| Samuel Johnson - 1765 - 80 pages
...themfelves may be heard with applaufe. •Slalcfpeare Sbakefpeare engaged in dramatick poetry with ths World open before him ; the rules of the ancients were yet known to few; the publick judgment was Unformed ; he had no example of fuch fame as might force him upon imitation, nor... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1768 - 676 pages
...is feafonable and ufeful; and the Grave diggers themfelves may be heard wfth afplaufe. Sbakffpeare engaged in dramatick poetry with ' the world open...rules of the ancients were yet known to few ; the publick judgment was unformed; he had no example of fuch fame as might force him upon imitation, nor... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1773 - 554 pages
...is feaibnable and ufeful; and the Graye-diggers themfelves may be heard with applaufe. Shakefpeare engaged in dramatick poetry with the world open before...the rules of the ancients were yet known to few; the publick judgment was unformed ; he had no example of fuch fame as might force him upon imitation, nor... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1778 - 748 pages
...poetry with the world open before him; the rules of the ancients were yet known to few; the publick judgment was unformed ; he had no example of fuch...his extravagance: he therefore indulged his natural difpofitlon, and his difpofition* as Rhymer has remarked, led him to comedy. In tragedy he often writes... | |
 | George Colman - 1787 - 364 pages
...feafonable and ufeful ; and the Grave Diggers themfelves may be heard with applaufe. " Shakefpeare engaged in Dramatick Poetry with the world open before...the rules of the ancients were yet known to few; the publick judgment was unformed ; he had no example of fuch fame as might force him upon imitation, nor... | |
 | Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - English literature - 1787 - 504 pages
...is feafonable and uieful; and the grave-diggers themfelves inay be heard with applaufe. Sbakeffeore engaged in dramatick poetry with the world open before...the rules of the ancients were yet known to few; the publick judgment was unformed ; he had no example of fiich fame as mishit force him upon imitation,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1788 - 346 pages
...Polonius is seasonable and useful ; and the Grave-diggers themselves may be heard with applause. Shakspere engaged in dramatick poetry with the world open before...the rules of the ancients were yet known to few; the publick judgment was unformed ; he had no example of such fame as might force him upon imitation, nor... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - English prose literature - 1790 - 1058 pages
...the Grave-diggers themfelves may be heard with applaufe. Shakefpeare engaged in dramatic poetry \vith the world open before him ; the rules of the ancients were yet known to few ; the public judgment was unformed; he had no example of fuch fame as might force him upon imitation, nor critics... | |
 | History - 1793 - 620 pages
...ufeful ; and the grave-diggers themfelves may be heard with applaule. Shakefpeâre engaged in dramatic poetry with the world open before him ; the rules of the ancients were yet known to few j the public judgment was unformed ; he had no example of fuch fame as might force him upon imitation,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1800 - 330 pages
...ufeful ; and the gravetliggers themftlves may be heard with applaufe. Shakfpeare engaged in dramaticlc poetry with the world open before him ; the rules of the ancients were yet kjaown to few ; the publick judgment was unformed ; he had no example of fuch fame as might force him... | |
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