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Y. Rap. What?

Wai. Ribs of beef, sir.

Y. Rap. Are they the short ribs ?

Wai. Yes, sir.

Y. Rap. That's right.

Wai. What liquor would your honour like?
Y. Rap. [Jumping up.] Spruce beer.

Wai. Very well, sir.

Y. Rap. I must have some clothes.

0. Rap. I'm sure that's a very good coat.

Y. Rap. Waiter!-I must have a dashing coat for the Nabob. Is there a rascally tailor any where near you? Wai. Yes, sir ;-there are two close by.

[Father and son look at each other. Y. Rap. Umph! then tell one of them to send me some clothes.

Wai. Sir, he must take your measure.

0. Rap. To be sure he must.

Y. Rap. Oh true! I remember the fellows do measure you somehow with long bits of-Well-send for the Scoundrel. [Exit Waiter, R.

O. Rap. Oh, for shame of yourself; I've no patience. Y. Rap. Like you the better.-Hate patience as much as you do, ha, ha! Must swagger a little.

O. Rap. Ah! I am too fond of you, I am, Ned. Take my fortune; but only remember this-By the faith of a man I came by it honestly, and all I ask is, that it may go as it came.

Y. Rap. Certainly. But we must keep moving, you


O. Rap. Well, well, I don't care if I do take a bit of a walk with you.

Y. Rap. Bit of a walk! Dam'me, we'll have a gallop together. Come along, dad-Push on, dad. [Exeunt, R.

SCENE II-A Room in Mr. Vortex's House, with two Doors in Flat. Two Chairs.


Ell. Married to Charles Stanley! You, madam ?
Miss Vor. Yes, I.

Ell. I'll not believe it.

Miss Vor. Well, I vow that's uncommon comic. Aud why not, my forsaken cousin?

Ell. First, madam, I know Charles Stanley would only form so sacred an alliance where his affections pointed out the object. Secondly, I feel those affections to be mine.

Vor. Thirdly, an inconstant swain was a thing never heard of; and to conclude, pray peruse that letter

Ell. [Reads.] "Sir Hubert Stanley informs Mr. Vortex, "that his son embraces, with eager joy, the proposals for his "marriage with Mr. Vortex's daughter." [Drops the letter.] Then every thing is possible. Oh love!

Vor. Nay, don't you abuse poor Cupid-his conduct has been perfectly parliamentary. Self-interest has made the little gentleman move over to the other side, that's all. [Knocking at the door, R.

Ell. Heavens! should this be

Enter JOHN, R.

Ser. Young Mr. Stanley, sir.

Ell. My soul sinks within me.

[Exit John, R.

Miss Vor. [With affected tenderness.] Upon my honour, my dear, you had better retire. Your agitation

Ell. I thank you, madam-[Going.] Hold-No; with your permission, I'll remain.

Miss Vor. Just as you please.

how uncommon delicious!


What a triumph; oh,

Ell. Now, heart, be firm!

[Retires up the stage.


eagerness crosses c.


Miss Vor. (L.) How he's struck!
Vor. (R.) Exceedingly.

Cha. (L.) What can this mean? [Aside.] Ma-dam— madam--the confusion that-that-that

Miss Vor. I must cheer him with a smile.

[During this, Ellen advances to the front of the stage,

L. so as to leave Miss Vortex between her and

Cha. [Seeing Ellen.] Ah! what heaven of brightness breaks in upon me! Lovely Miss Vortex, can I believe my happiness! Will those arms receive me? [Miss Vortex, thinking this addressed to her, opens her arms; Stanley rushes past her to Ellen.] My Ellen!

Ell. (L.) Oh, Charles, the suffering my heart underwent this moment, and the joy it now feels, is such, I cannot speak. [They retire.

Miss Vor. (R. C.) Nabob! Nabob!

Vor. (R.) What's the matter?

Miss Vor. The matter! won't you resent this?
Vor. Oh dear! not I.

Miss Vor. Will you bear an insult?

Vor. My physicians order me not to mind being insulted at all; nothing is to provoke me.

Miss Vor. Provoke you!-If I were a man, I wouldoh!

Vor. I don't like his looks, he seems a desperate-
Miss Vor. What do you mean to do?

Vor. Why, as this is a very extraordinary case-
Miss Vor. Certainly.


Vor. I think it best to adjourn.

[Goes up the stage with Miss Vortex, and off, L. S. E. Stanley and Ellen come forward.

Cha. (R.) I perceive the mistake; but my heart confess'd but one Miss Vortex.-I thought the name, like the superior virtues you adorn it with, attached alone to Elleu. The embarrassments of my paternal estate demanded a marriage with a woman of fortune→→

Ell. What do I hear?

