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and cleared them from any blame or dishonour, to the shame of their adversaries. But by reason of the great alterations in the State, he was detained longer then was expected; and afterwards

ten pounds of it, lest it might lie too heavy upon his wife and children. But he must either get new sureties for the [his] behaviour till the next generall Court, or such time as hee departed the Government, or lie in prison till hee could: now hee knowing his outragious passions which hee could not restraine, procured sureties, but immediately left Plimouth and went to Roade Island." Hypocrisie Vnmasked, *67.

In 1669 Gorton took exception to the statements made by Morton and in a lengthy letter characteristically gave his own rendering of the facts. "If you had recorded truly you should haue made report of Plimouths dealing with me had bin their threatening of a widow one Ellin Aldridge whom they said they would send out of the Collony as a vacabond by some of your inferiour officers, when as nothing was laid to her charge, only it was whispered priuatly that she had smiled in your congregation, whervpon it may be the Church grew iealous that she did not well like your Doctrine and graue pollished Church order, And she hauing bin a woman of good report in England and newly come ouer, being carefull of her credit she fled into the woods to escape the shame which was threatened to be put upon her, there remaining seuerall dayes and nights, at the least part of the nights and absented her selfe againe before people stirred in the morning; my speaking on her behalfe (she being then my wiues servant) was the ocation that Plimouths government tooke to deale with me, whervpon they called me to a Court more priuatly held to examine me, and one of them inlarging vpon a point agravating the matter more then it deserued, I said he spake hyperbollically whervpon they asked your Elder [Brewster] then present, what was the meaning of that word, and he was pleased to expound it that I told the magistrate that he lyed; and this was the dealing with me, and accordingly they gaue their owne constructions of what I spake afterwards, only in your Court more publique the foreman of your jury (your Elders son Jonathan Brewster) befriended me so much as to moue the Court that I should not speake in my owne behalfe at all, and there was no Atourney to be had in those dayes that I knew of. . . .

"In the time of these agitations Mr. Smith tooke offence at me whether of himselfe or instigated I know not, neither know I any ocation I gaue him, vnlesse it was because his ancient wife and others of his family frequented mine vsually morning and euening in the time of family exercises, and so did a religious maid liuing then with your teacher Mr. Reyner, mistress Smith often expressing her selfe how glad she was that she could come into a family where her spirit was refreshed in the ordinances of god as in former dayes which she said was much decayed and allmost worne out of religion since she came to Plimouth; In this offence taken by Mr. Smith he applied himselfe to the gouernment of Plimouth for help to breake his couenant made with my selfe, I hauing hired one part of his house for the terme of foure whole yeares, whervpon

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fell into other imployments their, so as he hath now bene absente
this 4 years, which hath been much to the weakning of this gover-
mente, without whose consente he tooke these imployments upon

I was perswaded to put the matter to arbitterment the men were apointed, my
writings deliuered, as I Remember, John Cooke was one an eminent member of your
Church; who shortly after said the writings were comanded out of their hands by the
Gouernour, insomuch that they could doe

Co. nothing to issue the matter, neither could I

John Cooke.

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procure my writings againe vnto this day,
least the justice of my cause should apeare to

any, but the Court proceeded to fine and banishment, together with sentence giuen
that my family should depart out of my owne hired house, (Acts 28:30) within the space
of fourteene dayes vpon the penalty of another great summe of money (besides my
fine paid) and their further wrath and displeasure, which time to depart fell to be in
a mighty storme of snow, as I haue seene in the country, my wife being turned out of
doore in the said storme with a young child sucking at her breast (the infant hauing
at that very time the disease called the measles breaking out vpon it, which the cold
forced in againe causing sicknesse neere vnto death) who had bin as tenderly brought
vp as any man's wife then in that towne, And my selfe to trauell in the wildernesse
I knew not whither, the people comforting my wife and children when I was gone with
this, that it was impossible for me to come aliue to any plantation. . . . I haue bin
silent of things done at Plimouth, Rhode Island and elsewhere, and am still in many
respects, but haue not forgotten them, for then I should forget the Sumptoms of the
crosse of Jesus Christ, and I haue heard that some of Plimouth then in place were
instigators of the Island [Rhode Island], I could name the parties of both places, being
mett together at Cohannet; I carried my selfe obeidiently to the Gouernment of
Plimouth, so fare as it became me at the least, to the great wrong of my family more
then is abouesaid as can be made to apeare if need require; For I vnderstood that they
had Comission wherin authoritie was deriued, which authoritie I reuerenced." Letter
to Nathaniel Morton, June 30, 1669. In Force, Tracts, IV.

1 Winslow had sailed from Boston October, 1646, and four years later was on the joint board of "The Committee for Sequestration and Advancement of Money and for compounding with Delinquents." See Dictionary of National Biography.

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1 The following is a list of the ministers settled at New Plymouth and its dependencies before 1648, with the periods of service so far as known:

New Plymouth: Ralph Smith (1629

Chauncy (1638-1641).

); John Reyner (1636-1654); Charles

Scituate: John Lothrop (1635-1639); Charles Chauncy (1641-1654).
Barnstable: John Lothrop (1639-1653).

Sandwich: William Leverich (1639-1653).

Taunton: William Hooke (1639-1644); Nicholas Street (1639-1659).

Yarmouth: Marmaduke Matthews (1639-1643); John Miller (1643-1660).

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Passengers of the Mayflower

The names of those which came over first, in the year •1620・ and were by the blessing of God the first beginers and (in a sort) the foundation of all the Plantations and Colonies in New England; and their families.

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