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" The objection arising from the impossibility of passing the first hour at Alexandria and the next at Rome supposes that, when the play opens, the spectator really imagines himself at Alexandria, and believes that his walk to the theatre has been a voyage... "
The Plays of William Shakspeare: In Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections ... - Page 192
by William Shakespeare - 1793
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The Monthly Review, Or, Literary Journal, Volume 33

Books - 1765 - 600 pages
...the play opens the fpe&ator really -imagines himfelf at Alexandria, and believes that his walk to rhe theatre has been a voyage to Egypt, and that he lives...imagines this may imagine more. He that can take the frage at one time for the palace of the Ptolemies, may take it in half an hour for the promontory of...
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The Monthly Review Or Literary Journal

Several Hands - 1765 - 624 pages
...Alexandria, and the next at Rome, fuppofes, that when the play opens the fpcclato: really imagines Jiimfelf at Alexandria, and believes that his walk to the theatre has been a voyage to Е'дурс, and that lie lives in the days of Antony and Cleopatra, aurejy he that imagines this may...
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Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, Volume 2

Samuel Johnson - English literature - 1774 - 374 pages
...the firft Hour at Alexandria, and the next at Rome, fuppofes, that when the Play opens, the Spectator really imagines himfelf at Alexandria, and believes...imagines this, may imagine more. He that can take the Stage at tthe Timefct- the Palace of tfce Phlemies, (nay takeU in half an Hour for the Promontory of...
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Cursory Remarks on Tragedy, on Shakespeare and on Certain French and Italian ...

William Richardson - Tragedy - 1774 - 262 pages
...Alexandria and the next at Rome, " fuppofes, that when the play " opens the fpectator imagines him" felf at Alexandria, and believes ". that his walk to to Egypt, and that " he lives in the days of Anthony " and Cleopatra. " But the objection is not only to the impoffibility, but to the impropriety...
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Cursory Remarks on Tragedy, on Shakespeare and on Certain French and Italian ...

William Richardson - Tragedy - 1774 - 488 pages
...Alexandria and the next at Rome, " fuppofes, that when the play " opens the fpedator imagines him" felf at Alexandria, and believes " that his walk to to Egypt, and that " he lives in the days of Anthony " and Cleopatra. " But the objection is not only to the impoffibility» but to the impropriety...
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Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, Volume 2

Samuel Johnson - English literature - 1774 - 412 pages
...the firft Hour at Alexandria^ and the next at Rim:) fuppofes, that when the Play opens, the Spectator really imagines himfelf at Alexandria, and believes...that his Walk to the Theatre has been a Voyage to E'j.ypt, and that he lives in the Days of Anttny and Clcjpatra. Surely he that imagines this, may imagine...
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Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, Volume 2

Samuel Johnson - English literature - 1774 - 374 pages
...Alexandria, and the next at Rome, iuppofes, that when the Play opens, the Spectator really imagines himfeif at Alexandria, and believes that his Walk to the Theatre has been a, Voyage to E°ypt, and that he lives in the Days ef Antont and Cieopatra. Surely he that imagines this, may imagine...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Ten Volumes: Prefaces. The tempest. The ...

William Shakespeare - 1778 - 748 pages
...the firft hour at Alexandria, .and the next at Rome, fuppofes, that when the play opens the fpectator really imagines himfelf at Alexandria, and believes...Antony and Cleopatra. Surely he that imagines this may 1 imagine more. He that can take the ftage at one * time for the palace of the Ptolemies, may take...
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The Dramatick Writings of Will. Shakspere: With the Notes of All ..., Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1788 - 346 pages
...Alexandria, and the next at Rome, supposes, that when the play opens, the spectator really imagines himself at Alexandria; and believes that his walk to the theatre...imagines this may imagine more. He that can take the stage at one "Sine for the palace of the Ptolemies, may take it in half an hour for the promontory...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

History - 1793 - 620 pages
...the firft bour at Alexandria, and the next at Rome, fuppofes, that when the play opens, the fpectator really imagines himfelf at Alexandria, and to Egypt, and that he lives in the days of Anthony and Cleopatra. Surely he that imagines this, may imagine more. He that can take the ftage at...
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