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Rebel States, expenses under act for the more efficient government of the. Message
of the President relative to the...

Reconstruction. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to

Reconstruction, relative to appropriation to carry out. Letter from the Secretary of


Reconstruction. Message from the President of the United States communicating
proceedings in the cabinet relative to.

Revenue law. General customs

Revenue from distilled spirits.

Revenue, frauds on. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury relative to the frauds
in the fifth district of North Carolina

Revenue Board, Metropolitan. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury relative to.
Revenue cutter service. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting
statement of the expenses of the revenue cutter service for the year ending June
30, 1866....

River, Illinois, survey of the. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to
Rock river, survey of. Reports of General Wilson relative to


State Department, relative to filing in the department of an act to provide for the
government of the rebel States. Letter from the Secretary of the...
State Department. List of States that have ratified constitutional amendment..
Survey of the Illinois river. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to....


Treasurer of the United States, transmitting account of receipts and disbursements
of the Post Office Department for the last fiscal year. Letter from the
Treasury Department, transmitting a bill for a general customs revenue law. Letter
from the Secretary of the...



Treasury Department, relative to the payment of bounties to soldiers, &c.
from the Secretary of the..
Treasury Department, transmitting a communication from the Commissioner of In-
ternal Revenue as to amount of revenue received from the tax on distilled spirits.
Letter from the Secretary of the..




Treasury Department, transmitting statement of the number of officers of the customs
removed, &c Letter from the Secretary of the....
Treasury Department, transmitting communication from the Commissioner of In-
ternal Revenue relative to frauds on the revenue in the fifth district of North
Carolina. Letter from the....

[blocks in formation]

Treasury Department, relative to the organization of the Metropolitan Revenue
Board in the city of New York. Letter from the Secretary of the..
Treasury Department, transmitting reports relative to the buildings leased by the de-
partment in New York and Brooklyn. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury Department, transmitting statement of the expenses of the revenue cutter
service for the year ending June 30, 1866. Letter from the Secretary of the................


War Department, transmitting a statement of contracts made on account of the med-
ical department of the army for the year 1866. Letter from the Secretary of the...
War Department, communicating information relative to the pay of officers of the
army Letter from the Secretary of the....

War Department, communicating report of General Wilson relative to the survey of
Illinois river. Letter from the Secretary of the.

War Department, transmitting information relative to the execution of the recon-
struction acts. Letter from the Secretary of the....

War Department, transmitting communication from the Paymaster General relative
to additional bounty. Letter from the Secretary of the..

War Department, relative to appropriation necessary to carry out the reconstruction
acts. Letter from the Secretary of the

War Department, relative to the flogging of a civilian at Fort Sedgwick. Letter
from the Secretary of the....

to the..

Washington Monument Association. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior relative
Wilson, Brevet Major General James H., relative to the survey of Rock river. Re-

port of



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MARCH 4, 1867.-Laid on the table and ordered to be printed.

To the House of Representatives:

The act entitled "An act making appropriations for the support of the army for the year ending June 30, 1868, and for other purposes," contains provisions to which I must call attention.

These provisions are contained in the second section, which in certain cases virtually deprives the President of his constitutional functions as commanderin-chief of the army; and in the sixth section, which denies to ten States of the Union their constitutional right to protect themselves, in any emergency, by means of their own militia. These provisions are out of place in an appropriation act. I am compelled to defeat these necessary appropriations if I withhold my signature from the act. Pressed by these considerations, I feel constrained to return the bill with my signature, but to accompany it with my protest against the sections which I have indicated.

WASHINGTON, March 2, 1867.


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