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ingaging them selves, that they will not at any time hearafter disturbe the peace of the cuntry, by any assaults, hostile attempts, invasions, or other injuries, to any of the Unnited Collonies, or their successors; or to the afforesaid Indeans; either in their persons, buildings, catle, or goods, directly or indirectly; nor will they confederate with any other against them; and if they know of

any Indeans or others that conspire or intend hurt against the said English, or any Indeans subjecte to or in freindship with them, they will without delay acquainte and give notice thereof to the English Commissioners, or some of them.

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Or [and] if any questions or differences shall at any time hereafter arise or grow betwext them and Uncass, or any Endeans before mentioned, they will, according to former ingagments (which they hearby confirme and ratifie) first acquainte the English, and crave their judgments and advice therin; and will not attempte or begine any warr, or hostille invasion, till they have liberty and alowance from the comissioners of the United Collonies so to doe.

5. The said Narigansets and Niantick sagamores and deputies doe hearby promise that they will forthwith deliver and restore all such Indean fugitives, or captives which have at any time fled from any of the English, and are now living or abiding [with or] amongst them, or give due satisfaction for them to the comissioners for the Massachusets; and further, that they will (without more delays) pay, or cause to be payed, a yearly tribute, a month before [Indian] harvest, every year after this, at Boston, to the English Colonies, for all shuch Pequents as live amongst them, according to the former treaty and agreemente, made at Hartford, 1638. namly, one fathome of white wampam for every Pequente man, and halfe a fathume for each Pequente youth, and one hand length [of wampum] for each mal-child. And if Weequashcooke refuse to pay this tribute for any Pequents with him, the Narigansetts sagamores promise to assiste the English against him. And they further covenante that they will resigne and

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yeeld up the whole Pequente cuntrie, and every parte of it, to the English collonies, as due to them by conquest.

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6. The said Narigansett and Niantick sagamores and deputie doe hereby promise and covenante that within 14 days they will bring and deliver to the Massachusetts comissioners on the behalfe of [all] the collonies, [268] foure of their children, viz. Pessecous his eldest sonn, the sone [of] Tassaquanawite, brother to Pessecouss, Awashawe his sone, and Ewangsos sone, a Niantick, to be kepte (as hostages and pledges) by the English, till both the forementioned. 2000. fathome of wampam be payed at the times appoynted, and the differences betweexte themselves and Uncass be heard and ordered, and till these artickles [of agreement] be under writen at Boston, by Ienemo and Wipetock. And further they hereby promise and covenante, that if at any time hearafter any of the said children shall make escape, or be conveyed away from the English, before the premisses be fully accomplished, they will either bring back and deliver to the Massachusett comissioners the same children, or, if they be not to be founde, shuch and so many other children, to be chosen by the comissioners for the United Collonies, or their assignes, and that within 20 days after demand, and in the mean time, untill the said. 4. children be delivered as hostages, the Narigansett and Niantick sagamores and deputy doe, freely and of their owne accorde, leave with the Massachusett comissioners, as pledges for presente securitie, · 4 · Indeans, namely, Witowash, Pumanise [Pumamse], Jawashoe, Waughwamino, who allso freely consente, and offer them selves to stay as pledges, till the said children be brought and delivered as abovesaid.

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7. The comissioners for the United Collonies doe hereby promise and agree that, at the charge of the United Collonies, the 4. Indeans now left as pledges shall be provided for, and that the 4 children to be brought and delivered as hostages shall be kepte and maintained at the same charge; that they will require Uncass and his men, with all other Indean sagamores before named, to forbear all acts of hostilitie againste the Narigansetts and Niantick Indeans for the future. And further, all the premises being duly observed and kept by the Narigansett and Niantick Indians and their company, they will at the

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end of 2 years restore the said children delivered as hostiages, and retaine a firme peace with the Narigansets and Nianticke Indeans and their successours.

8. It is fully agreed by and betwixte the said parties, that if any hostile attempte be made while this treaty is in hand, or before notice of this agreemente (to stay further [former] preparations and directions) can be given, shuch attempts and the consequenets therof shall on neither parte be accounted a violation of this treaty, nor a breach of the peace hear made and concluded.

9. The Narigansets and Niantick sagamores and deputie hereby agree and covenante to and with the comissioners of the United Collonies, that henceforth they will neither give, grante, sell, or in any maner alienate, any parte of their countrie, nor any parcell of land therin, either to any of the English or others, without consente or allowance of the [said] commissioners.

10. Lastly, they promise that, if any Pequente or other be found and discovered amongst them who hath in time of peace murdered any of the English, he or they shall be delivered to just punishmente. In witness wherof the parties above named have interchaingablie subscribed these presents, the day and year above writen.

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This treaty and agreemente betwixte the comissioners of the United Collonies and the sagamores and deputy of Narrigansets and Nian

1 A comparison of the marks thus entered for the Indians with those in the Plymouth Col. Rec., IX. 48, shows that the imitation is crude and in neither instance can be taken as genuine representations of the signs. Gorton also gives the marks of Pessacus and Mixano in his Simplicities Defence. The Colony Records do not give the names of the English signers.

tick Indeans was made and concluded, Benedicte Arnold being interpretour upon his oath; Sergante Callicate1 and an Indean, his man, being presente, and Josias and Cutshamakin, tow Indeans aquainted with the English language, assisting therin; who opened and cleared the whole treaty, and every article, to the sagamores and deputie there [then] presente.

And thus was the warr at this time stayed and prevented. [269] 1 Richard Collicott, of Dorchester.

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BOUT the midle of May, this year, came in 3 ships into this harbor, in warrlike order; they were found to be men of warr. The captains name was Crumwell, who had taken sundrie prizes from the Spaniards in the West Indies. He had a comission from the Earle of Warwick. He had abord his vessels about 80. lustie men, (but very unruly,) who, after they came ashore, did so distemper them selves with drinke as they became like madd-men; and though some of them were punished and imprisoned, yet could they hardly be restrained; yet in the ende they became more moderate and orderly. They continued here aboute a month or .6. weeks, and then went to the Massachusets; in which time they spente and scattered a great deale of money among the people, and yet more sine (I fear) then money, notwithstanding all the care and watchfullnes that was used towards them, to prevente what might be.1

In which time one sadd accidente fell out. A desperate fellow of the company fell a quar[e]ling with some of his company. His cap

1 Thomas Cromwell, whom Winthrop describes in 1646 as "about ten years since a common seaman in the Massachusetts." During these years he came into relations with a Captain Jackson, who was taking prizes in the West Indies for the Company of Providence Island, to the governorship of which John Humfrey, of New England, had recently been appointed. About 1642, Jackson sailed under a commission from the Earl of Warwick, and as a privateer captain committed acts practically of piracy. Cromwell had a commission from Jackson, and now with three ships, frigates of cedar of about sixty to eighty tons, and eighty men, was going to Boston to dispose of his prizes. "By a strong northwest wind they were forced into Plimouth, (divine providence so directing for the comfort and help of that town, which was now almost deserted,) where they continued about fourteen days or more, and spent liberally and gave freely to many of the poorer sort." Winthrop, History, II. *263.

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