| Samuel Johnson - 1765 - 80 pages
...and wrong, and at the clofe difmifics them without further care, and leaves their examples to operace by chance. This fault the barbarity of his age cannot...to make the world better, and juftice is a virtue independant on time or place. The plots are often fo loofely formed, that a very flight cdnflderation... | |
 | Several Hands - 1765 - 624 pages
...them without r'urther ca-e, and leaves their examples to operate by chance. This fault the barba ity of his age cannot extenuate ; for it is always a writer's...to make the world better, and juftice is a virtue jndependant on time or pb.ce.' 4 No queftion, fays our Editor, in another place, can be more innocently... | |
 | Books - 1765 - 600 pages
...the wicked ; he carries his perfons indifferently through right and wrong, and at the clofe difmifTes them without further care, and leaves their examples to operate by chance. This fault ttv- barbarity of his age cannot extenuate; for it is always a writer's duty to make the world better,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1768 - 676 pages
...wicked •, he carries his perfons indifferently through right and wrong,, and at the clofe difmiffes them without further care,' and leaves their examples...to make the world better, and juftice is a virtue independant on time or place. The plots are often fo loofely formed, that a very flight confideration... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1773 - 554 pages
...the wicked; he carries his perfons indifferently through right and wrong, and at the clofe difmifies them without further care, and leaves their examples...is always a writer's duty to make the world better, andjufticeis a virtue independent on time or place. • . < The plots are often fo loofely formed,... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - English literature - 1774 - 374 pages
...the Wicked ; he carries his Perfons indifferently through Right and Wrong, and at the Clofe difmifles them without further Care, and leaves their Examples...to make the World better; and Juftice is a Virtue independant on Time or Place. The Plots are often fo loofely formed, that a very flight Confideration... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - English literature - 1774 - 412 pages
...extenuate ; for it is always a Writer's Duty to make the World better; and Juftice is a Virtue independant on Time or Place. The Plots are often fo loofely formed, that a very flight Confederation may improve them, and fo carclefsly purfued, that he feems not always fully to comprehend... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - English literature - 1774 - 374 pages
...the Wicked ; he carries his Perfons indifferently through Right and Wrong, and at the Clofe difmifles them without further Care, and leaves their Examples to operate by Chance. Thi* Fault the Barbarity of his Age cannot extenuate ; for it is always a Writer's Duty to make the... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1778 - 748 pages
...wicked; he carries his perfons indifferently through right and wrong, and at .the. clofe difmiffes them without further care, and leaves their examples...the barbarity of his age cannot extenuate; for it is a] ways a writer's duty to make the world better, and juftice is a virtue in* dependent on time or... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - Maxims - 1782 - 484 pages
...author who facrifices virtue to convenience, and feems to write without any moral purpofe, even ihe barbarity of his age cannot extenuate; for it is always...to make the world better, and juftice is a virtue independant on time and place. Ditto, p. i9 & 20. It is feldom that authors rife much above the ftandard... | |
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