Cha. Why this alarm?

Ell. Alarm! Must not those words terrify which separate me from you for ever?

Cha. What means my Ellen?

Ell. Oh, Stanley, hear me. On my return to England, Mr. Vortex, to whom the care of my property was entrusted, was ever pressing on my mind the difficulty of recovering my father's India possessions. Each messenger that arrived from you, confirmed the melancholy tale, that my Stanley was sinking into an early grave. Oh! what then was fortune or the world to me? I sought out solitude, and willingly assigned to Mr. Vortex what he called my expectations, for five thousand pounds.

Cha. Yet you shall be mine.

Ell. No, Charles, I will not bring you poverty. I'll return to solitude, and endeavour to teach this lesson to my heart, "That it will be joy enough to know that Stanley is "well and happy." [Going. Cha. Stay, Ellen-think_deeply before you consign the man that loves you to certain misery.

Ell. True-in a few hours, let me see you again. The opposing agitations my mind has suffered, unfit me for further conversation.

Cha. In a few hours, then, you'll allow me to see you?

Ell. Allow you to see me !-Oh! Stanley, farewell!

[Exit L.

Re-enter Mr. and MISS VORTEX. They come forward, K.

Miss Vor. Now speak.

Vor. We had better pair off.

Miss Vor. No-speak with spirit.

Vor. I will.-Sir, I cannot help saying, that every man,

that is, every man of honour

Miss Vor. That's right!-say that again.

Vor. That every man of honour

Cha. Well, sir.

[Raising his voice.

Vor. Is-is-the-the-best judge of his own actions. Cha. I perfectly agree with you--and wish you a good morning. [Crosses and exit, R. Miss Vor. So then I'm to be insulted, despised, and laughed at, and no duel is to take place-nobody is to be killed-my tender heart is to feel no satisfaction. [Weeps. Vor. I fight!-do you consider the preciousness of a legislator's life?


"A county suffers when a member bleeds."

Enter BRONZE, R.

Bro. (R.) Oh, sir, such news!

Vor. What! is parliament convened ?

Bro. No, sir; but I have found out that the baronet

Vor. What of him?

Bro. Ruined!

Miss Vor. [Drying her eyes.] Well! that's some satisfaction.

Bro. I met at the inn the Mr. Rapids, merchants, I formerly liv'd with, who have a large mortgage on his estate, and he wants to borrow more-So, sir, I told them I was sure my master would be proud to see them at Bangalore Hall, because I thought, sir


Vor. I know-I have it. I'll shew them every attention and if I can but get hold of the mortgage, I'l Miss Vor. Oh! uncommon charming! Vor. [To Miss Vortex.] Now do you go, and write a note, and say we will wait on them. Ah! use policy instead of pistols, and I would fight any man-for, as I say in my speech." Policy, Mr. Speaker, is—"

Miss Vor. Exactly, Nabob-but I must write the letter, you know. Is the young merchant handsome ?

Bro. Yes, madam.

Miss Vor. So much the better.

Vor. You see, Bronze, the turn I give it is this-" Policy, Mr. Speaker, says I—”

Bro. Very true, sir; but I believe my mistress calls-I attend you, madam.

[Exit L. Vor. Confound it! Will nobody hear my speech? then I'll speak it to myself." Policy, Mr. Speaker-”

Enter FRANK, R.

Fra. How do you do, sur?

Vor. What! interrupted again!-Approach, don't be afraid.

Fra. (R.) Lord, sur, I bean't afeard: why should I?— I defies the devil and all his works.

Vor. If this be what is called rough honesty, give me a little smooth-tongued roguery. I don't know you,

fellow !

Fra. Ees, sur, you do- I be's Frank Oatland.
Vor. Begone! I know nothing of you.

Fra. Ees, sur, you do-I've a bit of a sister, called Jessy.

Vor. Eh! ah!

Fra. [Aside.] Dom un, he knaws me well enough now. Vor. Oh! very true-Frank Oakland, aye! Well, good Frank, how is Jessy?

Fra. Charming, sur! charming!

Vor. Aye, that she is, lovely and charming, indeed; [Aside.] And how are you, Frank?

Fra. I be's charming too, sur.

Vor. But why don't Jessy visit my people here? should be always happy to see her.


Fra. Should you, sur? Why, if I may be so bold as to ax, why, sur?

Vor. Because-because-she is-a-farmer Oatland's child.

Fra. So be I, sur.

How comes it, then, that you never axes I to your balls and ostentations? I can dance twice as long as sister can.

Vor. Cunning fellow this!-1 must buy him. Well, Frank, what are your commands ?

Fra. Why, sur, feyther do command you to lend him three hundred pounds-no, sur, I mean he supplicates.

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