T. 714. This Pandare gan new his tonge affile. Tr. a. Cr. 2, 1681. Whan he hath his tunge affiled With softe speche GOWER I. 64. Mercury, which was all affiled. II. 113.

affinite s. fr. affinité, lat. affinitas, neue. affinity. Verwandtschaft bes. durch Verschwägerung.

Alle here sybbe affinite To the forthan schel drawe. SHOREH. p. 70. So drawyth hy affinite Wyth alle thyne sibbe. ib. Affynyte, or alyaunce, affinitas. PR. P. p. 7.

affliction, afflicciouns. afr. affliction, afflixion, neue. affliction. Noth, Beängstigung, Bedrängniss.

Abbay & priorie, & oper religions, For vs salle pray in þeir afflictions. LANGT. p. 202. I haue seen the affliccioun of my puple. WYCL. Ex. 3, 7. Oxf.

afiance (-aunce) s. neue. affiance, cf. afr. fiance, pr. fiunsa, u. s. affien. Verwatz in þe fyue


Alle his afyaunce woundez. GAW. 642. afilen v. ags. áfýlan, inquinare. s. fulen, filen. besudeln, beflecken, entehren. Men me cleputh quene afiled. ALIS. 1064. afinden, avinden v. ags. afindan (-fand,

2. versichern, die Versicherung geben: I dar wel affermen hardyly, þat yif po-fundon; funden), experiri, sentire. pinges. hadde ben pine, pou ne haddest not lorn hem. CH. Boeth. p. 34.

affichen, affitchen v. afr. afficher s. ficchen. befestigen, heften, eig. u. bildl.

For the covetise Of that they seen a woman riche, There wol they all her love affiche. GOWER II. 211. Ezechias brake the doris of the temple of the Lord, and the platis of gold, the whiche he hadde affitchide. WYCL. 4 KINGS 18, 16. Oxf. He afficched hym so in the sturopes that the horse bakke bente. MERLIN I. 117.

affie, afle s. afr. afie, affie. Vertrauen.

She sette her affye in Sathanas of helle. CHEVEL. ASSIGNE 10.

affien, afien v. (gew. mit ff v. afr. after, affier, pr. afiar. Þer

1. intr. Vertrauen:

may no mon

1. finden, erhalten: Pe pe ehte wile healden wel, pe wile he mai his welden, iue his for Godes luue, eft heo hit scullen afinden; Vre iswinch & ure tilpe is ofte iwuned to swinden, ac þat we dot for Godes luue, eft we it scullen afinden. MOR. ODE st. 28.

2. finden, entdecken, erfahren: Pat pu scalt afinde a pisse dæies ferste. Laz. II. 240. 3if þu miht afinden oht of pan feonden. III. 22. At than harde me mai avinde Wo geth forth. O. A. N. 527. Hi shulle wel avinde, That hi mid longe wope mote Of hore sunnen bidde bote. $54. He seide pat he hit afunde, ah hit puhte læsinge. LA3. II. 226. Al þat he anunde in pan lufte & bi pan grunde (von Weissagung). III. 230. Tho the Sarsenes ufounde Her lord was slayn. OCTOU. 1659. Wet hys

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